Author: volkmar
Oct 12, 2012, 7:46:41 AM
Dear Nubert family,
My wife and I went to Schw. Gmünd on Wednesday to listen to the nuline series for 2 hours. We were looked after very nicely, left alone with the sonos controller and supported when necessary - that's how it should be! I actually wanted to add nuline 32 or 34 to the aw 441 I bought last year, but after we heard the 102,
everything was suddenly different. The sound can't be topped so easily, especially not with the two new nu-line floorstanding speakers.
Thank you again for allowing us to listen so freely.
Author: Velberter
Oct 11, 2012, 7:21:05 PM
I've had 3 Nubox 311 as front and center for my 5.0 system for about 3 weeks now.
My old Piano Craft speakers act as rear speakers. The amplification is provided by an Onkyo TX-NR 509, which I have been using since the beginning of the year as a replacement for the Piano Craft E-810. After I had the Onkyo, I thought that the Piano Craft speakers sounded really good again, but the 311s bring a grin to my face or tears to my eyes (depending on the direction of the music) when I listen to music. Action movies are now really exhausting, because you have to expect the neighbors to ring with every shot, explosion or other banging effect, but it's just fun to turn up the sound and enjoy it. When the small AW 331 is available, I could imagine it finding its way into my living room. Thank you Nubert team for these honest speakers.
Author: Thomas
Oct 10, 2012, 11:34:22 PM
Hello at Nubert,
I received my two NuPro-A20s today - love at first sight, or rather: much has already been said about the fantastic musical qualities of this speaker - and I'm thrilled at how much this is all true!!!
I do have one point of criticism, however: you're making it really outrageously difficult for the competition in this price range with this box!
Many thanks for this fantastic work
Author: Wittener
Oct 10, 2012, 9:31:31 PM
Hello Nubert,
It's been around 4 weeks now, the NuVero 14, and enjoys my attention every day.
For those who might find this too lengthy - here is the short version of my report:
NuVero 14 simply awesome - buy it now!
For everyone else, here is the almost endless story.
Enough time has passed to write some experiences "from the soul" here.
After much deliberation - is it possible to buy a house and is there anything left over to buy a new system? - Yes, I can, says my wife. So off I go to the city.... bought the usual magazines, memorized the test reviews and swallowed everything that had happened in the last few years. So before I go to the first store to make a fool of myself... I wait for another issue, read, read and read again.
First sounding out on the Internet. Who has what?
I chose a dealer and set off into the fray. From bitter disappointments in terms of advice (a very large dealer who boasts that you can talk to him - yep, I left after 2 minutes and was inclined to hit a person for the first time within this short time) to super experiences in Hamm, everything was there. But everything was part of LS and ultimately always involved a compromise. So, budget negotiations with the wife again - green light. Until I arrived at around 12,000 euros, when I didn't want any more !!! There was a good, rarely seen family member who always had nice things. So I called him and asked him, what are you running now? Oh, came the short answer - LUA 6060 and the NuLine 122 from Nubert. It's really good. Not at all, according to various magazines...but come and have a listen! At the right level, it drives the nails out of the floor above me !!! And people believe it, it really works.....!!! It rocks.
Nubert ? Yes, there was an advertisement in the magazines, but it hadn't really clicked with me yet. So I went online and had a look - aha, they have some interesting stuff, but it's not discounted either. I ordered the catalog by mail and in the meantime a new issue of the magazine arrived.
No reaction from Nubert, so I wrote a bitter complaint in the guestbook. One day later the reaction, Mr. Bühler - please contact me! A week later I had my catalog (together with an honest drop - thanks again!). Sensational complaint management. Respect !!! I read all the tests of the 11 and the 14 umpteen times and at some point said, woman, we're ordering. The 14er is the heart of my desire and after the excellent test of the Cambridge 851 - that too.
Everything was delivered perfectly within the agreed timeframe! The 14er unpacked - they are really heavy, but also doable alone - with a lot of caution and a lot of rest !!!
The Cambridge was banished to the old IMF study monitors in the office and left to run continuously for a sufficient number of hours. Full of curiosity, I connected the 14s to the ancient Yamaha AX-700 and was overwhelmed with many positive moments of happiness - yes, that was the direction the journey should take. Punch, pressure, space all there!
Finally connected the Cambridge...and...what was that ? No sound came out of the speakers ? Checked the connections...turned up the volume...slowly a sound came. On and finally came. Completely irritated, I set the amp to "15 o'clock" and then 60 square meters filled up with a high room volume! Not loud - but at least something was happening.
The following week, the LUA 6060 was connected to the 14 here...and it works great!!! Of course it's a tube and you have to like it, but it sounds very, very good. And the achievable levels are also okay if you don't want to use the 14s in the living room (think 60 square meters) to fill the garden party with sound.
I would like to thank all the salespeople who were always there and dragged and wired many, many devices and were always helpful - (except for one)!
Many thanks to my wife, many thanks to Mr. Bühler, thanks to Nubert for the 14s - you won't get them back - only the 851.
