Author: David Damjanovic
Nov 12, 2013, 11:52:31 AM
Dear Mr. Nubert and team,
I am the owner of the new nuPro A-200 and could now rave extensively about the crystal-clear highs, the pleasantly present mids (both but never intrusive) and the amazingly powerful, dry bass (my visitors suspect that I have hidden a subwoofer somewhere), as well as the beautiful design, from the drivers to the cabinet to the display... But I'll be brief and say that the speakers make me happy every day. Thank you and keep up the good work!
Yours sincerely
David Damjanovic
Author: Oliver Eckhardt
Nov 9, 2013, 12:24:28 PM
I've been the proud owner of 2 NuPro A-200s for a few days now and I'm thrilled. The volume that these "small" speakers produce is really incredible.
Author: Andreas
Nov 8, 2013, 8:23:32 PM
I found out about Nubert on the Internet. So I went to Schwäbisch Gmünd and listened to nuBoxes and nuVeros. After some time of weighing up the options, an elegant pair of nuVero 14s in pearl white are perfectly embedded in the living room.
Whatever you throw at them, they convert everything into music brilliantly. Volume, depth, richness of detail, level strength and neutrality across the entire band. Simply top class. Even low levels sound very spacious, even without a loudness switch.
As I use records, CDs and streaming as sources, everything can be adjusted excellently using the sound selection switches and the ATM module. However, bad recordings, e.g. bass-heavy LPs, are mercilessly exposed. Nothing is added, but nothing is left out either.
I would like to congratulate Mr. Nubert and his team on this transducer. A loudspeaker of this quality and grade produced so inexpensively "Made in Germany" deserves applause. Together with the friendly and competent advice of the Nubert team and the speedy delivery, I will continue to be a customer and recommend you to others.
A note on delivery: Partial deliveries are not possible in our country. Therefore, in my opinion, customers from Switzerland should clarify or reserve goods with small quantities (possibly not immediately available) in advance by telephone before ordering online! This could avoid a longer delivery time.
I would now like to wish the Nubert team all the best and hope that they continue to produce such innovative and unbeatable priced products
Greetings from Switzerland
Author: Franz Schacke
Nov 6, 2013, 3:04:36 PM
I have been using the Nuline Center CS 42 with the Nuwave 35 front speakers (with ATM module) in my surround sound system for about 2 weeks now.
I previously had the Canton Ergo Cm 400 as a center.
The difference is enormous, the bass of the CS 42 is in a different league to the Canton Cm 400. The neutrality of the CS 42 is also brilliant, you don't even notice it.
The workmanship of the speaker is also of very high quality, and I will remain loyal to Nubert Speaker Factory in the future when purchasing new speakers.
Yours sincerely
F. Schacke
Author: Magnus Schimmel "Cl.Kilgore"
Nov 1, 2013, 9:14:00 AM
Evolution: my Nubox 481 was perfectly complemented by an ATM on a Pioneer A-616 Mark II.
As the growing number of devices made it virtually unavoidable, I switched to a Yamaha RX-V473 AV receiver and the ATM (unfortunately) had to make way for an AW-880 subwoofer.
Unfortunately, my wife couldn't find a place for the subwoofer where it wouldn't boom. Placed behind the sofa...
To avoid the problem with the modes, I ordered an AW 443 - a stroke of luck!
Its dainty dimensions pleased my wife and it was able to take its place in the font.
What a difference... finally drone-free low bass. What this little box easily shakes out of its sleeve is worthy of all honor. Sure, the 880 offered more structure-borne sound, but I can easily cope with that. The decisive factor is how clean the bass is now.
I find the remote controllability extremely valuable. I've put all the functions on a multi-FB. Depending on the family's acceptance, one of the 4 presets is selected or the woofer is simply switched off at the touch of a button. Great.
My woofer has no problem with humming or popping. I am very satisfied.
Author: Frank V.
Oct 31, 2013, 12:57:54 PM
Hello dear Nubis,
A colleague at work has given my wife and I a taste for listening to music again. What's more, we wanted to set up a home theater at home. I have to say that I had known the name Nubert for years. I'd just never heard them before. :-((
That was awesome! in the truest sense of the word. My wife and I were so impressed by his 5.1 nuBox 681 that we decided to convert our ageing living room. Said and done.
After almost 40 years, my old [xxx] were getting a bit long in the tooth. I gave them to my godchild for his birthday. The question was whether we should go to Nubert or order via the hotline. We quickly agreed that we would go to Schwäbisch Gmünd and see the Nubis for ourselves. We decided on the nuLine 264 after listening to them for the first time. We were also totally impressed.
