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Author: Jürgen Prade
Dec 25, 2014, 11:02:58 AM


A lot of good things have already been written about the excellent product features of Nubert speakers.

I would like to write a few lines about Nubert's exceptional after-sales service. The Nubert service is really "out of this world". Availability, competence and customer orientation - super!!! That something like this still exists in the 21st century! The advisors are actually technicians and not hardcore salespeople!

I bought two Nu Pro A 20s back in 2013 and use them on the TV. Since then, a plain flat-screen TV has sounded better than a high-quality hi-fi system. Unfortunately, there were problems with an amateur radio operator in the neighboring *****aft and my beautiful A 20 made sporadic humming noises. With the help of Nubert customer service and a high-quality speaker cable, the problem was solved.

The next problem was caused by a new Sony TV, which only wanted to accept the Nubert on an optical output (not yet available on my A 20). Here, too, Nubert customer service helped after Sony was unable to help me. I now use the A 20 on the headphone output without any problems. That was also a Nubert tip. Many, many thanks 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Chrisu
Dec 23, 2014, 7:37:23 PM

I had the nuVero 4 sent to me 3 months ago. Just for a trial, to hear how big the difference is to my old nuBox 380 and the nuVero 10. I had every intention of sending them back before the trial period expired and buying them next year if necessary.
It came as it had to: the trial period is long over and it has found its permanent place in the living room.

[b]Music lovers take note[/b]: If you're looking for a compact speaker, listen to the nuVero 4 before you decide! The speaker is certainly not cheap, but it is "worth the price" in the truest sense of the word.
This speaker "conjures up" music in the room: dynamic, transparent, the voices are easy to localize, and with a massive bass (I use it in the "Voluminous" setting, still without ATM).
I hear the whole spectrum from soprano arias to techno bass; no matter what pitch or what style of music, the nuVero 4 is good for goose bumps even at room volume.

For listening to music in stereo mode, I now even prefer the nuVero 4 to the nuVero 10 in my home theater.

I wish you good music in the new year 😉

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Roland
Dec 21, 2014, 11:09:51 AM

nuPRO A-100: I was looking for high-quality speakers for music playback on my notebook/PC, as I spend a lot of "free time" on it for professional reasons and finally wanted optimum sound there too.
The heaps of "plastic products" on offer were no longer an option,
I had gained enough experience with them. Now I wanted real hi-fi monitors. It quickly became clear that I would be in the price range > 200 EUR/unit. After extensive research, there were actually only two manufacturers
manufacturers, both based in Germany. One in Berlin (not T...e.!) and Nubert. I opted for Nubert because I've been a customer since 2001, when I had two nuLine 80s.
I had two nuLine 80's. What more can I say? I'm absolutely thrilled with both speakers. The connection via USB is wonderfully simple, the control via the handy remote control is great. The workmanship of the speakers is impeccable. And the sound? It's simply inspiringly superb! I listen to classical, rock, pop, electro, dance, etc. across the board and the A-100s deliver perfectly.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ralf
Dec 18, 2014, 8:04:10 PM

Dear nubert team, dear nubert fans,
Having been a very satisfied owner of the nuLine32 compact speakers for 5 years, I have now - after the usual friendly and expert advice in the nubert store - treated myself to the nuLine84 floorstanding speakers for another room. After just a few days of listening, I am once again completely convinced and enthusiastic about the speakers. Naturalness, detail, brilliance and bass quality leave nothing to be desired! Always happy to use nubert again! The price-performance ratio is also excellent!!!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hannes aus Wunstorf
Dec 18, 2014, 10:21:30 AM

Good morning to all "Nubert fans"! I have been a FAN of the NuLine34
and the nuLineCS-44! 😂
Previously had a 5.1. system from Berlin. Absolutely no comparison!
I was fed up with all the cabling and the huge sub in the corner of the living room.
That's why I reoriented myself and "thank God" I "landed" at NUBERT.
Honest loudspeakers ? Now I know what is meant 😂
What "comes out" of these loudspeakers, they stand on a shelf, is simply
just top class at a fair price!
And what I've heard so far doesn't need another subwoofer. The bass from the speakers/center is fully sufficient for me! Many thanks for that!
Advice on the phone and shipping/packaging were great.
Merry Christmas to everyone and a successful 2015!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Klaus
Dec 17, 2014, 7:58:09 AM

Dear Nubert team,

On December 8th, the UPS man brought my new NuBox 683 to my home!
Unpacked, set up (a bit tedious because of the weight) ;-) and connected to my Advance Acoustic Max 250.
Simply stunning! What a clear and rich sound - it's great fun to listen to the
CD collection from front to back again.
It's just a shame that the NuBox 683 isn't available in white - the two 115 cm high lumps are quite bulky.
But fortunately there are self-adhesive foils in a white high-gloss lacquer look
(e.g. d-c-fix brand) and so my two 683s became wintery white over the weekend without any bubbles or creases!
Now they fit much more airily and easily into the room and primarily draw attention to themselves with their excellent sound.

