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Author: Michael Trettwer
Mar 25, 2017, 2:45:25 PM

Hello dear Nubert team

I gave my Nubert's (Nubox513) a little more steam today and turned the Yamaha A-S 701 up a bit with Dire Straits and their song "Money for nothing", i.e. the volume knob to 1 o'clock 😬
I have to say the absolute hammer, the Nuberts remain calm but powerful and for my part I absolutely don't need a subwoofer, awesome precise bass and incredible spatiality.....
Then came Phil Collins with "In the Air tonight" and what can I say, only flying is more beautiful and even then I'm not sure 😂
All I can say is that what these narrow things conjure up in the living room is incredible and for a price that really is incredible.....
I hope that you will remain true to your line in the future and continue to build such great sound transducers at a more than fair price

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: M. und K. G.
Mar 23, 2017, 3:42:08 PM

NUBERT! Speakers and a little bit more!

Dear Mr. Nubert,

You and your entire team have long been aware of the fact:

NUBERT stands for first-class quality!

We are now among the many customers who are convinced of this statement. All wireless loudspeakers [2 nuPro A-200, 2 nuPro A-100, 2 nuVero 60] together with the matching devices [including nuFunk S-2 with 3 nuFunk EU-1] now have their permanent places and are tuned to our ears.

While we were rather skeptical about the statements made by your product consultant Marco Polzer before purchasing the systems, we can now confirm that he was not exaggerating: Now that the speakers have acclimatized to the Lake Constance climate, we hear music - even individual instruments and voices - in a way that we have not (or no longer!) heard for years with a well-known high-end system! The nuVero-60s, for example, spread a never-before-heard surround sound and finally let us enjoy music of different genres again.

We would like to pass on our heartfelt thanks to Mr. Polzer. He patiently listened to all our wishes and concerns and then gave us extremely competent advice. As a result, we purchased all the components recommended by Mr. Polzer and are extremely satisfied with them.

But it's not just the technology of the appliances that is great. The design and materials used underline the quality of the products. All other details - here we particularly notice the different, extremely cleverly adapted packaging - are well thought out, nothing seems random.

We are delighted and happy to have discovered Nubert during our internet searches for a new music system. We will be very happy to recommend you without reservation.

We wish you and the entire Nubert team all the best and continued success with the current range and with new innovative ideas!

Best regards from Radolfzell on Lake Constance

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Holger Werner
Mar 15, 2017, 4:04:14 PM

Yes, that has to be said....

My good friend and I had made an appointment by phone for a hearing on March 13, 11:00 a.m. at the Duisburg branch.

And off we went on March 13th at 6.30 a.m. from Hamburg to Duisburg approx. 370 km one way, making approx. 740 km there and back...

Now the first people will say. They're crazy to go to all that trouble for 2 hours of listening to music at the Nubert loudspeaker studio...
(There is no closer Nubert branch in the Hamburg area / northern Germany)

We say yes, it's worth the effort, because the price-performance ratio of Nubert loudspeakers is really great. This applies to both compact and floorstanding loudspeakers in the hi-fi and high-end range. And everyone who is about to buy new good loudspeakers should listen to this first.

The rooms in Duisburg are also excellent... We were introduced to the existing hi-fi system in this listening studio. We were then able to listen to our test CDs in peace. It is possible to switch between the different loudspeakers at the same volume, which is great.

I would also like to praise the excellent Nubert salesman for his excellent advice and helpful suggestions for speaker placement and wall mounting.

What could be improved at Nubert...?...Unfortunately no Nubert store around Hamburg

Mfg. Holger

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Johnny
Mar 9, 2017, 10:03:30 AM

Hello dear Nubert team,

Thank you very much for your reply to my criticism regarding the Vero caps.

I would like to reiterate that this is really a minor point of criticism and does not tarnish the extremely positive impression of the company as a whole.

Perhaps it would be possible to offer the customer the option of including the caps when ordering.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

...would be possible in direct contact with the customer, but with online orders it would again be a challenge for the software. But if one customer gets it for free and the other doesn't... ;-)

Author: Johnny
Mar 8, 2017, 9:05:05 PM

Hello dear Nubert team,

I would like to take this opportunity to praise the entire company.
Great products, a fair purchase price and MEGA service! It's really rare to find something like this in Germany!

My thanks go above all to Mr. Hinsenhofen from Duisburg, who has accompanied me through every purchase and is very customer-oriented. Keep up the good work Mr. Hinsenhofen 🙂

As a point of criticism, I would like to mention the optional nuVero top caps.
I think that in this price range, the cover caps simply belong with the speaker! They cost Nubert a few cents ... and they will make your customers happier if they are simply included. I'm a little "annoyed" that I'm now ordering an additional 5 pieces in my outstanding order and have to pay 10 euros in case I lose one of these caps. That doesn't have to be the case.