Best regards
The Wittener
Author: Stephan Giesler
Oct 10, 2012, 7:36:27 PM
Our old TV was broken. A large 47-inch flat screen came along. So there was no more room for my 30-year-old large 5-way speakers (height 100 / 35 / 37).
I ordered the NuBox 381. Well - I was a bit disappointed compared to my old speakers. They are considerably smaller.
The ATM was delivered later. I'm totally surprised at what this little thing produces. Suddenly my beloved basses (metal, rock) are back. I would recommend the combination of NuBox 381 + ATM to anyone without reservation. The sound is really full. Without ATM, however, I miss the bass.
Author: Matthias Wessel
Oct 10, 2012, 5:44:43 PM
Thank you Mr. Nubert!
I was happy with my Audio Physic speakers for about 15 years until they broke when I moved house. Too bad, too bad.
As I hadn't paid any attention to hi-fi for about as long, I first had to get my bearings and the name Nubert kept coming up in my research. As I don't need to fill a large room with sound and have always been satisfied with my 2-way bookshelf speakers, the NuBox 381 became more and more important to me.
What can I say? They've been in my home for 3 days now, I've been listening to them intensively for about 7 - 8 hours (lots of rock and pop, but also jazz and classical music) and I'm more than satisfied. My expectations, which are certainly not low, were clearly exceeded! Visually, the shiny black front is a real eye-catcher and the sound is superior to my old speakers in every respect. Above all, I would not have expected such bass from a rather small cabinet. But the treble is also clear without being intrusive. Voices come across with body and the spatial imaging is commendable.
I use the speakers with a pre/power amplifier combination from Rotel and have found that the ideal positioning for me is a slight internal rotation of the speakers towards the listening position (on stands approx. 25 cm in front of the rear wall).
For the sake of interest, I'm thinking about ordering the matching ATM module, but with the current sound I don't really hear any need for it, the sound is so balanced and deep.
Thanks again to Mr. Nubert and his team!
Matthias Wessel
Author: Le chat
Oct 9, 2012, 6:31:47 PM
Just waoh! I'm not a technology freak, I just have pretty good hearing - at least that's what my ear doctor says 😉 - and when I connected the speakers, there was this 'woah' feeling. Unbelievable, the music sounds much purer, much more present, even though I only have a small Yamaha Pianocraft. Well, the one with the extra amplifier 😉 . They're a dream pair for listening to music at home, by the way, the speakers are two nuBox 381s. The positioning isn't ideal, as my apartment is in a corner, but the sound is still simply incredible. I can only recommend this combination to anyone who is considering a Pianocraft - great system by the way, small but nice.
Author: Sven_P
Oct 8, 2012, 5:31:02 PM
So after almost 1 1/2 years I'm writing something about the Nubert loudspeakers.
After hearing the nuBox 311 set at a friend's house, one thing was clear to me: I wanted Nubert too.
It wasn't easy for me to decide which Nubert speakers I wanted, but after very long discussions, posts and phone calls with Mr. Bühler, I finally managed to decide on the nuLine series.
I was mainly interested in getting a good home theater sound and the CS-72 seemed to be the right speaker for me 😬 so after half a year or a year I managed to order 3xCS-72 for a homogeneous home theater front.
After exactly two days, the UPS man rang my doorbell and I accepted the boxes with a grin, paid for them and unpacked them. After seeing the CS-72 for the last time when I was with a friend in Schwäbisch Gmünd and it was lying on a pedestal, I couldn't really believe that I now had 3 of them at home 😬 After I had connected the speakers and provisionally placed them on the boxes and played them with the Eagles Hotel California, I was so excited that I had goose bumps all over my body.
Shortly afterwards I ordered the stands for the CS-72 and 2x DS-22 rear speakers and an AW-1000.
And since this year I've upgraded to 7.1 and I'll be upgrading to 9.1 in the next few days as I've already ordered the 2x DS-22 and am just waiting for it 😬 😬 😬
And like the previous speakers, I can only say that I've never experienced a service like the one Nubert offers anywhere else. So a big fat praise from me and keep it up.
Yamaha RX-A3010 Aventage
2x Nuline CS-72 Front
1x Nuline CS-72 Center
2x Nuline DS-22 Front Presence
2x Nuline DS-22 Rear
2x Nuline DS-22 Rear Presence
1x Nuline AW-1000 and everything in beautiful cherry
Author: Paul
Oct 7, 2012, 11:52:01 AM
I have owned the Nuwave 35 with matching ATM module for 3 years and have never regretted the investment. No matter what kind of music these speakers are supposed to play, they always sound good, even at low levels. So far I haven't missed a subwoofer with the depth that these little beasts produce.
I recommend every doubter and undecided person to put them to the test!
Author: Chris
Oct 6, 2012, 9:17:20 PM
I received my first Nubox today. A nuBox CS-411 Black & Black. The shipping time was just one day. I was using an HKTS 9 system before or still partly using it. Thank goodness the center was replaced by a Nubox today. The other elements will also be replaced by the series.
Keep up the good work...
Greetings from Bavaria.
My heart now beats not only Bavarian.... probes also Nubian...