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Author: Christian
May 4, 2014, 10:33:16 AM

Hello Nubert community,

I would like to say a few words about two facts.

1. the NuPro A-300
I have been using the A-300 in my home for a good week now. I can only agree with all the previous speakers on the active NuPro's.
I had already had a good look at the A-300 at the 'KlangBilder' trade fair.
What comes out of these loudspeakers is phenomenal. Detailed and finely detailed highs, clean mids and a very precise bass that plays so far into the lower frequency range that you would hardly think it possible.
All in all, an absolutely homogeneous sound image paired with a super comfort that is generated via the remote control and the simple and clear menu navigation.

2nd complaint
Reason for complaint: delivery of the wrong color.
For me personally, a complaint is not necessarily a negative thing, as it usually reveals how the company works outside the standard business.
If a complaint is handled professionally, customer satisfaction is usually higher than before.

Here is a short timeline of what happened:

19.04.14 (Saturday) ==> Phone order for NuPro A-300 in white (Confirmed color on invoice was also white).
21.04.14 (Monday) ==> Public holiday
22.04.14 (Tuesday) ==> Info that the box has been shipped.
23.04.14 (Wednesday) approx. 15:00 ==> Arrival of the package in Linz/Austria, the A-300 was delivered in the color black.
23.04.14 (Wednesday) approx. 16:00 ==> Call to Nubert that the A-300 was delivered in black instead of white.
The phone call was very friendly and professional. I was informed that the white version would be shipped immediately and that a return slip would be enclosed with this shipment.
23.04.14 (Wednesday) approx. 16:30 ==> Information that the white box had been sent.
24.04.14 (Thursday) approx. 14:00 ==> Arrival of the A-300 in white.

I immediately took the return slip from the new package and then stuck it on the package of the black A-300 and immediately gave it back to the courier service.

My personal conclusion:
Handling a complaint with this speed deserves my utmost respect.
I would buy something from Nubert again at any time, as I feel that I am in better hands than ever as a Nubert customer, because I now know that even if something is not up to standard, I will be looked after professionally and competently.
Apart from that, I don't know of any other provider that delivers parcels of this size (dimensions of the parcel) to its customers so quickly.
(Arrival of the replacement delivery < 24h)

Many thanks to the Nubert team for the professional work you do.
I can only recommend Nubert to everyone.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: christian
May 4, 2014, 5:10:21 AM

Now I am finally a proud owner of nuVero 11, 7 LS and AW-13 DSP subwoofer.
These speakers combine fantastically with each other. Crystal clear, dynamic sound,
whether for home theater or music. Friends said only one thing: "WOW". The LS can only be
can only be recommended, which I have already done. I don't regret a penny and would buy the speakers again. Simply world class. A big compliment to "Nubi" and his
perfect team.
LG Christian from Salzburg

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael S.
May 3, 2014, 5:45:38 PM

My new nuBox 383 in the ebony version for my desk were delivered today. First of all, I have to praise the bombproof packaging. Everything was very well organized and securely packed. After connecting the speakers, the first listening test began. Like many other Nubert customers, I am simply thrilled. What will it be like after the break-in period? These are not my last Nubert speakers. A pair of nuLine 284s will follow. The price/performance ratio is simply unbeatable. The speakers are also immaculately finished. I'm looking for a minus point, but I can't find one. Yes, Mr. Nubert and staff, this is what honest loudspeakers look like. It goes without saying that the ordering process was completely problem-free.
Many thanks to the entire Nubert team.
Continued success !!! Your new customer, Michael S.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Sebastian
Apr 30, 2014, 4:25:21 PM

Hello everyone,

I've had my nuPro A-300 at home for about two months now. I'd say they're already very well acclimatized. I didn't even know Nubert until a few months ago, I live in the far north, near Flensburg. And unfortunately you can only see and buy Nubert's directly in the south. It would be a dream come true if you were to open a store in Hamburg with direct sales.

But now back to the nuPro A-300s, now that they've been played in, the sound is almost unbelievable, it reproduces fine tones in the mid and treble range, which I didn't hear with my old speakers and they were twice as expensive and four times as big. I always couldn't believe how enthusiastic people were about their Nubert speakers. I always thought it was all a bit exaggerated, but no, now I can fully confirm it. You have to have heard Nubert loudspeakers yourself to understand this enthusiasm.

