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Author: U. E.
Aug 6, 2013, 12:12:00 PM

The end of constant experimentation!

My friends smiled at me, my wife begrudged my constant tinkering and experimenting with my surround sound system, but now all criticism has been silenced. The nuLine 284 set was the ideal solution for my personal requirements. Years ago I started with inexpensive loudspeakers from other suppliers, continued experimenting with more expensive loudspeakers from other suppliers ? until I heard Nubert loudspeakers for the first time about 2 years ago. From the first modest nuBoxes onwards, things went upwards.

Nevertheless, it was a long way to the current configuration with 2x nuLine 284, 1x CS-174, 1x AW-1000, 2x nuLine 24. The desire for unbridled power AND filigree transparency was finally fulfilled with this set. It was a tough, nerve-wracking and wallet-draining undertaking - one that we had been striving for for years and now, thanks to NUBERT, we have achieved it!

The homogeneity of the set is convincing, as is the ability to deliver undistorted brute force at the right moment, combined with a previously unimagined transparency and depth in the quieter passages. From gentle harpsichord music to epic battle scenes, from flute to bazooka - the set always feels in its element.

What do the individual components tell me?

AW 1000: 'What, that's all I'm supposed to thunder? If you only knew! Why don't you give us a bit of information, or are you worried about your display case?

CS 174: 'I play so low because I actually wanted to become a subwoofer. But at the last minute I changed my mind and became a center on the second educational path. After all, someone has to do it?

nuLine 24: "Admit it, you wouldn't have thought that it would also rumble at the back! Usually it was only the audience in the concert hall that clapped. That's over now!

nuLine 284: "No, the singers' voices are NOT coming from the center speaker. It's not even in operation. It's just the two of us. That's called a stereo effect.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dieter Wald
Jul 31, 2013, 6:24:41 PM

As a sale bargain, the nuLine 72 was the perfect opportunity to replace my CS-40, which had a high-quality sound but was somewhat lacking in bass compared to the main speakers, as a center. This was then to serve as a surround back.

Given the slightly larger cabinet volume and the slightly larger speakers, I wasn't expecting miracles - but the difference in bass is actually unmistakable! It's unbelievable what Nubert has achieved here. I am (once again) thrilled!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: M. F.
Jul 31, 2013, 4:51:36 PM

From kitchen radio to Nuvero 11
Just under six months ago, the desire for a kitchen radio grew in me. Shortly afterwards, I decided that I wanted a well-known product from an American manufacturer. Fortunately, the salesperson in the store (where it is only available in addition to the online store) was so arrogant that I didn't want to spend any money there.
In my search for an alternative, I stumbled across Nubert. A German company that also produces in Germany, starting with the NuLine series. SOUNDS GOOD!!!
Schwäbisch Gmünd wasn't too far away either. I went there the following weekend. And received competent and friendly advice, which is unfortunately very rare in this form.
Based on the alternative mentioned above, I decided to buy a compact speaker. These already sounded good, but curiosity drew me to the large floorstanding speakers. After several listening tests, I decided to go for the nuLine 264 first because of the limited space in my 14m² room.

A week later I bought them and was happy until my partner heard them. (Not because of the price) She found the sound too bright/others would say too neutral. I liked it tremendously, especially vocals come across really well on these speakers.

Since my partner also wanted to be satisfied, we went back to Nubert with the speakers and chose the Nuvero 11 together. The exchange went smoothly. Now we are both happy!

We use the Nuvero 11 with a Denon N8 compact system. Certainly not a receiver that exploits the full potential of the speakers, but we've been delighted every time we turn them on for almost 4 months. And to our astonishment, this is very often. When we had a compact system in the apartment, it was only on standby for a week afterwards. Now we listen to it almost every day. If time permits, we often leave the TV off.

From our point of view, the large floorstanding speakers offer the following decisive advantage. All frequencies can be heard even at a low volume. This means we can enjoy music to the full and our neighbors in the apartment building hear nothing, even when the system is connected to the DVD player in the evening.

Fortunately, we have not been put off by any minimum distances to the rear wall or minimum room sizes. We are completely thrilled.

