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Author: Andreas
Dec 28, 2018, 8:09:51 PM

Dear Nubert team,
Congratulations on the CD "Fascination With Sound", which landed under the Christmas tree today as a late arrival. An absolutely successful compilation, which once again confirmed my decision to buy the NuLine 284. It's a pleasure to hear what this speaker is capable of when you "feed" it accordingly.
All the best for 2019!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: S.Ippendorf
Dec 24, 2018, 2:01:09 PM

As a long-time Nubert fan of the 360 580 and, until Saturday, the nuline 122 with ATM, I was always impressed by the sound of the speakers, then two weeks ago the thought occurred to me that I could do with some new speakers, although I was actually satisfied with the 122. I called Duisburg and made an appointment for last Saturday. I also thought that you wouldn't be embarrassed in Duisburg because you can't take any speakers with you. So off we went in our A Class to Duisburg for a listening test, nice reception, after a short chat we were allowed to listen to the nuvero 140 and 170 in the front of the showroom, I have to say that the 140 and 170 are in a different league, super clear, big stage, open and powerful bass, only then we had to turn the music down (it wasn't that loud), next door in the demonstration room it was a bit too loud for some gentlemen, they would like to listen quietly. Ok, so we turned it down, but they were still enthusiastic, then we were able to go into the screening room to compare a few speakers directly. The gentlemen who were in there before then really stepped on the gas outside in the sales room, so we couldn't really compare. At some point they turned down the volume and we were able to continue comparing in peace (all well and good, but Nubert should think about new, more muted rehearsal rooms). So now back to the topic: we compared the 334 with the 140 and it's simply awesome, the 140. My wife and I knew that if we were going to buy a new one, it would be the 140. We went to the salesman, wanted to thank him with the sentence "yes then I'll order them", to which he replied, you can take the 140s in white straight away, we have a pair there, we're very pleased about that, only they never fit in the car, we then went out to the car with the nice salesman. He said they would fit. Seat bench folded down, passenger seat forward, backrest turned to the front. Great, they both fit in, Uppsala, my wife has to come too. Yes, just enough for the 60 km drive home. In any case, we bought it, the 140 in white. Off home, called my buddy (also a Nubert fan) and out of the car, unpacked in the living room, super packed as always, even with instructions for unpacking. Dismantled the 122s and put them away for the time being. Connected the new ones to the Yamaha AS 2100, then had a coffee (we would have liked to have had one at Nubert in Duisburg, or even a glass of water, but this was not offered. Small suggestion for improvement, do it, every hairdresser offers you a coffee and I only have my hair cut there for 15 euros). And then we listened to music in our own four walls. It's awesome, they sound even better here than in Duisburg. The 122s are already good, but the 140s can do everything a little better - we're thrilled. Thanks to the Nubert team, including the one in Duisburg. Have a good Christmas
Greetings from Bergisch S.Ippendorf

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: John
Dec 17, 2018, 8:39:38 AM

After initially only wanting to replace my (very) old CS 150 center, I decided to replace my Nuline 82 front speakers for reasons of homogeneity after the very detailed telephone consultation (many thanks Mr. Kellner). I actually wanted to order the Nuline CS 174 center and the Nuline 284 as front speakers. My wife had reservations about the size of the Nuline 284 and so, after a lot of back and forth, I decided on 3 Nuvero 70 (as center and front) in golden brown. My wife because of the look, me because of the sound. Because of their size, I was a little skeptical about using them as front speakers. After a day of warming up in the living room, they were connected and allowed to play in overnight.
I am speechless. Not only the extreme bass, but above all the extremely homogeneous sound is unique. You can actually hear every instrument as if it had been peeled out of the songs. Close your eyes and listen and the stage is in front of you. I don't even know whether the whole thing sounds better in stereo 2.0 or 7.0. The same experience with Dolby Surround, that's cinema at home. How do the big Nuveros sound when the 70s already sound like this? The workmanship is of course very good, as is the golden-brown look. The Nuline 82s are now doing their job as rear speakers until the Nuveros (60 or 70) arrive here too. Chapeau! Mr. Nubert and thank you for giving me the gift of music every day! Outstanding price/performance.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Wolfgang
Dec 16, 2018, 4:27:28 PM

