Author: Friedemann Schmidt
Nov 8, 2017, 5:31:15 PM
I ordered our nuLine 264 last Friday and they arrived today. After 31 years, I treated myself to an update of my old B&W loudspeakers. The sound is perhaps not worlds apart, although after unpacking and setting them up and listening to them for the first time, I can immediately hear a gain, especially in the treble range and also in the spatiality. I don't have audiophile hearing. I picked out the B&Ws when I was still at school by listening to them for a long time and comparing them in specialist shops and was always very happy with them. I'm almost a little wistful now, they've survived several moves without damage in the meantime. But that's not the least of my concerns: they just aren't beautiful. And these are definitely the new Nuberts, not only great sounding, but also something for the eye I was a bit unsure, without any listening comparison, just based on test reports and testimonials on the Internet. When I order something, I don't like to send it back. I'm skeptical as to whether it's just the sworn Nubert users who somehow praise the devices out of principle. But as I can see and hear now, I've done everything right. The sound is certainly not spectacular, but very detailed and clear, simply good! 🙂 Not to forget a nuLine WS-14 as a new center and 2 nuBox WS-103. The latter may not be the highest quality, but the difference to our previous Teufel system (which was operated with a center and 2 tiny rear speakers and a subwoofer in parallel with the B&Ws) is very clear. I'll probably save myself a subwoofer in the future - or consider a nice Nubert at some point. Here's to the next 31 years, at least the 264s will go into the nursing home if necessary 😬 Many thanks to Nubert for the quick processing. I'm delighted!!! And finally: I've done a lot of research in the last few weeks. It's fun to support a very friendly company, at least that's the impression I get...
Author: Carlo
Nov 5, 2017, 7:20:24 PM
Buying speakers on suspicion and only because of a lot of praise on the Internet? Is there such a thing? Don't you have to go to a studio and spend hours listening or comparing before you spend your hard-earned cash? That's what I thought until I heard so much about Nubert and read up extensively on the website. Then I emailed Nubert with a few questions, which they answered immediately in a friendly and informative manner. Then I simply took a chance in view of the return promise and bravely ordered a pair of Nuvero 60s.
And now? Give them back? Never! Every word on the Nubert website about the Nuvero 60 is true. These speakers deliver a wonderful sound despite the difficult acoustics in our living room (gallery, L-shape, many corners, small distance to the wall on a shelf). At first I couldn't believe that my old amplifier was still connected to the speakers - it's that good. So many things I haven't heard in all these years. Thank you so much for your fantastic work, dear Nubert team - you can build excellent speakers.
If I really had to complain about anything in the whole deal, it wouldn't be about you, but about the UPS carrier you commissioned, who simply left the speakers in my front garden because I wasn't at home (there was no advance notice either - and tracking on the UPS website is a pious utopia, at least for a private individual). I was relieved to discover the parcel when I got home from work in the evening (it was already dark). It was actually a miracle that they were still there at all and that it was only lightly drizzling that day instead of raining. Thanks to the sturdy cardboard box, it was still dry inside, otherwise I would have had to send them back. I can't believe this! Don't you have more professional parcel services?
Author: Roman Eberhart
Nov 3, 2017, 9:43:45 AM
My two Nubox 681s could be wonderfully expanded into a surround system with two 383s as rear speakers, two AW-443 subwoofers and the CS-413 center. I also ordered two Atmos speakers, which unfortunately I have not yet been able to test.
The speakers were delivered quickly as usual with DHL, but I had to have one Atmos speaker delivered to a different address and this was sent with UPS, which I have always had difficulties with in the past.
The delivery date was given as November 6, and I took the day off work so that someone would be present for the delivery. Now yesterday, November 2, a delivery attempt was unexpectedly made. A note was left with the intelligent message "Come back tomorrow!". No time, no further information. "Come back tomorrow!". Very good...
It wasn't until the afternoon that November 6 changed to "Person not present" and that another delivery attempt would be made the next day. Now I've been waiting here all morning and possibly all afternoon for UPS. Miserable tracking system and questionable suppliers have always been my experience with UPS and next time I will switch back to an address in Germany to avoid this delivery company.
I'm already looking forward to using the Atmos speakers and have always been pleasantly surprised by Nubert so far. Movies in particular are now much more enjoyable when you switch from a stereo system to surround, which I should have done years ago due to my extensive movie collection.
Author: Oliver
Nov 2, 2017, 3:42:40 PM
Praise and blame are often so close together...
A friend and I were also in Schwäbisch Gmünd on 30.10., from Berlin ; )
A Nubert employee gave us a nice introduction to the operation of the listening studio and, of course, if we had any questions, we should come back to him, got a coffee and we were able to test almost everything that was on our Nubert hearts at our leisure.
Or rather, what we then found in the great test studios that we hadn't expected.
e.g. ...voice of good, we also listened to one of these demos,
with 4 nuvero 50 on the ceiling, I didn't know that yet, or rather I haven't tested any other Atmos or Auro systems yet, far too many speakers for my own 4 walls, (for now: )
We started with the nuVero 170, of course, what else 🙂
but also listened to the 110 and 140 a lot in comparison
my favorite remains the 140 for the room acoustics / placement there.
Then we listened to the AW 17 together with the individual floorstanding speakers
this fits in very well, and is probably particularly recommended for 140 / 170s
but even with a nuvero 60 it sounded really great...
Off to the nuline section to hear the 284 compared to the 110....
Oh yes, wait,
... Here we had to wait a short time, or continue testing, said done and listened to the new A-600 in the nuPro department, which made the small listening studio shake mightily, a few ceiling tiles rattled 🙂 anyone who hasn't heard it or the A-300 and looked for the subwoofer in the room has really missed something!
