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Author: Thomas F.
Jan 8, 2016, 2:38:22 PM

Dear Nubert team,
I ordered the Nuline 284 and the ordering and delivery process alone was super fast, precise and uncomplicated, which I can't say from experience with other manufacturers. The sound of the Nuline 284 is sensational and really true to the sound as you have described.
As I live in a new modern building with large glass surfaces and little sound-absorbing furniture, my room acoustics are difficult and the emphasis on the treble was too pronounced.
I called your hotline and was called back after 10 minutes by a friendly and competent consultant who discussed my problems with me in detail and was able to answer all my questions. As a solution option, I had the ATM 284 tuning module sent to me and what this little box can do is sensational. I was able to lower the treble moderately and boost the bass at the same time, similar to how loudness worked in the past. The sound is still precise now, but much fuller and warmer, which I would never have thought possible. The combination of Nuline and the matching ATM module is sensational.
I'm glad I took the time to test your products at home and then make an informed purchase decision.

Many thanks for your great products and first-class service - keep up the good work!

Best regards
Thomas F.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Alex
Jan 6, 2016, 6:29:21 PM

Hello everyone 🙂
Got my "B" goods today. It is a white 513. On the picture you could see a clear damage which looked quite big and showed a clear flaking of the coating. The price was set much lower.

I was all the more surprised today when I unpacked it. The flaw is so tiny that I had to look for it first and was almost not sure if that was all there was to it 😬

So thank you very much for this great bargain!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Mirco
Jan 4, 2016, 10:01:32 PM

Simply G E N I A L !!! I now have the nuPro AS-250 thanks to my father's recommendation.
My better half and I are always looking at each other while watching movies and are thrilled anew by this great sound. The visitor who was allowed to enjoy a little "sound check" was also totally impressed. I will upgrade when the time comes 😉
Keep up the good work nubert ❗ ❗ ❗

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Roland Krause
Jan 3, 2016, 1:25:09 PM

😬 It doesn't get any better than this
End of the line. On 22.12 I received the message that Nu Pro A 700 are available. They were with me on 24.12. Connected and bang. It couldn't be better. I'd already heard some great parts before. Swans Hifi Research from the States. But these active speakers at this price are awesome. Very deep and controlled bass and never annoying mids and highs. A sub was connected before that. Will be sold. I have a 70 m2 living room. No normal person needs more. No booming, just deep and clean bass. And my wife is also happy because there's no longer so much standing around. Oh yes, at some point the rears will also be replaced. But then certainly with the same parts. Many thanks to you for this awesome Christmas. Really great work.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Christian
Dec 31, 2015, 2:49:39 PM

Another big thank you! 🙂

Now that we've been providing our detached house with a self-assembled nuline set (CS-174, 2x 284, 2x AW1100, 4x 34 --> still only BOLD and still THANK YOU 😉) in the "living cinema area" since the end of 2014, it was finally the turn of the attic studio (used as a reading room) to be equipped with a passable small stereo system after completing all the other "topics around the house".

Our good old (almost "vintage" - you don't throw anything away :P) components from NAD (CD 540) and marantz (PM 8000) have been running a pair of nuBox 313 on nuBase 38 since yesterday, connected with the silver-plated nuCable.

As a technically oriented person, I'll dispense with subjective "convolutions" and simply say "fits". 🙂 The workmanship and material quality is also unbeatable for this price. Here you simply get clean and sensible technology for the money and no "dazzlers".

The processing/delivery was once again nuTypically perfect: ordered online on 25.12.15, processed immediately on 28.12.15 and delivered on 30.12.15 despite the Christmas rush! 🙂

Conclusion: I had long intended to use the nuline series (34s) "under the roof", but I'm glad to have "saved" at the right end here. What the small 313 delivers is simply good! Yesterday I couldn't get away from the test album "The Moon On My Doorstep" - Ulita Knaus, which I "just wanted to throw in", for hours on the small Schnuckel system.

Thank you very much!


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Heinz-Wilhelm Eissing
Dec 31, 2015, 1:21:25 PM

I've had a 5.2 Nuvero set consisting of two nuvero 11s, one nuvero 7, two nuvero 3s and two AW 17s for exactly a year now.
This is home theater at its best. Fine resolution, pressure, spatiality, drama - it's all there.
The listening room seems acoustically much larger than it actually is.
Hours of listening at a very high volume don't tire the ear, you rather feel the need to increase the dose.

Recently saw Star Wars at the movies. Acoustically, unfortunately, a disappointment for me.

Perhaps nubert should look into the subject of sound reinforcement for movie theaters. :rolleyes:

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Olaf Schlüter
Dec 31, 2015, 10:51:45 AM

Mr. Nubert and Mr. Bühler,

The nupro AS-250 package has arrived, within less than 24 hours.

