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Author: Christian
Jan 18, 2017, 9:10:11 PM

AS 450: You made a mistake, in the technical info it should say "4x120 mm midrange" instead of woofer
I just noticed it, no offense

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Thank you for your comment. As the 120 mm drivers are actually woofers/midrange drivers, we have changed the designation to this effect following internal consultation.

Author: Andre Glinski
Jan 18, 2017, 1:19:33 PM

A happy hello to everyone 😬
I have now bought the two WS 14s. I have to admit that I was very skeptical.
I need them as rear speakers as I don't have room for the dipoles in my living room.
As soon as I unpacked them I noticed that they were very compact, but still very living room friendly. WAF factor very high!!!! After 4 hours of acclimatization (they were very cold) I put them on the wall and let them run.
What comes out is incredible. Crystal clear highs, good bass.
The two little ones are really to die for. I'm running 2 Nu Line 284s, 1 CS 174, 1 AW 1100 and now 2 Ws 14s. All I need now is 1 AW 1100 and 2 Atmos and I'll have the perfect system
. It will definitely happen this year.
I'm just thinking about what the company . Nubert will do in their new development center. :?:
I'm very curious.
For me, there is no other company left to buy speakers from.

An enthusiastic customer
Greetings to all

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Thank you very much for the praise. That goes down like oil... ;-)
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our guestbook writers once again!
Even in the 42nd year of our existence, we are still happy about every customer we can inspire with Nubert sound.

Author: Heiko
Jan 17, 2017, 1:18:21 PM


I've had the nuLine284 in black since 07.12.2016. Both speakers have now played around 300 hours of music and make me want to listen to music more every day. They are the best speakers I've ever had at home. Brilliant, clear and without any weaknesses, they deliver everything they are supposed to. The bass they deliver is so deep - and dry as dust if need be - that you don't need a subwoofer, at least not for me. When you play tracks like Bass - i love you, for example, you realize what the 284s can do. You could give a long list of music tracks that have already been run over as a test to find weaknesses, I haven't found any! Everyone who has been there to listen to them at my place is full of respect. I run them on a Marantz PM 82 which does its job faithfully. Many thanks to the staff in Aalen for their excellent advice! Also a big thank you to Mr. Nubert and his team who developed and built a great loudspeaker with the nuline 284!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas Bruns
Jan 17, 2017, 9:20:18 AM

So here's an addendum after 4 weeks of enthusiastic listening to the nuControl and Nupower. I always thought my integrated amplifier was the measure of all things ....oh my God to all those who are thinking about buying such an awesome product, don't doubt it is the dream of sound and control, no matter if strereo or movie for the Ls, there is nothing comparable. My Nuvero140 thanks me every day I would have bought it right away. thanks to the engineers my dream has finally come true.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Heinz-Wilhelm
Jan 16, 2017, 9:22:55 AM

A few weeks ago I had the nupro compact loudspeakers demonstrated to me in Duisburg.
All three models, the A100, A200 and A300, sounded very good for their respective sizes and prices.
I liked the sound of the A300 best, but it was out of the question for my desk because of its dimensions.
I opted for the A200 as it was a very good compromise in terms of size, price and sound.
I have now bought a second-hand AW560 subwoofer in black lacquer to go with it.
The sound was already very good without the sub, but now the spatial imaging is even better and the sound is fuller. The system plays as one, you can't hear that a sub is involved. It seems as if floorstanding speakers are filling the room with sound.
I have set SYS HP to 60Hz and SUBOUT to 60Hz on the nupro. On the sub, the volume is set to 9 o'clock and the frequency to max.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Chris 1990
Jan 14, 2017, 5:54:44 PM

I'm completely disappointed. (Driving on black ice with 500 hp is just as good as having hi-fi speakers in the bathroom).
My girlfriend and I wanted to listen to the NuBox 483 against the 513 in the Duisburg listening studio today. Thanks to the nice support, it worked out perfectly.
But what I heard was unfortunately a pleasant mush of room modes and reflections.
A "listening studio" needs more than just speakers and power amplifiers.
If this had been my first impression, I would have opted for any other manufacturer.
It's a good thing that my existing 5.2 NuBox set confirms that it's simply down to the absolutely loveless room acoustics.
Why I'm so upset is because all Nubert products are absolutely outstanding and it's a matter of a few thousand dollars for the acoustics.
Once again, many thanks to the patient gentlemen at the listening studio.
Yours sincerely, Chris

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Hello Chris,
It's great that you were able to compare the sound of your 5.2 set.
Many of our customers report enthusiastically that the sound of their Nubert speakers at home is much better than what they heard in our studios.
We think this is much better than a demonstration under "optimal conditions" - and the subsequent slight disappointment at home.
The mere proximity of other speakers, which is almost unavoidable in a listening studio, has a negative effect on the sound quality of the pair of speakers that are switched on.

Your Nubert team

Author: Ralf
Jan 14, 2017, 10:01:40 AM

I found out about your company through an acquaintance. I am still grateful to him
grateful for it. I bought two Nu Boxes 513 in December 2016.
I am absolutely thrilled with these speakers. I have heard many other speakers
but none come close to this sound. In combination with my new
Yamaha RN 402 D stereo receiver, they sound absolutely awesome in my opinion.
Many thanks again to the Nubert team for what they have achieved.
worthy of honor. lg from Bavaria.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Christian
Jan 13, 2017, 3:20:44 PM

Dear Nubert team!
I received the nuVero 60 on December 19, 2016 and have been listening to it to this day, even compared to my good old Pilot speakers. I didn't even know what I hadn't heard before using the nuVero 60 and I'm simply thrilled! The loudness switch is no longer pressed! Such brilliance, such precise localization of individual voices or instruments, it's a joy to listen to.
When I had two technical queries (once by e-mail, once by phone), I received extremely competent and polite service without delay.
Not only are your products top class, so is your customer service team!
Thank you very much.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Lupus Hildesheim
Jan 13, 2017, 7:43:18 AM

After much deliberation as to whether an upgrade from NuBox 681 to 683 was worthwhile, I ordered them. They arrived yesterday. Two of us transported them to my apartment. (It seems impossible for me to do it alone!!). Then unpacked, set up and connected. It's a bear of a job, but the result: 🙂 . However, I find the 681s with the high-gloss baffle more beautiful.
OK, but the sound: another significant improvement in the sound in all areas. ( treble, bass and stage ). I use the 683 with a refurbished Pioneer A 757, with the speakers on the terminal set to neutral in all positions. After a few minutes the WOW effect was there. This upgrade was absolutely worth it. Great work Mr. Nubert!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: czablonc
Jan 11, 2017, 10:17:51 PM

nuPro A300 has arrived. Even the packaging says a lot. Unpack and be amazed. 1a processing. The sound after 3 weeks is absolutely balanced. I am thrilled across the board and can recommend these speakers without reservation. I use them as listening monitors for my desk, which is admittedly large.
Thank you Team Nubert for this great product. Cz

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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