And now I'm thinking about buying you a second pair of A-300s, because these speakers are just unbelievably good. They're actually in my bedroom, but I've now put them in the living room for testing, where they have to fill 30 square meters with sound. And they do this with such ease that it defies description. The bass is so deep and dry that I was really shocked, I'm sitting 3.5m away from the A-300s and I can really feel the bass physically. I would never have thought what the "small speakers" can do, I'm really impressed with you guys.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: WolfgangR
Apr 30, 2014, 3:43:50 PM

But hello !
I have just connected my new NUPro A-200 to my Macbook.
It works like this. Great bass. Clear sound. Top. Setup took less than 10 minutes. Everything worked right away. Shipping and packaging perfect. I will recommend you to others.
Thank you very much.

Best regards

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: J.Davids
Apr 30, 2014, 3:20:25 PM

Today I replaced my old center with the WS-14.
I already knew that the WS-14 would be significantly better than my old center.

However, I hadn't expected such a difference in sound.
Even now, without a long break-in period, the sound is excellent.
Unbelievable for such a flat speaker.

In order to get a tonally consistent system, I have now decided to replace the other speakers with speakers from the nuLine series.
The sound and the outstanding workmanship have absolutely convinced me.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ingo K.
Apr 28, 2014, 6:25:41 AM

Nuline 284 plus Center CS174 - finally the search is over.
Ever since I visited the new Nubert store in Duisburg in Dec 2013 and had the chance to try out the Nuline 284, I've been hooked. The only problem was that I had only bought new speakers from the Taunus competition 3.5 years ago.
But now I had to take advantage of the free shipping offer and ordered the trio mentioned above. I ordered on Thursday morning at 6am, received a confirmation call from Nubert at 8:30am that they would be dispatched on the same day and on Friday at 11am the UPS guy was already at the door - amazing.
The packaging was super elaborate and the speakers were a dream in person. Plugged in, left to run in for two hours and then the first serious listening test. What can I say? Like all Nuline 284/174 owners, I'm completely thrilled. The sound is not a quantum leap compared to my previous Taunus loudspeakers, but there is a noticeable improvement everywhere.
Very spatial imaging, finely resolving highs, very direct and appealing mids and, of course, the already universally praised bass with a physics-defying low end that is ultra-precise and very transparent, yet doesn't thicken up a bit and immediately encourages you to tap your foot.
It goes without saying that the center speaker blends in very harmoniously and has great speech intelligibility.
Now it's time to rediscover music and movies and swap the Nuline 24 for my Taunus surround speakers again sometime ;-)
Big praise to the entire Nubert team and thanks to all NuForum members, whose positive testimonials ultimately helped me make the decision to buy.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Heussler
Apr 27, 2014, 8:22:31 PM

😬 I didn't have enough time to thank you for the great active speakers.
Now the new remote-controlled ones are out, I have to consider whether the price makes the purchase worthwhile. And: where to put the old speakers?
There's still a lot of water flowing down the Rhine before these questions are answered.....
Nevertheless: I am very satisfied with the active speakers ❗

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Müller O.
Apr 26, 2014, 5:49:35 PM

So now I want to thank the Nubert team, like EVERYONE here....
I am the proud owner of a small series of speakers: 4 WS-201s, 1 AW-331 and the CS-411.... Since music is a great passion of mine, from Ac/Dc to classical, it is now a dream to listen to everything. It doesn't matter whether you listen to the music very loudly or very quietly, what you conjure up from the speakers is really hard to describe in words. I'll just say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ......... Unfortunately no more time, I want to listen to music again and dream of the fantastic sounds with which the speakers surprise and inspire my ears again and again............
These are definitely NOT my last speakers from NUBERT............
From the order to the delivery, packaging and of course the sound of the speakers, pure enthusiasm...... Ingenious..............

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Andreas Reinke
Apr 26, 2014, 4:52:56 PM

Hello to the fan community: After years of deprivation, I have afforded myself the luxury of buying the Nuvero 14 with Cambrigde Audio components (851 A + 851C).
From my point of view, there is no alternative. A stunner in my music room (approx. 21 square meters).
I didn't even know what was on some CDs, simply perfect.
That briefly to the "technical".
It is also important to mention the perfect service provided by Nubert.
As I had problems with a Cambridge 752 BD, it was immediately exchanged, unfortunately not with the result I had hoped for. After 6 months !!! I was then offered an exchange for another Cambridge product (851C) with full refund of the purchase price of the first device. Great !!!
In this context, I also bought a Pioneer Bluray player, which also caused problems at first.
But thanks to the competence of the Nubert staff, this problem was also solved.
At this point I would like to mention Mr. Baum and Mr. Schneider, who were always friendly and reliable despite many inquiries.
However, I would like to give special praise to Mr. Kropshofer. With the patience of a saint, he always pointed me in the right direction by phone and e-mail and even sacrificed his working day for the promised answer.
Once again, many thanks for this.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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