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Author: Matthias
Dec 2, 2018, 1:24:14 PM

A short addendum to my entry from November 27, 2018 on the matter of the bassiest basses:

The depth, sound volume and clarity of the nubox 683 are so fantastic, it's as if they were out of this world - and for such a great price. Yesterday I listened again to the recording (CHANDOS) of Francis Poulenc's Concerto for Organ, Strings and Timpani with Jan Tracey on the organ at Liverpool Cathedral. The intensity with which its bass and high pressure stops (acoustic 64', 6 x 32' in total, of which 3 x Bombarde 32' + 16' + 8' + 4' plus its own high pressure Bombarde work!) sound is breathtaking, to say the least.

You hear it - as if live on location - through your own diaphragm ... totally crazy!

I'm almost enraptured ... 😂 😂 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Wolkra2
Dec 2, 2018, 9:23:18 AM


That was not good.
In response to my question as to which amplifier I currently have to buy in order to connect a bass extension module to an integrated amplifier in such a way that all sources (including digital ones, for example) can be connected, I was given the option of using NAD devices. However, these are out of the question for me because of the insensitive volume control in the quieter range.
So here is some information for the Nubert consultant and interested HIFI friends. The current Advance Akustik devices offer both digital inputs and a separable preamp and power amplifier. This means that the bass extension module can still be used sensibly for all sources.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

We are sorry that the amplifier we suggested did not meet your expectations. As we no longer stock Advance Akustik products, the consultant did not have this model available as a recommendation. However, we would like to thank you for the tip - in case such a request comes again.

Author: Christian Berlin
Nov 28, 2018, 5:35:17 PM

today the nupro a-100 arrived... perfectly packaged... i connected them to the bluesound node2 and am simply thrilled... connecting and setting up was a breeze... the sound is incredibly round and "complete" for the volume of the housing (even with eyes closed)... one expects with this sound significantly larger speakers... great performance from nubert! i find the look and touch quality of the speakers to be outstandingly good!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Matthias
Nov 27, 2018, 7:10:02 PM

After about 6 years I switched from a pair of Nubox 381 with ATM (which had impressed me quite a bit until recently :-)) to a pair of white Nubox 683 with ATM, mainly because of the room size (more space):

Simply everything - from A for appearance to B for bass, H for handling, K for sound, L for performance, S for super-fast delivery, V for volume and Ü for everything - is great!!!!

Because it's simply totally impressive how these speakers are able to make the floor and the room shake when you let them play organ sounds a la Cologne Cathedral, Rouen, Notre-Dame de Paris or similar instruments, for example Franz Liszt's "Der Heilige Franziskus von Paula über den Wogen schreitend" in the arrangement by Wolfgang-Sebastian Meyer and played by Prof. Winfried Bönig on the Cologne Cathedral organs. The beginning with a really audible 64' (!) in the pedal and the final crescendo are THE absolute hammer, especially in the buttery soft and yet totally present bass range. Or Giles Swayne's "Riff-Raff" in Blackstone Cathedral with English Royal Trumpets ... or Messian's "Livre du Saint Sacrement" on Cavaille-Coll's masterpiece in Rouen - played by Susan Landale ... her reed battery with 32' and 16' bombards - simply divine!

Of course, the boxes can also cope with everything else - from Angels & Airwaves to Bruce Springsteen, Good Charlotte, Grönemeyer, Guns 'n Roses, Mumford & Suns, Stiltskin, Stroke or orchestras, such as the absolutely marvelous recordings of Matthias Bamert with the BBC Philharmonic and Stokowski orchestral arrangements of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition or his Symphonic Baroque or with choir (e.g. Verdi's Requiem with Barenboim or Bruckner's Te Deum with Helmut Rilling). Wonderful!!!


The rich yet fine and clear sound is simply brilliantly good (if you like it, you can play around a little with the two treble and bass switches on the speakers) - even with a rather small Onkyo TX 8050 stereo amplifier without an additional preamplifier and/or power amplifier or even subwoofer. In my opinion, such a part is absolutely dispensable - especially since the pure speaker sound seems much nicer and more balanced to me than with an extra positioned subwoofer. And thanks to their completely white color (incl. white fabric cover - a totally ingenious idea from Nubert), they "hide" very nicely inconspicuously in the room - until you simply take off the fabric covers to enjoy them ... :-):-):-)

A big THANK YOU to the whole Nubert team - and always one more good idea :-)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Andreas aus Berlin
Nov 24, 2018, 10:55:47 AM

After happy years with my living room set-up with 5 Nubert Nuline speakers, I now needed to improve the sound in my bedroom. So far I've used a sound deck and it was okay for watching TV, but listening to music was a pain. Due to the lack of space, I chose 2 Nuline 24 plus Yamaha RX-A 1040.

The result: it really sounds incredible. TV and music fantastic. Delivery was problem-free. I am very satisfied.

