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Author: Roman
Jun 26, 2017, 2:29:24 PM

I have tried several speakers (Canton, Heco, Wharfedale, Teufel). With all of them I had problems with booming and/or too shrill high frequencies.
This is also due to my difficult room. Tiled floor, a slope, speakers close to the wall in the corners.
Now I've bought a pair of Nubert NuLine 80s second-hand and I'm delighted. For the first time, no more problems with booming bass or overly shrill high frequencies. The workmanship is top notch and the sound is finally the way I wanted and like to hear it.
I am absolutely satisfied and will soon be ordering the NuLine 84.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Sebastian
Jun 24, 2017, 7:41:10 PM

After a long search I came across Nubert and have already bought some components for my comfort TV / surround. The WS 103 and WS 14 are absolutely convincing.

Now I needed some bass support, and the AW 350 is what I got 😎

It absolutely meets my needs
-small but not too small
-Must sound good and not drone around ...
-Quality visually and technically

and what annoyed me again and again, especially with talk shows or deep male voices:
the droning from the SUB (all SUBs do this), I can now turn this off with a press of a button on the FB by setting a cut at 60 Hz (presets)

Very good sub in my eyes.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Denise Lorenz
Jun 17, 2017, 8:12:41 AM

Dear Nubert Team,

Shortly after the end of the warranty period, my Nupro 300 A stopped making any sound, much to my despair. When I called Nubert, I found out that some of the speakers in this series have an electronics fault after about 2 years and I was offered the opportunity to have this fault rectified under warranty. The speakers are now back in place and I can once again enjoy the wonderful concert sound. I would particularly like to emphasize the friendly, precise and very competent telephone advice, both during the purchase discussion and now. It is very reassuring for me to be able to have a conversation about technical matters without being inundated with explanations and words that I don't understand, as is often the case in specialist stores.
I would like to express my sincere thanks for these discussions, the goodwill, the repair and, last but not least, the excellent speakers.
Denise Lorenz

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Benjamin
Jun 16, 2017, 3:04:09 PM

Dear Nubert team,

The following short story took my wife a lot of effort to stifle her laughter, but it underlines the high quality of your speakers:

After our move, it was of course necessary to install the speakers back in place. On the day I turned my attention to the cable ducts and finally the surround speakers, I made the painful experience that high quality goes hand in hand with solid workmanship. When I had hung the WS-103 on the wall, I unfortunately lifted it out of its anchorage again with the cable duct that was to be attached underneath, so that it ended up landing roughly first on my head and then on the floor. I would have liked to have avoided this close contact with the speaker!

But it must have been a funny sight: Silly man indulging in his hobby lying pale on the floor. Next to him his loudspeaker plus a huge bump on his head.

The dent is now gone, the speaker is safely hanging where it should be and both husband and wife are enjoying the good, neutral sound again!

Best regards from a listener who not only thought about the subject of loudspeakers, but really took it to heart, sorry, to his head

PS: Unfortunately, not only the head but also the cover was damaged in the fall. Perhaps it is possible to send me a replacement for a fee

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Hello Benjamin,

Thank you very much for your tragically nice guestbook entry!
Now that the dent on the head has obviously repaired itself,
we will of course be happy to send you a black cover for your WS-103.
We wish you continued pain-free enjoyment with your nubert speakers!

Your nubert team.

Author: Marcus
Jun 14, 2017, 10:41:17 PM

nuPro AS- 450
I've been the proud owner of this big soundbar for three days now... and what can I say?
Simply convincing, the overall package is really excellent. Great sound spectrum, very pleasing appearance with first-class workmanship... and you can revise your own slogan: not only 60-inch speakers will find the right place on it, a 75-inch speaker also looks great on this great room soundbar 😉

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Sebastian
Jun 14, 2017, 9:58:44 PM

Dear Nubert Team,

I bought a new home theater system from Nubert three years ago. I use the nuLine 34 as front speakers, which I often use in stereo mode for listening to music, the CS-44 as center and the WS-14 as rear. The subwoofer is not a Nubert, but I will also opt for a Nubert if it ever gives up the ghost. I'm still very enthusiastic about the speakers and look forward to listening to them every time. I also run the HD TV program through the system and I don't think the TV speaker has ever been on. The center reproduces the speech very well and naturally and it's really exhausting when you're visiting other people and have to listen to the poor speakers of the TV or center. I'm happy every time I'm back home...

I'm very enthusiastic about the Nubert products themselves - whether it's the workmanship, sound or design. Above all, all the people I've dealt with at Nubert so far have given me an enthusiasm for the products and the philosophy of the Nubert company. You notice a very strong connection to the company. The professional competence and advice is also excellent. That's how I see it, and I'm willing to spend a few euros more for that.

At the High End trade fair in Munich in May, a longer stop at Nubert was of course a must, and I paid attention to the nuPro series for the first time. H. Meiler gave me very good advice - thanks again for that. Actually, I thought I was already very well equipped with Nubert products. But after a little time to think about it, I bought two nuPro A-100s on Monday as new desktop speakers or "just to listen to some music in the cellar". I'm currently listening to music with them and am again fascinated by how good they sound at room volume at night. I used them briefly in the living room and turned them up a little louder. It's fascinating what comes out of such small speakers when you push them.

My opinion is clear:
I can't go wrong with Nubert products. The brand and I fit together.

Thank you very much for the many past and future listening hours with the system or the nuPros.

Keep up the good work.


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Wolfgang A.
Jun 10, 2017, 4:21:33 AM

Dear Mr. Nubert, dear Mr. Siegle, dear Nubert team,

Your products have now been sufficiently evaluated by the trade journals and I am also very impressed by them.

I would therefore like to give you a completely different assessment

***** Stars for the service

***** Stars for the friendliness

***** Stars for reliability

***** for the team

***** for the boss who set it all up

Big compliments for everything you do every day, just keep it up!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Chrisu
Jun 3, 2017, 9:29:17 AM

I have been using the nuLine WS-14 as front speakers in my home theater / music room for about a year now. Previously there were nuLine 34s, but after a move there was no longer enough room for them. They are powered by a Marantz SR7007.
In combination with a subwoofer - which is needed! - the WS-14s are fantastic speakers. They really show their qualities when listening to music in 2-1 mode. All the music sounds very airy and the individual voices are easy to locate. I like the music reproduction much better than with their predecessors, and even better than the nuVero 4 (+ATM) that I have in my living room.
I can also highly recommend the accompanying WH-10 wall bracket. It's easy to mount, looks great and isn't even that expensive for its quality.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Gil
May 22, 2017, 2:01:41 PM

I asked Nubert about the possibility of connecting my speakers to my computer. Within a very short time I received 2 concrete suggestions from Mr. Jörg Reichelt and also detailed instructions for making settings on my computer. Thank you for this excellent service 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Mr. Smith
May 20, 2017, 9:50:44 PM

...during today's visit at the High End your presentation was and is more than sympathetic and sonically convincing... Thanks for the reference tip "Loreena Mc K." and above all I was able to get closer to the 170 and experience it... very nice team, who thank you for stopping by and where employees are still introduced where.... this still exists. The Atmos set-up for today's set was more than convincing and not only impressed me, as shown by the lively interest and the numerous visitors. These are moments that have become rare and make my current home cinema seem rather colorless. I was familiar with Nubert as a brand, but not with what's behind the chassis... Best regards to the team

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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