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Author: Clemens Münzer
Feb 28, 2005, 2:46:54 PM

SO ... praise to Nubert:

despite a slightly longer waiting time... top goods, top sound and good service (always friendly and helpful) and that despite ordering before the no shipping costs campaign you are still included in it ... I have never experienced that anywhere else ... many thanks and keep up the good work

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: V. Timme
Feb 27, 2005, 2:46:17 PM

translated by SYSTRANS translation project manager:

Hello Mr. Kent!
Incoming goods bathe Wuerttemberger \"ability of everything, except high German\" (and wave English).
Therefore - and for all other guests - a statement into German for delivery situation with nuBox 310 and nuBox 310-Sets:

Even the best planning managers could emergency have foreseen the nachfragesteigerung like at explosion. Unfortunately there were breakdowns during the material and construction unit oh order thus quietly - which ton blame for by our suppliers -. (McMurphy lets greet?)
Thus it came tons several delays and \"wrong\" delivery statements, for which incoming goods must apologize.
As already mentions into the forum, our present goods economy can select of addresses very badly and more administer thus no e-mail of addresses. Thus a short term notification of the waiting customers is very expensiv. But that is ton describe only the situation somewhat? For the new goods delivery system straight product requirements specifications provided?
Thus this week incoming goods \"were shifted\" again by a more supplier. They can imagine, like the telephones hot ran?
On March the1th now the read construction unit is tons finally arrive and then can production immediately begin.
Incoming goods of acres now confident tons able tons begin end to of next week with the distribution of the boxes and set.
The arrears acres then regenerated briskly and brought ton the distribution.
In presumably 3 weeks nuBox the 310 again as used directly from stick available wants.
(if McMurphy of does emergency slam shut again?)

Incoming goods regret this situation extraordinarily and ask you for understanding and for quietly little patience.
Thank you.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: G. Warnecke
Feb 26, 2005, 2:45:20 PM

Moin, moin !

The CS-65 and the DS-55 arrived yesterday - they complete the 125s to form a 5.0 surround set.
Previously I had "roaring cubes" for the surround range, and the difference to the "big" 125s was always (!) audible, it's simply a different league!
Anyway, I would like to thank you again for the good advice and excellent service (even despite a certain Mr. Murphy!)!
What strikes me are two things in particular: the DS-55 and the CS-65 complement the 125 very, very well!
The whole set plays so homogeneously - as if from a single mold - that it's easy to forget that there are still speakers there!
Another fine piece of Swabian engineering!
I would like to point out the following to other buyers: both the DS-55 and the CS-65 are not small (okay, neither are the 125s), and the center speaker in particular is very large!
Both models can be used as full-range speakers (especially with ATM!).
Nevertheless: the whole set has a certain addictive factor...!!!!
Further information can be found at [url][/url] and [url][/url].

Best regards

G. Warnecke

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Roland Spiegler
Feb 25, 2005, 2:44:24 PM

Hello Mr. Kent!
We Baden-Württembergers \"can do everything except speak High German\" (and good English).
Therefore - and for all other guests - a statement in German about the delivery situation for nuBox 310 and nuBox 310 sets:

Even the best dispatcher could not have foreseen the explosive increase in demand. Unfortunately, there were also mishaps in the reordering of materials and components, which were the fault of our suppliers.
(McMurphy sends his regards?)
This resulted in several delays and \"false\" delivery statements, for which we must apologize.
As already mentioned in the forum, our current merchandise management system is very poor at selecting addresses and cannot manage e-mail addresses. This means that notifying waiting customers at short notice is very time-consuming. But that's just to explain the situation a little... The specifications for the new ERP system are currently being drawn up...
This week we were again "offset" by a supplier. You can imagine how the phones were ringing off the hook...
The last component should finally arrive on March 1st and then production can start immediately.
We are now confident that we will be able to start delivering the boxes and sets at the end of next week.
The backorders will then be processed quickly and sent out for delivery.
The nuBox 310 is expected to be available directly from stock again in 3 weeks.
(If McMurphy doesn't strike again...)

