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Author: manfred
May 31, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello, I bought nu wave 125 speakers some time ago and was very impressed by the sound/price ratio. I have now bought a good tube amplifier and have to say that the speakers sound excellent. Why do you have to discover this recommendation in a specialist magazine? I don't understand why Mr. Nubert doesn't recommend amplifiers in this direction; the speakers simply sound great in this combination.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: peter
May 26, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

just wanted to report: my good old AW 850 still makes steam and is suuuuper fun :-)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ralf G.
May 24, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Here they are, the elegant NuLine 120 in silver.😬 I've always been a silent reader of the NuForum, but now I really have to tell you how great you are. I started looking for decent speakers 2 years ago. I really listened to and tested a lot of speakers (Canton, Teufel, Heco etc.) An endless odyssey :mad: Either the speakers only sounded good with surround sound or not at all. I won't say anything more here about the poor build quality of various manufacturers... the trouble is over thanks to Nubert. I've already had a few of your speakers and was very satisfied with all of them (always measured by the standards of the time). These included the AW-850 (which my neighbor now has) and the Nuline80 (which is now for sale). At the moment I have 3*NuBox RS-300 and 2*NuBox310 for the effect channels, 1*AW-1000 subwoofer, NuLine CS 40 center and now also the NuLine 120 + ABL module! 😎Or is it? 😬 It's a DREAM! Now I just need high-end equipment for stereo listening. Although it already sounds fantastic with the Yamaha AZ-2 and Onkyo stereo amplifier. I still need to get more out of these dream loudspeakers. Uncle Nubert has got me completely hooked!!! 😂 If large effect speakers are also available for the NuLine series, I'll buy them again. That's for sure. So, I'll shut up now. Too much adulation 😬 Greetings from the land of masters

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Pascal B.
May 23, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hi, frankbsc, I'm from the Nubert forum... you could have saved yourself your text + your advertising! MFG:rolleyes:

Answer from the Nubert-Team

May 23, 2004, 12:00:00 AM


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Roland Günther
May 22, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

I have been a very satisfied owner of the NuLine 80+ABL module since August 2001. It's usually the case that if you're satisfied, you don't see any reason to write entries in a guestbook. But I'll just do it from long-term experience. The speakers work as they did on the first day, and I really do use them a lot and they are also properly supplied with power. So I would also like to praise the longevity of Nubert quality. The speakers look like they did on day one and (subjectively) sound the same. After three years with the NuLine 80, I'm now flirting with Nubert speakers again. Simply because I don't want to miss out on anything developed by the excellent team of developers around Mr. Nubert. I think it can only get better. Best regards Roland Guenther

