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Author: Wolfgang Vanhöfen
Oct 27, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Unbelievable, but true: Ordered on Tuesday - connected on Wednesday!!! Many thanks for the super-fast delivery of the nubox 360 pair. The sound is amazing. For relatively little money - great listening pleasure. I can only recommend the Nubert Speaker Factory to anyone who enjoys listening. Many thanks again! 😬😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: R.Spiegler
Oct 26, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Mr. HeikoR! Thank you very much for your constructive criticism. We are aware that there should be more photos and that proof of availability would be great. It would go too far here to explain the reasons why this and that could not yet be realized. But please believe us that we are working hard to optimize our website. To put it lightly: Rome wasn't built in a day either...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: HeikoR
Oct 26, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Good day! I would like to make two small suggestions to improve your webshop offer: - The available images of the speakers on offer are too sparse. The pictures are quite small and never show the complete product range. Last weekend, for example, during my decision-making phase, I puzzled for a long time about what the NuBox 380 in beech with GREY covering would look like until I colored the only available picture accordingly in Photoshop so that I could at least get a rough idea... I think all the technical product descriptions are exemplary! But the image material could be greatly improved - especially for direct sales, as most customers have no opportunity to get a visual impression of your offers in any other way... - Despite the inadequate illustrations, I ordered the above-mentioned speakers. 🙂 Tests and comments in the forum convinced me, contrary to my basic idea, never to buy speakers unheard and unseen. However, I was a little disappointed that the online store does not offer an availability display (even though you *almost always* have everything in stock). Since you, too, understandably almost have to make the restriction, such a display would make sense. Furthermore, I have missed a short email with the content Your goods were handed over to shipping today. This would make sense, as you could be pretty sure that the delivery person will deliver the next day and you would have to be ready to receive the goods. Perhaps this (very well-meaning) criticism will help you. Best regards from Frankfurt, HeikoR

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hans-Jürgen Philippi
Oct 25, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

This can't be true! 😱 Last Friday, I connect the nuLine 80 with ABL-8/80 module to my venerable Yamaha AX amplifier... and shortly afterwards I start frantically changing CDs because I can no longer trust my ears: What are those sounds, what instruments are on my favorite discs? The speaker/module combination brings out details I've never heard before and conjures up a finely adjustable, incredibly homogeneous sound atmosphere in our living room, making Simply Red seem to be there live. Maybe they really are? Have a look behind the sofa... I had expected a lot from buying the speakers, but not this: that I would now have to listen to all the CDs again to find out what's really on them. Thank you for that! 🙂 Best regards, Hans-Jürgen Philippi P.S.: Special praise once again for the first-class workmanship of the speakers: every detail of the front grille screws has been lovingly thought through and the finish of the silver lacquered body with silver grilles is of such high quality that the web photos can't begin to reproduce it! I'm not even going to talk about the ABL module in the case...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Andreas Resch
Oct 25, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hi and hello, I actually wanted to integrate my new AW-440 into my system as a supplement to my old woofer. But when I turned up the Nubert for the first time, I quickly realized that my old sub had had its day! It's amazing: although the two speakers hardly differ in terms of cabinet volume and chassis size, the AW-440 plays more than an octave lower and, if necessary, so loud that you can easily win the decibel war against the booming redneck bass box in your neighbor's GTI😈. In combination with my two nuBox 310s, the result is a sound that (in my opinion) doesn't need to hide from any large floorstanding speaker, and may even surpass many of them in the bass range. Keep up the good work!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: René Barthel
Oct 24, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Five months ago I bought the nuBox Set 2, consisting of the nuBox 580, CS-330 and RS-300. And, to anticipate, I am still fascinated by these loudspeakers. I don't want to make a statement about the sound characteristics at this point, as these are subjective in my opinion anyway. Nubert exceeded my expectations in terms of level stability, homogeneity of the set and workmanship. In particular, I think the option of adjusting the sound using a toggle switch is very useful. In conclusion, I can only recommend everyone to take advantage of the four weeks of trial listening offered; my search finally came to a happy end.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Matthias
Oct 21, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hi, I received my two RS-300s and a CS-330 on Monday. So my surround set is now complete with two nuBox380 and AW-440 (for the time being:-). When I unpacked them I thought, the RS-300s are probably a bit small, maybe I should have gone for the 310s? And these little things are also supposed to be suitable as small stereo speakers ? So I immediately disconnected the 380s from the stereo amplifier and connected the RS-300s, without the subwoofer for the time being. The efficiency is lower, so turn it up a bit more: Super sound! The speaker sounds very refreshing and, especially in the dipole position, very spacious. The mids and highs are very precise and the frequency response seems to be very linear: great. Of course, the deep bass is somewhat lacking, but I would have expected even less. The bass that comes out of the speaker sounds clean and never distorted or boomy. I immediately turned the amp up to around 80-90 watts: great! And then I added the AW-440, crossover frequency 80-90Hz: Awesome! Conclusion: For small to medium-sized rooms or where space is at a premium, this speaker is also the first choice as a stereo speaker, even without a subwoofer with minor limitations in the low bass range. With a sub, it can also replace large compact speakers or smaller floorstanding speakers and it's hard to find anything better for this price. The test will follow at the weekend together with my new Denon AVR-2805 as a rear speaker. MfG Matthias

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Herbert
Oct 21, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

😂 Hello, I received a pair of the cute little Nubox 310 from you today (it was a gift). I tried them out on my, I think, high-quality system (Copland preamplifier and CD player, ....). I have to compliment Mr. Nubert. No matter what kind of music, it's really fun. It would certainly be interesting if Mr. Nubert were to offer additional amplifiers and CD players to his range of loudspeakers on his website. I would also like to praise the whole team (shipping, hotline,...). The service is first class. Greetings from Austria H.Enne

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: S. Rompf
Oct 19, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubiteam. My ordered Nuwave CS-65 has now arrived. This means that my system is (almost) complete (unfortunately the subwoofer is still missing due to lack of space). First listening impression of the Nuwave complete system in DD 5.1 mode - simply brilliant. All the speakers together are surprisingly well tuned to each other and therefore sound quite homogeneous and are infinitely level-resistant - HdR and Star Wars had to be played at the weekend, as did the neighbors. 😬 Thanks for the Nuwaves 10 as front, the DS-55 as surround and the CS-65 as center❗ This really makes home cinema fun. P.S. The subwoofer is definitely coming. The nubi male is standing happily on one of the Nuwave 10 speakers. 😎 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: R.Spiegler
Oct 18, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Dear anonymous (loewe) guest! That an ABL module should have a negative influence is certainly new to us and many highly satisfied ABL module owners. I hope you contacted the hotline before making your final judgment. It could be that your module has a fault (nobody is perfect) or (sorry, this also happens) has been connected incorrectly. Unfortunately, as you have not provided an e-mail address, we are unable to contact you. We have never observed an accumulation of ABL modules on Ebay. I do not wish to comment here on your insinuation that the whole thing is an advertising ploy. Please come out of the closet, call the hotline and we will do our best to satisfy you. We will not delete your entry, we can take criticism.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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