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Author: Paul Fuhrmann
Mar 4, 2016, 4:35:03 PM

nuPro A200

Dear Nubert team,

I've been looking for clever loudspeakers for my PC for years. Various 2.1 systems have come and gone in that time. A lot of money was invested and the only reliable thing was my frustration with the sound of the systems. Even a higher-priced 2.1 system was a disappointment. They all lacked sound transparency. The mid-range tones and speech intelligibility in particular caused problems for all systems.

By chance, I came across nubert and the nuPro series in a forum. The many positive opinions about the speakers made me curious and so I decided on the nuPro series. I had the nuPro A100 in mind, as it doesn't take up too much space on my desk. But as they are not available at the moment, I ordered 2 nuPro A200s, which were delivered within 2 days. Even the packaging is impressive. The speakers are very securely packed and protected. All cables and remote controls are included. The speakers make a high-quality impression with their clean workmanship. Wiring and commissioning were completed quickly. It is a pity that only the left box can be the master box. A longer USB cable had to be purchased as the PC is on the right and the USB cable supplied is too short.

After installation, however, the fun began. The richness of sound the speakers deliver is impressive. Despite the many positive reports, I hadn't expected this. I've never heard my music on the PC like this before. You simply have to experience it for yourself. The speakers deliver a very transparent, spacious and clear sound. Even the bass sounds very crisp and doesn't miss a subwoofer. It's simply fun to listen to.

The only point of criticism on my part concerns the remote control supplied. It works on an IR basis and there must always be a line of sight to the left speaker. The feel is also not convincing. The buttons are somehow fiddly and spongy to operate and tend to bounce. I would like to see a higher quality design here. Perhaps also as an optional accessory, if it is not possible in terms of costing as an accessory supplied with the boxes.

To summarize, I can say that my decision to buy the nuPro A200 was the right one. The search for good PC speakers has - finally - come to an end
😂 Instead, I've been enjoying every sound for a good week now and I don't think these will be my last speakers from nubert.

Thank you very much for that.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Oliver
Feb 26, 2016, 1:10:34 PM

Nubert nuLine 24

Amazing performance!
The speakers are very small, but deliver a lot. For this size, you get an extremely powerful bass. The mids and highs are also convincing across the board. The switchable dipole function creates a surround feeling. The workmanship is beyond reproach. The very elegant, matt platinum finish is very harmonious.
I do have one very small point of criticism, but it is of little consequence. It would be nice if the front grille could be attached magnetically.
Great speakers !!!


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Oliver
Feb 26, 2016, 12:50:25 PM

Nubert nuLine 34

These compact speakers are hard to beat.
Very elegant workmanship in a matt finish (white). The sound is breathtaking, the stage is very wide. Very good bass foundation and silky performance. I can recommend these speakers without reservation. Very good value for money for the performance they offer.


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Marc
Feb 24, 2016, 1:43:14 PM

Here is a little feedback for the Nubert company. I bought a pair of nuPro A-700s from the store in Duisburg in January 2016. Here is my short review:
Very pleasant treble reproduction, present mid-range reproduction and incredible bass range! The level stability combined with a clean sound is a world of its own. As the whole thing can also be finely adjusted via the sound setting, everyone can adjust their listening taste perfectly here. The precision is beyond any doubt. The localization of individual instruments in an orchestra also works very well. The cabinet is perfectly finished and lacquered. I previously had a pair of LUA loudspeakers (just under 8000 euros a pair) and ask myself where the justification for the THREEFOLD price lies? I was stupid to spend so much money on speakers that couldn't do much better! The Lua's were - admittedly - really great with classical music (better than the Nubert), but with pop, rock and trance, for example, they were 'boring'. Yes, I hardly felt like listening to music with them anymore. And who listens to classical music all the time? After the spontaneous visit to Duisburg, my desire to listen to music with high-end sound was revived. I bought the A-700 on the spot (out of enthusiasm). The LUA are now history. All in all, the A-700 is the better speaker for me! Especially when it comes to pop and rock music (mainstream music). My only criticism is the cheap remote control - it could be better. Conclusion: This speaker is simply fun and has an INCREDIBLE price/performance ratio ❗

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jörg
Feb 23, 2016, 5:10:11 PM

Hello community,

I have been a very satisfied Nubert customer for some time (several years with Nuline 82, since 09/15 Nuline 84 with AW 1100 Nuline 24 and CS 44). I think a lot has already been written about the quality and listening pleasure with Nubert.
However, I would now like to praise the service department, which reacted so quickly, straightforwardly and politely to an incomplete delivery and a defect discovered a short time later (a tube on the speaker stand was bent) that I was lost for words.
The service regarding a technical issue was also exemplary.
My best thanks for that

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Fritz der Bayer
Feb 22, 2016, 2:16:03 PM

I did it, now - has it been 20? - years ago for the first time. The speakers served me well for a long time and are still in use today. BUT: then, about two years ago, I bought the biggest nuBoxes at the time. And I was amazed at how much more sound there was on my CDs. At first, of course, that was a positive thing. On the negative side, the new speakers had probably introduced a virus. The tricky thing about this virus was that it had settled in my ear and could speak. And it kept whispering: "there's more, there's more". So shortly afterwards I got myself the nuLine 284, and indeed, there was more. Even finer resolution, drier bass etc. Now I was satisfied and full of praise. But the virus was not silent. I still heard this "there's more, there's more". So I sold my 284s and a pair of nuVero 140s took their place. Since then, a constant grin has been my companion. I've got rid of the virus, it's probably now with the new owner of my 284s.
All in all, I'm damn happy. Only my wallet suffered for a short time, but money is best spent on the best things and I don't regret a single euro.

