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Author: Klaus Grässle
Aug 14, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello, I happened to come across Nubert's website this week while searching on Google and everything I read there made me very curious. I promised myself that if I had time this weekend I would pay Nubert a visit in Schwäbisch Gmünd. No sooner said than done. When an extremely friendly employee asked me what I was looking for, I told him that I had chosen 2 or 3 speakers from the website that I wanted to try out. These ended up being the NuBox 580, NuWave 85 and the NuLine 80, and when a couple, who were also advised by the very friendly employee, also wanted a loudspeaker, I went along with them. At this point it should be mentioned that the very friendly and always extremely correct gentleman was Mr. Reichelt. He told us something about the speakers we had chosen. What they sounded like and what we could expect. Finally, we took our seats in very comfortable armchairs and Mr. Reichelt inserted the first CD. We started with the very bass-heavy NuBOX 580 speaker. It didn't sound bad, but the mid-range was neglected. Next came the NuWave 85 and NuLine80. Man, I thought, how am I going to do? I've never heard a sound like this before. I was already pretty sure that I was going to buy the NuWave 85. But, as always, it turned out differently. I had rarely heard such a balanced, harmonious and warm sound, apart from Dynaudio speakers. Mr. Reichelt now stepped up and let us hear the NuWave 10 and the NuLine100. When I heard both of them, the NuWave 85 was shelved and I was enchanted by the sound of the NuLine 100. One thing is for sure, I will be ordering the NuLine 100 with the ABL module in the foreseeable future. Until then, I will unfortunately have to make do with my existing MB Quart, even if it is very difficult for me. A big thank you to Mr. Reichelt, whose competent, friendly and always open advice deserves very high praise and, if it were up to me, an even bigger pay rise. Yours sincerely from Pforzheim Klaus Grässle

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Walter Bieler
Aug 13, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

I bought the AW 550 last year and am absolutely thrilled with it. Super workmanship and a bomb sound, I can only recommend it. If I had the necessary change, I would buy more products from Nubert.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Marcus Schmidt
Aug 9, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello, in April I chose a free Friday to drive 650 km from Saxony-Anhalt to the Ländle to treat my little nu-waves to an upgrade to 7.1 in the form of floorstanding speakers. After 3 hours of listening to all the music and movies I had brought with me, it was clear that the nu-wave 85 was a bit too small and the nu-wave 125 a bit too big for my room. So the golden mean was nu-wave 10. I quickly put the coffin-sized boxes in the car, drove the 650 km home and at 11 o'clock in the evening it was time for the first listening session (grandma was delighted). Since that day, I've only been asking myself WHY?????? Why waited so long to buy it. Now live DVDs really deserve the name LIVE. And the other day in the movie theater, oh shock, it sounds even better at home. and the stereo sound image with music is really first class. That's when you realize what Onkyo's 989s are really capable of. My father, who was skeptical up to now, has also been won over. When the nu-wave3 and various rear speakers from a well-known hi-fi store, which incidentally didn't even remotely reach the level stability that even an RS 5 can achieve, took over the sound reinforcement, he just said, "I don't need it. My Jamos are enough. But since the complete Nubert faction, consisting of 2x nu-wave 10, 2x nuwave 3, 2x RS 5, CS 4 and Sub AW 7, had taken over, it was just a case of "them, them, and the disks we have to take with us for a trial. Now he is also the proud owner of a nu-box 5.1 set. CONCLUSION: I'm happy, my father is happy, only Mr. Nubert will perhaps be a little sad, because he won't be seeing us in his stores again any time soon, as we are now perfectly equipped. As a small consolation, however, it should be noted that Mr. Nubert gives us a lot of fun😂 and joy with his creations. Many greetings from someone infected by the NUBERT VIRUS:smi😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Stefan Hufnagel
Aug 9, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Moin, that is soo bad. There is NOTHING to complain about!!! Even my wife likes the Nu-Line 80 speaker set. The delivery time of 1 (one) day, great sound (even the neighbors across the street say so). Just one thing: why 4 weeks of listening? Who carries 5 boxes weighing approx. 85 kg to the post office far away and stands in line for hours :-) Keep it up... but at some point I'll find something to complain about... I'll keep buying here Best regards Stefan

