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Author: hammer
Feb 15, 2016, 2:17:33 PM

Hello Nubert Team.
I bought two surround sets and an AV receiver from you and have to say that the advice and service are really first class.
With the AV receiver I received very good advice on the phone and I have to give a big compliment to Mr. Armin Siegle who was always able to answer and explain my questions well.
Last week my great sub had a malfunction, so I called Nubert and lo and behold, no problem, I got a new package, I packed up the sub and sent it back, today it is back in my living room and does its job like on the first day, thanks again to Mr. Tobias Höfer. And don't forget the ladies who always greet you warmly and then always help you.
All in all, you are a really great crew and you will keep me as a customer.
best regards from the eifel

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jonas
Feb 11, 2016, 1:49:53 PM

I contacted Nubert customer service with a question about my newly purchased amplifier. I was expecting an answer along the lines of 'That's the way it should be, have a nice day'.

What Mr. Reichelt from the service department delivered here, however, was an example of the very finest customer service that is unfortunately rarely practiced or lived today.

Many thanks for that!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ralf Hellinger
Feb 10, 2016, 8:01:40 PM

The nuPro AS-250 is my first loudspeaker from Nubert. To cut a long story short: absolute enthusiasm!
This is my third soundboard in total, and for the first time I have the feeling that I hardly have to make any compromises compared to a "real" stereo system with two separate speakers.
The only small downer is the quality of the remote control, which doesn't match the outstanding quality of the speaker at all. 😟
Hopefully the rumor I heard that Nubert wants to offer a higher-quality remote control as an optional accessory in the near future is true. Then everything would be perfect...
But the bottom line so far is a big thank you for the great sound experience.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

We are delighted that you are impressed with the sound of our stereo soundbar. We are aware that the remote control still has 'room for improvement', but we have already explained via nuForum that it was difficult to get a better remote control with a better feel from our manufacturer. However, we are working on it and will have a higher quality remote control for the AS-250 in the course of the year and will then be able to offer it as an option.

Author: Guido
Feb 10, 2016, 4:04:31 PM

After buying the nuBox 513, I was able to convince my wife after a tax refund...;-)... to upgrade the already excellent sound of the speakers with an ATM module. No sooner said than done and connected immediately after delivery.

I tested it with the track "Doin' it right". What was catapulted out of the speakers during this piece was... "simply without words". The stage became wider and in the really low passages you could almost see the bass wave rolling towards you and the bass control on the ATM was only at 1 o'clock. That was as far as I dared to go.

Unbelievable but true. Although I had promised myself an improvement, this claim was exceeded many times over. The huge grin that followed was actually followed by butterflies in my stomach. Sounds cheesy, but it was true. I haven't heard such exquisitely differentiated music for years. Adjusting the controls on the ATM does not destroy the entire sound image. Simply great. The far more than perfect replacement for the tone control on the amplifier and more than an absolute recommendation to buy. Many thanks for that...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas
Feb 7, 2016, 10:41:51 AM

It was 2 weeks ago when I got my income tax back and almost at the same time my old analog 5.1 sound system (12 years old) died.
Something had to happen.
Now there are 2 Nubert A-200s in the living room, played by TV, Nexus9 tablet, computer and iPod.
I've been listening to music in its purest form again for 2 hours.
Unfortunately awesome!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: SirlSnider
Feb 4, 2016, 7:11:58 PM

Dear Nubert team, dear Günther!

I've been the proud owner of the nuJubilee 40s for about 5 months now and I must honestly say - thank you very, very much! For many years I have been looking for loudspeakers that could cover my wide range of genres. It was more by chance that I came across some followers of your craftsmanship in a forum. After a short trial, I decided to place an order - and haven't regretted it for a minute.

Jazz, blues, classical, rock, pop - every instrument can be heard crystal clear - voices are redefined.

So you have gained another "Nubertian" 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Walther Adler
Feb 1, 2016, 1:02:02 PM

About eight years ago, I ordered a pair of NuBox 400s as a second speaker on a trial basis because I liked the no-nonsense concept and the service. What a mistake: after a few days of trial listening, the 400s had displaced my three times more expensive main speakers from B&W and Celestion, which seemed dull and muddy in comparison! And yet the 400s still only remained the second speakers because I soon added a fine pair of NuLine 102s with ATM 10/100. After that, I only bought Nubert speakers once more: the NuJubilee 35 as a graduation present for my son. Since then, all three pairs of speakers have given us the same pleasure as on the first day and will probably only be replaced when the membranes crumble at some point.

So I'm no longer a good Nubert customer, but I'm certainly a satisfied one - best wishes from the Lahn! :

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jürgen Klein
Jan 31, 2016, 8:36:30 PM

As I lost the fastening pins for the front grille of my NuLine 32
I contacted the hotline to ask for a replacement.
The very next day, the pins were delivered to me by letter
and at no extra charge!
Many thanks for the great service.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Susanne E.
Jan 28, 2016, 10:53:41 AM

I heard about the AS-250 from a friend and have had it in my home since last weekend. Due to the space available, I can't place any speakers. I also listen to the radio a lot and the music plays on the side. I'm really impressed by the great sound of this compact speaker. I can finally enjoy movies with good sound.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Wicksler Oleg
Jan 25, 2016, 11:39:07 PM

I refused to switch to nubert for a long time. I had had Dynaudio speakers for 15 years. From Audience to Contour 2.8. I've heard nubert Nuvero and nuline here and there. Then I tried nuline 24 in my home theater. I liked it. I didn't want to switch to a stereo system. My Contour 2.8 were definitely too big for a 13m2 stereo music room. I ordered the NV-60 after all. The NV-110/140 were too big and too expensive for me. After a test phase, the NV-60s stayed. What can I say. It's simply unbeatable what Nubert offers for the funny price when you consider the high-end sector. Music comes from a single source. Whether loud or quiet. It's all there. You can listen to all kinds of music. The design is very good. The only thing I'm missing is a tweeter like the Dynaudio Esotar T330D tweeter. Otherwise, it really is a great achievement in speaker construction history. Hats off Nubert. These are the speakers for decades.
Dynaudio were sold. After fifteen years they have a successor on a par with them.
Thanks again and greetings from Bremen.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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