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Author: Robi
Jan 15, 2015, 1:59:56 PM

Happy anniversary!!!

Keep up the good work!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Pode
Jan 15, 2015, 12:58:51 PM

Happy anniversary !

All the best to the whole NUBERT-TEAM, keep up the good work.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas Rittig
Jan 15, 2015, 11:48:48 AM


Dear Mr. Nubert, I would like to congratulate you and your colleagues on your anniversary and am delighted with your long success story. I wish you continued success and more great new products for us customers. And I would also like to congratulate all proud owners of Nubert loudspeakers on their excellent Nubert products. I myself realize again and again: I hear what I haven't heard before!

Best regards from Hesse from an enthusiastic Nubian

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Sven P.
Jan 15, 2015, 10:57:11 AM

Dear Nubert team,

Happy New Year to you. You gave me a very loud and very sonorous New Year's Eve.
Thank you for the great advice in advance.
I ordered the AW993, CS413 and 2 x WS103 from you. Together with the Marantz SR 7009, it is simply pure sound pleasure to hear and feel your speakers.
I am already completely thrilled and will soon complete my living room with 2 of your nuBox513.

I can and will recommend you at any time with a clear conscience. I do an
absolutely super job.

Many thanks and best regards


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Lars G.
Jan 14, 2015, 9:37:34 AM

Pure musical enjoyment!!! I replaced my two nuboxes 311 with the new model 313, garnished the whole thing with an AW443 and used it with a Cambridge Audio 550A (analog).
What can I say? Madness, genius or simply world class?
😂 I'm completely blown away by how crisp my concert DVDs/blurays are now in the living room. I've never had such a top system before. Many thanks to the Nubert team for the fast service 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: The Cat
Jan 13, 2015, 5:29:02 PM

I bought my nuLine 284 about 1.5 years ago. And what can I say: I am really satisfied. My music simply sounds much better, every instrument can be heard clearly. A few days ago, I lent the speakers to a very skeptical friend and we switched back and forth between her "sound system" and the 284s.
She was very curious and didn't assume that my speakers could have a better sound than her not-so-cheap system. Her conclusion: my "sound system" sounds much more washed out and muffled. Without brilliance 🙂
Although I'm really incredibly satisfied, I'm striving for even more and will treat myself to a trip to Swabia in the next few weeks. Let's hear what the nuVeros sound like... Oh dear, I think I'm hooked...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael Steinhoff
Jan 8, 2015, 1:30:13 PM

Dear Nubert team,

After some trial and error, the nuPro A-300 and the nuLine AW 600 play together excellently. At the moment I'm listening to old CDs with "new ears", even the old LPs have been given a new shine (Thorens Jubile with Ortofon MC 20 super). Thank you for these exceptional sound and price gems!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: deus62
Jan 8, 2015, 11:48:09 AM

Dear Nubert team,

The pair of nuPro A-300s arrived today excellently packaged and quickly.

Unpacking took longer than setting up and setting up the speakers. Together with an Audiofly Revel receiver (connected via toslink), which reliably connects my PC in three different rooms, they stand on a sideboard and have replaced my Marantz M-CR603 and Boston Acoustics A-26, which now work in my study.

Even without a break-in period, which has just begun, the speakers sound just as I had hoped and imagined after weeks or months of reading. The power that these speakers can develop is amazing. As I can also compare them with my pair of Dynaudio 1.8MKIIs (living room), you'd be forgiven for thinking that the A-300s are full-blown floorstanding speakers.

The brief technical advice I received over the phone (I wanted to make sure that my idea of having to downsample 24/192 to 24/96 in Foobar HD tracks was correct) was also quick and reliable. For others who are interested: I use mod2 in Foobar Resampler (SoX) for this.

Thank you very much!

A satisfied customer from the Southern Palatinate, who will treat himself to an excellent Sauvignon Blanc to music from the A-300 tonight. 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Cirrus
Jan 8, 2015, 10:54:27 AM

After a long wait for the impending move and planning a home theater with a NuLine 34 set, a visit to Schwäbisch Gmünd resulted in a 5.0 system.

Out of consideration for the neighbors, a subwoofer was dispensed with (no permission from the government). Although I had some doubts about whether the bass would work, I simply accepted it for the time being. My persuasion was only enough for the rears and I didn't want to push my luck 😉

Before ordering, I went to Schwäbisch Gmünd for a test listen. Let the NuLines compete against each other and hear what was possible - with the ulterior motive that the budget was not yet exhausted due to the missing subwoofer. We quickly abandoned the decision to use the 34s for the front! Not because they were bad, but much more because the 264/284 sounded so good (when listening to music).
I think my better half made the decision in favor of the 264 much quicker than I did. I still had the price tag in mind and knew that I was over the limit. Well, better to invest once more and be happy than to buy twice^^
I took up the motto again and switched back and forth between the two centers. The difference wasn't as clear here, but the NuLine CS174 simply felt better suited to the 264s.

The 284s were a tad better than the 264s, but unfortunately the price would have been too high. We also thought the slim 264 was deadly chic.

So we ended up with NL264 + CS174 + NL24 and finally tried again to get the subwoofer, but no luck!
In the end, this decision was the right one. Even without the subwoofer, I have concerns about the neighbors. It's amazing how much bass comes out of the speakers even without a subwoofer!
Respect and many thanks to Nubert for really great speakers!!!

However, I do have one suggestion:
How about not sticking the buffer feet under the base plate of the stands out of the box, but leave that to the customer. The background to this is that I think the underside of the base plate is nicer than the top (BS-1000 in white) 😬 :redface: 😬
I know you can get them off with heat, but it would be easier this way, at least for me... Let that go through your head.

Best regards from a very satisfied customer from Stuttgart
Keep up the good work!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Buss
Jan 7, 2015, 1:48:29 PM

A few weeks ago, I decided to buy a pair of nuVero4s.
and - now that the speakers have been in my home for several weeks - I'm very impressed with the sound in all respects.

Due to new spatial circumstances, a nuLine 102 + ATM was replaced and it was a very good decision, as I was able to significantly improve my sound.

At this point, I would also like to praise the Nubert service (exchange & reversal
with regard to the various stand variants) and in particular again to Mr. Reichelt.
This is the second time I've tormented you properly... 😬

Best regards to all those who are undecided.
The nuVero4 is a great speaker without any weaknesses!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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