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Author: Michael Schwabe
Oct 3, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello dear Nubert team, a few weeks ago I ordered the NuBox 310 (see report here in Dialog) with which I am completely happy. From the outset, however, I had planned to supplement the sound with a subwoofer, which is particularly important when watching DVD movies. After several consultations with the friendly Mr. Siegle, Mr. Schäfer etc. on the hotline, my decision was made! I ordered an AW-440 on a fixed date (for optical and space reasons) and selected the high-end cable from the Nubert series. As I know from the Nuberts, the delivery arrived perfectly packaged, super punctual by UPS.🙂 But I was a bit shocked by the size of the AW-440 subwoofer, because I thought it would look a bit bigger in real life. Well, my wife thought it was great because she didn't want a fat block in the stylish living room. So I immediately put the tips from the hotline into practice and made the technical settings exactly as instructed and then, as Mr. Schäfer said, tried around a bit to find the perfect place to set it up. Once I had found it, I fine-tuned the frequency and volume - which all in all took a good 3 hours, including installation. But with lots of aha effects and a lot of fun. You get to know your home and the speakers in a whole new way. You also learn a lot about the distribution of bass in combination with music compared to movie DVDs. Once I had everything the way I wanted it, I started testing different types of music and movies, with the result that I couldn't really believe the perfect sound I had in my living room. The work involved in setting up and fine-tuning was well worth it and clearly shows that you can't just plug in a subwoofer and be done with it - NO, you need to study the matter in depth (as the hotline kept telling me, you have to try, try.... especially when it comes to the crossover frequencies of the front speakers in order to relieve them, etc. NOW MY CONCLUSION: Anyone who thinks that the trade press has exaggerated with the statement "steam hammer" for the small AW-440 should be told: IT IS A BRIGHT STEAM HAMMER if you set it up and set it up correctly and professionally. I can hardly believe the pressure it produces, how low it goes and, above all, how precisely it responds.... Simply great😬 Dear Nuberts, thank you again for the great advice over the phone... I am very happy with my 310 + AW-440 system.... but I'm warning you, I'm sure I'll soon be calling about a center speaker...hihi Michael Schwabe

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Peter Strecker
Oct 2, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

😬Hello, thank you very much for the kind and professional information in Schwäbisch Gmünd. I listened to the Center CS-40 today, October 2, 2004, and was immediately impressed. When I arrived home and had rearranged the living room a little, enjoyed the first listening test with the CS-40 and AW-880 (purchased in 9/2004) from the couch, my girlfriend and I were blown away by the difference it made to our old center. CS-40 welcome at home. Now I'm still missing the nuline 80 and DS-50. Nubert team in Schwäbisch Gmünd until 2005!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: R. Dorr
Oct 2, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

When I visited Nubert in Schwäbisch Gmünd for the first time, I only wanted to find out about the price of a surround system. As I had no idea, I was initially a little shocked at the price of over a thousand euros and left the store fairly quickly, assuming that I wouldn't invest that much money in a speaker system. From that point on, I looked into the subject of surround sound in more detail and quickly realized that the price was definitely justified, but also that every time the name Nubert was mentioned, the speakers were praised to the skies. On my next visit, I was better prepared and had put together a CD of film music, classical, pop, rock and crossover, but was only thinking of speakers for listening to music. Now a big compliment to the salesman, who gave me very good advice and showed me a lot of patience. I certainly didn't make it easy for him when I listened to almost all the songs on almost all the speakers. Initially, I was thinking of the smaller NuWave or NuLine series loudspeaker systems (I really wanted floorstanding speakers), but due to my high standards, which had been raised by working in a recording studio, I left Nubert with the NuWave10 speakers in my luggage after about 4 hours of listening. Of course, I immediately set up the speakers at home and was still completely impressed. My studio co-owner was also overwhelmed by the sound of the NuWave10. To cut a long story short, the NuWave10 speakers were followed by a Denon 3803 surround receiver, a Denon DVD player, the CS-65 center and the AW-7 subwoofer. And I can only tell you one thing, this sound makes me want to throw myself away every time - it's absolutely amazing. My conclusion: If you haven't been to Nubert once in your life, you've missed something.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Nike
Oct 2, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

