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Author: Joe
Aug 20, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello, I have a question concerning the active module in the nuLine AW-550. Does anyone know what slope (in dB) the filters have?

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: A. Görtler
Aug 20, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hi Joe, the low-pass filter of the AW-550 has a slope of 12 dB/oct in the setting range of the frequency control (40 to 150 Hz). From around 200 Hz, the slope then changes to 24 dB/oct to prevent the woofer from being localized as a sound source. According to G. Nubert, the slope of 12 dB/oct has advantages over 24 dB/oct for the sum signal of woofer and satellite speakers (less signal throughput time group delay). If the AW-550 is operated at the sub-output of an AV receiver, the filter effect of the receiver is dominant anyway. (Usually 24 db/oct). For hi-fi purposes, such a steep separation is rather detrimental. This is not so bad for Dolby Surround, as it is mostly about the reproduction of sound effects. The high-pass filter (i.e. the one at the lower cut-off frequency) has an electrical slope of 12 dB/oct and is switchable with a cut-off frequency of 30 and 35 Hz. In addition, however, there is the transmission curve of the woofer in the cabinet, which is up to 24 dB/oct. Best regards, A. Görtler P.S.: Please always ask questions in our forum, which we have set up especially for this purpose and offers a much better platform than our guestbook. You are sure to receive an answer to your questions within a very short time. You are also welcome to contact our free hotline on 0800-6823780. :i:

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: mario divis
Aug 18, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubianer I have been the proud owner of two Nuline100 with ABL 100 for almost two weeks now. other words..... these speakers will probably never see Schwäbisch Gmünd again. The sound ..... is a poem. However, you should definitely give the box at least 20 hours of recording time .... the patient will be rewarded. Silky highs, - present mids and a bass foundation ....fantastic For the price, I haven't heard anything better yet...simply great.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Marc Brandt
Aug 18, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello, I would like to express my enthusiasm for the ABL 8/80 module. It fits perfectly ❗with my - and here it comes:redface: - Teufel M200 !!! I'm still very attached to them, but unfortunately the successor products are no longer ideal for music fans. I'm already flirting :rolleyes:with the NuWave 125... Greetings from Dresden, Marc

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Kesi
Aug 16, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Nubertteam Top performance for this price. I know many speakers that sound just as good, but they often cost twice as much or more. I think it's good that you can really get something good for the money. And I am convinced that you will have great success with the NuWave 125.😬 KESI

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Tobias Meisel
Aug 15, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert Team, I am really impressed by the scope of your range. And the good test results show that the quality does not suffer despite the abundance of speakers on offer. But unfortunately I have two things to criticize. Firstly, a certain discount for buyers of complete sets would be fair, and secondly, the descriptions of the sets should be more comprehensive. What's the point of telling me what data the individual speakers in a set have if I don't know what room size the sets are suitable for? For example, how big does a room need to be for a second subwoofer to be required? What is the sound like with the small/large center? Tobias Meisel

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: A.Mehlhorn
Aug 14, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert Team I've owned a NuLine 30 Set 1 for about 2 weeks now and I really have to say, absolute top class. Top quality and I must also say that these speakers have given me a completely new or different listening experience. I can hear instruments from frequently listened to music CD@s that I didn't even notice before. Not to mention the super sound and soundscapes from movie DVD@s. I can only recommend this set to everyone and will do the same. So dear Nubert team, keep up the good work and I will soon need speakers from you again, because I want to upgrade from 5.1 to 7.1. And many thanks again to Mr. Bühler for his patient and expert advice. A. Mehlhorn: veryhappy:

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Alexander F
Aug 12, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Everything is great! I'll be ordering my next speakers and accessories from nubert again. nothing more to say. Greetings alex

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: J. Lützenkirchen
Aug 11, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert team, I'll be brief: 1. the service hotline is excellent. Competent, friendly and helpful. 2. the NuLine DS50 are almost as amazing as the CS 150, wow! 3. the Aw 1000 also makes my neighbors happy 😬 4. the workmanship of all components is outstanding: the chassis cut-outs are so perfect that not even a fingernail fits into the gap. The competition can still learn a thing or two from this 5. the accessories/scope of delivery is unparalleled. 6. NuLine in beech looks REALLY like beech (the DS 50s are almost invisible in my beech cabinet wall). Unfortunately, the photos on the website do NOT reflect this (much too light). 7. oh yes... The set sounds fantastic. I can only smile at high-end users who think that components like Denon's AVC A1SE require more expensive speakers. It harmonizes very well and this amplifier in particular brings the superiority of the speakers to light, with and without THX processing. Whether music or cinema - perfect! The speakers are spectacularly unspectacular, almost inconspicuous. This is how HiFi should sound !!! 8. attention criticism ❗ Your webpage is a bit too spartan (somehow fits Nubert speakers, but should still be revised). The photos should optionally also be in high resolution to show details such as the chassis integration, the veneer and lacquer quality, and the undersides (for RS speakers) and/or backsides. It's worth it! Otherwise nobody will see the highly praised workmanship. Why not show a section of an AW7 or AW 1000 to show the great internal construction. A close-up of the AW 1000 chassis (removed) is certainly a feast for the eyes. Anyone who sees the speakers in reality and only knows the photos will be (positively) surprised. This should be adjusted in your interest (color calibration). NuLine Beech in particular doesn't look so great in the photos. Technology: I can't find any information about the characteristic sound pressure level or efficiency of the speakers. Neither can I find any information about the transmission range and crossover frequencies! (The sensitivity of the AW 1000's Auto On/Off seems to be too low. Therefore, it often does not switch at low levels. I therefore use the ON position. Apart from that, everything is in the paint (or veneer or foil)! Keep up the good work ! P.S. : I am NOT responsible for seismic disturbances in Cologne Bay (my AW 1000 is set correctly 🙂 )

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael Tetzner
Aug 10, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Nubi team, I ordered my nuline 30 (without ABL) on 01.08.03 in the afternoon. Delivery: Saturday 02.08.03!!!!!!! Unpacked, connected, just marveled. I would never have thought that they would sound so good, and they haven't even been recorded yet. They're getting even better every day. Many thanks for everything.😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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