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Author: Julian H.
May 21, 2014, 12:12:28 PM

The short version:

After an extensive listening orgy at Nubert in Schwäbisch Gmünd, I decided against a nuBox system and in favor of a nuLine system.

I haven't regretted this decision for a single day. The nuLine system is worth every cent more.

You can find the detailed report in the Nubert forum under the following link:


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: rego001
May 18, 2014, 9:23:55 PM

Comparison NuVero 11 vs. NuBox 681
I just couldn't get over the fine resolution, spatiality and sound volume of my current NuBox 681, so I ordered the Nuvero 11 home with the full intention of keeping it if it "blows me away".
Of course, it's amazing what bass comes out of the small drivers.
The price is certainly justified for the technology used, the effort put into the cabinet processing and the design, but the sound is not better than that of the NuBoxes, just different.
Personally, I even find the analytical mids and highs of the NuBox slightly better.
My son (24 and specially invited to the test) found the mids and highs of the NuVeros slightly better. They sound a little more subdued/waddier here, but these are all just nuances and not HUGE differences.
We found the bass, whether fast or slow, to be equally good with both speakers (dry and precise).
I had the speakers connected as front A and B. So we could switch back and forth and had a direct comparison.
The differences in sound (which are already small anyway) are purely a matter of taste.
Neither speaker leaves anything out or adds anything. They both actually sound perfect. And it was only the sound that mattered to me.
And since my old ears (48) and my son's young ears (24) felt the same way, the NuVeros were packed up again and set off on their journey home.
As I said - perfect sound, but that's what I think I've already found in the NuBoxes.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Hello "rego001",
We are delighted that you have given our nuBox 681 such an extremely positive rating. Direct comparisons are, of course, generally good, but in this case they have a major drawback: They are only meaningful if the comparison is made at the same perceived volume level (see also Günther Nubert's brochure "Technik Satt"). The nuBox 681 has a much higher efficiency than the nuVero 11, so when switching directly to one and the same amplifier, the nuBox always sounds significantly louder than the nuVero 11. A louder speaker is always judged to be "more spacious", better resolving, "livelier", indeed simply better sounding - a well-known psychoacoustic effect in specialist circles.
The fact that a nuVero 11 goes about half an octave lower into the bass range than a nuBox 681 (nuBox 681: 45 Hz, nuVero 11: 30 Hz) can easily be overlooked in such a comparison test.

Nevertheless, the following always applies: Good is what you like. We hope you continue to enjoy your nuBox 681!

The Nubert development team.

Author: Andreas G.
May 18, 2014, 8:56:59 AM

I would like to thank Nubert for the unforgettable hours I have spent (and will probably continue to spend) with the incredible nuVero 14. I waited a little while before writing my review so that I could take my time to try out a wide variety of music and styles on the speakers.
The speakers have completely convinced me. In my opinion, the sound, the painstaking musical reproduction of various musical genres (A for Albinioni to Z for ZZ-Top) is second to none. You mustn't forget that the speakers are affordable as well as sounding good.
I've had the nuVero 14 with the ATM module for about a year now. The speakers are driven by a 30-year-old pre/power amplifier combination, supplemented by an SACD player and a home theater PC (Asus Xonar sound card).

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Frank Scholl
May 16, 2014, 6:44:25 PM

I have been listening to my music (classical/jazz) from the Nuline 84 for 2 weeks now.
I should have bought them much earlier. Too bad about the previously wasted listening time.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: dertisch17
May 14, 2014, 4:06:42 PM

I have just read in nuLetter that nubert is planning a preamplifier. This is exactly the product that I (and I'm sure many others) need. My TV has an optical digital output. My CD player is a bit older and has a digital output. My radio is analog. I still need a solution for streaming. I don't know yet whether it will be digital or analog. Everything has to be connected somehow and the ABL has to be looped in. If you only want stereo playback, you obviously don't want to buy an AV amplifier for it and leave the channels unused. You also don't want to buy an expensive DAC. But the analog outputs from the TV or laptop, or even from a cell phone, aren't that great either. So a nuControl is just the thing. Praise for announcing things so early this time! I'm happy to postpone the purchase for another year or two and wait until nuControl is ready, because I buy hi-fi equipment for eternity. It can also be a bit more expensive. I hope the price will be well calculated and not too low for you. I won't spend 900 euros for a DAC + 800 euros for a preamplifier. And I don't see the point of a preamplifier just to control the volume. But even those who have no interest in hi-fi esoterica would certainly spend 700 euros on a DAC with an integrated remote-controlled preamplifier.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Thank you for your feedback. We recently presented nuControl at the High End trade fair in Munich. The initial response from customers and experts was excellent and we think that this "more-than-preamplifier" will be a highly interesting product. However, we have to disappoint your hopes of being able to offer such a high-tech product (with immense development costs by our standards) for 700 euros in an ultra-massive housing. We will certainly not be asking a typical high-end price of 10,000 or 5,000 euros for this "sound manager", but will endeavor to stay below the 2,000 euro mark.

