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Author: Eckhard
Apr 2, 2016, 6:14:42 PM

Dear Nubert team,
I have read the pages of your nuPro series with great interest.
I was particularly interested in the floorstanding speakers.
Unfortunately, however, I also read that these speakers are manufactured in China (you like to use the generalization "Far East", which in my opinion does not necessarily match your company philosophy - keyword transparency).
I have long been sceptical about products made in China, and this has been reinforced by a recent documentary about organized organ trafficking there.
I would therefore like to ask you to become more sensitive to the issue of human rights in China and to consider alternative production locations despite the possibly higher costs.
Yours sincerely

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear Mr. Eckhard,
We can partly understand your concerns about production in China.
However, we are not aware of any hi-fi brand in Europe or the USA that has a similarly high "home-patriotic" share of production as we do.
Three of our four product lines are produced in Europe.
- We had also initially planned to produce our active speaker series in Europe.
However, there was no chance of achieving a reasonably competitive costing.
After all, the products in our active series were developed entirely by us - which is by no means a matter of course. Many of our competitors take developments that are completely "finished" and stick their company logo on them.
We have been in close contact with the "Chinese" company that manufactures our active loudspeakers for over 30 years because it originally comes from Denmark.
It was bought by a US company and we were unable to prevent production from being relocated to China.
Our development engineers travel to the production companies in China several times a year and ensure the best possible product quality and the best possible working conditions - within the limits of their capabilities.

Your Nubert team

Author: pode
Apr 1, 2016, 10:50:43 AM

April, April

haha...........super Aprilscherz!

LG. an das NUBERT-TEAM 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Timo F. Duisenberg
Apr 1, 2016, 8:45:42 AM

Dear Nubert team,
Thank you very much for today's Nu's-letter.
The story about the sensational find on the building site is also very nice... 😬
... April Fool's Day! ... I'll just say that without listening to the sound file...
But very nice idea!

Have a nice day.

Best regards
Timo F. Duisenberg

P.S. My NuVero's inspire me every day anew. Many thanks for these audiophile gems.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: H. Schäffer
Mar 30, 2016, 4:38:25 PM

Dear Nubert team,

We were able to test our new nuVero 140 extensively in your store in Aalen on 20.02.16, also together with the new amplifier duo from Cambridge Audio. Many thanks for this and for the excellent support from your team in Aalen! Everything was delivered the following Friday and so we were able to gather our first impressions - what can I say: we are thrilled: transparent highs and mids, impressive but not exaggerated or intrusive bass and a spatial sound image that we have never heard before. The nuVeros are superbly manufactured and offer excellent value for money, or as a major Swabian car manufacturer says: The best - or nothing! That probably says it all 🙂 We wouldn't give our "Nubis" away again.

With kind regards

H. and R. Schäffer

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Steffen Wahls
Mar 29, 2016, 4:13:01 PM

Dear Nubert Team,

I didn't know Nubert either until half a year ago. And after listening to many samples from other manufacturers, I came across Nubert and immediately made an appointment in Duisburg to listen to a few speakers.
In the end I ordered 2 Nuline284 and the CS-174. When I went to pick up the speakers, I realized how much they weigh and that they don't fit easily in the car if you don't have a station wagon. When I got home, I unpacked everything, screwed on the feet, set them up and connected them to a Pioneer SC-LX 78. Then I calibrated everything and listened to them. Well, what can I say. They were new speakers and they sounded good, but not as good as in the listening room. Then I read here that you have to play in the speakers. Now I can say that they sound so good that I'm simply thrilled.
The 284s are so good that it's a pleasure to listen to classical music as well as rock/pop. I am simply thrilled and can hardly wait to buy the surround speakers.
Once again, a big compliment to the staff in Duisburg, who gave me excellent advice. The price/performance ratio is simply top. Keep up the good work, because you can recommend them without hesitation.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: bisch
Mar 21, 2016, 1:10:15 PM

Hi Nubert team,
I have been the proud owner of the nupro A200 since 2014.
They play in my kitchen and I am more than satisfied and can't imagine anything better for this room.

For a few days now, I've also had the A700 in my living room.
My living room is a rather problematic room that is quite heavily damped.
With my previous speakers, all the highs were swallowed up.
The speakers were between 3 and 5 thousand euros, so they weren't garbage.
I solved this problem by adapting the A700 to the room
Dry bass and very clear highs, I'm thrilled.
I can't imagine anything better for my living room, especially at this price.
Actually unbelievable.
All I do now is listen to music.

