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Author: Marcus S.
Nov 1, 2017, 9:41:29 AM

I have been the proud owner of a NuBox set NuBox 511, Center 411, Dipol 301 and the Sup 991 class for nine years now.
I was at the Hifi Days in Darmstadt in October, just to hear what other manufacturers sound like, and what can I say, I don't need to hide with my NuBox set, I have to say that I already have a great sound at home. There were also manufacturers there who play in a different price range, I would say that I can easily keep up with them or even surpass them in terms of sound (and that with the NuBox). The visit was very informative for me.
Especially the comparison between Nubert and a Berlin manufacturer that starts with "T", the loudspeakers may have been a bit shabby, ok they were a few hundred dollars cheaper, but I have to say that I've been totally convinced by Nubert loudspeakers since my visit to the fair. I was also inspired by the visit to align my speakers a little differently, which has resulted in a slight increase in sound quality. I can only recommend everyone to experiment a little.
Keep up the good work, dear Nubert team.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Christian Fölsch
Oct 27, 2017, 12:27:35 PM

Hello Nubert team!
My first Nubert speakers (nubox 390) have just turned 20, have survived a move and are in use practically every day. So far there have been no failures and the 390 in particular, in conjunction with the Denon 1910, continue to inspire with music and cinema sound to this day. They produce a great, smooth sound with enough bass for music. The subwoofer is not really needed here. It's amazing how present the bass is even with very quiet music.
The center and surrounds are inconspicuous in sound and unfortunately not particularly attractive to look at. The drivers look plain and the workmanship is so-so. Nevertheless, I am very satisfied.
Thank you for 20 years of great Nubert sound!!! ❗

Yours sincerely,
Christian Fölsch

my hardware living room:
Denon AVR 1910, nubox390, nubox200, nubox CS2, AW 450

my PC hardware:
Denon AVR 2106, nubox311, ATM 311

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Uwe Robitschko
Oct 22, 2017, 6:15:55 AM

Dear Nubertservice team, dear Mr. Reichelt,

A big thank you for the service I was able to enjoy with you!

It all started almost 15 years ago when I was interested in a Nubert loudspeaker and instead of receiving information material by e-mail, I unexpectedly received a phone call to discuss the details.

Even today, I still find it incredible that one of your colleagues was able to explain to me over the phone which plug connections my then 25-year-old amplifier should have and how to connect the A 3/30 module.

And now again with the purchase of a new amplifier.

I had completely forgotten to pay attention to the connections on the amplifier. Despite the weekend, I got immediate and unbureaucratic help!

Thank you very much for that!

Kind regards

Uwe Robitschko

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Uwe Robitschko
Oct 15, 2017, 8:03:22 AM

A big thank you to Nubert and Mr. Reichelt in particular.

Service like you can't even imagine it exists anymore!

I 'sold' myself on the purchase of a new amplifier and received prompt and professional help. At the weekend and even though my problem had nothing to do with Nubert products!

It's nice to see that the good tradition of unbureaucratic help at Nubert continues.

When I planned to buy my Nubert loudspeakers a good 15 years ago, I didn't just receive an email or brochures when I asked which ones were best suited to our living room. No. I received a phone call. Even though we lived in Moscow at the time. All I got was 'it's easier to make a quick phone call than to clarify something like this by email'.

When I asked how the ABL 3/30 module should be connected to my 30-year-old amplifier, the Nubert employee was able to tell me off the top of his head which connections should be on the back of the amplifier and how I should connect the module. I am still simply thrilled today.

And it's still the same today.

Thank you!

Kind regards

Uwe Robitschko

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Heinz
Oct 11, 2017, 12:27:24 PM

Dear Nubert Team,

As a NuVero owner (NV60), I am more than disappointed that only the AW-17 subwoofer is still available. Please finally bring a new NuVero subwoofer onto the market.
I know that the SW from the other series are also very good, but in the high-end class there should be a choice to match the speakers.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

We understand your disappointment, but ask for your understanding that this situation is a late consequence of the major flood damage last year, when we lost a great many components. We have since been able to replace many things, but not everything. We cannot discuss the details here, but we will not be able to offer a smaller nuVero woofer in the short term.

Author: Marco
Oct 6, 2017, 4:06:56 PM

Great speakers that I would like to have...but it will probably remain a dream.
If you work abroad outside of Europe, there is no way to enjoy Nubert, even if you pay in advance, because "the management doesn't want it".
It can't be the logistics...that's not a problem with other companies either.
What a pity!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Hello Marco,
Thank you for your interest in Nubert loudspeakers. However, it is not the case that "the management does not want this...".
From experience, delivery outside the EU (in this case Georgia) is not unproblematic for logistical reasons and in the event of a warranty claim, which is why we can no longer offer this service. Yours sincerely, Your nuTeam

Author: Matze
Oct 6, 2017, 7:01:43 AM

Dear Nubert Team,

Whoever is responsible for coordinating the shipping in your company?he or she has done an ingenious job that demonstrates a great deal of experience in this area.
A big compliment at this point.

Reason: My desired delivery date was yesterday for personal reasons and despite the public holiday 2 days earlier, it was a 'precision landing'.
To be honest, I didn't believe it when I was told about it on the phone last week.
So, thank you very much for that?the goods arrived here safe and sound. Unfortunately, I won't get around to unpacking and inspecting them until the next few days.

Many greetings to Schwäbisch Gmünd

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ralf
Oct 5, 2017, 2:06:05 AM

Mr. Siegle

Thank you for the post (with the other Nubi).
I was very pleased.


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: W.S.
Oct 4, 2017, 4:59:17 PM

A gigantic listening experience during the visit to Gmünd
and as the junior boss said so aptly "hooked"
has already happened 😂 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: knuti1960
Oct 1, 2017, 1:37:45 PM

My new nuPro A-100s (received yesterday) were connected to the PC today (USB), placed on the desk, distance between the speakers 110 cm, listening distance between 50 and 80 cm, with a 60 cm (diagonal) IPS monitor in the middle.

I've been testing all day now, FLAC files from the PC, radio streams, streaming movies via network (wired), it's simply fantastic! I'm assuming that the speakers need a little break-in to sound their best, but even now I think the sound is superb, the finest musical details come across precisely, the bass is powerful but never intrusive. I usually listen at a fairly low volume, which is where the speakers really impress my ears, but even if you turn the volume up, the sound is always very good for my taste. The speakers are certainly also great for use as bookshelf speakers in smaller rooms, but I bought them for my desk and they are extremely well suited for this purpose.

The menu navigation directly on the speaker is easy to understand and individual settings can be easily made. The most important settings can be made with the remote control anyway.

Delivery was prompt after ordering, packaging very professional.

All in all, I am very impressed, thank you to Nubert for this small piece of precise technology.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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