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Author: dhenke
Sep 26, 2013, 4:09:18 PM

@Warranty period now 2 years

I think it's a great pity that nubert is reducing the warranty period from 5 to 2 years.
Even the pro-arguments you cite are of no use to me. I can't really understand them. Until now I actually believed that my 5 nuberts-LS were so good that nubert could offer a 5-year warranty. Now I no longer believe that.

Yamaha proves that there is another way. They are extending the warranty on their current Aventage AV receivers from 2 to 3 years.

Regardless of whether I would have "needed" 5 years or not. Unfortunately, there's one less reason for me to buy nuberts from now on.

Greetings Dieter Henke

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear Mr. Henke,

We do not intend to reduce the warranty period TOTAL from 5 to 2 years. For passive speakers it remains at 5 years...

This change does not affect you at all, because the warranty is only being reduced to 2 years for active speakers and subwoofers, which applies almost without exception to all active electronics.
Your Nubert team

Author: bassman0911
Sep 23, 2013, 8:10:17 PM

Hello dear Nubert team!
Since I think that many interested music lovers first look around here in the guestbook, I would like to disclose my last step here again.
I started with the nuBox 381, which is really good for the price I paid.
Next step: nuVero 4, a speaker that made some people wonder about the excellent price-performance ratio. Often you don't really need more "box". It would be better to consider replacing the upstream components.
Once I had done this, I was in the mood for even more.
The nuVero 14 came into consideration for me.
And now that I have it in my home, I'm happy.
I have now achieved my goal.
You can test all the speakers at home at your leisure. And if it's really not acceptable for you, you can exhaust all the possibilities.
Although my listening room is certainly not 100% optimal, I am very, very satisfied with these towers. In my opinion, you can't get more for the money.
So a big thank you to the Nubert team.
A very satisfied customer ....... 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Heiko S.
Sep 23, 2013, 5:43:11 PM

Dear Nubert team,

I have been a customer of your company for many years now, whether NuWaves, NuLines or NuVeros, all the products I have purchased have always been an extension of my listening experience.

The service provided by your company (e.g. listening to loudspeakers on components I brought with me to the listening studio) and especially the after-sales service deserve special praise.

It so happened that I had a problem with my 4 NuVero14. While listening to a live recording, all 4 tweeters cut out after a feedback loop. I couldn't explain this, I could rule out clipping due to the power reserves of the amplifiers (2 x Primare A32 on a Primare Pre30), the volume was "only" room loud. Overloading the crossovers was also out of the question for me.

Good advice was expensive, so I first called the service hotline. As all the staff were on the line, they promised to call me back immediately. It took less than 5 minutes and I was able to describe my problem. After a bit of "shop talk" and discussing several options (they even offered to send me new boxes to return the speakers - free of charge, of course!!!), we decided on the experimental solution (i.e. I had 4 new tweeters on site within 3 working days for me to install and test myself, and that too: free of charge).

What can I say? Now the new tweeters have acclimatized and settled in, everything is great again. This is customer service at its best. Many other companies in Germany should take a leaf out of their book.

All I can say is: perfect service all round!!! Thank you!!!

Many greetings to the whole team!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Willi
Sep 20, 2013, 7:03:05 PM

Proud owner of a dream surround system for 3 days now.
4 x nuLine 264
1 x nuLine CS-174
1 x nuLine AW-1100

It took me 6 hours to set up before I could enjoy the sound. I can say: it was worth every drop of sweat!

Nothing has been calibrated yet and everything is only aligned to my listening position, but nevertheless ....... an impressive sound. Crystal clear, with plenty of steam behind it if desired.

I can't get enough of listening. My references for the test were:
-Mozart's Requiem (digitally reworked version)
-Subway to Sally - Best of: Dress of Roses
-Within Temptation - Mother Earth
-various bands and music genres from Youtube

My result: speakers to fall in love with. They are REALLY honest. They point out mistakes, but their brilliance doesn't make them sound worse. On the contrary, you suddenly learn that even singers in a studio are only human. Good recordings, on the other hand, make them sound more than just perfect. It can be said without hesitation that these speakers elevate the listening experience to a new level.


