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Author: Uwe Spies
Jan 23, 2005, 1:44:29 PM

A big thank you from the Rheingau for the nuline 80 boxes!

Even my Swabian wife was COMPLETELY convinced after the ABL module was able to demonstrate its capabilities!

One problem remains, however, the Hessian neighbors.


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jürgen
Jan 21, 2005, 1:43:48 PM

As a convinced Canton lover, I had the Canton AS 1.2 and the Nubert AW 880 sent to me for testing. I was convinced to keep the Canton, as the rest of the system also consists of Canton components.

Well... I kept the AW 880

High praise to Nubert...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Willi Lonien
Jan 21, 2005, 1:43:18 PM

Let deeds speak for themselves!

A test for everyone first:
Insert the DVD you got for Christmas and have spurned so far: Eros - Roma - Live. Switch to \"DTS\" and \"whole concert\", get some fresh air (and a loved one) in the room and turn it up to \"quite nice and loud\". If what you hear is to die for and it gets you going, you have Nubert, the right speakers for the job. No matter which ones.

And a tip for all existing Nubert fans:
The above DVD is my (new) subwoofer reference. Good software is rare. Treat yourself to it. After all, Eros Ramazotti is a self-made man, just like Günther Nubert. People who believe in themselves. That has to be rewarded . . .

A loyal fan and customer.


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Peter Reiter
Jan 20, 2005, 1:42:43 PM

After a good year as a proud owner, I had slight problems with the AW-7. It hummed a bit in standby mode.
I received super-friendly and competent hotline advice. Unfortunately, the device had to be sent in for repair. I received return packaging within a few days and then everything went very quickly. Again, the AW-7 came back within a few days, was silent when it was supposed to be silent and had that incomparable super sound again, which I fortunately only had to miss for a very short time. A big compliment and many thanks to the Nubert team.
Best regards
Peter Reiter

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Andre Maser
Jan 20, 2005, 1:42:01 PM

Hello to all Nubis & fans!

4xnubox 360, 1xnubox AW 440, Technics CD Player-SL-PG380A, Technics Receiver-SA-GX130

Mh, how do I start....I'm a bit of an East German pear, and my ears weren't exactly spoiled back then, but nevertheless I've always been interested in music and how best to listen to it. In October 2004, I came across you through a magazine. You were the test winner. So I went online to your site.
A very good site, by the way. Not a day went by without me visiting you. I thought about it for a long time, because what I wanted to order from you was a lot of money for me. But since I can test the boxes with you, I finally did it in November. Everything went super fast with you and I was thrilled. So...excitement....old boxes dismantled......and with trembling hands very carefully put the Nubis in place. Newly purchased \"arm thick\" Cable laid and connected. Then off to the middle of my chair.....LOS GEHTS.....From my first impression, I thought ok, better than my old ones. Then I read your instructions so that I understood what the speakers can do. Then I started setting them up. I started by following your basic settings for nubox310 and AW440......The sound got better and better and by now I was thrilled. After 3 days, it was clear to me that I wouldn't give them away again. It then took 2-3 weeks until everything was optimally adjusted for me.
Man......, that's a sound now. Luckily for me, I live in a house where I can enjoy loud music without any restrictions.
This is awesome. The 360s sound clear, warm, simply brilliant. The AW440 is totally cool. It massages my stomach at least once a day.
It's great fun listening to music with your speakers. A big THANK YOU to you for that.
You have gained a new fan and I will definitely recommend you to others.
Keep up the good work and all the best for the new year from the bottom of my heart, André

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: D. Assmus
Jan 20, 2005, 1:41:12 PM

This is also customer service:
On Saturday, 15.01.05, I asked Mr. Spiegler for a replacement for a (screw) ball of the WH5 wall bracket, as this was broken through my fault.
On Tuesday, 18.01.05 I received the replacement. Without charge!!!

Thank you very much for this and thank you again for this wonderful party!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Rene Frank
Jan 19, 2005, 1:40:35 PM

Hello Nubert Team! A belated Happy New Year to all of you. New Year's Eve is now over and the new Nubert system: 2 x nubox 580, 1 x nubox- cs 330, 3 x nubox- 380 and 1 x aw- 880. Receiver: Yamaha RX V 1400 has been run extensively and the result is breathtaking. I wasn't able to get the speakers out of their calm, even at unbelievable volumes. These really are speakers beyond good and evil. Even my wife, who doesn't know anything about hi-fi, was impressed and that's saying something. So thank you again for these ear-pleasing dream speakers and your excellent customer service. Great, keep it up, your fan Rene

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Andreas Görtler
Jan 18, 2005, 1:39:42 PM

Further contributions by Mr. Gypser have been moved to the forum for discussion with his consent.

A. Görtler
Nubert Speaker Factory

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Christian Schwarz
Jan 18, 2005, 1:38:51 PM

I have to mention that again. No matter what I ordered from
Nubis, it was delivered promptly. And in case of
delays, I was informed by e-mail. So from my side there have never been any problems with information,
delivery and payment. The service is simply 1A and almost incomparable. And such individual cases are just part of it. These can certainly be counted on 1 hand.
Best regards

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Roland Spiegler
Jan 18, 2005, 1:38:11 PM

Dear Mr. Gypser!
We really try to offer the best customer service. However, if something goes wrong with UPS or Swiss Post, unfortunately we cannot change that. In your case, delivery is probably particularly difficult. However, I don't know of any parcel service that calls in advance. And sending the parcels by courier would be unaffordable. Maybe you should put a note on the door: \"Please ring long / please ring at neighbor Meier's / please call, shout....
I hope it works out after all...
And have fun with the boxes...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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