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Author: Michael Klapper
Sep 25, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Nubi Team ! The fact that I have already owned everything in hifi was simply because I wanted to listen to music like I never got it, plus the wife has the last word on her wishes regarding the size of the system, of course, so I am now the owner of a small, fine Teac Reference 500 system. 02 I bought a pair of Nuline 30 and I was more satisfied than ever before, great looks, great sound, everything was great, even the wife was satisfied, but since I wanted a little more bass, I thought about getting a sub, but the wife!!! Nubi knew what to do, the ABL30 module, I wondered if it would work as I imagined, so I ordered it first.The module arrived after 2 days as promised and was smiled at by my wife with the question, what is that again, answer a subwoofer, if it works the way I imagine it, long story short, it works, the thing works like crazy, it knocks your socks off while walking, but unfortunately I can only enjoy the missing socks via a music source because my amplifier has no tape monitor output.Just for your information, the amplifier has 80 watts at 4 ohms and the volume that I can hear with it exceeds the tolerable volume many times over. oh yes, my wife, for the first time in 20 years I have seen her so speechless. so an ABL module from Nubi, then it works with the wife too.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Volker Werry
Sep 24, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hello dear Nubert team, first of all I am thrilled. I ordered the Nu-Line CS40 on 23.09 and it arrived on 24.09 at 10:30 am. I am very impressed with the external appearance. The box was delivered in sturdy packaging and is very well made and looks of a correspondingly high quality. I am pleasantly surprised and will definitely be ordering more boxes. MfG Volker Werry

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Udo Rühmer
Sep 21, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

I thought my apartment was going to collapse yesterday after listening to Lord of the Rings with my system. Simply brute!!!!!!! 4xNuWave10 and 2xAW1000 Greetings Udo.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael Guth
Sep 21, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hello dear Nubert team, I have already expressed my opinion about the nuwave 8 I bought from you in your forum. However, I would now like to take this opportunity to thank your super team for the mega service I have received so far - two orders (so far) and delivery in less than 48 hours is really perfect. The quality of your products is, in my opinion, far above the price class standard, which is usually O.K. with you, now I wish you an even greater success and even more highly deserved resonance in the trade press (AUDIO has finally discovered you).why wander into the distance when the better is so close? Yours sincerely, Michael Guth P.S.: I enjoy listening to music even more now. Don't miss ABL!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: M.K.
Sep 20, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

The problem with the Nubert speakers is that you only realize how bad the rest of the chain is ... :-)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Frank
Sep 19, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nuberts, I've owned two nuWave 3 + Abl module for 6 weeks now. The speakers took some time to get used to and I found the placement a little tricky, but it was worth it. The speakers sound neutral, precise and effortless. The three-dimensionality essentially depends on the CD material and is thus quite susceptible to garbage... (unfortunately?) I would like to point out that the speakers with Abl module are also quite demanding on the performance of the amplifier. I once tried them on my NAD amplifier (2 x 50W) from my second system and you could hear it running out of steam. Apart from that, I have to say that I am completely satisfied. I think you can also satisfy audiophile demands with these speakers (at least mine). I listen to rock, classical music and jazz and am impressed by the naturalness and the good overall impression of the sound. This speaker will enjoy a long life with me - never change a winning team! see you, frank

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Roland Spiegler
Sep 19, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Jan! We are of course delighted that you are interested in our boxes. However, we ask for your understanding that for cost reasons we cannot send you time-consuming written advice or system solutions by e-mail. We have a toll-free hotline for this purpose! They will be happy to answer your questions and find a solution more quickly. Just take the plunge!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Nero
Sep 19, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hello hello hello, now I have to write something in your guestbook. I've been a loyal customer of the Nubert Speaker Factory for several years now. To all the people out there who still have doubts, I can only say the following: A few years ago I also had doubts that the speakers were quite small or the prices were too high or why Nubert couldn't be found in department stores. But I can only promise you one thing, take a day off and visit Nubert, because then you'll be hooked. I only wanted to buy a Yamaha Dsp A1 and suddenly I had bought half the store. Some of my work colleagues are now starting to switch to Dolby Digital, so I invited them to my house and lo and behold, now they ask me when I have time to take them to Nubert's... The addiction started a long time ago.... Dear people, forget Canton JBL and what they are all called, because the magic word is Nubert.... Listen for yourself........ You will never want anything else again.... ' Nubert Team- Keep up the good work....No Comments, just Fun

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Roland Bahrs
Sep 19, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

The Federal Ministry of Health warns: CAUTION!!! There is a NUBERT virus in circulation!!! The virus causes the disease =MORBUS NUBERT. This manifests itself in the following symptoms: The infected individual babbles to everyone he knows at every conceivable opportunity about the absolutely brilliant properties of his new Nubert speakers, in particular the outstanding neutrality of the music reproduction, the abnormal impulse accuracy (what you can hear!!!!), super linearity in playback (all of this particularly serious in the so-called NuWave series!), listens to music excessively, jumps through the apartment to the beat of the music and walks with a crazy, knowing grin through all hi-fi and hi-end (!!!!!) specialist stores that do NOT bear the name =NUBERT, and can no longer be persuaded to ever buy anything other than =NUBERT speakers again. The only way to get rid of this virus is to avoid the NUBERT stores in Aalen and Schwäbisch-Gmünd. These stores are highly contaminated!!! This manifests itself in expert advice even beyond opening hours (!!!!!), enthusiastic i.e. hopelessly MORBUS NUBERT-infested employees (J. Reichelt, T. Hutter, Mr. Nubert and Co), a service that is second to none (=I called the company of your amplifier (not bought from Nubert), you have to connect so and soS (!!!)), and have fun shopping. Just don't visit the NUBERT homepage (you won't find so much information about loudspeakers anywhere else, you can get a comprehensive picture), and if you meet an infected person, start running fast! Under no circumstances should you be persuaded to try them out!!! Highest risk of infection!!! Most common argument: =You have 4 weeks right of return free of charge and can try out the speakers at home at your leisureS This is the only way to effectively protect yourself from this virus, but you will miss out on what are probably the best speakers of your lifeS PS: I have 2 NuWave3 and AW 900.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jan G.
Sep 18, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hi, my father brought me the Nubert catalog about a week ago and I immediately took a look at it. I think for the next 4-10 hours I was spellbound by the catalog and couldn't stop being amazed! And then I found the url to and spent another few hours in front of the screen. As I'm only 13 I have a question for you, I would like to buy a surround set but as I don't want to spend too much money I don't really know which speakers would be good, it would be nice if you could send me an email with a few tips .... Have a nice day Ps: Keep up the good work 'DasNubertTeam

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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