Merry Christmas from Wiesbaden,

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Klaus Mehrkens
Dec 16, 2014, 8:15:27 AM

Hello Nubert team, hello Mr. Schäfer,
There was a technical problem with our subwoofer (AW-443). However, it was solved to our complete satisfaction. First-class customer support! Thanks and regards to the Nubert team!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Manni
Dec 13, 2014, 3:55:03 PM

I was in the Nubert studio in Duisburg yesterday. I actually wanted to compare the nuVero 11 with speakers from other manufacturers in a similar price segment. Since I didn't get to hear anything reasonable from the other manufacturers in this price range in a speaker studio not far away, I went to Nubert with high expectations.

I sat down in the listening studio, unpacked my music and listened to and compared all the nuVero floorstanding speakers in detail.

What can I say - without wanting to, I got stuck with the nuVero 14. What a sound. Where all the other speakers sound like you're in a long, narrow hallway, the 14 opens up an entire concert hall. Bass, mids and treble come across with absolute clarity. I had everything with me: rock, pop, house, classical music. No problem at all for the 14. I've never heard anything like it in my life. And I've already got a few speakers behind me.

So I went to the (very friendly) salesman and tried to do something about the price. He was succinct: the prices are non-negotiable. This is actually normal for a direct supplier that is unrivaled in its segment. But what I think is a shame is that there wasn't even a discount.

Oh well - what the heck. The 14 lit the torch for me (risk for all who hear it) and so I bought it at the original price. When I got home, I connected them to my AV receiver (Pioneer SC LX 85) with a little nervousness and turned my Monitor Audio Gold Series GS 20 into surround speakers.

A revelation! The sound was crystal clear and powerful. Even in Pure Direct, which wasn't possible with the Monitor Audios, it was absolutely unbeatable. And they look good too. As they are not so wide, they still look delicate despite their imposing height of over 1.40 m.

So if you want to treat yourself to something really g... and extraordinary and have around 4000 euros to spare, there's no way around the nuVero 14.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas Grabs
Dec 10, 2014, 3:34:41 PM

After moving from an old apartment to a new building, I had massive problems with the sound of my floorstanding speakers.
Boomy bass and extreme sibilance were the result.
With frequency response shifts on the amplifier and socks in the bass reflex ports, the sound could only be "made worse".
After days of back and forth, I finally ordered the nuBox 313.
After two days it was delivered, unpacked, wired up, placed on the speaker stand and the amplifier and CD player switched to "ON".
How can I describe what happened next?
A new world opened up!
Grand Funk Railroad's "In Need" built up in front of me like I had never experienced before: attack in the bass and wonderful highs.
We continued with "Tobacco Road" by Eric Burdon declares WAR.
Another absolute listening experience, without fault.
There must be a mistake somewhere!
King King's "A Long History Of Love".
Joe Bonamassa "Drivind Towards The Daylight"
Blues Pills "Devil Man" and much, much more.
I'm not giving the 313 away anymore.
You don't even need to call ........
Order it yourself !!!!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Sascha
Dec 8, 2014, 10:54:32 AM

My first surround set ever ❗

I wanted a new system in my living room. And if I did, then I could finally jump on the Dolby surround bandwagon. However, the focus is still on music playback.

After initial research and visits to the shops, it quickly became clear that even today, beautiful column or satellite speakers can't outwit physics. So it will be conventional loudspeakers :i:

A tip from a friend brought me to the Nubert homepage.
I liked it immediately: clear product lines and, within them, loudspeakers in different sizes and price ranges. In addition, each product is documented first-class on the homepage, including the operating instructions and installation instructions.

This detailed information allowed me to mentally plan my nuBox set. I then called for advice.
Once again, a big thank you to Mr. Siegle!
He changed individual components of my "thought set" here and there and I slept on it for a night. He took the order the next day.

The next positive surprise - shipping with UPS is fast!

After installation and some listening, the 303 dipoles didn't suit my taste as rears. So I swapped them again for direct 313 speakers. At the same time, the receiver, which still showed a personal KO criterion during operation.

The set now consists of:
2 x nuBox 483
1 x nuBox CS-413
2 x nuBox 313
1 x nuBox AW-993
on a Denon receiver.

I'm more than thrilled with how my living room sounds. (My neighbors rather not) 😬

Everything is sound in sound, everything is natural, a great stereo stage and the subwoofer is beyond my imagination in terms of what it can achieve. 😱

I would like to thank the whole Nubert team for these great products, the good advice, the uncomplicated processing and the fast and securely packaged shipping ❗

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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