Best wishes to Swabia and congratulations on all the prizes!

PS: I was looking at my amplifier. And then I heard a voice again: "there's more, there's more"...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Erik R.
Feb 20, 2016, 1:53:08 PM

Hello all you Nubert fans and those who want to become one.

Anyone who has got to know Nubert knows that disappointment is virtually impossible.
The small NuBox303 dipole/direct loudspeakers connected as a rear pair are beautiful to look at (without a screen, of course) and do their job with ease and sophistication at the same time.

There's definitely more rumbling on the couch now 😂
What more could you want... 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Erich
Feb 20, 2016, 1:16:27 PM

The best or nothing !

Yes, I know, this is the slogan of a well-known car manufacturer from Germany. But I think it suits Nubert just as well.

Incidentally, I'm the father of Lu's good friend (16.02.) and I'm delighted that so many new friends of Nubert have come from me. Good things, or rather "the best", simply prevail! The best advertising for a product is word of mouth....

By the way: Lu only told half the truth: I've been using a center and two rear surround speakers from Nubert in addition to the NuWave I mentioned. A dream !

One more sentence directly to Lu: I'm a bit disappointed that you haven't yet "recruited" any Nubert friends in the local council. A set of Nubert wouldn't do the mayor or your fellow councillors any harm either! Or the municipality needs to provide a "public" room with good speakers, who knows? 😉

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Heinz V.
Feb 16, 2016, 5:53:38 PM

After I decided to buy a new AV receiver (Sony STR - DN 1050), I also needed some new speakers.
Through intensive research (test reports, forums) I came across the company Nubert. I had no previous experience with this manufacturer.
Today I received 4 nuLine 24s, which I connected to the receiver after an appropriate warm-up phase (it was zero degrees on delivery).
After the unproblematic calibration, I was really amazed. These little boxes really pack a punch. The dipole function fills the entire room with a harmonious and clear sound.
On delivery, everything was perfectly packaged and of high quality. The look, feel and visual quality leave nothing to be desired and show that a great deal of specialist knowledge has gone into the development of this speaker. It's the first day with my new nuLine 24, but I'd still like to send my best wishes and best regards from Bochum.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Lu
Feb 16, 2016, 2:51:30 PM

The father of a good friend of mine owned (or still owns) a pair of nuwave105s in 2006.
When I told my friend that I was thinking about buying new speakers, he told me: "My father swears by Nubert!"
Nubert? Never heard of them.

I bought the nuline 80 in spring 2006. So, almost exactly 10 years ago. They still play and look like new, by the way.

My buddy bought the nuline 30 shortly afterwards. We both retrofitted the ATM later. He also bought the CM1.

We infected another friend of mine with the nuVirus. He then also bought the Nuwave 105. Later he also bought the CM1 (which I have since bought from him!) and a small Sub Sat combination from the nuBox series.

This friend then infected his brother-in-law, who at some point also bought a couple of medium-sized floorstanding speakers.

My first-mentioned friend (whose father had the nuWaves) then infected a friend of his, who also bought some nuline floorstanding speakers.

He also infected his sister-in-law, who then bought compact speakers from the nuBox series.

A former colleague of mine, with whom I am now quite good friends, recently bought small floorstanding speakers for his living room after separating from his wife (he was of course also infected by me 😬 ). He is also proud and happy (even though the incubation period of the nuVirus was several years).

Now, late this summer, a good friend, who once became aware of the nuberts during Sunday coffee with us, has bought nuline 264 and later a few nuPros....

From my friend's father to us and the others mentioned, there are now 9 people who have been infected or simply ended up with nubert through honest recommendation and word of mouth, or at least 13 couples. They probably won't be the last (another friend of mine is currently building a house.... 😉 .

I just think it's funny and didn't want to withhold from you what just one nuVirus can do in 10 years ❗
You simply have excellent products and a coherent and convincing concept, which makes an authentic recommendation among friends/acquaintances so sustainable.
Please keep it up!


Answer from the Nubert-Team

We are very pleased that you are still satisfied with your nuLine 80 and that so many friends and relatives have been 'nubified' in the meantime. Many thanks for that! And many greetings to your good friend who brought you to us at the time!
We would of course also like to take this opportunity to thank all our other customers who keep recommending us to others!

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