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Author: JK
Dec 30, 2016, 3:33:23 PM

Hello dear Nubert team,

I was looking for speakers for my living room for 2 years. The following was very important to me:

- the speakers had to fit into my existing living room
- be matt white
- look like small pieces of furniture
- have a very good sound
- have a reasonable price
- be suitable for music and home theater
- the speaker series should be flexible and offer the possibility of putting together a homogeneous set from different speakers (small, large, center, Atmos etc.)
- the front panel should be made of metal and not fabric (small children in the household)
- if possible, there should also be suitable accessories (stands, absorbers, etc.)
- the service should be outstanding.

In these 2 years I have visited all possible hi-fi studios several times and have also been advised several times by your hotline. Thank you for your patience and for answering my questions and helping me to choose the right speakers. You didn't just want to sell me something, but worked with me to find the best solution. You never suggested the most expensive speakers, but rather the most sensible solution for my living space and my ideas.

In the end, I ordered a Nuline set (284, 24 and 174).

I ordered the Nuline set on 24.11. at 12 noon and it was delivered by UPS on 25.11. at 9 am. It's hard to imagine a faster service. You can find out the delivery time by calling the hotline. However, it is only that fast if you pay by PayPal, instant bank transfer or credit card.

The Nuline set plays with a very powerful sound, fine resolution, crystal clear and level stability. For me and my family, it's a WOW effect for both music and movies. Together with a large TV, the result is a feeling of being right in the middle of the action. You won't experience anything like this in a movie theater. Music sounds like live. You virtually bring the concert or the artist into your living room, regardless of the type of music.

I couldn't find any loudspeakers of this quality for the price called for, whether lacquered or sparkling and with such a flexible selection of series. It simply has everything you need to be happy.

Of course there are other great speakers from other manufacturers and they are also really fun. For me, however, all of the above factors were important and you offered me the best combination and I had to make the fewest compromises with your products.

In addition, your service is outstanding (even after the purchase, you don't let your customers down).

You have completely convinced me of your products and your service and there is a new Nubian.

Keep up the good work and keep encouraging your team to provide such exemplary service.

Happy New Year 2017 to the whole Nubert team.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Fred
Dec 25, 2016, 10:27:13 AM

Hello, dear Nubert team,

On Thursday, November 23rd, I was in Schwäbisch-Gmünd with my brother-in-law to decide whether to buy the Nuvero 110 or 140 on the basis of a listening test. The transport vehicle was already there.
In the hearing studio we were able to test the Nuveros extensively with our own music.
The listening test was so disappointing that my plans to buy the Nuvero 110 or 140 were severely curtailed. The bass was so booming that it was impossible to make a meaningful assessment of the speakers in this room. (The Nuvero 60 sounded best)
I'm surprised that other customers haven't noticed this and reported it?
The friendly employee we spoke to explained to us that a remodeling of the listening studio was planned.
At the moment I am so insecure and have therefore put the purchase on hold.
I currently own Nuvero 11 and Nuwave 35.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear Fred,
The listening studio in which the nuVero 110 and 140 are installed in Schw. Gmünd is not so good for hi-fi reproduction because it is mainly used as a "surround studio".
Surround effects are usually perceived more intensely if the listening room is less damped than would be optimal for hi-fi.
However, as you are already familiar with the nuVero 11, you will be able to judge the bass quality of this speaker in your listening room.
The nuVero 110 is slightly more precise in the bass, but especially in the mid-range, than your nuVero 11.
Of course, it's a shame that you couldn't really hear the qualities of the 110 and 140 because of the booming bass.
The speakers usually sound much better at home than in the demonstration studio.
Your Nubert team

Author: Hagen
Dec 20, 2016, 1:17:01 PM

Last Friday I unpacked the new nuPro 700 and placed them next to the old nuVero 14.
They are quite small compared to the giant devices, everything plugged in, burn inserted in CD and run through several times.
First normal CD in and look and listen. Once again an amazing speaker from Nubert for relatively little money. For me, the sound is just ahead of the nuVero14. No one needs more hi-fi, and finally the search for some miracle speakers for expensive money is over.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Glücklicher Jürgen NuVero 140
Dec 18, 2016, 3:12:37 PM