A few days ago Nubert delivered my new WXC-50 from Yamaha. I use this streaming pre-amp in combination with two NuPro A-300s digitally via coax.
I use a Synology DS-716plus NAS for audio storage. The audio apps available for IOS or Android work great and play all tracks and radio stations over the network (DLNA) without any problems. Some time ago I ripped my CDs to MP3 320kbps with and stored them on the NAS. The transfer via WLAN runs smoothly. Audio files in FLAC also work, but the WLAN must then be powerful. The sound quality is outstanding in both cases, even quietly!

Controlling all components via the iPad app from the sofa is a whole new world for me. Everything works so well that I've phased out the amplifier, CD player and tuner. Now there's just the WXC-50.

Thanks to the Nubert developers for designing active loudspeakers with a digital input. The combination of WXC and NuPro is absolutely convincing. 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas
Dec 15, 2018, 9:23:05 PM

A nuPro X-3000 loudspeaker has been facing quite demanding challenges in my private study/sound studio and in the living room for a few days now.

(1) It has to replace a high-quality active Genelec studio monitor with a matching subwoofer in order to mix my own recordings (acoustic guitar) and arrangements as neutrally as possible.

(2) It has to replace a highly specialized guitar amplifier with a special pre-amp for acoustic guitar and the nuPro X-3000 (connected via XLR) so that I can play loudly and practice quietly with amplified guitar.

(3) It has to play music (mostly classical and jazz via flac) from the Macbook via USB. Ideally also quietly in perfect quality. The same from the iPad and iPhone via Bluetooth.

(4) It has to play the fat engine and crash sound of my XBox One racing games via the mini jack on the LG monitor.

(5) Hanging on a Linn DS player, it has to face a comparison with a Linn integrated amplifier and Linn bookshelf loudspeaker + Linn subwoofer.

And what can I say, this relatively small loudspeaker can do everything ... and really, really well. The variety of connections is unique and both past and future-proof. The sound as delivered is not quite as neutral as that of the Genelec studio monitor (a reference in this respect), but is somewhat 'juicier' in typical hi-fi terms. However, this could be corrected manually and set to a preset on the super high-quality remote control.

The X-3000 easily outperforms the Linn bookshelf speakers. Significantly more resolution, juice and power. The X-3000 sounds twice as big as it actually is. Even without a subwoofer, the bass on tracks like Dave Brubeck's 'Take Five' doesn't lack much compared to the Linn 2.1 setup. I hadn't expected that... what a step forward.

As a guitar amplifier, the X-3000 does an excellent job and thanks to its self-protection electronics, it can easily cope with this abuse. Anyone who knows what it sounds like when you plug the jack plug of the connection cable into the guitar without having set the chain to mute beforehand knows what I mean: 'zaa-scratch-boom'.

I have assigned all three presets on the remote control: one for listening to music quietly (with loudness), one for use as a guitar amplifier and listening to music and gaming and one to simulate the neutrality of the Genlec monitors (perfectly).

My conclusion: The best (small) loudspeaker I have ever heard. Sound, connectivity, customization, technology and workmanship, all at its best!

And one realization: unfortunately, passive speakers can't quite keep up. Welcome to the future...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Maria
Dec 15, 2018, 9:52:35 AM

This is my first review ever, but I feel the need to write a few words here, as I am simply thrilled from A to Z!
We came across the NU PRO SOUNDBAR through a number of positive reviews on the Internet. Nevertheless, we still had a few questions and contacted a NU customer advisor. I would like to give a great rating for this, because they took their time for me! It finally arrived 2 days after ordering! I was very excited because I really didn't expect such a visually valuable quality! Yes, it really is a piece of jewelry! But what I heard after connecting the system was simply unbelievable! And that this sound and this bass can be achieved without a subwoofer! Yesterday our son-in-law was visiting, he was looking for the subwoofer 🙂 He was also thrilled and "infected"!
When I later wanted to connect the Nu-Pro to my Alexa, I had to contact Amazoon, unfortunately this was a complete waste of time. After 1h30 minutes I broke off the call. Although the customer advisors at Nubert have enough to do and setting up Alexa is absolutely not their job, they took care of the matter. Once again, they took their TIME!
And it worked! After about 30 minutes of self-sacrificing explanations (I'm absolutely no good with technology). Conclusion: 5 stars from A-Z!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Rene
Dec 14, 2018, 4:43:16 PM