We deeply regret this situation and ask for your understanding and a little patience.
Thank you very much.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Reinhard Pietzsch
Feb 25, 2005, 2:43:20 PM

Hello everyone.
I've been running a sub/sat system (1xAW 440, 2xNuBox 380) on a Denon PMA -1055R for over half a year now.
I became aware of Nubert through internet advertising, e.g. on AREADVD => so much praise and good reviews made me a bit suspicious; but I took a chance anyway (without listening!!!!)
Order and delivery without problems; took a day longer; I live in Saxony and DHL probably doesn't have the latest GPS....
Unpacking, setting up, connecting, switching on and off we went!!!!
Conclusion: The two 380s produce a very harmonious and differentiated sound spectrum; in my opinion, the midrange/tweeter domes in particular are extremely dynamic and assertive without being even remotely annoying. No wonder, when Peerless chassis form the basis...
The very elaborately crafted crossovers make a significant, if not the main contribution to the overall sound.
I was also enormously impressed by the AW-440 sub; especially the remote control => that's what I call thinking along and practical (for the average consumer). Great thing!!!
A little tip to the Nubert people: If this could also be done for the phase control, it would be perfect.
With the necessary sensitivity and a little patience, the sub can be integrated into the room acoustics; but if need be, it can push a low bass wave through the room that has it all => you wouldn't believe it of the \"little one\"!
Above all, it came as a complete surprise to me that normal audio CDs often contain a low-frequency potential that I never believed and that can probably only be awakened from its "sleep" by a subwoofer!
Just try it out with Nubis.....
All in all: highly recommended!!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: M.Beckers
Feb 25, 2005, 2:42:35 PM

ARD, ZDF all public service ..., I hope it does not detract from my attempt to console a disappointed Nuberian

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Peter Maiwald
Feb 24, 2005, 2:41:33 PM

Blonde presenters who \"alles wird gut\" work at ZDF... Whereby the question is allowed whether ZDF belongs to \"lower class television\"...

But to another topic:

NuWave 30 plus ABL module... I've been using it since fall 2003... And I'm still full of praise...

But I should visit this site less... I'm tempted to pick up the phone and order one size bigger (in terms of NuWave)....

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: M.Beckers
Feb 24, 2005, 2:40:23 PM

Dear Gregory,

I know an English proverb that says: \"Shit happens! \"
But: \"Hold your head up high\", because I can only agree with Rainer Cordts, or as a blonde journalist from an ARD tabloid magazine would say : \"Everything will be fine!"

With best regards

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Rainer Cordts
Feb 24, 2005, 1:58:34 PM

Hi, Gregory!

I think, you will enjoy the speakers when they arrive, and you will forget the (long) time of waiting!
Would you be so kind and send us your sound-impressions to the nuforum?
I whish you a good time with many many hours of goodsounding music!


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Gregory Kent
Feb 24, 2005, 1:57:50 PM

Wer ist eigentlich Kent?????

That would be me. A first time NSF customer who specifically asked in advance of my purchase what the delivery time would be of the product I was considering purchasing. Based on the information provided by NSF, I placed my order. A few
days later I receive an invoice which indicates that the delivery time has nearly doubled. A month after placing my order, having still not received my speakers, I am told that hopefully the beginning of the following week my speakers
will be shipped.

If the speakers are shipped at the beginning of next week that would mean the total elapsed time between placing the order and shipping the order is five weeks. The original information on which I based my decision to purchase the Nubert speakers was one to two weeks!

\"GUT DING WILL WEILE HABEN\" - I agree, but that\'s not the issue. The issue is the discrepency between the delivery time originally quoted (upon which I made my decision to make a purchase from NSF) -- and the reality.

Mr. Rosenbaum you mentioned that many people have commented in the Gästebuch about how superb the NSF products are.
I\'d like to point out that many people have also commented on the very fast delivery time of NSF products.

I hope that my experience with the quality of the NSF speakers is more consistent with the comments in the Gästebuch
then my personal experience has been with regards to the delivery time of the NSF products. Time will tell...

Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Gregory Kent

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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