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Author: Klaus Rosenbaum
Feb 19, 2005, 4:17:20 PM

I'm still wavering, so I'm not a Nubert user yet, between Bose Acoustimass-5 series2, old but mine. (I have one at the moment) and Nubert (I haven't even heard it yet, but I've already gotten good opinions about it). I'm still looking for the sound of PINK FLOYD, huge bass, the stadium shakes without booming, fine but gigantic. Bose comes pretty damn close, but I'm still missing something. I've also been trying to focus more on local products for some time now, globalization is contempt for humanity. OK not politics ... Let's be honest, it's time to buy good products again, even if it costs more if they are produced here. Please give me a little help. Email [email][/email]
I'm very excited to see what's coming.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: rudi büchs
Feb 18, 2005, 4:14:05 PM

Hello Nubert team,
The excellent advertising for your products and the tests in various trade journals prompted me to order 2 Nubox 310s at the beginning of January.
Among other things, the extremely fast delivery time and the great service are repeatedly mentioned. Unfortunately, this did not work in my case. First of all, I didn't receive any goods but an invoice (?) with a payment term and a reference to a delivery time of approx. 3-4 weeks. I ordered cash on delivery.
2 weeks later I received another letter offering me a possible partial delivery. (?)
Furthermore a reference to another 4 weeks delivery time. When I called Nubert, they told me that it was just "standard letters" and that the speakers would be delivered in week 7.
Because week 7 is over, I called again today and was given a new delivery date of February 28 (probably). I now very much hope that it will work out this time and am already looking forward to an extraordinary sound experience on February 29.
Best regards
R. B.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Torsten Seeger
Feb 18, 2005, 4:12:10 PM

Could someone please explain to me why it is not possible to make an appointment in the hearing studios on Saturday? I was told that it's too busy to make an appointment. That's completely unclear: people make appointments precisely because it's busy! During the week, when there's nothing going on, I can come, but I have to work. And a short trip from Augsburg is also bad.
Maybe it's because I've chosen a couple of nuLine 80s (I haven't bought them yet, but I listened to them on New Year's Eve) and now I just want to choose the right amplifier. Or are the nuLine 80s too cheap to make me an appointment?
If you allocate a fixed time to each test listener, that would work much better!

With puzzled greetings
Torsten Seeger

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael Jeschke
Feb 18, 2005, 4:08:47 PM

Hello Nubert team and Nubert fans!

Yesterday the stands for my nuwave 35 arrived a day late. However, this was due to the special logistics of the post office, which does not deliver parcels as a group, but rather twice
Ordered from Nubert on Sunday, everything was dispatched immediately in full, exemplary as always
After the speakers were wired and connected, the first listening test followed and what can I say?
The absolute hammer! A crystal clear reproduction filled my living room. Originally intended as surround speakers for my plasma, the nuwave 35s are now used without effect on my Yamaha amplifier. They are also a visual delight. In combination with the AW 550, they create an outstanding sound image that leaves nothing to be desired in terms of clarity and transparency. With Puccini's \" Nes un dorma \" gave my wife and I goose bumps The weekend will be used to test the Dolby Digital suitability. But I'm convinced that the combination with the cs 150 center speaker will be excellent.
In any case, my Bose system has been demoted to rear speaker. I'm sure that one of my friends who is looking for high-quality speakers will become a loyal Nubert customer after listening to me!
My recommendation is safe

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Gunter Thomas
Feb 17, 2005, 4:08:10 PM

Dear Mr. Nubert,
I have been the proud owner of the nuBox 400 for about four weeks now and my enthusiasm has been unabated since day one. Whether POP or CLASSIC, whether purely instrumental or with vocals, I am always fascinated by the sound images that these speakers create. The reproduction of the bass is just as impressive as that of the treble or the voices in the mid-range; every sound is clear, genuine and unadulterated... just as it should be!
Congratulations to you and your team on this speaker, with which you have combined technology and art in an inimitable way to form a symbiosis - true engineering artistry!
With kind regards
Gunter Thomas

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas König
Feb 16, 2005, 4:07:31 PM

Hello NSF, hello Mr. Bühler,

Ordered yesterday, delivered today. I don't know how you do it, but never mind. Thanks again for the accommodating handling of the defective TT. It doesn't get any better than this!

Greetings from Lake Constance

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Christian
Feb 16, 2005, 4:06:50 PM

Dear Nubis,

My journey from the nubox 360 to the 380, which then stayed, but led a rather shadowy existence, was a damn long one. The 380s are now on nice stands and complement the impressive 580s, which arrived today, both visually and sonically. Only my Magnat Vectors don't like this change, but I'm thrilled. Thank you also for the perfect and fast service.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Mario
Feb 15, 2005, 4:06:19 PM

Word of the quality of the Nubert LS has also spread in Mecklenburg/Western Pomerania. Thank you very much for the CS-40, which requires a gun license. I also find the little NUBI figure, which I only found days later in the box, very funny.


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Andreas Kaika
Feb 13, 2005, 3:57:28 PM

After thinking about it for a while, I bought a pair of Nubox 580s at the beginning of December.
I have to say, the thanks and praise in the customer reviews are not "truncated"!

The sound that comes out of them (I think they're well-recorded now) is really worth every euro!

Thank you and keep up the good work !!!!

Greetings from Dortmund


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Bernd Wallawitz
Feb 12, 2005, 3:55:46 PM

Hi Nubert Speaker Factory!

I bought 2 NuBoxes 580 around this time last year. They arrived two days after I ordered them. I then unpacked the speakers and let them thaw for 2 hours because they were bitterly cold. After they
room temperature, I connected them to my ancient Kenwood amplifier. It sounded good but not good enough. So the next day I bought a new amplifier (Yamaha AX-596) and new speaker cables (Monitor Cobra 6 square cable). Now everything was great. Nubert is simply great. 2 weeks later I went one better and ordered the AW 880. 2 days later it arrived, but in an appalling condition. (Aluminum ribs smeared, cabinet damage, power amplifier scratched). It was sent back. 2 days later, a new AW 880 arrived, which was in top condition.
It was put into operation straight away. I was thrilled, it could do everything better than any other sub. I will soon be buying a Nubert surround system. I'll report back as soon as the time comes.

mfg. Bernd Wallawitz.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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