- And now without the subwoofer - it's already off, you can only hear the 310s now... - Really? That's amazing! No, really? - Yes, really... - The madness! Those were probably the key phrases that came up during my visit to Nubert in SG. I am admittedly

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Marius Eggert
Oct 1, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

I've owned an AW1000 since 30.09.2004 and I have to say: It should be forbidden to operate a stereo system without the AW1000!!!!! Man, that thing is awesome

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Das Jo
Oct 1, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Yes - unfortunately I can't remember the name of the Nubox's I bought in the spring (310???) but in any case I can only say one thing: the parts are awesome. I received the package quickly and then first of all pored over the instruction leaflet (I've never seen anything like it) and then the speaker cables, the little man and..... Respect for your performance, I've only seen something like this in the professional sector from my dear Backnang-based company d&b audiotechnik. You can absolutely compare yourself with them. It's a different field of application but otherwise...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Brokop Siegfried
Sep 29, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Nubert team, 4 weeks ago I visited you and bought a CS 40 after listening to it for several hours. The CS 40 is absolutely amazing, I left my previously connected ELAC to my son because it doesn't come close to the airiness and dynamics of the CS 40. Then last week, still ecstatic from my last purchase, I went back to Schwäbisch Gmünd to get new rear speakers, unfortunately all the salespeople were busy. To my astonishment, the big boss Mr. Nubert advised me personally, and after almost 1.5 hours of consultation I am now fully enlightened as to what I should do for what purpose in order to get an even better sound. I then took two nuLine DS-50s with me and I am totally thrilled. God knows I didn't expect such a great sound. No matter what I put in my DVD player, I always have the feeling of being in the middle of the room. One thing is for sure, I will be replacing my Stadbox (T+A TM 120) with a nuline 120 next. Nubert's quality and price are absolutely amazing. There should be more manufacturers who take so much time for their customers. You can honestly still feel that the customer is king. Yours sincerely, Brokop Siegfried

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dietmar Pankratz
Sep 28, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Nubert team, I follow the developments at Nubert with interest. I visited your company in Schwäbisch-Gmünd in the summer of 2001 and I find this homepage very clear and informative. Now a small note/wish from me: We all seem to be a little irritated by the new spelling reform ... I often see this in the press or even on television. Please correct such obvious mistakes - like grosser ... is still spelled großer ... Rule: if there is a long sound before the ß, it stays. Wishing you continued success with the super boxes - Dietmar Pankratz, Kiel

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Darkdamnedsoul
Sep 28, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

*Muhar* I've had the NuBox 400 for six months now and I'm extremely impressed. The bass is bad for such a speaker. But the bass, which almost hits you in the face 😂 , is only surpassed by the clean highs and the speaker is also ideal for small parties, both indoors and outdoors. However, you need more than a 100sinus surround amplifier for this speaker, otherwise it won't do much good. MfG Dark

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Martin Simon
Sep 25, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

First of all, hello! I bought two Nubox310s, a NuBox CS-330 and an AW 440 today to complement my large Magnat floorstanding speakers. I could hardly wait to unpack and connect them at home, but then I realized that the journey to them (150 km) was really worth it. These loudspeakers play at a really abnormal level, but without being imprecise or intrusive. A very precise performance, but the woofer is in a class of its own. With its compact dimensions and small chassis, it produces very decent levels (my uncle complained that you could still hear the bass in the greenhouse, which is a good 60 meters away from my room 😈😈😈😈) and really doesn't need to hide from more expensive competitors. I will be happy to shop with them again (unfortunately not in the near future, as I am a student and therefore my wallet is not the fullest😭) Kind regards A satisfied customer PS: Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!

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