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Author: Uwe S.
Dec 25, 2013, 2:51:53 PM

Dear Mr. Nubert, dear Nubert team,

The nuPro A20s arrived here on the 24th just in time for Christmas and I have to say that I'm really impressed by what such small speakers can do. Hats off, I really like it. The leap to my big system is not far off and I have my sights set on new speakers from the nuLine series.
Thank you, also for the excellent service,

with best regards

Uwe S.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: michael neumann
Dec 21, 2013, 10:21:17 PM

hi&hello you nuberts,

I put my AW993 into operation this week and have to say:
the part is just "evil". i actually made the steel beam in my lintel rattle, just "evil" the part.

many thanks and Merry christmas to all

m.neumann hamm

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Maik
Dec 20, 2013, 5:00:53 PM

I've had my "toy" for almost a year now and I'm always delighted when the speakers provide me with excellent sound. So far, everyone who has visited me has said that they don't even know the company, but that they are absolutely delighted with the sound.
Then just said that they should google!!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Rüdiger Sch.
Dec 19, 2013, 4:15:02 PM

Three months ago, I replaced my speaker set from another German brand manufacturer with Nubert speakers. I had already replaced my old center speaker with a CS-72 from Nubert two years ago and was always impressed by its sound quality. The brilliance of the voice reproduction under a large flat screen TV is inspiring.
Now I have replaced the stereo speakers with two nuLine 264s and the surround speakers with two nuLine WS-14s. My expectations were high, but they were far exceeded.
I have never experienced such a brilliant reproduction over the entire frequency range with such clean bass (with these small woofers) in both stereo and surround mode. Experience is the right word, because it is always an experience. As I like to listen to different types of music (classical, jazz, rock, blues), the very neutral design of all Nubert speakers suits me very well. The speakers are honest in the truest sense of the word, bad recordings and bad amplifiers are mercilessly exposed.
However, really good recordings reveal details that you have never heard before. Instruments and voices come across with a clarity that is always fascinating, both in very quiet and very loud passages. I have never experienced these speakers being overpowered. It's also worth noting that I haven't used a subwoofer since changing the speakers and I don't even miss it.
The design and finish of the speakers are excellent and worth every euro. My speakers are white and their slim appearance makes them absolutely suitable for the living room. My wife is also delighted. Excellent sound and placement in a living room with all family members dancing are usually an almost unsolvable problem. We were able to solve it wonderfully with the Nubert speakers in our 43 square meter living room.
Our family also includes two rather wild cats. They have done quite a number on the old speakers with textile front coverings and have managed to knock them over several times. So here's another plus point of my Nubert speakers that hasn't been mentioned in the other reviews. Thanks to their enormous stability and the metal front grille, they are absolutely cat-proof.
Many thanks to the Nubert team. I will never give these speakers away again.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: radiouli
Dec 19, 2013, 12:26:45 PM

Hello dear music lovers and dear Nubert team,

My NuBox 381 has now been in use for about two weeks. Once again it has become clear that "warming up" is really important. My first listening impression after unpacking was also good to very good, but in the meantime the impression has become even better. As has been described here so often, the speakers sound great for their size and price! The sound is balanced, powerful and relatively linear, the bass is dry. The workmanship is good, almost perfect. At one point I discovered a small imperfection when gluing the MDF cabinet - but this is negligible. At the moment I'm running the speakers without the front cover. If the next generation shows an interest in the woofers, I can put them on :-)
Incidentally, I'm using the speakers with a Denon AVR - a great combination in my opinion! Now I've ordered the high-quality speaker cable set (nuCable Exclusiv). have a nice Christmas! Uli

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hardy56
Dec 17, 2013, 5:32:59 PM

Hello Nubert team,

Another year has passed and Christmas and a new year are approaching.

My nuVero 10 is doing very well, it is being treated properly and only gets whole foods in the morning and evening.

I wish you a wonderful nuChristmas and a very successful and happy new year 2014.

Stay the way you are


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Rantanplan
Dec 16, 2013, 2:37:52 PM

Unfortunately, I have to join in the general adulation.

NuLine24 as a front speaker.
Sounds so clean and airy down to the lowest available frequency that there's really nothing to complain about.

Thank you, really a big board!

P.S. The NuBox311 - a good speaker - doesn't stand a chance in direct comparison.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

We're sorry that you "had to" praise our little nuLine... Thank you for that!

Author: Markus Kößler
Dec 15, 2013, 2:55:40 PM

Hello Nubert Team,

due to our spatial conditions (laying speaker cables is very difficult, etc...) I didn't buy a Nubert speaker but instead purchased a SONOS PlayBar with SONOS subwoofer black matt from the branch in Aalen. Sound, design, the very simple setup of the two components with bridge and SONOS speakers - simply brilliant. Sound - totally great.

I would like to express my special thanks to Mr. Yükselen and Mr. Ron. The advice was first class 😉
Both consultants were able to show me several options and ultimately find a great solution to my problem. A big, "fat" THANK YOU for this!!!
TOP recommendation!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Karl
Dec 14, 2013, 11:21:14 PM

I was looking for really good technology, read pretty much all the forums and ended up at Nubert.
Nubert was very fair in announcing the delivery week, as there was a big rush for the speakers.
I paid in advance and waited.
The nuPro A-200 arrived punctually and very well packaged, and after a few hours of warming up, the big moment...................wauuuuuuuuu - a madness.
A huge compliment to the manufacturer. The speakers have a sound that is indescribable, you have to hear and experience them.
If anyone is still hesitating - you can go for it and you won't be disappointed.
Good luck to all other nupro owners.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Nachtaktiv
Dec 12, 2013, 9:30:53 PM

I am now the proud owner of the nuPro A-200.
I used to use the A-10 as a monitor for my small music production on the PC.
The A-200 is much more mature. With the slightly larger volume and the new digital internals, the bass in particular gains amazing depth. Even at low levels, the A-200 brings all frequencies perfectly to the ear. The A-10 was already brilliant, but the A-200 is simply awesome. If you want, you can now save yourself the trip to the living room, because action movies also come into their own in the study with the A-200 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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