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ralf Possekel
Aug 9, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Morsche ! I first became aware of Nubert about a year ago through an article in the FAZ. I had been familiar with my Braun studio monitors for about 22 years and swore by them. The FAZ article made me curious. This year, replacement or repair was imperative. So I took the plunge (I have a return guarantee) and ordered the nuLine 30 in the early afternoon on a Monday. The very next morning (!!!) everything was there. But to be honest: the first listening impression was disappointing. I then spent two days listening to everything that was dear to me. Result: enthusiasm! A pair of speakers with great transparency and terrific impulse fidelity. String quartets in particular are a dream on this speaker. Of course, there are also disadvantages. The speaker is very selective and mercilessly exposes bad recordings. My old boxes had a socialist attitude in this respect. Everything sounded a bit similar (pleasantly similar). Now, on the other hand, it can happen that a favorite disc suddenly drops in recognition. However, every seemingly familiar CD is an adventure. I listen to everything all over again. In a sense, the box is something for grown-up ears (which, of course, a minor can also have). However, one open issue remains: I'll never find out whether there's an even better box out there in the same price segment due to the spared tour through x hi-fi stores... Conclusion: I'm glad I bought from Nubert.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jens Sommerfeld
Aug 8, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Dear friends of beautiful sound! After combining my existing system (Tannoy PBM6.5 monitor speakers-passive, NAD 3020i amplifier, Harman/Kardon CD player, Telefunken record player) with the AW550 subwoofer, I would like to give you a short summary: In addition to my earlier comment that belly growling is a lot of fun, I have found that the location of the sub is very important. I took a few meters of cable and placed the sub on my listening position (at ear level). TOTO's Tambu provided the bass. I, on the other hand, crawled along the floor like a dog sniffing for the best sound (after masking the windows). And that did the trick. My sub is a bit in the way from a bobby car point of view, but my son quickly realized that there is now a 30 zone around the sub. All I can say is: the sound is great, the price/performance ratio is outstanding. My next goal: complete speakers from NUBERT Oh, one more thing: great service Greetings Jens, the jazz listener😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Christian Zartl
Aug 6, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Nubert team! I'm sorry that I'm so late in sharing my extremely positive experiences with your speakers, but I first had to form an opinion 😬 Well, I've had the nuBox 400s in my room for about half a year now, and I'm more than thrilled. But not only are your speakers excellent, no, your service and especially your shipping is actually incredible 😱 ... and I don't even have to say anything about the prices, you're the only ones who offer such good value for money!!! 😎 I will be ordering from you again soon, until then best regards and thank you very much, keep up the good work! ❗ Your fan Christian

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Gerhard A.
Aug 5, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert team! After a very fast delivery (ordered Mon - received Wed) to Austria, I finally connected my NuWave 35 to my brand new Denon 3805. Well, what can I repeat - the sound is simply superb, the price-performance ratio sensational.......... I'll be ordering the Aw 7 soon! A satisfied customer Thank you.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: nikolaus jannasch
Aug 5, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

I would never have thought it possible that my Magnat excellent speakers, which I had previously held in such high esteem (after all, they cost around DM 1500 each), would perform so miserably compared to the new nu-line 120 speakers. Above all, I am surprised by the incredible clarity and precision of the new nu-line 120 speakers compared to the old speakers: I suddenly hear instruments and sounds that were simply not there before. This applies not only to full-sounding symphonies, by the way, but also and especially to more subtle, quiet lute music. All this despite the fact that my room is certainly not the ideal listening room (at 24 square meters, it is rather small and full of furniture), so that I initially had my doubts about such large speakers. These doubts have been completely dispelled: To my delight, the music sounds brilliant everywhere in the room. Hard to believe, but true. The only question that remains is: how do you design speakers like this? Thank you very much! Nikolaus Jannasch

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Holger Meller
Aug 4, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

hello dear nubert team, i can really only give positive feedback, super advice, super processing, super processing, suuuuper fast shipping, super packaging, super instructions. 😬 a bit much super but what can I do it's just the way it is... and the best is yet to come the nuWave 35 sound super.... many thanks for so much high tech in such a small space !!! from now on a loyal nubert customer ❗ tschaui, Holger

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