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Author: Rene
Nov 1, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello, When I read some time ago in the trade press what was going on in 5.1 sets for around 1000 euros, I was amazed, delighted and put the article to one side. Some time later, I was toying with the idea of getting a decent system for my 18th birthday. So I went to the Nubert store in Schwäbisch-Gmünd with my parents. I was immediately taken by the hand by a friendly and very competent salesman, who then let me listen to the nuBox series for 2 hours. He wasn't a bit pushy, nor did he grimace when I wanted to hear the same part 4 times in a different configuration. 😬 ! I was really amazed at what you can get out of these speakers! WOW! In the end it was a set of 2 nuBox 380 for the front, 2 nuBox 310 for the rear, 1 AW-440 (Jehaa!), and a CS-330. Objectively speaking, I can't say too much about the sound because I don't have the experience yet. However, I can say that the nuBox 380 and 310 sound balanced and allow really precise positioning of sounds! The 380 sounds better without the AW-440 than with it and can certainly compete with floorstanding speakers as a stereo solution for the home. Subjectively speaking, I was absolutely thrilled and completely happy, because this set really is a sound experience and not just volume!!!! Well, these are just words! I strongly advise anyone who is interested to get in the car and go to Nubert, it's worth it!!! Thanks to: Nubert 😬 The very competent and friendly salesperson (!!LOS you department stores take a leaf out of my book!!)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Peter Wächtler
Oct 31, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

I spent a long time looking for a suitable subwoofer for his system ... including a failure with a much too weak device from the competition. I read a large advertisement for Nubert in a hi-fi magazine ... I immediately went online and informed myself - hardly any other manufacturer can boast of having received as many positive buyer reviews and awards from the trade press as Nubert. So I went to the Nubert online store - I decided on the AW-440 - the smallest subwoofer... After 2 days the subwoofer was with me - AWESOME! Packaging - absolutely safe and stable - nothing can happen. ... now the test - GIGANTIC - this small sub produces such a powerful bass pressure with very fine detailing that 1/3 of the volume control is completely sufficient for me to produce a very room-filling, powerful overall sound image with my I.Q Ted 4 floorstanding speakers. ... Conclusion: The Nubert AW-440 is worth every penny, it is a very compact subwoofer that doesn't make any great demands on its footprint, especially in the case of spatial problems. The sound is more than sufficiently powerful, clean and clear - it can also be used with large floorstanding speakers (like mine) without any problems. NO ONE NEEDS MORE BASS ...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Peter Thöne
Oct 30, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

I have combined the AW 1000 subwoofer with my Nubox 360, I have not heard anything better anywhere else. Many thanks for your work 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: markusmaier
Oct 29, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

has the nuforum been hijacked? shows that this website is still under construction - a standard HostEurope site. Best regards from Leipzig! Markus Maier (markusmaier in nuForum)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dennis Becker
Oct 29, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello dear Nubert team, I have had the CS-65 sent to me by you. I am using it with the NuWave 125 speakers. I have to say, finally a first-class center. It doesn't sound like a center but blends wonderfully into the system, even horizontally! Finest resolution with very pleasant and real mids and basses! At last! Thank you :-)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: R.Spiegler
Oct 29, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Regarding nuForum, I received the following message today: hello mr. spiegler, the hosting company seems to be having problems with the connection at the moment - both the database server and the http server (i.e. the actual presence) of nuforum are currently unavailable... Our specialists are trying to find a solution as quickly as possible. We ask for your understanding!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Gerd Ackermann
Oct 29, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Nubert fans, for years I have been listening to music of all styles, loud and quiet, LP, CD, radio, TB, the traditional media, as diophile as possible. For my rather heavily damped, angular attic studio, I needed speakers that could fulfill my wishes in terms of sound quality and dynamics, in combination with a good active subwoofer from Mission. This helped my Dynaudio Contour 1.3 in the depths for a long time. But I wasn't happy, and it couldn't be down to the electronics (Linn, Mission Cyrus Pre, PSX, Power etc....). I needed a really small speaker that could be placed close to the wall, that could also play loudly, that was spatially convincing and could cope with a subwoofer. My choice fell on the Nubox 310, which I wanted to test so that I could swap it for a larger one (Nuline was planned) if I liked it. Result: I have no more wishes! After a two-week break-in and testing phase, the speakers are standing on monitor audio stands and making music that is a pure joy. In comparison, the Linn Kan, Rogers LS3/5a, Monitor One and Contour 1.3 are no alternatives in my room. Incidentally, the treble control is set to normal. So to all skeptics I say frankly and freely: test the Nubert speakers, you are not taking any risks, except that you will wonder how such an outstanding price-performance ratio is possible. If someone asks me about speakers, my answer, based on my pleasure with the Nubox 310, has recently been: Nubert!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: A. Görtler
Oct 29, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

We ship by post and UPS. The UPS shipping software automatically generates an e-mail to the customer on the day the package is delivered to UPS. Of course, this always requires that we have the correct e-mail address. The DHL software is not able to do this. Whether an automatic e-mail is sent has therefore always depended on whether the shipment was sent via UPS or DHL. We always send an e-mail manually on request. We are currently introducing new software for our WWS and shipping, which can automatically send an e-mail with a tracking number for both parcel delivery companies. However, the changeover is only possible in stages. The dispatch module has been in operation since yesterday. However, the automatic e-mails can only be sent once the entire WWS has been converted next spring. A. Görtler Nubert Speaker Factory

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Matthias
Oct 29, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Regarding Mr. Heiko R's entry: I also received a short email stating that your goods had been handed over for shipping today. In my order I had entered a corresponding request under remarks and it worked perfectly. MfG Matthias

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: L.Gottwald
Oct 28, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

After a long period of research, I came across Nubert in Schwäbisch-Gmünd and had decided in advance on the nuBOX 310. I received very competent advice from Mr. Jörg Reichelt on site (technical details as well as the coordination with my ideas and rooms were part of our 1-hour conversation), after intensive listening I finally decided on the nuWave 85 Surround Set. The delivery took place 2 days later, at the moment I am still aligning the speakers exactly, but the sound is already outstanding! The price-performance ratio for the speakers is right, only the accessories (e.g. spikes, absorbers) seem a bit too expensive for me (especially as Nubert doesn't make a lot of money on accessories 🥴) - all in all, however, I can definitely recommend Nubert. Explicit thanks again to Mr. Reichelt! Greetings from Heidelberg

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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