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Author: Truli
Mar 1, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

The 4th week of testing Newline 80 is now over. I have sold half of my CDs. MP3's are taboo. My good opinion of the speakers has remained, no matter what I put on, it comes across well. Only shallow, mediocre pop music can be heard on the speakers. A mediocre singer is immediately unmasked. Poor CD quality comes across mercilessly ... So now one scotch, one bourbon, one beer and then the day can begin. Truli

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: A. Böttcher
Mar 1, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Got the nuWave 10 last week. After about 3 months of not knowing which speaker was best for me, here's a big compliment for the competent advice. The speakers are awesome. I've never heard anything like it before. I can only recommend them. Thank you very much. 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Pascal Buer
Feb 29, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello, as is the case with an uncle who has money, he gave me a pair of NuWave 10 speakers two weeks ago. Well, I thought, let's hear what they sound like. So I closed off my Magnat Vector 77 and put the Nubert on... what happened next was awesome! So these won't be the last ones I buy for myself or get as presents. At the age of 18, I'm already into hi-fi madness. Nubert has infected me. Many thanks Günther Nubert....

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Manfred Schesnik
Feb 29, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

So now I have them 😂 my Nuwave10 of course everything else was thrown in the corner and the speakers were set up. I have to say that I previously had tube speakers from Audioplay (the legendary Charlys) and they were already very good. As I didn't have the time to listen to them at first, I was disappointed with the bass response. Joo and today the time had finally come. Quiet in the house, my better half on a shopping trip and the kids on the sofa with me for a test listen. And then I put on the soundtrack from Gladiator and the thunderstorm of sound could begin. It was simply crazy what your ears could hear and then it was Pink Ffloyd's turn and all I can say is Puuuuuuh. I can only recommend you and will have a lot more fun with the Nuwave 10

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Maddin P.
Feb 28, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello. I received my NUBOX 360 today. Why did I wait so long to finally order it? Thank you for the music.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: H.-Jürgen Friedrich
Feb 24, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert team, hello readers of the guestbook, about 3 weeks ago I read something about Nubert for the first time. Today I am the very satisfied owner of a nuLine AW-550, which perfectly complements my converted Onkyo receiver / Quadral Tribun V speakers - stereo system to a DolbyDigital 6.1 system with Yamaha RX V440 / Quadral Tribun V (front) and Quadral Maxi 200 (rear) in the bass range. At first, I wasn't at all sure whether a subwoofer would be worthwhile, as the Tribun V can keep up linearly down to 33 Hz without any problems. Of course, the Yamaha also allows the bass to be switched completely to the main speakers... Nevertheless, I wanted to give it a try because I wasn't entirely convinced by the bass effects when playing DVDs. If you turn the bass up all the way on the Yamaha's tone control, it doesn't sound so great. So I sent an email to Nubert asking what experience the 'professionals' here had. This email resulted 20 minutes later in a call back from a Nubert employee who persuaded me to buy a nuLine AW-550 for a four-week trial period, which arrived at my home just two days later... After a bit of playing around with the controls and the suddenly very powerful bass, which I had only ever heard at concerts, I wanted to find out more... For this purpose, I purchased the Test Tone Generator 3.8 software as a 30-day trial version from the Internet. It allows you to easily generate frequencies between 0 Hz and around 11 kHz. I was able to easily test my main speakers alone and then the effect of the Nubert and optimize the volume and the crossover frequency. Result: 1. the Quadral Tribun are really linear down to 33 Hz 2. I set the crossover frequency of the sub very low (approx. 9:00), because otherwise there is a wide range that sounds totally excessive. 3. the volume of the AW-550 is set at 11:00, which is perfectly adequate. Of course, it all depends on the source you are listening to. Peter Gabriel's 'Hit Collection' gains gigantic bass, a completely new listening experience! Of course, I don't know whether other subs have the same effect, but the ability to adjust the volume and crossover frequency remotely from my seat is a good selling point for me! I have no regrets about going ahead with the trial purchase! I wish the Nubert company many more satisfied customers, I (and even my initially very skeptical better half) are very satisfied!!! Kind regards, Hans-Jürgen Friedrich😂😂 family

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Daniel Berens
Feb 21, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello dear Nubert team, the Nuwave 125 with ABL module that I ordered on Friday arrived on Tuesday. After a few hours of rearranging and moving around, I can now say that these modest 30 square meters couldn't be any better. I saved the grinding in of the ABL module until the end, so as not to influence the set-up and alignment. Until then, I was completely against devices in the signal path that influence the sound. An equalizer, for example, if you are not really experienced in its operation, does more damage than it could have a positive influence on the sound. In my opinion, this kind of thing belongs in event technology and not in a living room. Not so the ABL module. Even when the potentiometers were not activated (EQ set to OFF and treble to linear), there was no noticeable deterioration in the sound. Quite the opposite... I hardly use the EQ pot at all, but I use the treble pot all the more. When I want to listen quietly, switch my PM 7200 KI to class A mode and also refine it a little with the ABL module, a warmth of sound develops that I have never experienced before. In normal AB mode, without using the module, the Nuwave 125 is incredibly real, precise and can't be upset by anything. It can also reach volumes that would make living in an apartment building impossible. It really does play everything you give it, from brute bass thunderstorms on Metallica's S+M to the gentle voice of Norah Jones. And it's not good or bad, it's just real. There has only been one system so far that has impressed me as much: Teufel's M200 + M6000 But that was in a completely different price range. Keep up the good work! MFG Daniel Berens

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Reini
Feb 20, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Many thanks for your competent advice on subwoofers

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Andreas Bald
Feb 20, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Got the sad news on Monday about a 7 week delivery time. The NuWave 35s seem to be selling like hot cakes! :-)) I then called the hotline because I need the speaker cable in advance to make it disappear into the living room wall. Yesterday I was delighted to discover that the AW7 and everything else except the speakers had been delivered. Thank you very much! The SUB even supports my ARCUS speakers, even though they have enough capacity. I can't wait to hear it in combination with the NuWave 35. Until then, have fun Andreas

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Frank Imbescheid
Feb 20, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Nubert sound engineers! I've been the proud owner of the ABL 8/80 module for about two weeks now and I have to say that this inconspicuous little aluminum box really has it all. I was almost in despair, as I couldn't elicit even a hint of bass from my self-built floorstanding loudspeakers in a sloping roof (unfortunately the furniture arrangement doesn't allow for anything else). In short, the two Seas basses per speaker, connected to my Musical Fidelity Linear amplifier, sounded flat and lifeless. When the inconspicuous ABL started to do its job, it was as if my home-made speakers were flooded with acoustic sunlight. Bass and treble controls on max. and my speakers sound crisp, dynamic and spoil me with a soft, yet powerful bass that I had been missing for a long time. Great, great, great.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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