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Jun 28, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

looking for the good sound, have already had many high end compact boxes. was mostly disappointed afterwards, thought to myself, order a few compact boxes at nubert. if not satisfied return. ordered the nuwave 35 for 265 euros the st, well, today they are there and I must say, so must sound a box. where do you get for so little money, aluminum die-cast peerlees chassis. housing also without flaw. my compliments to mr. nubert, you can simply recommend. super box.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Kai Kanert
Jun 26, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello, today I finished my listening test with the new nuBox 380. Super!!! Appearance: more than elegant with BS 70. Quality: very good. Listening pleasure: It's sensational how these speakers perform. I constantly hear much bigger speakers in front of me. The highs and mids are clear and distinct, the bass is nice and dry. Many people write that the nuBox 380 is almost audiophile, but I think it IS!!! How it must sound with ABL. Thank you for the little man and the uncomplicated and fast processing. Definitely not the last thing I'll buy from Nubert. Kai Kanert

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Peter Holstein
Jun 26, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert friends, I've been enjoying my beautiful nuForm100 with ABL module for a good 2 years now and it leaves almost nothing to be desired....but only almost nothing!!! I am determined to purchase an AW7 woofer soon.... Who is interested in taking over my ABL10/100 module, in perfect condition, technically/optically like new? I don't need to say anything about the qualities... Please contact me by mail if you are interested... Test listening is of course also possible at my home at any time ! Mfg Peter

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Frank Cammann
Jun 24, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

😬An oasis (of sound) in the service desert that is Germany! Friendly reception in Aalen after a 500 km journey. Competent, understanding advice from Mr. Hutter despite two other customers at the same time. Extensive listening tests of the speakers in question without any time pressure. Decision to buy the NuLine 100. After a short delivery time and a listening test at home, it was clear that the return option would not have to be used. I am completely satisfied. A super product, team and concept! Frank Cammann

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Heiko Maar
Jun 21, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

It's done: I have a new male Nubi! As a small bonus, a pair of NuLine 120s was included (incl. ABL)! The NuLine 120 delivers exactly what I can classify as optimal for my personal sound perception. Brilliant highs that reproduce Farfarello's guitars easily, effortlessly, floating in the room and easy to locate. Very pleasant mids with a warm, perhaps somewhat superficial, rich but not overbearing vocal presentation. The bass is thrown into the room with playful ease. Always present but never intrusive, very direct and accentuated. It is also worth noting that the overall sound image remains exactly the same even at very low volumes. The NAD C-370 has no loudness and this is the first time that I really don't miss it. On the subject of UPS: The driver handled the parcels very carefully and was otherwise very friendly (wanted to know what was inside...). On the subject of the bargain corner: I ordered the NuLines again from the bargain corner and feel fully vindicated. Every box had a small defect on the back of the case. You never look at it and it saved a lot of money. Best regards H. Maar

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Harald K.
Jun 21, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Mr. Siegle, you probably thought to yourself: We've thrown pearls (nuLine 120 + Vincent amplifier) in front of the sow(s) (an unnamed Schwob). No feedback at all - nothing at all. Simply nothing like that. You're absolutely right and I don't want to talk myself out of it with pseudo-stress. Every evening when I visit my concert hall (actually my living room, which you have transformed), your ears should be ringing, because I always praise you to the skies. What you recommended to me and what you built for the Nubies and Vincents can only roughly be described as master class. I can only agree with the praise your other customers have left on your website. Anyone who wants to listen can only be recommended: Go to Nubert and you will be happy! Thank you very much and all the best, Harald K.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Uwe Fellendorf
Jun 20, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Nubert team, I have been the proud owner of two NuBoxes 310 for six months now. In my very small room (approx. 10m²), these speakers sound simply fantastic. Balanced frequency response, great dry bass, crystal clear vocals. Since then, I've really enjoyed listening to music again. As I listen to a wide variety of music (pop, rock and classical, a little jazz), I can only attest to the perfect tuning of these speakers. Maybe I'll buy the 440 subwoofer at some point so that the organ really booms. Thanks again for everything and good luck to the whole team. 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Sascha Schroeder
Jun 19, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

nuBox 310: HOW DOES IT WORK? I use the 310s as rear speakers in 5.1 mode. Out of sheer CURIOSITY I connected them as front speakers because I was a bit skeptical about the test reports on the tiny 11-liter speakers. It is 😱 UNBELIEVABLE. What Nubert's team gets out of the little black speaker is physically almost impossible. A full, dynamic and mature sound image. The 310 doesn't need to shy away from any comparison, even with considerably larger transducers, and performs absolutely SOUVERÄN even in stereo mode. Congratulations on this masterpiece!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Reinhard L.
Jun 18, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Nubert Team! I've been the happy owner of 2xNuLine80, 2xDs50, 1xCs150 and Aw1000 for about half a year now! I'm still very, very enthusiastic about the purchase. The bass that the Aw1000 produces is phenomenal! (Thank God there are no neighbors within a radius of 50 meters) The spatiality of the two NuLine80s in combination with the Aw1000 mentioned above is amazing in stereo mode! Not to mention the use of all speakers in DVD mode. With my new NuSpikes (recently purchased) the dispersion is considerably better. I don't think I need to mention your good service and fast delivery. Reinhard L. a very satisfied customer from Austria

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Alexander Plessen
Jun 16, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Guestbook, after brief consideration, I bought the nuWave 10 and can now say (after about 3 months of testing) that I made the right decision. I am also surprised by my willingness to do almost anything to exploit the enormous potential of the speakers. In the meantime, I have replaced my entire system, including all the cables, and even my music preferences have expanded. Well, now I have reached a final status (in terms of my financial possibilities) that makes every day a musical high-light. Best regards Alexander Plessen PS: I still have an impeccable, used ABL 10/100 module left. If you are interested, please send me an e-mail.

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