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Author: woodpecker
Jun 25, 2014, 4:48:24 AM

Hello Nubie`s
I got my new Sub 993 yesterday! 😬

Comment from my wife: Are we getting a new fridge?

I was also shocked by the size at first - but then......... 😈

Had closed a bass reflex tube - wanted to go into the "cellar"! But that was done very quickly! Now it's time to play it in and find the right location.

Thanks for the fast delivery; packaging super enthusiasm already great!

Greetings from Lemwerder

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael J.
Jun 21, 2014, 9:59:12 AM

I don't want to emphasize the speaker set that my family and I bought in spring 2005. For that price (2080.90 euros including cables and accessories at the time), it's hard to find speakers of comparable quality.

I would like to praise the exceptionally good and friendly service.
Yesterday, on Friday afternoon, I called the hotline because a "power surge" had paralyzed my subwoofer, which was connected in standby mode. Our stove, microwave, HD DVD recorder, telephone and DSL modem, two clock radios and several other electrical appliances that we have permanently connected to the mains were partially or completely destroyed.

Unfortunately, so was the subwoofer ? I thought. So I called the hotline. I was promised that I would be called back as soon as possible because the person in charge was on the phone. Sure enough, 10 minutes later the Nubert representative, Mr. Domaier, got back to me and explained my problem. In the end, he explained to me where I could find and check the fuse in the subwoofer and that I should check it first before sending the subwoofer in for repair. I checked and sure enough, the fuse had blown. I quickly bought a new one and replaced it.

My joy was huge! This is my idea of good customer service.

Many thanks to Mr. Domaier and the whole Nubert team. I would like to congratulate Mr. Nubert, who signed an article about the Nubert Factory that appeared in "Die Zeit" in 2005 and who introduced me to some of his excellent loudspeakers during a listening test in Schwäbisch Gmünd, on having such outstanding staff.

My NULINE series purchased in 2005: 2xNULINE 30 as front, 1xNULINE CS-40 as center, 2xNULINE DS-50 as rear and 1xNULINE AW-550 as subwoofer.

Yesterday, out of sheer joy, I took another look at the sound cracker Matrix. But you can only hear how good the speaker system really is when you listen to music by Eva Cassidy; calm, quiet, unobtrusive but clear, occasionally powerful, very present - almost as if she were there.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Markus
Jun 20, 2014, 9:49:01 AM

For a long, really long time I thought about buying the Nubert in exchange for my Canton GLE 490. I spent months reading test reports and reviews and spent hours on the Nubert website. With the Canton I always had the feeling that the sound was too thin, there must be something more to it. In terms of dimensions, both speakers are almost the same size, the NuBox is only slightly larger, but 10kg heavier! When the huge 40kg boxes arrived, I was shocked at first, but the oversized boxes meant that even Dick and Doof could deliver the speakers without damage. I could hardly wait to connect the speakers, so I didn't bother calibrating them. Amplifier on, CD on and mouth open, wow. But wait, the subwoofer was still on, off the thing and all over again. Wow, amazing! The subwoofer is really off, isn't it? jap.... I don't want to badmouth my "old" Canton, but compared to the Nubert, these are Mickey Mouse speakers, I still use them, only now as surround speakers at the back.
What Nubert has built here and what comes out of "only" a 2-way system cannot be described, you can't read it and you can't see it, you have to hear it.

Best regards

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear Mr. Schlabritz,
Thank you for your words of praise.
For the readers of the guestbook:
Your loudspeakers are the nuBoxes 681.

Your Nubert team

Author: Alex
Jun 15, 2014, 8:12:46 PM

Hello dear Nubert team,

As a musician for many years, I have a lot of listening experience. After two days I had the feeling for the first time, at night in the dark, that they were standing in my room and playing (live recording). I am very enthusiastic. I have the 383/993 combination. At first I was a little worried about the size (993), but the bass is wonderful even at minimum volume. I hope the speakers outlive me so that I can listen to them all the time. Or is there anyone out there who has had enough of this kind of sound quality? I will gladly recommend you to others. Thank you very much. LG, Alex

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Andreas
Jun 14, 2014, 10:30:42 PM

Four months ago, I went to the listening studio in Schwäbisch Gmünd to listen to the nuVero 11.

