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Author: Christian Zartl
Aug 6, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Nubert team! I'm sorry that I'm so late in sharing my extremely positive experiences with your speakers, but I first had to form an opinion 😬 Well, I've had the nuBox 400s in my room for about half a year now, and I'm more than thrilled. But not only are your speakers excellent, no, your service and especially your shipping is actually incredible 😱 ... and I don't even have to say anything about the prices, you're the only ones who offer such good value for money!!! 😎 I will be ordering from you again soon, until then best regards and thank you very much, keep up the good work! ❗ Your fan Christian

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Gerhard A.
Aug 5, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert team! After a very fast delivery (ordered Mon - received Wed) to Austria, I finally connected my NuWave 35 to my brand new Denon 3805. Well, what can I repeat - the sound is simply superb, the price-performance ratio sensational.......... I'll be ordering the Aw 7 soon! A satisfied customer Thank you.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: nikolaus jannasch
Aug 5, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

I would never have thought it possible that my Magnat excellent speakers, which I had previously held in such high esteem (after all, they cost around DM 1500 each), would perform so miserably compared to the new nu-line 120 speakers. Above all, I am surprised by the incredible clarity and precision of the new nu-line 120 speakers compared to the old speakers: I suddenly hear instruments and sounds that were simply not there before. This applies not only to full-sounding symphonies, by the way, but also and especially to more subtle, quiet lute music. All this despite the fact that my room is certainly not the ideal listening room (at 24 square meters, it is rather small and full of furniture), so that I initially had my doubts about such large speakers. These doubts have been completely dispelled: To my delight, the music sounds brilliant everywhere in the room. Hard to believe, but true. The only question that remains is: how do you design speakers like this? Thank you very much! Nikolaus Jannasch

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Holger Meller
Aug 4, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

hello dear nubert team, i can really only give positive feedback, super advice, super processing, super processing, suuuuper fast shipping, super packaging, super instructions. 😬 a bit much super but what can I do it's just the way it is... and the best is yet to come the nuWave 35 sound super.... many thanks for so much high tech in such a small space !!! from now on a loyal nubert customer ❗ tschaui, Holger

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Markus
Aug 3, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert team, my Nuwave 8 arrived today and I'm smiling and grinning... beautiful box in every respect... all the other advantages of your company have already been described so often... Thank you! Mark

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Frank Recker
Aug 3, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Nubert team! As a hi-fi beginner, I swapped my sub for an AW-440 in step 1 and am delighted. Workmanship, service, delivery time, etc...all top 😂 Thank you and keep up the good work.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Stefan Bogner
Jul 31, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

I ordered an AW 440 by phone on Monday and it was delivered promptly on Tuesday morning. I have to say I'm really impressed, as I initially had doubts as to whether the AW 550 wouldn't be better suited to me. But nothing there, when the fight starts in the Colosseum during Gladiator in the DTS version 😈 you know what you've spent 346 euros on😱 . A really excellent subwoofer. The only downside 😱 is the huge increase in household costs, as someone comes over to watch DVDs almost every evening. I will now swap my other speakers for Nubert speakers as soon as possible!!!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Steffan Jackobs
Jul 30, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert Team, I have been enjoying the sound of my NuLine 100 speakers for a year now. However, the speakers first had to settle in before they could fully exploit their size and lightness. The NuLiners are also very sensitive when it comes to placement. Once the right setup has been found, the NuLiners are a real joy. I also consider the Bauhaus-inspired design, which is particularly emphasized in the silver version with aluminium-coloured grilles, to be a highlight. All in all, I can only say keep up the good work. Steffan Jackobs

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Gereon
Jul 27, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

hello dear nubert team!!! the time has finally come for me: today my nubert 5.1 set is finally complete! the nuboxes 380 and the aw 440 were delivered by a friendly ups employee within 24 hours of my telephone order as the perfect addition to my cs-330, the rs-300 and the nuboxes 310. of course, they were unpacked immediately and my first thought about the 380s was: MAN ARE THE THICKMEN!!!! AWESOME! 😂 😂 😂 then searched for faults, as the 380s were supposedly 2nd choice - but unfortunately none were found - even more enthusiasm. meanwhile they are enthroned majestically on the bs-70 stands.😎 then immediately unpacked and connected the almost unbelievable 440 woofer (I have to be brief, I almost have to control myself) - the part is a killer, a big cat, an absolute bass monster!! especially for the size, my 25sqm wobble when i want to😱 to summarize: i am overwhelmed, by the external appearance, by the absolute, crisp nubox sound - and all that at this low price! with this system, i should be optimally prepared for every student city in germany!!! a small downer: in my excitement and boundless anticipation when setting up, i misplaced the only screwdriver in my apartment and haven't found it again yet - i then had to borrow one from a neighbor to complete the surround set 😬 a big downer: i just don't know what to order from nubert at the moment (although, like a second 440...) but now i'm perfectly happy in terms of sound!!! in this sense: THANK YOU p.s.: of course i'll remain loyal to the forum...😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Joachim
Jul 26, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

I replaced my 20 year old speakers with 2 Nubox 310s and the improvement in sound was so incredible that I bought the AW440 subwoofer straight afterwards. Richness of detail, bass, absolutely inspiring. I dare not think how the really expensive Nubert loudspeakers sound.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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