One small point of criticism.
Placing the connection terminals on the floor for shelf speakers was really unfavorable in my case (use on a shelf). The feet supplied are not high enough, so I couldn't use banana plugs. This annoyed me a little at first, but the sound makes up for it.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Axel
Nov 23, 2018, 12:26:43 PM

I would simply like to praise the really excellent customer support here, especially Mr. Reichelt, who always answered my questions promptly and answered them in a very detailed and well-researched manner.
I can only say please keep up the good work, this is how you imagine great customer support.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: René
Nov 23, 2018, 9:28:14 AM

After a long time, I have decided to buy a new hi-fi system for my TV, CD player, games console, tablet and media center. It was actually supposed to be a simple soundbar for a maximum of 200 euros. But when I read that there was a stereo soundbar made in Germany, I became curious. The Nupro As-250 stereo deck was delivered quickly and was quickly and easily connected to all devices (only the weight of over 17 kilos made me sweat when unpacking and setting up). Even all the important cables are included! Top! The sound really is a dream. Everything is now much clearer and more differentiated. The bass is almost perverse - but of course you can turn it down with the remote control. It also looks great in front of the TV.
Thank you for this great product and also for the prior telephone advice.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Thank you for your feedback. We are delighted that we were able to impress you with the AS-250. As we not only build "honest speakers", but are also honest in our communication, we hope not to disappoint you too much when we make it clear that nuPro models are developed in Germany, but are manufactured to our specifications by a long-standing partner company in the Far East. Such products can no longer be built in Germany at these prices. The situation is different with the nuLine, nuVero and nuBox model ranges, which are still manufactured in Germany and Europe.

Author: Martin G.
Nov 20, 2018, 1:34:33 PM

After thoroughly studying all the test reports and press releases about the nuPro X series, I decided on the X6000. I called SG on Friday to see if they were in stock, and on Saturday morning I set off for SG (approx. 2 hours).
The gate opened punctually at 9am and I was standing alone... (ok, another gentleman was already there) in the temple of honest sound. There they were, all the series, from the small nuBoxes to the queen nuVero 170. If I hadn't known exactly what I wanted, the trip to SG would probably have turned into a day trip. (You know yourself, don't you?)
After a short listening session (the 6000) and loading it into the car, I headed back home. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the friendly sales team once again.
A perfect Saturday for me, you might think. But what changed abruptly when I unpacked the LS at home... I was devastated, could have cried... There was no Nubi figure in either of the two boxes 😭
Ok, all joking aside, unpacking and screwing on the feet only took a few minutes. Pairing the two speakers was done in seconds. Now connect the CD player and off we went... and how it started: stereo imaging, incredible stage imaging, every instrument has its place in the room, everything is close enough to touch, the finest treble, even at higher volumes, without distortion, squeaking etc. The bass is always spot on without booming or booming. Conclusion: The perfect speakers for me.
Incidentally, the lady of the house (my wife) stormed into the living room with an "ohh, that sounds great" as soon as I started listening to the first CD. She took another look to her left and yes, she really was sitting next to me (Madame: my kitchen radio is enough for me), with big eyes and even bigger ears 😱 Another indication that I had done everything right.
I've now owned the 6000s for almost two weeks, have listened to pretty much every genre of music (from classical to rock) and have to say that the 6000s can do everything. Whether quiet, loud or brute, they are always relaxed, they are great fun, despite their compact dimensions. For example, the depth of the cabinet is only half that of my nuVero 60. One test report said "the sound is to kneel down to", which in my opinion hits the nail on the head.
On the much-discussed subject of background noise, if I hear any noise, it's the wind blowing around the house. I can only say to anyone who is still having second thoughts or doubts, take heart, these speakers are worth every penny.

Many greetings to the Nubert team, keep up the good work 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Gerhard
Nov 18, 2018, 3:51:49 PM

Dear Nubert Team,
Thank you very much for the preliminary advice on the phone, to Mr. Botticella for the advice in Schwäbisch Gmünd and together with colleagues when loading the car 😂
Yes, after all, nine speakers and the Denon 8500 had to go into the car in order to upgrade the existing system at home to Dolby Atmos in 7.1.4 configuration. And it was worth it, after installation, optimal placement and calibration, the sound is heavenly, especially at low volumes. So honest, simultaneously airy, voluminous, but also powerful and concise, simply great. Outstanding price/performance ratio, so I recommend the Nubert speakers again and again.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Mico
Nov 18, 2018, 3:21:21 AM

Dear Nubert Team,

You are simply brilliant! The excitement is like Christmas every time you bring out a new speaker and I get to sit in the studio and put it through its paces.
When I look at the progress made in the last 10 years alone... Amazing!
You are turning the Swabian region into the Silicon Valley of HiFi!
However, absolutely unrivaled not only in terms of hardware, but also the always friendly, honest advice, support, development, price/performance, simply everything done right.
Keep up the good work.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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