I really liked:
1. you are really given enough time and space to listen in peace and quiet.
2. it is easy to compare with other speakers.
3. you get recognizably relevant, clear and sensible advice (also with regard to the amplifier).

But what I would like to pass on here in particular:
If you only read the advertising and, above all, customer testimonials such as the verdicts of audio magazines on the nuLine 284, you get the impression that the NuVero 11's significant extra price can hardly be justified. This impression is wrong.

The additional price of the NuVero is fully justified.

Compared to the nuLine 284, which impresses, but also compels and is rather superficial, the nuVero 11 has a much rounder, more spacious and less strained, more unobtrusive and therefore more confident sound, which may not only be due to its mid-range. This pays off very convincingly in comparison, not only, but especially with more complex classical tasks, and in rock and pop it simply has more substance and not only fills the room, but is rather the room.

So please don't be fooled: In my opinion, the nuVero 11 is even better than the approximately 700 ? difference.

But you can only find that out if you listen in person.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Andreas B.
Jun 14, 2014, 5:36:06 PM

Hello, I have found my dream loudspeakers.
2 X 381 black/black, on black MS67 speaker stands, and 443 black/black.
All together leveled on a Denon 2310 and Denon 510 CD player.
And sound check.
Wow, what an awesome sound.
Great sound, rich bass. Nobody needs more.
Nubert, you're the best, keep it up.
Andreas B.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Peter Salinger
Jun 6, 2014, 1:01:41 PM

Hello dear nubert team!
My nubox 383s have already arrived, wow ! ... this fast delivery! (1.5 days)
I'm really looking forward (like a little child) to plugging them in, setting them up and listening to them.
Many thanks and best regards ... Peter Salinger from Kitzbühel

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: H. D.
Jun 5, 2014, 12:11:59 PM

The combination of 2x NuLine 284; 1x AW 500; 1xCS-174 has been giving me great pleasure for months now after some changes to the speakers + my listening habits. I've never heard music this good in my 26m living room (Albinoni to Zappa) although my 15 year old system was quite comparable in terms of price + performance, I just wanted something new + fortunately ended up with Nubert.
I only listen to HIFI, but should I get the idea to try surround sound, I am already looking forward to the corresponding Nubert products.
Big praise also to Mr. Jörg Reichelt + Mr. Michael Kellner for the prompt information on inquiries + the incredibly fast delivery of desired accessories.
Shipping, packaging + instructions are problem-free + pleasant.
I also really like the look of the NuLine series; it's practically a few more beautiful pieces of furniture.

All the best to Nubert + your employees!
Best regards from Vienna

H. D.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dröhngeist
Jun 4, 2014, 6:50:55 PM

After careful consideration, I ordered a pair of (small) nuVero 4s, actually only as a temporary "interim solution" until my 30sqm living room is completely renovated (long-term project).
Once the renovation is complete, the nuVero 4s will replace the old speaker towers in my kitchen and a pair of nuVero 11s or 14s will fill the living room with sound.

The speakers arrived today, Nubert only received the money yesterday - very fast shipping, I praise that!

I immediately did a few hours of not exactly quiet sound check (nice things should be shared, I like to think of my neighbors😉 - with an old, rancid construction site amplifier & the thin cables supplied:
I'm completely blown away by the dynamic, neutral & very present sound!

However, given the power of the sound, I'm wondering whether it's not a bit excessive to put the big Nuberts in the living room after the renovation is finished...?

I only knew Nubert from hearsay and word-of-mouth recommendations and today I've become a fan!
I have 3 systems at home and will gradually replace all the speakers with Nubert products!

Thank you very much for the good advice over the phone, the uncomplicated purchase process & the very fast dispatch of my new, highly recommended speakers!
Best regards from the Ruhr area*

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Butsche
Jun 4, 2014, 8:04:11 AM

As a buyer of the nuVero11, I have already described my enthusiasm for the sound and build quality in detail here.
A small addendum concerning Nubert's customer service.
I had a small problem with a slight boominess with certain very bass-heavy pieces of music.
I sent an email to customer service and a short time later my problem had vanished into thin air. I was helped quickly and free of charge!
Nubert Speaker Factory clearly proves that good customer service doesn't end after the purchase, it just begins!
Many thanks to Mr. Bühler and the entire Nubert team!

Greetings from Berlin

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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