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Author: Günther Nubert
Jan 30, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Daniel S., Matthias A. and future guestbook writers: Some visitors to this guestbook consider most of the contributions to be almost implausibly positive. To counteract the suspicion that we have edited or even created the contributions, please include more information in the sender's name. - If possible, write out the full name - at least the full surname. If you want, you can also include your e-mail address! Harald B., Germany already looks very anonymous! (well, - I'm not giving the right example now, because I didn't give the e-mail address). Greetings, Günther Nubert.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Matthias Wisur
Jan 30, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello, a guestbook like this is a great thing, but it raises expectations, which unfortunately can sometimes be severely disappointed... At least that's how it was in my case: you often hear praise here for the super-fast delivery of the Nubert speakers. My online order went out Wednesday morning at 08:00, paid by credit card, everything should happen without delay so that the home theater weekend with the new sub (AW 1000) is secured. The online confirmation was also immediately in my mailbox with the note "usually available from 24 hours", which has been confirmed here time and again (even before Christmas!). But then: The next day, a letter from Nubert arrived in my mailbox with the information that delivery would take place in the next 1-2 weeks. Goodbye weekend planning! 😟 Of course, a delivery in this time frame is absolutely normal for the market and if I had known beforehand, I wouldn't have been so disappointed. I think it would have been nice to receive this information directly during the ordering process in the online store, because the delivery time is really not the nubert standard. The online confirmation also mentioned 24 hours. Incidentally, this information would even have saved you some money when ordering, because instead of the VISA commission, prepayment by bank transfer would have been sufficient. Anyway, I hope the qualities of the AW 1000 compensate me for the waiting time... Kind regards from Cologne M. Wisur

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Lars K.
Jan 30, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

I've had the NuWave 35 set for about 2 weeks and have to say that I'm 100% satisfied, even if the Subw. Aw7 is very difficult to adjust. But if everything fits then there is simply nothing better for the price!!! The sound is top class, even in stereo mode.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: A. Görtler
Jan 30, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Mr. Wisur, the online confirmation email is generated automatically to confirm that we have received your order. We have already considered in detail whether we should integrate a traffic light system into our store to indicate the delivery date. However, we have come to the conclusion that the administrative effort is not worthwhile, as almost all items are always available for immediate delivery. In the rare cases in which an item is not in stock, our customers are informed immediately in writing at the usual speed, as not everyone collects their emails every day. Best regards A. Görtler Nubert Webmaster

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Daniel S.
Jan 29, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert team, first of all, thank you for the smooth handling of my purchase of the NuBox 380. I ordered the speakers without listening to them, which I don't usually do, unpacked them, connected them and... It's amazing what comes out. I am absolutely thrilled. In contrast, my old speakers, which I thought were great, are garbage, even though they're not cheap speakers. It's hard to believe how good the Nu.380 sounds. Many thanks Greetings D.S.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: matthias a.
Jan 29, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

hello nubert team, i received my nuline 30 today, after listening to it for the first time it almost knocked me off my feet, these speakers are pure adrenaline for my day maclaren. at first i was a bit unsure about buying a speaker without having heard it before, but i don't regret it for a second. High praise to Nubert, keep up the good work.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Martin Göttler
Jan 25, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello, I was at Nubert in Aalen on 17.01.2004 and had the opportunity to put together my desired 5.1 set for four hours in peace and quiet (excellent support/advice incl. coffee from Mr. Schneider, thank you very much). Mr. Schneider gave me excellent advice and coffee, thank you very much). Originally, I had been leaning towards a NuBox set. But after a lot of back and forth, I ended up with a combination of NuWave (2 x NuWave 85, 2 x NuWave 3) and NuLine (1 x nuLine CS-150, 1 x AW 550). Mr. Schneider also gave me a friendly price for a Yamaha RX-V 1400. And I am now extremely satisfied with this combination, both in terms of hi-fi and surround sound. Thank you very much!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Schubert Dominic
Jan 24, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hi, I just wanted to say that I think your site is great. However, you could add a Nubert 'chat then customers could talk properly and not just on the forum!!! I will probably be buying the NuLine 100 soon. I'm really excited about how it will sound in my room, as I haven't had a speaker of this size yet. I also like Nubert because of their good service!!! So keep up the good work!!!@ Nubert Factory😱

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: joe
Jan 22, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello everyone, I've been a nubi customer since 1981 (80 W speaker for around 100 DM/each), I don't know what it was, but it coped with the 80s in extreme disco use with flying colors and lots of beer. Unfortunately, by the mid-90s it had already deteriorated considerably, and today I have disposed of it from the children's room. Over 20 years in various forms of use, it was well worth it. I have also owned an NU-460 for 2 years and am completely satisfied. I hope it lasts another 20 years, then the heirs can fight over it. LG Joe

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Udo Würtz
Jan 21, 2004, 12:00:00 AM

Hello, I recently added two Vincent SP T100 hybrid monoblocks for the front speakers to my Pioneer VSA AX10i amplifier and the 3JE with ABL module. In one sentence: THE HAMMER! You would think that for the Pioneer, which is not exactly a bargain, an increase is only possible to a limited extent (especially as it then works as a pre-amp for the Vincents), but the fact is: the stage opens up! You look at the TV in the middle the whole time and think to yourself: Why isn't anyone singing? I can hear it... And these are not feverish fantasies or now it has to sound better, I've got something new... but simply facts, facts, facts... (confirmed by independent non-audiophile roommates in a blind test). AND BEST OF ALL: YOU CAN GET THE DEVICES AT A SUPER PRICE FROM ...NUBERT, OF COURSE! Top advice, as always. Thanks to Mr. Reichelt. Regards, UW

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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