Connected to the iMac via USB at room temperature
... bombastic sound, terrific bass, wonderful volume, simply great.

You can actually speak everything except High German, but what does the latter matter?
a role ? 😄

Thanks again for everything and best regards,

Olaf Schlüter

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jürgen
Dec 30, 2015, 3:19:23 PM

nuBox AW-443 in a high-end system

Hello Mr. Nubert,

For personal reasons, I had to move to a smaller apartment and part with my very large high-end floorstanding loudspeakers. With the newly purchased compact speakers
I was very happy with the new compact speakers I bought, despite the compromises I had to make. The only thing I missed was the low bass range. My hope of being able to compensate for this with an active subwoofer led to the decision to give the nuBox AW-443 a try. My hopes were completely fulfilled, even better than expected! The AW-443 can be perfectly adjusted thanks to its setting options. The fact that this can be done by remote control is simply great. I control the subwoofer line in via my tube preamp, from the woofer it goes line out to the tube monos.
I can recommend the AW-443 without reservation, even as a supplement or upgrade to a very high-quality hi-fi system.
Many thanks and a big compliment!
With best regards,

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ingo
Dec 29, 2015, 11:36:15 AM

Hello Mr. Nubert,

Having been a hifi enthusiast since my studies 25 years ago, I have been looking for a new speaker system for the past year.
At first I toyed with the idea of building something myself. You have a unique speaker, can tune the WAF beforehand and have something to do in your free time for a long time. So I got started, made phone calls, did the math, listened, etc.. Then there were the conversations with friends who prefer Linn. I then listened to the new speakers on our monos at your place in Aalen.
In the end, the evaluation phase was exciting. I wasn't any the wiser, as I know from many years of experience that you should listen to the speakers at home.
I didn't ask the Linn dealer in our area. I didn't have the best experience last time. Besides, the speakers were too expensive or we didn't like them, and my wife also had a say in this.
So I took a pragmatic approach, ordered boxes, paid with an Amazon account, received the boxes on time and then set them up with my wife. I heaved the previous speakers, 2 large Tannoys, into the cellar and connected my 4 Sysm Asym monoblocks in bi-amping.
You probably want to read now that music can be heard again. First of all, that is correct. However, I would like to differentiate a little: The set-up was a bit time-consuming, the adjustment options varied and the speakers took about 2 weeks to break in, then music came out...great music. Unfortunately, the speakers now show me that my current sources are not good enough. The difference between Mp3, CD and phono playback, I run a Naim CD S, Lp 12 with Ittok and Lingo on a home built VV and the 4 SysmAsym mono's, is huge and immediately audible. That's wonderful. I've missed that for a long time.
The decisive factor is the signal. What you don't put in, doesn't come out.
You can hear that with your speakers and that's very good.
In terms of sound, the speakers are great, I would like to agree with the test reports, but they should be used with really good sources and amplifiers, because they hear everything....
Congratulations! Beautiful design! Great sound!
I'm now looking for a better, very good source, FLAC, as I want to exploit the full potential of the speaker.
I also recommend all buyers to take their time with the setup. I spent a few days trying and listening until I found the optimum switch position and speaker position. In my case, the speaker is positioned quite freely and the treble is gentle, no bass reflex closures, no damping of the bass.

Greetings from Neumarkt


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Thank you very much for the great feedback on the nuVero 140 and we wish you many wonderful hours of music with your new speakers.

The Nubert Speaker Factory team

Author: Olaf Schlüter
Dec 29, 2015, 10:52:35 AM

This article is based on my own experience; it does not exaggerate a single point!

I'm sure every customer has at one time or another experienced what is commonly referred to as "Germany's service desert".

There are oases there! One oasis is called "Nubert Schwäbisch-Gmünd"

Yesterday, the consultant, Mr. Bühler, provided me with an almost unimaginably high quality of advice in connection with the nupro AS-250 product, which has been celebrated in many tests and in the press as an "honest active soundbar". I also never had the feeling of being under time pressure during the conversation; I was listened to and advised in a completely relaxed manner, even when a question had to be answered twice. And Mr. Bühler's advice was neutral, without taking any potshots at the competition.

Now I have made up my mind. Other makes and models may well inspire in terms of the number of technical features and/or connections per se and certainly be cheaper in one case or another, but not cheaper, but shortcomings in bass, for example, send the real music lover back into the fast lane to Nubert, into the honest realms where great music still matters instead of dazzling the customer with technical bells and whistles.

So off to the nupro AS-250 with the good feeling of purchasing a successful product and the certainty of being regularly welcomed by the customer advisor if you need his advice. A rare package in this day and age.

Dear Günther Neubert, stick with the cobbler's trade, your customers will thank you for it. You and your products stay great; all the best for 2016.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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