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Author: Lars
Sep 17, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Regarding the quality of the AW 1000, I can only quote a note from my neighbor that was left on my doorstep today: Hello! You are trampling on other people's peace and quiet! If you think you are in the right, you are wrong! You will be thrown out of here in a high arc !!! Note: After 10 minutes of quiet music with the subwoofer turned up only 25%!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Christian Vogel
Sep 14, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hello everyone, I've owned the NuLine30 for about half a year now and until recently I was really impressed. A month ago, thanks to EBay, I treated myself to the AVM A2, and now I'm blown away: as small as the speakers are, they play just as big, and I think that with the new amplifier, the two comrades are now playing at the limit, but very impressively. I can only praise and praise and friends have also confirmed the unexpectedly good sound. So take care and keep building great things for the money. Bye

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Roland Klak
Sep 8, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

I received my nuWave 10 about three weeks ago and then it was time for the listening test. Let me just say, what a sound. I'm experiencing my music collection all over again. It's just a pity (not really a negative thing) that poorly mastered CDs now sound the same. Nubert had warned me about this, but the good ones sound fantastic. In the home theater they were also put through their paces with the DVD Demistified DVD (THX, DTS, DD trailer) (in terms of level stability etc.). Where my old main loudspeakers failed, the 10's performed with ease. They were not even fazed by various DVDs. However, I was already able to notice this positively after buying the CS-4. After the AW-7 and CS-4, the 10's have now also found the only right place for them, MY LIVING ROOM. 4 weeks right of return? Fine, but I don't care, they're staying here :-) And the RS-5s will be next. PS: In the meantime, two of my friends have decided to buy Nubert speakers in the near future.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: ralf geiger
Sep 6, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

two months ago i bought two nu-box 460,two rs-3,plus the aw/880 and the cs-3 because of the 'boom'.on wednesday the corresponding receiver from kenwood-krf-v8060-d was delivered and connected.i can only say:awesome speakers,mega sound.since then i don't go to the movies tip:gladiator. thanks again to the nubert-team,for the great advice,r.Geiger

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Nuliner 01
Aug 31, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Nubert Team I can no longer get a grip on my everyday life. As soon as I switch on my system and listen to music, I'm blown away. My friends who have listened to my system were also impressed. My 2xNuline 100,1xCS-40,5xDS-50 and 2xAW-1000 are pure hell. Such precision in dynamics and detail resolution. I also showed them to my dad. I went to Aalen when he was on vacation and bought the Nuline 80 as a pair from Mr. Schneider and the ABL module, which I also have on my Dolby Digital system. When he came home there was a row at home? Until the first sound came out of the Nuline speakers. Now my dad is also a member of the Nuliner club and is just as enthusiastic as I am. I'll follow their development closely and as soon as there's something new, I'll buy them again? Maybe soon, as the AW550 is now available with a metal cover. It should support the center in the bass a little more.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Lutz Frenschock
Aug 29, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

One day I saw and heard Nubert speakers at a friend's house. And I have to say, I was impressed! I had bought the RS-3 second-hand and was more than satisfied up to that point, but I was tingling and now that my birthday was coming up, a heartfelt wish came true. I had mentally prepared myself for this and then, incredibly, I called Nubert! Ordered on Tuesday evening and delivered on Thursday lunchtime! Yiepieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - everything connected and pure ENJOYMENT!!!! Now I own the RS-3, nuWave10, the CS-4, the AW 550 and the ABL module for the nuWave10. The workmanship, service, packaging and delivery were super! Although I unfortunately had to specify a different delivery address - if that hadn't been possible, I would probably never have received the speakers. It would be worth considering whether it could be sent elsewhere, as the majority of customers are probably only at home in the evening. However, I can say one thing: I haven't heard or seen anything better so far! Big praise to all!!! Best wishes from Hamelin from a very happy customer. Lutz from Hamelin

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Klaus-Helge Heinz
Aug 25, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

You have been SUPER!!!!!!!!!!! Especially Mr. Bühler on the phone. Patience personified. I have called him three times in the meantime and just couldn't manage to nerf HIM. He is always VERY competent in all matters, so that I ordered a Center CS-3 and the subwoofer AW 900 (the last in the whole range) with accessories from HIM on August 21, 2002. The parts arrived promptly on Friday. I could hardly wait to set them up straight away (ächz 35KG, please include a crane). And then this hammer, I didn't know my canned music again. I've been sitting in front of my system for the third day now and I'm rediscovering music. I thought something was wrong. Where had the bass been before? I'd never heard anything like it at this price before. Also, I'm still looking for the fault with your 2nd choice, where did you hide it? I'm going to get the Nuwave 10 and RS-5 from you next week and then take 2 weeks off, sit down in front of my system and no longer be present, but go clean up with Luke Skywalker. Look forward to Episode 7, all joking aside! These loudspeakers (AW900) surpass everything I have heard so far in the segment up to 1000°. When I get the nuWave 10 I seriously fear for my job. My rating for your company can only be INTERGALAKTISCH keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael Börner
Aug 23, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert Team I had to smile at how many customers were displeased about the transportation with UPS. I would therefore recommend German Parcel. As I work there myself as a transport manager (albeit at the Dortmund depot), I can give you some information. Your nearest depot would be 73235 Weilheim a.d. Teck. Please visit us on the Internet at Regards Michael Boerner

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Lars
Aug 22, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

To the Nubert team: WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've just swapped my AW880 for an AW1000. Actually only for visual reasons, but having just tested it with Star Wars IP1 (Pod Race) at just half volume, I'm left speechless! This subwoofer is a pure bundle of power, and together with the NuWave program the whole thing just sounds GREAT!!! I only had a moment to wonder why the window panes were shaking 3 rooms away, because shortly afterwards my neighbor stood in front of the door and complained. That wouldn't be anything special, but this time it was the neighbor 3 floors below me *G*. Thank you very much for this awesome part, even though I already had a punctured car tire thanks to my AW880...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dr. Wilfrid Polle
Aug 19, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

They do exist... In the much-cited service oasis that is Germany, there are still a few people who understand their business and can provide exceptionally sound advice. This is also the case with the team from the Nubert Speaker factory in Schwäbisch Gmünd. After a long week of listening between the nuline 100 and the nuform 100, I opted for the nuline 100 with ABL module. My organ CD by Mendelssohn with the 19Hz sub-pipes makes my house resonate cleanly without being overpowering. Rich but not full bass in combination with very precise highs and mids speak for the nuline 100. And the very elegant, classy design to boot. Congratulations to Günther Nubert and his team for the successful nuline 100 - a real feast for the ears. Dr. Wilfrid Polley, Welzheim

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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