Thank you

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dirk Holm
Mar 11, 2016, 10:52:37 AM

Customer service is no longer a matter of course.
Except at Nubert!

My A-300 active speaker kept having problems with the remote control. I thought it was due to a flat battery in the remote control. Or the transmitter itself. Or the receiver in the master speaker. After a while, it always worked again. Until last week. The box could no longer be controlled. Neither via the remote control nor via the control pad.

So: Monday, call the hotline. After my fault description and competent inquiry by technician Timo Lang, it was clear that this A-300 was faulty. Unfortunately, shortly after the warranty period had expired. Nowadays, the usual solution would be a chargeable repair. Not so with Nubert! To my surprise and delight, the problem was solved in a friendly, unbureaucratic, generous and quick manner. Two days later I received a brand new A-300 as a replacement and returned my defective device. That was it! At no further cost to me.

I can only say: Hats off to this goodwill! And thank you very much. It doesn't get any better than this. This is truly exemplary!

I've been buying from Nubert for several years now and have always been extremely satisfied. The sound quality of the speakers I've bought is beyond reproach anyway. In an emergency, however, that is irrelevant. It's all about effective help. With Nubert, you can take the term customer service literally: Outstanding (see above)! I can only continue to warmly recommend the products and the company culture behind them. Stick with it!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Thank you for your praise. Our policy is to be as accommodating as possible if the warranty period is exceeded at short notice.

Author: Martin 007
Mar 9, 2016, 8:52:38 PM

Thanks for the techmoan link 😎

Answer from the Nubert-Team

With pleasure!
To understand: it's about a link tip in the new nu?s Letter?

The Youtube tip: ?Antique? HiFi technology: In this issue, we would like to introduce you to a YouTube channel that mainly deals with current and decommissioned consumer electronics. Techmoan? broadcasts in English, but most of the very descriptive contributions should be understandable even without any knowledge of the language. Techmoan? is particularly fond of antiquated hi-fi and home cinema technology, which he describes in detail in his videos and (sometimes literally) takes apart. How about the Tefifon, for example, a mixture of tape recorder and record player that promised hours of music entertainment without the hassle of changing media back in the 1940s and 1950s? Or the O?Casse from Teac, a compact cassette with interchangeable reels? And how does the legendary laserdisc compare with modern video formats? Just browse through the hi-fi playlist!

Author: Stefan Sch.
Mar 9, 2016, 10:09:38 AM

Once you have succeeded,
it can be a coincidence.
If you succeed twice,
it can be luck.
If you succeed three times,
it is diligence and efficiency.
(Author: unknown)

Dear Mr. Nubert,

12 times winner in the 2016 learning elections
I would like to congratulate you on this extraordinary success.

You work hard and diligently to achieve success. Your customers are delighted and there are nubified followers in your guestbook all over the world. You have earned the recognition of your listeners.

Best wishes from the city of Fugger

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: A. Wiedl
Mar 8, 2016, 2:39:53 PM

So, now I'm writing my first online entry in a guestbook ... because I've realized my long-cherished dream of active loudspeakers by purchasing a pair of nupro A-700 speakers and I'm completely thrilled.
The thought of "one day ..." suddenly became a reality when I read the test report in Stereoplay 11/15. The various available test reports speak for themselves. So, ordered, connected and tested in a direct A/B comparison against the existing truly high-quality passive chain (just before the 5-digit ?range): no chance ... for the "old one". The sound quality that the nupros conjure up in my relatively large listening room is simply stunning. Any doubts I had at the beginning were practically swept away with the first notes of the nupro A-700. Clapton's 70s concert in the Royal Albert Hall suddenly sounded exactly as a live concert should - and if you want, even at a level (almost) suitable for a concert. I'm thrilled with the direct, balanced, neutral sound, the control and also the bass foundation and bass reproduction. The diverse, well thought-out connection options are also brilliant. The only component I have added to the nupro is the Oppo BD 105D universal player - that's all you need for a complete hi-fi system to watch/listen to music or concerts and films at a very, very high level - whether from BD, DVD, CD, streaming or USB. Finally, no more discussions about cable sound or other hi-fi voodoo magic and a slim, tidy system to boot.
Sure, you can spend (much, much) more money to get the same level of sound - but you don't have to! I congratulate Mr. Nubert and his team on this development achievement. The value for money offered here in terms of sound and impeccable manufacturing quality for approx. 2,500 ? is actually unbelievable.

A. W.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

We are delighted that you are so impressed with our nuPro A-700. Thank you for your praise - and thank you for dedicating your very first online guestbook entry to us.

Write new guestbook entry