I've been the happy owner of the flagship NuVero 140 in crystal white for about 4 weeks now.
People buy this speaker, it's unbelievable how beautiful and detailed the sound is, regardless of the volume (there too, of course). But even at half past one at night, at less than room volume, everything is absolutely clear, precise, warm and bass-intensive. I drive the speakers with the Onkyo preamp and power amp combo. What fascinates me most is how many details my previous speakers simply didn't play....especially with songs that have been listened to often and are therefore easy on the ear.
A second THICK PRAISE is due to the really excellent advice and friendly service in the store in Schwäbisch Gmünd. No matter what you asked, the answer was always very competent and friendly. I noticed this particularly positively on each of the 3 visits (with listening tests). Mr. (sales manager) Nubert is the best...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Accentus
Dec 15, 2016, 10:03:15 AM

I ordered a pair of speakers and some cable over 3 weeks in advance. I asked for a delivery date, which was very important to me. This was confirmed -> no problem! One week before the desired date, I ordered an ATM module and asked whether the delivery date could be kept. No problem at all, the transfer would be with us the next day. The end of the story, no goods and if I hadn't called, I could have waited for ages. Of course, the money had already arrived at Nubert.
The entire order has been delayed! 😭
As I'm traveling a lot, that was it with the Christmas present. Thank you very much!
Good loudspeakers but otherwise just as much a crap store as unfortunately many others, although I wouldn't have expected that from Nubert!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear Mr. "Accentus",
Thank you very much for ordering the Nubert speakers, as well as your friendly but rightly angry feedback regarding the failed delivery! The reordering of the ATM module did indeed lead to an internal system error ? this should have been reworked manually, but unfortunately this was neglected in the Christmas rush ? we apologize! At the same time, the goods are ready for delivery, unfortunately we have not been able to reach you by telephone (regarding the delivery address), so we hope to hear from you soon?
Your Nubert Speaker Factory team
Martin Bühler

Author: T.B
Dec 15, 2016, 7:40:40 AM

So, the time has finally come for me, nuControl and nuPower have moved in. After always driving the nuVero with a Yxxxxx integrated amplifier, I thought I'd give it a breather. How can I describe it, phew I'm so thrilled, treble, mids, bass everything sounds better than before.
Really awesome.....
But I also have to say that I have an optimized room.
Now for the small criticism in Duisburg, the rooms should be acoustically treated. Otherwise everything was great - top advice. Thanks again to Simon Hinsenhofen for the great advice.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: K.M.
Dec 13, 2016, 1:03:29 PM

Dear Nubert team,
After almost a year of wagging my tail around the nuVero60 and listening to it
in Duisburg in March, I ordered them about 5 weeks ago.
They arrived three days later in excellent packaging.
Unpacked and connected to the new Yamaha RX-V781 AV receiver.
Visually, they are a feast for the eyes. I ordered the LS in piano lacquer black,
with the matching stands.
I first had to get used to the new receiver and speakers.
I had listened to the sound of Hans Deutsch loudspeakers in our four walls for 25 years. After a few e-mails with Mr. Reichelt, who gave me appropriate recommendations, I have now set the speakers optimally for me.
Everything is set to "normal". I couldn't imagine before that the highs and mids would be
mids are so clear and then the bass, dry but not exaggerated.
A lot has been written about poor recordings being reproduced badly and good recordings coming across even better. I couldn't imagine that either, but it really is the case!
I should also point out that I consider myself a "normal" listener for music and movies. I can recommend the speakers without hesitation.
A word about the Yamaha: only positive things here too. Endless connection options.
All functions can be set via tablet PC. No crashes so far. Very good sound.
My recommendation here too.
I will probably order the nuVero50 as a center and rear LS. sometime in the future. Keep up the good work......

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jonas S.
Dec 13, 2016, 11:46:18 AM

Dear Nubert team,

I have been the happy owner of a Nupro AS-250 for almost 3 months now and after intensive use I am thrilled every day anew! My family and friends are also amazed at what this compact solution has to offer.

