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Author: Frank Lehmann
Oct 20, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Addendum to the article of 17.10.02 Surely there are better things! But you also have to have the space for towers... Especially when it comes to compact speakers, it's often the package that makes the difference! And with Nubert it's always right! Even including service... I've now played three DVDs and several hours of music through my new acquisitions and my enthusiasm is still growing! For example, the speech intelligibility of the CS-4: in Pearl Habor, hundreds of propeller-driven planes thunder around my head with clear differentiation and the soldiers' shouts to each other are easy to understand. I didn't know that before! In general, I can now hear subtleties in the resolution, especially in the rear range (RS-5) Nothing I've listened to before at discount stores can keep up! And some of this junk is even more expensive! Of course there are better things, but who listens to them? I think I'm now getting everything that's available on audio and video media with good quality and the best price/performance ratio! So, now I'll knock the covers off my self-cast speaker stands and then I have to go to the gas station to get a picture newspaper so that I can equip myself to my level... Have a nice rest of Sunday and THX!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: p. maiwald
Oct 19, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

to the previous speaker.... ok, the market segment certainly offers some products in the price range you mentioned that seem to be better sounding than the Nubert products. but you should bear one thing in mind: the market is littered with ls products without any kind of service and without the price-performance ratio that Nubert offers. just take the trouble to compare products in the price range that Nubert offers and you too will realize that what is on offer here is unique. the comparisons i have made (from canton to b&w, monitor audio, quadral, heco and dynaudio) have confirmed this opinion in every respect. as a note: i do not receive any royalties for my comments, nor do i have any share in the nubert company. i am just a satisfied customer, and through nubert i have arrived at the loudspeakers i have been waiting for a long time. and the service nubert offers is hard to beat.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: B.Petermann
Oct 19, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hi, sorry, but if you don't immediately join in the general unqualified hymn of praise, then there will immediately be dissenting voices. Personally, I find many entries here rather embarrassing and at picture level (but I really don't want to attack anyone here). A good advertisement for Nubert is IMHO rather the one that does not praise everything that is from Nubert over the clover, but realistic (reasonably objective) statements from convinced users. If someone now thinks that there is no better speaker than a NuWave 10, for example (regardless of price), they simply haven't heard enough. I also listened to the AW-1000 and the decision in favor of the Nubert sub was only made because of the slightly lower price (the competitors ranged up to around 1500 EUR). But even in this segment there are simply better products (which I can't afford), which has nothing to do with me wanting to badmouth Nubert in any way. Greetings

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: B. Petermann
Oct 18, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hi, when I read the posts in this guestbook, I really wonder what kind of speakers the majority of Nubert buyers have listened to so far. I have now tested an AW-1000 myself and find it quite ok for the price, but I really can't say that this sub blows away any other sub (even if it costs many times more --> note the street price!). I feel the same way about the passive Nubert speakers (but I only know the Nuwave 8 ), because I wish Nubert could go one better (I'm talking about products in the EUR 2000 range, for example). As I said: I find Nubert products quite interesting (especially the subs), but Nubert also has to cook with water and (as far as I know the products) are not without competition. Greetings B. Petermann

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: O.Reudenbach
Oct 18, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

I've swapped my big marble speakers for NuLine 30 + ABL module + wall bracket. Everyone is happy : - my wife, because the big ones are finally out of the living room - me, because I can now listen to music with full enjoyment Except my little daughter (10 months): - she can't press any more menbranes!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Oliver Schoderböck
Oct 17, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hi, I've owned the nuLine DS-50 & AW-1000 for a few days/weeks now and can only say SUPER! The system will be upgraded in time and money. I would also like to thank Mrs. Eva Weber who was always very helpful. This makes shopping fun. Thanks to you and keep up the good work. Greetings from Vienna

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Frank Lehmann
Oct 17, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Since today I am a Nubert! The phone order the day before yesterday was already great! No applied sales strategy, but real advice. Today the UPS arrived. I set it up provisionally and the first thing I did was insert the Stomp DVD. Then I cried for an hour!!! What a load of garbage I've had so far! (Visaton VIB + Elac Dipöler) I'm not sending my Wave-3, CS-4 and RS-5 back!!! Now I'm forced to take a vacation to watch all my DVDs again... Oh yes... What did I get the discount for 2nd choice for? I didn't see any damage! Thank you Nubert! You can buy happiness after all!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dorian Schmid
Oct 16, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

The sound memories of my family (starting with my grandfather, who was probably inspired by my mother and aunts to contact G. Nubert, my parents, uncles, aunts and myself, who can boast of being the proud owner of two NuBox360s) are closely linked to Nubert. Recently, I was able to remove a single tweeter from a pair of first or second generation speakers (which I largely demolished as a child but only recently disposed of). Can you build something from it? Maybe an iconic center speaker or something? Would Nubert support something like that? Of course you would need something else. Maybe two midrange drivers from Denmark or wherever they come from and a crossover. Can I bring the thing over and find out about its frequency response? Dorian Schmid, Heubach - St.Blasien

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dirk Schlösser
Oct 16, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Super site with a super layout. You get all the information here that you could wish for on other sites from speaker manufacturers. I'm definitely going to visit Schwäbisch Gmünd in the next few days and listen to the speakers. Maybe I'll have to part with my good Canton.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Roland Spiegler
Oct 16, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Dorian Schmid! We are delighted to hear that your whole family has remained loyal to our speakers. Unfortunately, however, I have to ask for your understanding that we are not in a position to economically give an old tweeter a second life. The days when Günther worked day and night in the garage and fulfilled almost every individual speaker request are unfortunately over. I hope you are not angry with us for this...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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