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Author: Andreas Stiehler
Mar 27, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

I have also owned the Nu Wave 10 without ABL for 3 months. During my long search for new speakers, I found the test reports from buyers to be very helpful. So here is my contribution. First of all, the most important components of my system, for your information, because every amplifier and CD player sounds different. The biggest influence is the positioning and room conditions anyway. AV amplifier Yamaha RXV 595 (1000,- DM class) Marantz CD 6000 OSE LE (500,- ? class) Nubert subwoofer AW 550 and Nubert rear, Nu Box RS 3 and a center from JBL. My old speakers were compact speakers from Heybrook, HB 1 (1000,- DM). For a direct comparison, I listened to the HGP, Dona (1250,- ?) and the Sonus Faber, Concerto Home (1450,- ?) compact speakers at home. The Sonus Faber were immediately ruled out because they sounded like they were covered with a towel in my home. They sounded very nice in the store. The HGP sounded very nice to me. In my long, extensive tests, I was always torn between the three speakers. Each speaker had its merits. I was surprised at what good speakers the Heybrooks are, clear highs, quite spacious, good bass for a compact speaker and very good in terms of measurement technology (measured at my home by a professional). So why spend so much money on new speakers? Now to the Nu Wave 10, which impresses on a number of points. Basically, it is a very honest loudspeaker, i.e. good recordings simply sound great and poorer ones just sound a bit lousier. They don't sound aggressive, but very pleasant, which is particularly noticeable at somewhat higher volumes. Like many others, I was surprised at how loud I often heard them. The bass is certainly one of their strengths, quite deep (I'm spoiled by subwoofers), clean and above all dry. The HGP sounded a little warmer, but tended to muddy up some recordings for my taste. The Nubert people have also made an effort with the mids. They are very balanced and clear. I listen in a large, rather heavily damped room (35 square meters), which certainly affects the high frequencies the most. My benchmark so far has been the treble of the Heybrook. I would describe them as open, clear and very silky. The bar was set high. The treble of the Nubert is not quite as silky, but very airy and also open and clear. For my taste, the very top frequencies that I was used to from the Heybrook are a little lacking. I think the speaker has a slight weakness in this respect. I think its biggest plus point is its spatial imaging ability. I have to say that I'm delighted with it, it clearly beats the good old Heybrook. The HGP was also good in this respect, although I liked the Nu Wave 10 a little better. The Nubert is able to transport the sound image far beyond the edge of the speaker. In contrast, the new B&W 700 series plays between the two loudspeakers, which makes voices in particular stand directly in front of you. This sounds great, but I prefer the wide sound image. The instruments can be clearly located and their sound is not washed out. Sometimes they literally float above me. Percussion instruments in particular sound great and as if they are being played live in front of you. Which brings me to the next point, the authenticity of the instruments. I think the speakers have another strength here. They sound real. A piano sounds like a piano, an acoustic guitar sounds like an acoustic guitar, ... Conclusion: In my opinion, the Nu Wave 10 is worth the money, but expensive compared to the Heybrooks. I have fun with it (and that's the most important thing) like many others and can only recommend Nubert, partly because of their good service. Keep up the good work! Some final tips. Make sure you listen to the speakers at home! They often sound completely different in the store. I also can't advise you to buy second-hand (e.g. via E-Bay) without having listened to them (I've already had bad experiences). I have often used the test CD The Ultimate Demonstration Disc for test listening. The special thing about this CD is that all listening phenomena, such as focus, resolution, dynamics, ... are first explained and then demonstrated in connection with pieces of music. And in a sound quality that comes close to SACD. Have fun with it. Andreas Stiehler

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Sissi
Mar 27, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

where are the WIENER NUBERT-FREAKS :-))) who of you would like to finally convince me of the necessity of a purchase with a sound sample??? reading everything is of no use to me, I don't want to send it back and forth .... so please contact me for a demonstration of real listening pleasure! my tendency is towards the nuline 80 (because of optics, price and size) but let me be taught better ...... until then, best regards :-) sissi

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Lorenz Weigand
Mar 26, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert Team! A big compliment to you, I inherited a Braun speaker some time ago, but somehow Nubert tampered with it... At first I thought, what should I do with such an old thing? But the surprise was big, I hooked it up to my amplifier and turned the bass all the way up just for fun... It was amazing, my room almost collapsed! What a great bass!!! 1000 times better than my mates with their Media Markt 5.1 speakers 😬 I'm simply impressed that a 20-year-old Nubert speaker has so much power... You guys are the best!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Pissed off
Mar 25, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

If this company is so good, why can't I find the technical details for the Nuline AW 900? If it's there, why can@'t I find it? And where are the ENGLISH pages?? So, you think it's only Germans out there on the Internet, eh? Why should I bother looking? I get the feeling from the home page, that they are too busy patting their own backs rather than trying to identify and meet the needs of users of their web site. Come on guys

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: G. Nubert
Mar 25, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Mr. Gone, the technical details nuLine AW-900 are still available for download. Check infos --> downloads --> nuLine-series --> AW-900. Concerning english language: We all left school at the age of ten... best regards, Guenther Nubert

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hill
Mar 24, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Look no further, babe. Nubert is the one. NuBox 380 angetrieben von Yamaha AX 396. 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas Haag
Mar 22, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello, I've had the Nubox 360 for 2 months now and I'm absolutely satisfied! Compliments to the tinkerers from Swabia! 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael
Mar 21, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello 😂, almost 2 years ago my old system was thrown out and I ordered a complete NuWave set. I still enjoy this set today and I can only recommend it. There's just one thing that really bothers me: I used to treat myself to something new for my surround system every year, but since I've owned Nubert speakers, nothing has been added, i.e. I haven't found anything better.... Greetings M.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael Rausch
Mar 19, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Yesterday, after a delivery time of only one day, I received the pair of NuWave 35 with ABL, which I had ordered with rather high expectations - I can say here that I was not disappointed, and my expectations were even exceeded. What comes out of these little boxes is really great - I couldn't stop listening to music of various genres in good recording quality on them and was always impressed by the resolution and richness of detail of these speakers. I also find the spatiality with which the events are presented very good - when I tried the very nice recording of a choir performing at Notre Dame (Hilliard Ensemble) late yesterday evening, I really felt transported to this place, because the atmosphere and the huge room were staged very well - really great. Rock and jazz performances also come across very well - for example, the vocals of the singer of the band Morphine, or Diana Krall were very present, the soft saxophone sound of Stan Getz is very well presented - you can hear the sibilants of the air coming out of the instrument very well, and the instrument has a real body - surprisingly, I didn't miss anything on the bass either - with the ABL module, the little things really sound considerably bigger than they are, and you're always amazed. I took the speaker with the orange front, and together with the stands with the glass base and brass tube they also look very classy. So, that was my little hymn of praise for the little nuWave35 and its developers. I am definitely very happy with these speakers and can only recommend them to anyone. Regards - Michael Rausch

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: G. Nubert
Mar 19, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

hello unknown2000, you also asked your question about entry 325 in the forum. I answered it in detail there yesterday evening. Greetings, G. Nubert

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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