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Chrisu
Sep 19, 2013, 8:13:27 AM

The new nuVero10/7/3 surround system has been in the party room for a week now (I'm still undecided about the subwoofer). The AV receiver is the Marantz SR7007.
My first experiences:
- I'm glad I chose the big Marantz as my amplifier 😉 . The nuVeros draw a lot of power. You should allow yourself 100 W of amplifier power per channel if you really want to let it rip during a movie
- Stereo with the nuVero10: My hearing was tuned to my nuBox380 and the nuPro A20, and at the beginning the 10s were a real shock with many tracks 😱 . The nuVeros bring out the strengths and weaknesses of a recording much better. For example, the sibilants are much more audible in many vocal pieces and old classical recordings sound "muffled". This is the price you pay for speakers that really get EVERYTHING out of a recording and lift you into music connoisseur heaven with good recordings.
- Surround: After some backing / calibrating / playing in, I can now say: The combination of nuVero 10 as front and nuVero7 as center speaker is really in a class of its own 😂 . The localization of the sounds, the great bass effects - even without a subwoofer -, the clarity of the reproduction - wonderful. The nuVero3 rear speakers, switched to dipole mode, do their job discreetly but effectively. (I would also like to praise Nubert for the very practical, albeit not cheap, wall brackets for the 3s)

Conclusion: Ear, what more could you want?

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Wolfgang
Sep 16, 2013, 10:44:03 AM

After much deliberation, I bought a nu-Box443 subwoofer.
I can recommend it unconditionally for small to medium-sized home theaters!
It's really fun:-), provided you've found the right settings.
Without the SUB, cinema is like Expendables without Silvester Stallone... Or like a thunderstorm without thunder and lightning.
I use the SUB with a Yamaha RX-A820, large Sonofer S7 front LP, Nubert WS-201 center, Nubert DS-301 rear, PC home-built player, Panasonic DT 50 TV.

The remote control is also very helpful! Only the remote control itself could work better.

The service and friendliness of the team is also second to none!

So watching movies is really fun!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Tom L.
Sep 14, 2013, 10:36:04 AM

I stumbled across the Nubert company by chance and after some research on the internet, a telephone consultation with Nubert and the fair return policy, I had the AW-1100 sent to me "just on suspicion", as my old sub had given up the ghost after 18 years.
It took me a while to find the perfect place to set it up and adjust it, but then I watched the "Prometheus" Bluray ............. 😱 😱 to test it out.
My dear friend, this box has steam! The scenery created is tremendous. Belly and ears clearly had their fun. There's no way he's going back!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: kardamon
Sep 14, 2013, 12:13:35 AM

nuVero 5 + ATM-5 (today without subwoofer in 2.0 stereo):
I've known the nuVero 5 since 2011, usually incl. subwoofer. Briefly only with ATM-5.
Today the neighboring constellation was favorable. I listened to the CD Mollono Bass via the tiny Project Amp Box DS power amplifier at party volume.
Unbelievable! brute! 😱 I was completely amazed at the bass that came out at a VERY high level.
The nuVero 5 are chameleon-like special instruments. If the room/furnishing constellation does not allow for a sensible placement of larger or bigger loudspeakers, the nuVero 5 act like saviors. They conjure up a musical quality of life in acoustically difficult rooms in almost any installation variant - mine (experienced in multiple installations!). nV5 alone: Very slim bass, love subwoofers. If possible in terms of placement.
And now the ATM-5:
The bass is there! I wouldn't have thought this inconspicuous combination capable of that :redface:
Not as deep as with floorstanding speakers or subwoofers, but deep enough to make even bass-heavy music fun.
The required amplifier power is irrelevant for moderate volumes, for me as a loud listener I need a powerful amplifier.
Even when listening quietly at night, a full sound image (a la loudness) can be achieved with the ATM-5.

In rooms where neither floorstanding speakers or nuVero 4 nor subwoofers can be placed, this combination is a real revelation!

Nubert team, your audio equipment solutions bring joy to my family through music.
😬 Thank you very much!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Heidurn Hoffmann
Sep 10, 2013, 8:44:20 PM

I can only agree with Michael Jüttendonk. I am also a professional musician and am delighted with the quality of the NuPro A20 speakers. These speakers deliver excellent sound results across the board! As I was a bit skeptical at first as to whether the quality was really as good as I wanted it to be, I also ordered my previously favorite speakers from B... I had previously favored. However, I was astonished to discover that your speakers are far better than the speakers from B...
And there's nothing to criticize about the service either: Delivery on a specific date with prompt and friendly help via the free hotline.

I will recommend you to others and will be happy to order again!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: WS
Sep 8, 2013, 11:51:08 AM

I bought the nuLine 264. A dream what these slim speakers
music experience. Lively, transparent, clearly defined bass even in the deepest depths. Exactly what I was looking for.
I must also praise the advice I received. They paid close attention to
my ideas, unobtrusively, expertly and during the listening test we were able to try everything out in peace in the listening studio without anyone talking us into it.

😂 😂 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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