.... but now...
It's great that you can compare the two directly there, probably the most frequently asked question, Nuvero 110 vs nuline 284 both top! And I won't tell you here which one remains my favorite...
We then listened to the Center nuline 64 and the 174 in comparison
not bad what comes out of the small c 64, for setups with little space it's really highly recommended...
and so at the end of the day I would like to leave this guestbook entry with one of my favorite quotes from the Gestäbuch:
?an ever-widening grin overwhelmed my face.....and stayed!....
All points, stars and ears from me! ?
keep it up Nubert's
Author: R. Heilmann
Nov 2, 2017, 1:21:30 PM
Whether Armstrong/Ellington or Yello, i.e. fine/coarse: the 284 is an absolute hit in stereo mode, especially with good vinyl. I've been using it for two years now and wouldn't dream of replacing it with any alternative. There is 0.nothing missing! Not even in movie mode in 5.1 config. My best purchase in years. Thanks to SG!
Author: Michael H.
Nov 1, 2017, 8:53:00 PM
I drove to Gmünd on 30.10. to get a good deal on my newly renovated apartment... Almost 70km drive. Nice reception, advice also initially quite good in my opinion, it was busy (bridge day)... After more than 1.5 hours waiting time, a listening studio was free, I wanted to compare the 284 with the 334 in stereo mode and listen to a Combi 284 or 334 as well as CS-174 and AW-600 and Nuline 24 or 34 in 5.1 surround mode. So I went into the studio...but the 334 wasn't there. With a "I'll have a quick look where it is" the salesman left again and then disappeared for 15 minutes. When he reappeared without any results, he asked us to go to the next studio, where "only" stereo operation was possible. Well, that's what I wanted to hear. The salesman immediately disappeared again and was not seen for another 35 minutes. I then went looking for him and saw him adjusting the TV. We then said goodbye to Nubert - I was now really so angry that it was better to leave. 140km by car for nuts, 4 hours of life wasted for nothing.
Author: Marcus S.
Nov 1, 2017, 9:41:29 AM
I have been the proud owner of a NuBox set NuBox 511, Center 411, Dipol 301 and the Sup 991 class for nine years now.
I was at the Hifi Days in Darmstadt in October, just to hear what other manufacturers sound like, and what can I say, I don't need to hide with my NuBox set, I have to say that I already have a great sound at home. There were also manufacturers there who play in a different price range, I would say that I can easily keep up with them or even surpass them in terms of sound (and that with the NuBox). The visit was very informative for me.
Especially the comparison between Nubert and a Berlin manufacturer that starts with "T", the loudspeakers may have been a bit shabby, ok they were a few hundred dollars cheaper, but I have to say that I've been totally convinced by Nubert loudspeakers since my visit to the fair. I was also inspired by the visit to align my speakers a little differently, which has resulted in a slight increase in sound quality. I can only recommend everyone to experiment a little.
Keep up the good work, dear Nubert team.
Author: Christian Fölsch
Oct 27, 2017, 12:27:35 PM
Hello Nubert team!
My first Nubert speakers (nubox 390) have just turned 20, have survived a move and are in use practically every day. So far there have been no failures and the 390 in particular, in conjunction with the Denon 1910, continue to inspire with music and cinema sound to this day. They produce a great, smooth sound with enough bass for music. The subwoofer is not really needed here. It's amazing how present the bass is even with very quiet music.
The center and surrounds are inconspicuous in sound and unfortunately not particularly attractive to look at. The drivers look plain and the workmanship is so-so. Nevertheless, I am very satisfied.
Thank you for 20 years of great Nubert sound!!! ❗
Yours sincerely,
Christian Fölsch
my hardware living room:
Denon AVR 1910, nubox390, nubox200, nubox CS2, AW 450
my PC hardware:
Denon AVR 2106, nubox311, ATM 311
Author: Uwe Robitschko
Oct 22, 2017, 6:15:55 AM
Dear Nubertservice team, dear Mr. Reichelt,
A big thank you for the service I was able to enjoy with you!
It all started almost 15 years ago when I was interested in a Nubert loudspeaker and instead of receiving information material by e-mail, I unexpectedly received a phone call to discuss the details.
Even today, I still find it incredible that one of your colleagues was able to explain to me over the phone which plug connections my then 25-year-old amplifier should have and how to connect the A 3/30 module.
And now again with the purchase of a new amplifier.
I had completely forgotten to pay attention to the connections on the amplifier. Despite the weekend, I got immediate and unbureaucratic help!
Thank you very much for that!
Kind regards
Uwe Robitschko
Author: Uwe Robitschko
Oct 15, 2017, 8:03:22 AM
A big thank you to Nubert and Mr. Reichelt in particular.
Service like you can't even imagine it exists anymore!
I 'sold' myself on the purchase of a new amplifier and received prompt and professional help. At the weekend and even though my problem had nothing to do with Nubert products!
It's nice to see that the good tradition of unbureaucratic help at Nubert continues.
When I planned to buy my Nubert loudspeakers a good 15 years ago, I didn't just receive an email or brochures when I asked which ones were best suited to our living room. No. I received a phone call. Even though we lived in Moscow at the time. All I got was 'it's easier to make a quick phone call than to clarify something like this by email'.
When I asked how the ABL 3/30 module should be connected to my 30-year-old amplifier, the Nubert employee was able to tell me off the top of his head which connections should be on the back of the amplifier and how I should connect the module. I am still simply thrilled today.
And it's still the same today.
Thank you!
Kind regards
Uwe Robitschko