Author: Christoph S.
May 13, 2014, 8:13:34 PM

nuPro A-100: Fantastic speakers.
Originally intended as desktop speakers and piano accompaniment, they are probably the best speakers I have ever bought. Completely unproblematic installation, small dimensions, overwhelming sound.
Swabian workmanship, respect.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Georg Wohlgemuth
May 8, 2014, 7:29:13 AM

There's actually not much to say:

1. service: 1A+++

2. NuPro A-300: To be on the safe side, I'll have a quick look to see if there isn't a much larger floorstanding speaker in my living room. The performance of this small speaker is simply incredible and phenomenal. There are moments when I can't keep my mouth shut.

3. you guys are great, keep up the good work!

I think this is the start of a wonderful friendship 😉

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Achim K.
May 7, 2014, 6:25:09 PM


Here is the report promised on April 21st about the connection of the small compact system onkyo pha-1045 with the new nuBox 313:

The nuBox 311 was good, but the sound of the 313 is even better. Silky, unobtrusive highs, crystal-clear mids (voices are reproduced very well) and natural bass, which is noticeably deeper than that of the 311, without losing its suitability for the shelf. Naturally, the small 313 is not capable of low bass, but even without it, the result is a round, harmonious sound to my ears.

The much larger nuLine32 was much better than the nuBox311; compared to the 313, the gap seems to me to be much smaller.

Conclusion: My expectations were not disappointed, the nuBox 313 is a pleasure to listen to and it gets a lot of good things out of the onkyo pha-1045.

The price, which is only slightly higher than that of the 311, and - last but not least - the knowledgeable and friendly people at Nubert are also a welcome bonus.


Achim K.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Butsche
May 7, 2014, 12:55:02 PM

Hello, Mr. Bühler,
After testing the nuVero11 extensively with different types of music, I have to say that my high expectations in terms of sound and build quality have even been exceeded. It is incredible how effortlessly the speakers play even at very high volumes. The bass is dry and precise, the instruments are clear to locate and, what is very important to me, the treble doesn't sound "sharp" or "tiring", but smooth and brilliant at the same time and the voices are reproduced wonderfully naturally.
My wife (WAF test passed! :wink: ) and I also like the look and feel very much. The speakers look (much) better in person than on the home page - really slim and elegant. The connection terminal looks very high quality, the metal cover grille provides the necessary protection against damage and the solid steel crossbars ensure a secure stand.
But what finally persuaded us to buy them was the sound of the nuVeros at very low levels. The sound produced by the speakers is simply sensational, even with very quiet music. The bass, the mids and the highs are all there, just quiet. As residents of an apartment building, we have to be considerate of our neighbors in the evenings and the nuVero11 works perfectly.
We are currently rediscovering our CD collection and it is truly amazing how many musical details the nuVero11 suddenly brings to light.
To paraphrase a major multimedia provider, I can only say: this is how music should be! 😂 😉
With kind regards from Berlin

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Robert
May 4, 2014, 12:41:39 PM

I'm still a relatively new nubert fan and can only say: great cinema.

As soon as my wallet allows it, I'll be placing a few more orders!

I'm also missing the opportunity to listen to a quick rehearsal. For this I spontaneously recommend my favorite listener: ...*... from Hamburg who would also suit you personally.
I would like to see a NuBox there!

And otherwise: Keep it up. That's it!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Thank you very much for your praise. Nubert speakers are only available DIRECTLY from us, the manufacturer, without any additional mark-up. We are therefore unfortunately unable to supply your *favorite retailer.

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