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Author: Peter Künzel
Apr 17, 2012, 11:16:11 AM

Super servicejavascript:smilie('😂')
I bought 2 Nubert NuPro A10 10 months ago. I am completely satisfied with them. However, 2 days ago, one speaker gave up the ghost and only crackled.
1 call to Nubert was enough, and I received a new speaker free of charge and within 1 !!! day. day a new speaker was sent to me free of charge: That's the best service!
I am delighted. Many thanks to the Nubert team.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Christopher Kubaseck
Apr 16, 2012, 7:18:21 PM

I bought the Nubert NuPro A-20 last week and can only say: the longer, the better, and the more audiophile the recording, the better the experience. The bass and realistic reproduction that comes out of these small active loudspeakers is unbelievable. Jazz and classical music in particular blow me away; I've rarely heard such natural-looking, unamplified instruments. It was a really great decision to buy these speakers.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Gerikoe
Apr 16, 2012, 5:00:55 AM


I have owned the Nuline 122 for 4 years, I have now connected them to bi-amping and I have to say I am blown away by the power of these speakers. I have an Onkyo 905 and the sound has improved a lot. I'm lucky enough to live in my own house so I can turn up the volume from time to time. I can only recommend everyone to try it - believe me, you're missing out if you don't do it (bi-amping)
Thanks again to Nubert for the great speakers, keep up the good work.

LG gerikoe

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Julian Kößl
Apr 14, 2012, 6:51:07 PM

I bought a whole set from Nubert and I really like it. now I wanted to treat myself to new Nubert speakers for my computer. I actually wanted to buy Nupro models, but as they are made in China, I don't think it will be Nubert on my pc! It's a shame that such a great company has to go to China! I would have spent 100 euros more per speaker if they were made in Germany or at least in Europe! But this way my desk remains Nubert-free!

Too bad!!! 😟 😟 😟 😟 😟 😟 😭 😭 😭 😭

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear Mr. Kößl,

ALL quality active monitors that we know of in the A-20 size class below about 800 ? each, and also the vast majority of hi-fi loudspeakers that are bought in Germany with European names, are made in China.
But many companies like to keep this secret.

We are proud of the fact that our entire range of passive loudspeakers and all subwoofers are produced in Europe, although some components, such as most of our subwoofer amplifier modules, are developed by us but manufactured in China.

Nubert Speaker Factory

Author: Thomas Bähler
Apr 14, 2012, 1:31:54 PM

Greetings from Thun in Switzerland 🙂
Hello everyone, first of all, many thanks to the Nubert Factory! I own Piega P4 XL MK2 column speakers, which I bought 10 years ago in February. Good build quality (aluminum from a single casting) and I also liked the music it played. However, over the last few years I've noticed that when I turn up the volume a little, the treble range is simply quite sharp and it becomes tiring to listen to. At first I thought there was something wrong with my hearing 😱 But then I quickly realized that I was probably struggling with this LDR tweeter. So after ten years I decided to get something new, but I didn't want to give the Piega's away under any circumstances, which would have made me regret it, and so they are now at my parents' and doing a good job there 😉 Listening to various possible successors, researching etc. then I became aware of Nubert. For almost a year, I "got smart" with Nubert until I discovered the NuVero10, that must be it I thought, OK and listen to it? Hmm I have to go to Germany, in the end I ordered them without ever having heard anything *unusual for me* But I definitely don't regret it, what comes out of just under a meter is simply great! And the tweeter thing turned out to be right, high levels with the NuVero10? No problem! It's also not exhausting but simply a pleasure, I'm thrilled all round! As I have the speakers quite close to the wall (22cm distance) I have lowered the bass, which is perfect. And with my NAD C375 BEE RSP (RSP=RowenSwissPower) this is a wonderful combination! I'm really glad I did this, and thanks again to Nubert for the price of these gems😂 Delivery by UPS ok, packaging was great, yes and now I've been listening to the sound of the NuVeros for two weeks! 😂 Wish everyone a great weekend! Greetings from Thun

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jochen B
Apr 11, 2012, 7:59:01 PM

We received very good advice and are delighted with the new sound and the fact that our apartment now feels 30% bigger.
now feels 30% bigger.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: HM
Apr 11, 2012, 7:34:01 PM

I received my Nubox 311 today and I'm really impressed. Crystal clear highs and a deep, level bass for this "living room size" leave nothing to be desired.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: MST
Apr 11, 2012, 12:46:53 PM

😬 My new 481s arrived today, too bad for the other speakers at home - they're also being replaced with nuberts.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Alexander
Apr 10, 2012, 10:16:55 AM

I've just caught myself buying Xavier Naidoo's Best of album again, despite all the digital media, just to get the best possible sound out of my 2.1 system consisting of 2 x 481 and the AW 441. Before this system I always thought it was just talk, but Nubert really is a great brand and I think I'll be enjoying the components for a very, very long time to come and incidentally the AW 441 isn't even at 40% of its performance limit with me, because only now do I realize that it's not volume but quality that counts :-) And yet I almost fell off my couch while watching the movie Avatar ;-)

Many thanks to Nubert that even in this day and age there are still products that deliver what they promise and where the customer really is still king.

Greetings from Bavaria.


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Bernd
Apr 9, 2012, 10:02:20 AM

Found your dream loudspeaker after a long search!

My journey to Nubert began with the intention of replacing 4 old speakers (2 Elac/ 2 noname) with 2 new, really good ones. A friend told me about a British manufacturer and I listened to the current series and bought a discontinued model that was still available and sounded really good in the store. Unfortunately, there was no test listening at home (at Nubert of course) and the disappointment at home was huge. The mids were almost completely missing.
As I then found out after some time and many contacts with experts, my installation room is a real challenge for loudspeakers because it simply has too many reflective surfaces and so the mid tones simply cancel each other out.

So I put the English speakers on E-Bay and started the search all over again.

I then read a report in a trade journal in which the Nuvero 10 was praised as a
"dream box". I had never heard of the manufacturer NUBERT before!
So "Google" => The Nubert website is simply impressive with its many technical details. My impression: these are people who know their trade.

I then contacted Nubert and explained my problem to the super friendly and helpful staff.
The "Nuvero 10" solution with 2 midrange drivers mounted at different heights to counteract the cancellation seemed logical to me.

Because I was able to test the speakers for 4 weeks, I then ordered a pair of Nuvero 10s WITHOUT ever having heard them before.

Nubert's advice was not to evaluate the speakers after one or two weeks...

The Nubis have now been with me for 2 months and I'm definitely not going to give them back... They are getting better and better.
Thanks to Nubert for this great product!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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