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Author: Jan
Jan 7, 2014, 2:33:31 PM

Ever since I, as a hifi enthusiast with entry-level ambitions, ordered two 311s for pure stereo operation about three years ago, followed a little later by the matching ABL module, I have been praying the Nubert mantra in company, euphoric with happiness hormones of good sound. Now it has twitched again, and I had to order a sub to try it out to prove to myself whether a module or a sub would be better, which at Nubert means "I'll keep it anyway!". Or raises the question of why anyone has asked themselves this question at all, given that the answer.....
Well, to all those who previously thought that a stereo system of 311s would be sufficiently supported in terms of bass depth with a module, I have to disappointingly inform you that this is not the case. Those who drive surround sound don't start with the module anyway, but sub't right away. I'm only addressing those doubters here who still don't know what to choose with Nubert's small speakers. Sure, the upgrade with a module is phenomenal, but with a sub in an old building you always end up with a business card from the plasterer in your letterbox.
The 443 is now fused with the two 311s, and now the structure has a complete sound. Very powerful! I started out with a cheap cable, which of course must have caused the extremely helpful Nubert support team to laugh at my technical questions. But it's also part of top support that they keep this to themselves at first, but then send a nice thank-you e-mail for the amusement in the run-up to Christmas.
Folks, with a really good, expensive cable, which is laid crosswise via socket strips and what-else-I-know-for-wires to feed the 443 with triple shielding, you really can't go wrong with this combination. This package is eminently interesting for people who just want to listen to music in stereo, but are not yet total high-flyers (you still have to know what to do with the building savings contract), and don't want a loudspeaker skyline in the listening room. In keeping with the motto: loud is always possible, a delightful combination unfolds here, especially when listening to music more quietly. It's madness when you let out a fat, rich "hehehe" when you hear a drum solo, even at a moderate volume. Not to mention other musical sounds: "Live at Leeds" by The Who, Randy Crawford & Joe Sample "live", or the funny acoustic sessions by Golden Earring, but also real noise are just great. What I rediscovered three years ago is being served up to me again. And your ears open up when you wash your old LPs and........., the old stuff never sounded better!
But I'm so happy now that I'm wallowing comfortably in the stereo triangle and asking myself: "What can you do next at home?", but that probably requires a desert island with a power connection. The bottom line with the Nubert: if you think you've made it, there's always the option of adding another one. And hey, I don't want to know what else the bigger speakers can do. Certainly enviable if you can have them singing at home. Addiction without the alcohol limit!
Well-being - Jan

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Peter
Jan 6, 2014, 3:03:09 PM

Dear Nubert, the holidays are drawing to a close, the children are out of the house again and I finally have time to write down a few lines. I have long wanted to thank you most sincerely for your outstanding loudspeakers. Unfortunately, products of such remarkable quality are no longer easy to find these days. The main criteria today are profit maximization and savings at any price. I hope Nubert remains true to itself for a long time to come and is not one day overrun by one of these Americanized companies or run by profit-seeking managers or red pencil freaks with their greed is cool mindset. That would not harmonize with your philosophy and could ruin Günther Nubert's life's work in a very short time. Don't pay any attention to people who only talk loudly and a lot but don't really know how to contribute anything themselves. I have experienced quite a few of these in my many years as a consultant. With this in mind, I hope that you will remain true to your service and quality standards for a long time to come. I wish Günther Nubert and the whole company health, success and happiness in all areas for the New Year! I will now lean back, take advantage of the remaining peace and quiet and let my Nuline 102 enchant me with jazzy sounds...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Martin Ritter
Jan 4, 2014, 11:33:16 AM

During a visit to Schwäbisch Gmünd on December 30th, I decided to take the nuPro A-100 with me at short notice and am absolutely thrilled with what these little things can do on the PC. I had already connected several systems (L***, E***, T***) with and without sub to the PC, but the A-100s are really awesome. The size is also just right for the desk. With the new remote control and the additional connections, operation is now also a well-rounded affair. I was able to easily solve initial dropouts when connecting via USB by changing the USB port (from 3.0 to 2.0) on the PC. A friend bought a nuPro A-200 + AW-350 set to replace the nuPro A-20 during the same visit and is also completely thrilled.

Congratulations to Nubert on the successful further development of the nuPro series. I'm curious to see what else is coming. An active floorstanding speaker would be great.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

We are delighted that you are so satisfied with the new nuPro!
We wish you continued listening pleasure!

*We have made the names of the competitor companies unrecognizable.