I am also a big fan of your corporate philosophy and would like to praise not only the engineers and technicians but also the customer service! I can warmly recommend Nubert and especially the AS-250 to potential customers!

With best regards,
Jonas S.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jürgen
Dec 12, 2016, 10:39:08 PM

Hello dear Nubert team Aalen,

I made my way to you last Saturday with my buddy Gerold. We were greeted very warmly by Mr. Schatz and after a short wait one of the 5 listening studios was free. Mr. Schatz introduced us to the technology and we were able to try out everything. It was amazing. In the end, I decided on a pair of Nuline 284s. A dream. I was a little worried that the speakers would simply sound better in the studio under the best acoustic conditions and with a top amplifier than at home. But that's not the case because they sound even better at home. I would particularly like to mention Mr. Schatz's competent and expert advice. He took great care of us and explained and demonstrated everything in detail.
I will recommend your company to my friends and acquaintances with a clear conscience.

Kind regards

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Carsten
Dec 12, 2016, 2:22:23 PM

Old is not always good, new is sometimes better 😬 !

I've been talking to my wife for a long time about getting a new sound system for our home. Our budget was set and should remain in this price segment. We needed a new AV receiver as the old one from the brand (S***y) was no longer up to date. I went on a search, visited the relevant electronics stores and asked for advice. As we now love listening to music and watching movies, we wanted to cover a wide range of needs. The cost of the purchase, the space available and the music genre all had to be suitable with one system and speakers. We also wanted to be able to use modern media via a receiver. After months of searching, reading etc., I decided on a Marantz SR5011 receiver. I was completely dissatisfied with the loudspeakers and unsettled by the electronics giants that didn't do justice to our budget, and I kept hearing references to one manufacturer (B***). Several suppliers of small hi-fi specialist stores in the area were only able to fulfill my wishes to a limited extent. Fortunately, a trade fair taking place in Hanover should make my decision easier. Previously, I had only heard about the brand through advertisements in hi-fi magazines. To my disappointment, the nuPro and nuVero loudspeakers were presented at the trade fair instead of the nuBox series, which I could afford. I was skeptical as there was nowhere to listen to them, but my previous research encouraged me to pay this brand a visit. We were then determined to visit the Nubert rooms directly and not to listen through all the rooms. However, what I then found confirmed my decision to buy, very friendly advisors and very competent staff and unfortunately very full "auditoriums" 😉. After a few days of careful consideration, I decided on the nuBox 513 series in white. Previous doubts about the size of the speakers and the effect of the small AW443 in a rented apartment were discarded after I considered the larger AW600 or AW993 to be more suitable.
I ended up with the complete nuBox series consisting of nuBox513, the CS413, AW443 and the small nuBox303 with stands. On delivery by UPS, I was really shocked when I saw the last box with the 513 floorstanding speaker. Very battered and dented. I would like to take this opportunity to praise Nubert's packaging. They kept all the damage from the box visually, and fortunately also technically. After several hours of acclimatization, setup and connection, the system was put into operation for the first time. The receiver was tuned to the speakers using a stand and the old CD player was connected. For the first time I heard how poorly my DVD player could reproduce music as the nuBox made every nuance audible. I then chose the Blue-Ray player and lo and behold........clear sound and even for electronic music genres, rock, pop and classical music, this system serves me in perfect quality. The old DVD player was immediately decommissioned. After I introduced my wife to the soothing world of NuMusik at home, it was clear that the system was here to stay. A very subtle bass from the nuBox513 was enough for me not to notice that the AW443 was not yet active in the Hz-frequencies, which is confidently supported by the AW443 in every music genre and can be adjusted by modular settings, I can only say thank you. Now I know why I had less and less fun listening to music and watching movies for years and I am very happy about this purchase decision!
As a note: The effect of the AW443 on music and movies was fantastic for us. Any doubts about the "smallest" can be safely put aside! We all agreed that we will be watching the next blockbuster movie here!!!

I will definitely recommend Nubert to others!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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