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Denis D. (raw)
May 22, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello everyone! I would like to give a long-term experience report on the nuBox400, as I think it is more important to give reports on loudspeakers over longer periods of time, as many faults and shortcomings only become apparent after some time. I have owned a pair of nuBox400s since the beginning of December 2003, i.e. for more than half a year. -I went to Aalen for advice (Mr. Hutter): I went to Aalen 2 or 3 times in total to listen specifically to the nuBox400 and, of course, the other Nubis. Mr. Hutter was knowledgeable and always friendly and very patient (this must be emphasized, because few people ever endure hip hop for over an hour). That is worthy of great praise! The speakers were even carried into the car. 😬 -on the nuBox 400: I already liked this speaker in the listening studio in Aalen. I went to the few other hi-fi stores in the area and compared to the few other speakers, I always liked the nuBox400 the most. Then the nuBox400 arrived at my home. I didn't jump for joy and I didn't have a grin on my face for days, but I was satisfied, very satisfied! (Apparently this is an indication that the speakers will be around for a long time, according to many hi-fi enthusiasts). I immediately got used to the sound of the speakers. So the decision to keep this speaker at home was soon made. However, a little later I became dissatisfied with the sound. The room acoustics and positioning of the speakers were to blame. I then had to make up my mind before I set my sights on improving the room acoustics. Then I changed the positioning and improved the room acoustics. NOW, after I have greatly improved the room acoustics and positioning, I can hear how the speakers play in reality! For its price range(!), this speaker is very good: the bass is now dry and powerful, and the nuBox400 resolves individual bass lines incredibly clearly (better than its competitors from other manufacturers). The mids are very clear, distinct, precise (!) and never annoying. I admit that I'm sometimes startled when effects or individual instruments suddenly come from the side, from above or from behind - and that's in stereo! These characteristics are often only found in higher price ranges. The treble is also never annoying and is very present, clear and distinct. As for the overall sound: the nuBox400 always plays in a nicely differentiated way (i.e. no wishy-washy), really nice and spacious, precise(!). The localization of the individual effects and/or instruments couldn't be better (for the price). The frequency response is fairly linear. This is also noticeable in practice as the sound is never really annoying, even at high levels. The design may not appeal to everyone. Admittedly, there are better designs. But it's not bad either. The front panel shimmers differently depending on the light intensity, incidence of light, etc. A little treat for the eye, so to speak. The box is very heavy for its size. I feel a little sorry for the parcel service in this case. The weight is testament to the large magnets and cabinet/bracing and the resulting lack of resonance. The workmanship is top class. I haven't found any faults so far. However, this speaker has one disadvantage: it is somewhat small/low. In order to get the tweeter at ear level (almost mandatory for a correct sound stage), you have to mount it. To be honest, a nuBox380 with a self-built stand would be more economical. By the way: How can you actually break this speaker? I haven't managed it yet, using normal measures of course. 😬 This box is very robustly built! And it can handle a lot in terms of power! 😈 I'm so pleased with these speakers, even after six months, that it looks like I'll be keeping my Nubis for a long time to come! CONCLUSION: A great, really great loudspeaker, with which people with not too high demands on high fidelity, like me, can be extremely satisfied. Thank you and best regards to the NFS! Denis

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Denis D. (raw)
May 22, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello again! I would like to say something about the nuForum: The resulting customer proximity is simply great! Mr. Nubert himself (and some of his employees) are in this forum and help forum users with problems or ideas. You can quickly express your questions and problems there and you always get help quickly. The atmosphere in the forum is wonderful. It almost makes you feel at home.😂 There are never any arguments in the nuForum, unlike in the HiFi forum, for example. A great invention! Greetings Denis

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Peter Brauner
May 22, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

The AW 440 was finally delivered on 19.05.04.🙂 After unpacking it, I thought to myself, pretty tiny?:rolleyes: Full of Schadenfreude and knowing that I would be able to return the subwoofer after 4 weeks, I thought to myself further, now I'm going to torture you.😈 I first inserted the Knock Out from Antolini and was simply stunned. The dynamics and precision of this speaker are simply brilliant. I spent the whole afternoon feeding it with various LPs, CDs and DVDs. The first extremely positive impression was confirmed emphatically every time. Conclusion: I'm keeping it, definitely !!! 😬😬😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jörg Ossenbrüggen
May 20, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

I was in your hearing studio in Aalen yesterday. 280 km one way (!). Nevertheless, it was worth the trip and I didn't regret it. The advice from Mr. Hutter was perfect! This is how I imagine the ideal hi-fi specialist salesman. You can feel that he is absolutely competent and attuned to the wishes of his customers. Although he had a lot to do (3 customers at the same time), he remained absolutely calm and friendly. At no time did I feel like I was being a nuisance. All questions were answered in detail and to my complete satisfaction. Top advice! The nuWave 35 sounds even better at home than I had hoped. Precise in all areas. It also passed the WAF visually. The BS-70 (ALU) speaker stands were particularly well received. What else struck me as positive: Plenty of parking spaces. No supermarket checkouts. Bright and friendly, no nevernde sound system with mainstream music. Large selection of hi-fi equipment. Certainly irrelevant for most people, but important for me as a wheelchair user: barrier-free access (at ground level), and my parcels were brought to my car as a matter of course WITHOUT me having to ask. I think that's really great! I will gladly recommend you to others and wish you continued success. Nubert is now 'my' hi-fi dealer.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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