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Author: Frank Tetzner
Dec 11, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Mr. Schäfer, I received the nuWave 8 yesterday in exchange for the nuBox 580, which was a bit too powerful in terms of bass for my liking and actually a bit too bulky for the room optics. The first impression when unpacking (thinking of the 580s) was: Oh, how sweet😂! But once the speakers were wired up and the first CDs changed players during the course of the evening, I increasingly got the impression that the speakers sound at least twice as big:O They have a warm, powerful sound. The bass comes across dry and precise with a well-dosed dash of blackness😎. The tremor on the floor is reduced to a tolerable level, so that I can drive at a higher level again without having to worry about the soup making waves in the neighbor's plate🙂. So it was exactly the right decision and I would like to thank you again for the effort and the great service. Best regards Frank T.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Volker
Dec 11, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hi, nuBox-400 set or nuBox-580 set? Who can give me tips on the decision? Greetings Volker

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: rice_67
Dec 11, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello, I am looking for Nubert loudspeakers that are comparable to the Katan model from the competitor Linn. Can anyone give me a tip? Thanks, rice_67

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dolby
Dec 11, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hi Volker, This question actually belongs in the forum, but I've had the Nubox 400 since August of this year and in combination with the AW880 (for the 5.1 surround system) it's an unbeatable bass unit for me - clearly contoured mids, crystal-clear highs and (even without a subwoofer) a rich bass response. I was initially disappointed with the sound of the 400 in the recording studio, but at home it opened up a whole new world. A brilliant combination for me - I finally feel like listening to CDs again compared to before. Since I listen to music with a lot of bass, the AW-880 always runs with both controls set to approx. 11 o'clock, but with the CDs from my 80s stock you have to turn the volume control up to 14.00 o'clock (for me), but the frequency remains at 11 o'clock. Just order one and return it if you don't like it, you can't go wrong. Dolby

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: DigitalAngel
Dec 11, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Back in the fever.... ...a newly purchased Marantz CD 17 lets me experience my Nubis anew, it's unbelievable what I lost with my old CD players. A big compliment to Mr. Nubert and the team, the value of my system now exceeds the discount price of the Nubox 380s by at least 5 times, and the parts still inspire me again and again 😱 I need a clinical thermometer 😬😬😬😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Fabian U.
Dec 9, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

For me, Santa Claus arrived at the beginning of September this year. After ordering the Nubox 310 rear speakers four weeks earlier, I now had to have the Nubox 400 front speakers and the Cs-330 center speaker. Since then, things have really taken off! Incredible bass and clean highs make it necessary to listen to all the CDs again. Thank you Mr. Nubert!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael Schmitz
Dec 9, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

I can only agree with Andre (article 189). Do you have a different opinion? A little tip: Just take a look at the guestbook entries from 1998 to the present day.❗ There's really nothing more to say. Have a nice day and best wishes.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: G. Nubert
Dec 8, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Concerning garbage posts in the guestbook: So far, the tone in the guestbook has been very friendly. If a critical comment was made, it was usually factual. In other forums (e.g. hifi-forum) there is always the suspicion that the entries in our guestbook are manipulated because they are too positive. Perhaps the author of posts 187, 186, 184 wants to change that! He obviously intends to undermine the style of this guestbook. Post 184 is unpleasantly pointed, 186 is unnecessary and 187 is simply garbage. Perhaps the author should use our forum to explain what bothers him about our products or our company. Post 181 may have been written by someone else. Mr.Noname ends with ojeh... that's harsh But I don't think so! - Of course there are also critical posts in the hifi forum. Most of the time, however, the clear line of our products and our technical statements are highly praised. - If a criticism is unobjective or exaggerated, this always becomes apparent quickly in the course of discussions. G. Nubert

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: André Krummholz
Dec 8, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Comment on post 188: Oh you know Mr. Nubert, in the animal world it's called food envy. I think there have always been and will always be people who don't begrudge others success. Your business principle, a good product at a fair price, speaks for itself and reports such as those in the HiFi Forum should not make you nervous. The long-lasting success of the Nubert company also shows that this is not a flash in the pan. Quality is also expressed in consistency. People who buy another speaker for many times the price of a Nubert speaker naturally want to justify their purchase and, as we can read, in an unjustified manner. What could be better for a Nubert company, I estimate 95%, to have satisfied customers. You have to find something like that in today's business world. MfG HiFi Forum User

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: klaus kuhn
Dec 7, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert Team, after my visit to the open day in Aalen, where I was able to listen to Nubert speakers in detail for the first time, it was clear to me that I would buy a pair of NuWave 8 or 85. And what can I say, I now have my NuWave 8 at home and, like so many others, I'm totally thrilled!!! Although I bought them on ebay (many thanks to Mr. Sch...) and not directly from Nubert, the previous owner has now bought a pair of 125s. That seems to be the only reason why someone would part with their Nubert speakers to buy even better Nubert speakers. I really have to say that it's a completely new musical experience and I've never heard such clear and detailed speakers before! You can hear things that weren't on the CD or something. Until now, I always thought from the customer testimonials that it must all be quite exaggerated - if not invented - but now I know that it's simply true!!!! These boxes are simply fantastic!!! 😂 😂 😂 Many thanks for that! With kind regards Klaus Kuhn

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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