Although we ended up spending around four times what we originally wanted to spend, we haven't regretted it for a second. This sound is simply fun.
Many thanks to the Nubert team.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: W. B.
Jul 30, 2013, 3:28:04 PM

Hello Nubert Team,

I bought the 311 and the AW 441 for my PC in the spring.

I have the 311s on a small tube amp with 2x20W (not a noble thing but fine).
Since then I can only confirm the statement "honest speakers".
With the usual 2.1 systems, my last one from BOSE, almost everything sounds good.
With the Nubis, bad things sound bad, mediocre things sound mediocre and
good recordings blossom into new life, simply honest loudspeakers of very good
good quality and a sound impression that really doesn't need to shy away from comparison.

Thank you Nubert team

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: M.Z.
Jul 30, 2013, 9:43:02 AM

Hi there - I don't have a Nubis (yet), but I visit the site from time to time out of interest in your great concept/approach.

Today I stumbled across your product video in the NuPro section with the option of "High German/Swabian". Of course - Swabian chosen --> that's saugeil - thanks for the idea and the great presentation of the little active people in this sympathetic form - made my day 😂 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Fabian B.
Jul 29, 2013, 12:25:10 PM

Hello dear Nubert team,

I would like to thank you for the speedy delivery of my 311 speakers. I connected them straight away and am totally impressed with the sound of the speakers. Despite their small size, they produce a super sound. I will definitely be ordering more speakers as soon as my budget allows. By the way, the Nubi figure is a really funny idea 😉

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas.B
Jul 28, 2013, 1:34:32 PM

So my "rascals" arrived 2 days after I ordered them and are starting to get used to their new home. What else can I say after the first listening tests following the appropriate calibration of the receiver that hasn't already been said in the customer testimonials for the NuBox 681? Only one thing, everything is right: the workmanship and visual appearance are a "highlight",
audiophile a real treat that is unparalleled in this reference class.
They have replaced my H... floorstanding speakers and put them far in the shade. The only real downer is that I am now so convinced by the "Nubertmania" in a positive sense that I will also order the rear speakers and the center from the series so that they support their two regular players in the front row when enjoying films and consequently send the remaining H... to the siding as well. But we're complaining at a very high level, because in stereo mode alone, the two 681s produce a fullness of space that gives the term "listening to music" a new dimension.
In this sense, high praise to the team at G. Nubert in every respect. From development to pricing to service, excellent and unfortunately not a matter of course. Greetings from Berlin. 😎

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: K.
Jul 26, 2013, 8:46:15 AM

I was infected by the "nu fever" when my brother connected his nuVero 10 to my system for a few weeks during a move. Wow, I wanted a sound like that too.
A few days ago I unpacked my new nuLine 82 floorstanding speakers and plugged them in.
Beautiful and a great sound. Whether vocals or techno bass: everything sounds fantastic and transparent. My live CDs sound like they're in concert. I sit comfortably on the couch and feel the vibration of the upholstery when the bass really gets going.

😉 😉 High praise from Bad Dürkheim 😂 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Kiesel
Jul 25, 2013, 5:35:05 PM

Had a hissing noise with the SW. When it was on and the AVR was not switched on, the humming was clearly audible.

A quick email to Nubert and the solution came immediately.

Super, just Nubert service. This is also well known on the net.

Once again, thank you and keep up the good work. Nubert stands out extremely positively in the service desert that is Germany.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Whitey
Jul 25, 2013, 3:37:09 PM

Hello Nubert team

I just watched the video about the new nuPros A-100, A-200 and A-300. I noticed one little thing: The S/PDIF connector is labeled incorrectly! 😱
Both on the back (as "SP/dif") and on the remote control (as "Sp/Diff").
S/PDIF is an abbreviation and stands for Sony/Philips Digital InterFace. So if you don't want to offend Sony, Philips or the interface, leave out the lower case, put the hyphen in the second position and remove the superfluous f. 😈
It would be embarrassing if it went into series production like this... 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Thank you for watching our video so closely. In this film (produced shortly before the HIGH END), a prototype of the FB was shown that was incorrectly labeled. We know that "S/PDIF" would actually be correct, but for space and visual reasons we have accepted the lower case "spdif" and hope that we will not be "lynched" for this...

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