The only problem, as I realized later at home, was that my wife had seen the nuVeros going in and out. After a few days, my wife started saying, "What were those speakers? Well, the nuVero! After a few days we agreed again. We're going to Nubert. Back in the car and the 380 km to Nubert to listen to the nuVeros. Of course, what had to happen. We didn't buy the nuLine 264, but the nuVero 11.
It was agreed that we would only receive the nuVeros when the living room was finished. We also wanted to do something for the acoustics in the living room. Days later, the time had come. Delivery via UPS in very well packed boxes. Unpacked, a dream without words!
The nuVeros 11 - 7 - 3 are powered by Denon. We don't miss a sub!
Keep up the good work you Nubians and don't let yourselves be distracted in your tinkering to the delight of your customers.
Author: Jörn
Oct 25, 2013, 10:02:37 PM
I bought the Nubert NuBox DS301 to go with my old Philips floorstanding speakers and my XTZ subwoofer.
And I'm really impressed!
Although I'm sitting with my sofa right up against the wall, I feel like I'm right in the middle of a movie like Star Trek Into Darkness.
I wouldn't have expected this result!
I would also like to emphasize the really great design and the super workmanship of the boxes.
The shipping time was also great. I ordered and paid on Sunday and everything arrived on Tuesday. TOP!!!
The only negative point I have to mention is the dipole switch, which unfortunately is impractical when wall-mounted and has to be changed by dismantling the speakers.
Too bad, I think maybe a better or more practical solution could be found in the future?
Otherwise I'm completely satisfied, thanks for the great speakers, they expand my system and my listening horizon!
Yours sincerely
Author: Jürgen Prade
Oct 25, 2013, 1:30:14 PM
🙂 I ordered two Nubert Pro A 20 speakers almost a year ago. Of course, this improved the sound of my Loewe TV considerably. Unfortunately, after a few weeks, very strong humming noises occurred sporadically - and only for a few seconds at a time. After sending the Pro A 20 to Nubert, I was immediately sent new speakers. However, the humming noises then reappeared. The Nubert customer service team - who are excellent to deal with, by the way - assured me that an intensive test had yielded no results, but also asked me whether there was an amateur radio operator in my area. This is the case. I was then sent new, shielded speaker cables (nuCable Audio 8) - free of charge for the time being! After about 6 weeks of operation, I can say that there is no more interference. What's more, the sound has improved considerably thanks to a slightly different speaker set-up and certainly also thanks to the nuCable Audio 8. The Pro A 20 sounds gigantic! Speech intelligibility is very good. The sound when playing music DVDs is better than with my high-quality stereo system (Rotel plus A.. speakers). I would like to thank Nubert and especially my "personal Nubert consultant", Mr. Bühler!
Conclusion: Nubert not only supplies excellent loudspeakers, but also offers exceptional service: always available immediately via a free hotline; competent, very committed and super fast. And that in the service desert that is Germany!
Author: Sebastian G.
Oct 22, 2013, 9:33:18 AM
I have been working in marketing and sales for 12 years. Initially 6 years in the direct support of customers, in the last 6 years I have worked my way up to the position of a member of the supervisory board of an international company with more than 1 billion ? turnover. Due to the variety of tasks that I have been given, I have had to deal with countless different company and market strategies.
I have been your loyal customer for 7 years now, my NuLine 102 and ATM deliver more than you promise; just yesterday I ordered 3 more speakers for 1700. No euro is too good for me. I can only praise you with my expertise: you sell excellent products and your customer service is top-notch. As a marketing and sales professional, I feel I am in perfect hands with you as a customer and product user.
Keep up the good work!
Author: Bernd
Oct 16, 2013, 12:11:07 PM
We ordered a pair of nubox 481s on Monday morning this week and they were on our doorstep by Tuesday lunchtime! A big compliment, delivery is not even that fast and uncomplicated with the giant retail octopus with the small a. in the company name! Unpacked, unplugged the old speakers (from ACR, a Swiss manufacturer that used to make home stereo systems rather than car hi-fi systems in the 1990s), plugged in the new nuboxes, great. We listen to a wide variety of music, often on vinyl, we are not sound purists or hi-fi fetishists, and my wife sometimes puts on loud, scratchy and rumbling old records. From almost perfectly produced electronic and 1960s beat music to fairytale or classical records, everything is included. However, the wonderful, balanced, clear and voluminous sound of the nubox 481 is particularly evident in the "good recordings" that Günther Nubert mentioned in his "thank you letter" enclosed with the speakers. We are very satisfied with everything and can warmly recommend Nubert! We thank you, Mr. Nubert, and congratulate you on your company, which offers such high-quality goods for a good price!