Author: daniel
Jan 2, 2014, 4:16:03 PM

Hi everyone...I bought the AW 1100.... arrived earlier than expected.....thanks Nubert!!!!
The bass is at an extremely high level....hard to describe.
I will change all speakers to Nubert.
Thank you

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Detlef
Dec 31, 2013, 5:53:27 PM

I once put all my music on a server and listened to music

earlier= before nuline 284

today I "hear and feel" music and drool or get annoyed about the recording

the 284 was the best thing I ever treated myself to, thank you, really thank you

looking forward to the rest for 7.2

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: dasvisum
Dec 31, 2013, 9:52:48 AM

I'm not really one of those people who have to post their reviews in forums and tell you what a great system they have now. But now I have to do it.
I listen to music out of passion, have been involved in production myself for years, a very good friend is a producer. My heart beats first and foremost for honestly produced music, preferably metal, preferably with power and pressure, but jazz and electronic music also delight my heart. No POP, hardly any classical music. For years I've been looking for the perfect all-rounder for me, one that can produce pressure without losing transparency, resolution and, above all, quietness. Anyone who has heard the relevant studio monitors (e.g. ATC A 100 / 50) knows what I mean. But since I don't have 20,000 euros and these speakers are far too big for my 35 square meter room and my wife wanted a discreet speaker, I started looking, listening and listening and listening. Almost everything in the 2500 - 4000 euro class. Optics primarily secondary. The Ls should harmonize with my Brinkmann integrated amplifier. By the way, I won't give that thing away again. Reminiscent of a 19 U amp from a studio with an oversized power supply, linear construction, stable, stable, stable? for the money, that's as good as it gets. In the end I dared to try NuBert. Just like that. To form my own opinion. To give a manufacturer a chance that I had previously completely ignored for whatever reason. So I went for the NuVero 10. 11 and 14 were too big for me, or for my wife. I simply don't need them for my room, as the listening area (acoustically optimized) is less than 20 square metres. Arrived, set up and connected. Bass out ( close to the wall + active sub 500w ) Mids neutral, treble smooth. Highly recommended, especially with a lot of hihat, cymbals, snare, no peaks, no ear fatigue at high levels. The speakers showed the phenomenon of a new speaker. Somehow there was something missing that disappointed me a little, but no matter, I thought, play in, play in, play in. So I put in a CD and was away from home over Christmas. At room volume and on repeat. After about 100 hours I had a new LS. Bass in, subwoofer out. Put in my CD references and reacted with a smile and a beaming face. This is the speaker I've always been looking for. Visually inconspicuous (white), not too big, and a joy of playing, transparency, pressure, level stability that otherwise doesn't exist in this price range, the music is in the room without appearing too shiny or glassy and opaque?madness. If you'd paid 5000 euros for the speakers, that would be totally okay. I'm at the end of my search. Thank you Nubert for a really honest loudspeaker.
CD recommendation for friends of hard music and finest production.
1st place: SNAPCASE "ProgressionThroughUnlearning"
1997 produced by Steve Evetts ( The Cure, Sepultura ) a milestone set new standards and is still considered a reference.
2nd place : TOOL 10.000 Miles I don't agree anymore. More is not possible.
3rd place: all Slipknot albums
4th place: Katatonia " the great cold distance"
5th place: Blink187 sahne Drumsound
for the very relaxed:
the hammer par excellence: Bohren&the Club of Gore " DOLORES " if you need a break and want to listen to something really soft and beautiful????.


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Günter
Dec 30, 2013, 4:06:24 PM

Hello Nubert Team
I bought the discounted Nupro A-20 in December 2013
because these active speakers are connected to my PC and also serve as
speakers for my flat screen TV.
No matter whether I'm listening to music on my PC or flat screen or watching a
DVD it pulls the wrinkles out of my face!!!!
I'm amazed at the sound these Nupros (2 of them) throw into the living room.
into the living room.
I can't imagine what would happen if the "fat things" were set up in the living room.
My conclusion: A very good processing price-performance o.K and again
a super sound! Simply Swabian and good!!!!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: radiouli
Dec 28, 2013, 6:28:49 PM

Hello, I'm a repeat offender! It started a few weeks ago with the nuBox 381, then a good nuCable was added. I am very enthusiastic about the combination with my Denon AVR! Now for my latest acquisition: nuBox 311
I used to have a few simple monitors in my home studio, but they weren't bad. But after I got used to the lively sound of the 381, the monitors in the studio always sounded like tin buckets. So I got myself the 311s. They have now been in use for a few hours. I can already say "everything done right"!
Very lively and above all fine sound, almost even finer and more detailed than the 381. But well, the listening position here in the studio is perfect - ideal sweet spot. It's a different story in the living room. Well then, I'll play them in for a few days and then I'm sure I'll be even more enthusiastic. Happy New Year to everyone here!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Che
Dec 26, 2013, 7:56:08 PM

Hello Nubert Team,
Having already thought about how I, as a Düsseldorfer, could make a detailed listening comparison with your interesting products in view of the long journey, I am very pleased about the new opportunity to make use of your much-praised service in Duisburg. I am almost certain that I will soon find what I am looking for in your store. I am already looking forward to a visit to the new branch near me...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Max
Dec 25, 2013, 7:34:07 PM

The nuPro A-200 are really impressive!
I've had the nuWave10 in my living room for 10 years, so I have a "grown-up" comparison:
The A-200s can't play as loud, but they're not supposed to.
I wouldn't have thought such bass possible!
Crystal clear sound comes from the high/midrange drivers.
The music plays detached from the speakers. No "hissing" at all!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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