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Author: Heiner
Apr 17, 2017, 9:03:35 PM

I've been the proud owner of an AS-450 for a few days now.
The sounds this board conjures up are absolutely amazing...., not to mention the almost infinite power. It was good that the weather wasn't so bad over Easter, so I had plenty of time to get to grips with the board and, above all, to listen to it.
The enthusiasm has increased daily....because the thing in black is also a real hoot visually. It puts me in an infinitely good mood....every 'reunion' brings a grin to my face....the CDs are lying around in piles...:-)
After a lot of trial listening, I got myself the Super Audio CD Player DCD-1520AE from Denon. And I haven't regretted spending all that money for a second: The two of them together are a blast: I can also connect the Internet radio to the board via the player. Which actually makes the radio sound much better.
The difference between the aux input and the toslink input is interesting: I've connected both and can switch between them in a flash using the remote control. What comes out of the board is actually different ..... and sometimes one is better and sometimes the other.
Now I'm really looking forward to the first SACD in the player....that must be even more gigantic.
Oh yes: the stereo sound is also so good with the board......I've put off 'upgrading' with more speakers......

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Moses
Apr 16, 2017, 5:48:26 AM

Hello everyone,
I would like to fully endorse what Gerd from Berlin wrote here the other day. Repairs and both deliveries paid for by Nubert. In addition, extremely fast and friendly processing! Hello ! THAT'S HOW SERVICE AND CULTIVITY WORKS !
I can only repeat here once again a big THANK YOU and a very clear
----RESPECT----- to the management and workshop of this Nubert company.
What you deliver is second to none! Keep it up.......
----Once Nubert.....ALWAYS NUBERT-----

End of the announcement 😉))))

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Gast
Apr 14, 2017, 11:02:53 AM

Many thanks for the very fast, friendly and competent service!
I had ordered an AW-443 subwoofer as a 2nd choice bargain.
The speaker was still in great condition (it was probably a return that a smoker had listened to and it smelled accordingly when I unpacked it. Fortunately, this disappeared after a few days) and I really got a bargain.
Unfortunately, one of the feet supplied did not fit into the speaker. The service lady solved this in such an uncomplicated, friendly and quick manner that I am now completely satisfied after just a few days.
I don't need to say much about the sound, which is absolutely convincing. But everyone who knows Nubert knows that.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Peter
Apr 13, 2017, 7:12:08 PM

After buying 313 NuBoxes in the youth room last year when replacing the compact system for reasons of space/performance/price, the parents' envy of this sound grew....... Unfortunately, you can't ignore the difference 🥴 We had heard of NuBoxes, but didn't expect this sound experience for these prices.

Now we have NuLine 34 in our living room, enjoy the outstanding sound and no longer have to ask the kids to listen to music with pleasure.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Gerd
Apr 8, 2017, 5:21:28 AM

The package with the A-200 nupro you repaired reached me today.

The way in which you helped me quickly, professionally and in a customer-friendly manner - and as a gesture of goodwill - deserves very high praise. You have now gained a customer who - probably like many other customers - not only likes Nubert's products very much, but is also extremely satisfied with your company's behavior and approach in the event of a claim.

I would like to emphasize that I perceive your corporate philosophy/culture and its implementation as absolutely exemplary for me as a customer. In my opinion, others can take a leaf out of your book!

I can therefore not only recommend your products, but your company itself. Should there ever be a code of conduct in your industry, I would have a contribution to make as a very satisfied customer!

Yours sincerely from Kleinmachnow/Berlin

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Markus
Apr 1, 2017, 6:47:49 PM

Hello Nubert team,

I picked up the nuBox 483 on site today. Mr. Nubert, thank you for the advice and the pleasant conversation 🙂
The speakers survived the almost 400km "journey home" well 😉 and are already in the test listening phase. I can already write/say that I don't regret the purchase!
The voices are clear and distinct but not over-emphasized, high tones are great and, importantly for me, there's bass (I love listening to 80s mainstream rock/hard rock, but also classical music, such as Shostakovich Waltz 2 - oh my, you simply have to listen to everything with these speakers 😂 ) ❗ 😂
For me a very good "all-rounder box" and can really be recommended.
Thank you!
My "equipment":
pro-ject Pre Box DS
pro-ject Amp Box S mono
PC via pro-ject DAC Box S USB
Room size: 3.5m*5m

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Tom
Apr 1, 2017, 5:40:13 PM

Dear nubert team,
It was time to replace my 25-year-old aiwa speakers, which I have been using with my Yamaha receiver for the last few years. I wanted a pair of bookshelf speakers. After a long search, I ended up with your speakers. Actually, I have to say that it was after much deliberation, because in the end I still had 3 speaker companies in my sights. In the end, the decision was based on the reviews 😬 And they are consistently excellent.
So now the nubox 383s are on my shelf and I can only agree with the reviews.
The speakers are great, top quality, first-class workmanship and perfectly packaged for shipping. The sound is really great, classical music was more the preserve of my wife, but with the 383s I can't get enough either 😬

For all those who are still thinking about it, don't think twice, go for it 😂

Dear nubert team, many thanks from Haar in Bavaria 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Sebastian P
Apr 1, 2017, 7:01:46 AM

Hello Nubert, I've had a WS-103 as a center speaker for a few days now, and I have to say that the little one cuts a really good figure! Without a sub you already have a great basic sound. The mids and highs are wonderfully airy. I will now switch my existing system to Nubert! It would be nice if they would create more flat-panel loudspeakers. Better high and wide than low.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Markus
Mar 28, 2017, 8:35:29 AM

Dear Nubert Team,

After I bought a pair of Nu Line 102s from you a few years ago and now my son has also jumped on the HIFI bandwagon, there was only one brand of loudspeakers for him. NUBERT!!! He wanted the Nu Box 483 for his birthday. So we ordered it quickly and once again experienced the perfect delivery process until the boxes arrived. We haven't listened to them yet because they won't be delivered until my son's birthday. But I'm not worried about the sound.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you for the perfect process!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Flo
Mar 27, 2017, 10:17:33 AM

We bought a pair of nuPros A-500 after listening to them in Aalen. Very nice speakers that come with WAF (Women Accepts Factor). 😬

The ingenious look makes women's hearts beat faster. The man the crisp honest sound 😈

A little shock when setting it up: there was water in the packaging of the metal base... (about half a shot glass) I have no idea how it got in there, the box was not soaked. The rest of the packaging was also dry. Since the speaker itself comes well packaged again, I have no concerns that something is wrong with it.

The sound is devilishly brilliant... Really amazing for such a small cabinet. I don't regret the purchase and can only say the speakers are worth the money and play first fiddle in my eyes without a subwoofer with a good bass foundation (I even had to lower it a little for my taste -3dB) in all pitches 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Thank you for your comment. We are pleased that we were able to impress you with the nuPro A-500. We can only explain the "little bit of water" with a condensation inside the bag on the steel plate, which probably took place during a strong temperature change. As the sheet metal is coated, this will have no effect.

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