The nuline 34 look very good in walnut. After unpacking, I immediately dropped a box on my finger. I immediately noticed the almost 10 kg weight. The sound is clear and the bass is great. A friend was with me and was looking for the subwoofer. Which of course I don't have. Even when I turn the music up, the bass is not unpleasant. My new yamaha receiver from the Aventage RX A1080 series rounds off the whole thing. Now I'm saving up for the nuline Center CS 44 in walnut. I can only recommend Nubert, especially the 5-year guarantee, which is unusual for a speaker manufacturer.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Oldwig hirt
Dec 12, 2018, 4:45:44 PM

I've been listening to Pink Floyd music for 45 years and I thought I knew the "darkside" inside out, but I was wrong. Since nuVero 60 with Oppo 105 and NAD 166/275, I've been experiencing the songs anew. I would never have thought that listening to music could be so wonderful - thanks to Nubert speakers. I also followed the tip from H. Nubert "Zappa plays Zappa", a terrific DVD. Musically excellent, an unparalleled listening pleasure. I'm now looking forward to the first Nubert CD, but nothing negative can come of it, because it comes from Nubert. I don't normally write such hymns, but I'm simply thrilled.
Please keep up the good work

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: René
Dec 12, 2018, 3:33:06 PM

An addendum and additional information from me about my new AS 250 soundbar:
The USB audio socket is also perfectly recognized by Linux systems. I run a small Raspberry Pi computer with OpenElec as media center software on the TV. The TV is connected to the Nubert via Toslink, which led to the problem that when the TV is switched off, no more audio is transmitted from the HDMI sources and I can no longer play pure music via the media center. The solution was to connect the Raspberry Pi to the AS 250 via USB, which was recognized immediately and works perfectly!
Perhaps this could also be included in the instructions. It only mentions Windows and Mac OS :rolleyes:

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Arvid Bollmann
Dec 10, 2018, 10:44:23 AM

NuPro A-700 in comparison with NuPro X-8000
Here they are at last. Two brand new X-8000s in white to replace my NuPro A-700. Since the spatial conditions are extremely unfavorable: 40 square meter living room, 4 m high ceilings and very high windows, parquet floor - a former classroom, even such a fantastic speaker as the A-700 reached its limits in terms of bass. It is therefore supported by a Nuvero AW-12. Incidentally, in a normal room, support from a subwoofer is not necessary, in fact it is downright absurd.
However, the aim was to find a speaker that would work in my room without a subwoofer. My expectations were low because I couldn't imagine that a speaker with a cabinet of roughly the same size and weight could manage without a SW in my living room.
BY FAR! It's hard to put into words what the X-8000 can do. It plays so low in the bass range that I constantly check whether the AW-12 is switched on. It was already clear to me that the X-8000's mid and treble range is incredibly clean and precise, but the bass has to be brought under control with the many adjustment options.
With the settings - loudness on, EQ raised by 1-2 dB in the bass range, bass and mids at +3 and HP filter at 30 Hz - I create a sound in my room that I never thought possible. So here I have to disagree with Mr. Nubert, who writes in his treatise Technik satt that in rooms with high ceilings and windows it is hardly possible to produce a good quality sound - with the X-8000 this is possible!!!! Thanks for that!
Even at low volumes (-40db and higher) the sound remains linear.
Conclusion: The X-8000 really does play in a different league in terms of sound and can top the A-700, especially in the bass range!

PS: Incidentally, the A-700s are now in the hobby room with normal high ceilings and can finally develop their full potential. Because one thing is clear: you can't sell a speaker like this!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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