Nubert should really change that!

Otherwise, once again, great praise from me 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

First of all, thank you very much for your praise.
However, we must strongly disagree with the statement "These things cost Nubert a few cents ...": The cover caps are not mass-produced in the Far East, but are turned from metal in a German company, individually hung by hand, powder-coated and then packed in sets of four. If you add up all the costs, we just about cover our costs with the sales price. If we were to include these "not exactly cheap" parts with every nuVero, we would be talking about a very large sum of money. However, as the cover caps are only used by a very small number of customers, most of them would be included "pointlessly". We consider it more sustainable and fairer to sell the caps as optional accessories.

Author: Michael Trettwer
Mar 4, 2017, 12:52:06 PM

I have some criticism to make here, but it only indirectly concerns Nubert. It's about the parcel service, which is called UPS. I don't know what they do with the parcels, but when the Nuberts arrived, the boxes looked like they had been crash-tested!!!!
The fact that the hotline AT UPS is about as difficult to reach as the Russian president is also not acceptable :redface:
My packages were on the way for 2 weeks because they are not able to ring the neighbor's doorbell or contact me. I finally managed to redirect them to my workplace. Fortunately, the boxes are in good order despite being totally damaged and having been re-taped several times!!!!!
The fact that the Nuberts Nubox 513 survived is only thanks to Nubert's very good packaging!!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael
Mar 4, 2017, 8:55:30 AM

I've owned the Nubert 513 alongside the Nubert 383 for a few days now and I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong 🙂
I use the two nubox 513 with the Yamaha as 701 and the Cd player Marantz CD6006 and the network player Marantz NA6006...
We don't need to discuss the quality of Nubert, it's simply top!!!
The sound is simply wonderful and I'm always drawn back to the system because I want to listen to a CD again and enjoy it......
For me, Nubert simply remains number 1, both in terms of sound, quality and the outstanding price/performance ratio...
Whenever friends or work colleagues are planning to buy new speakers, I always recommend Nubert 😉

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Stefan
Mar 2, 2017, 11:11:05 PM

I've been the proud owner of a nuVero 110 pair for 2 days now. After 5 minutes it was clear that they were staying! Started last year as a home theater project with nuVero 50, I think I have now arrived. My current setup with nuVero 110, 70 & 50 is just too much fun to just watch movies or series. I'm now rediscovering all my music tracks. The nuVero 50 is really great with the matching subwoofer, but what the 110s deliver on their own is on a completely different level. The pressure, the mids and highs that these speakers throw into the room are simply fantastic. Even my wife, who is not really into hi-fi, joined me on the couch today, took the tablet and played a few tracks. Shortly afterwards she said "wow, you can hear more details than with headphones". This investment has more than paid off for me/us. Definitely everything done right. A big compliment to the Nubert team for these great speakers ❗ ❗ ❗

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Klaus
Mar 2, 2017, 3:58:35 PM

Hello, we are currently considering buying new speakers and have the problem that we can't imagine how they would look in the living room (this would be very important for my wife).
Now my question to Nubert: What do you think of the idea of ordering/borrowing the speakers from you as printed folding cardboard boxes in their original size?
Then you would have something to touch and the women would know what to expect.
(the APP was too virtual for us)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

We ask for your understanding that we can no longer implement this "analog" proposal in an age of augmented reality. Not only because we are so proud of our visualization apps, but also because it would cost an enormous amount of money to have all nuLoudspeakers produced as 1:1 cardboard models and then send these sometimes huge cardboard kits (free of charge) to interested parties...
Thanks for your suggestion though!
Why don't you ask someone to "conjure up" our speakers in your room with the help of our app - you'll be amazed at how realistic it looks...

Author: Edgar
Mar 2, 2017, 2:03:25 PM

Nuline 84 since yesterday as a replacement for the former Hxxx Superior 700 (reference class at the time). And although the old ones, despite their age, still put some new products in the shade, listening to the new Nuberts is great fun. Details are clearly defined across all musical styles (blues, classical, jazz, punk). The basses are audible, the wood of an acoustic bass or cello can be heard directly in the room. The resolution and definition of the various instruments and voices is crystal clear. I had expected a lot and was looking forward to the new ones. The expectations were more than fulfilled. No empty advertising promises and colorful web pages, but honest, outstanding craftsmanship at the highest level. A small lapse when ordering after listening in the studio in Schw. Gm. was quickly and elegantly resolved. I look forward to listening every time, regardless of the volume

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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