Author: Walter Frank
Mar 30, 2012, 1:51:43 PM
NUBERT tips for commissioning loudspeakers must be observed!!!
Dear readers,
Please take Mr. Nubert's advice on setting up your new NUBERT loudspeakers very seriously (as I did with my new surround set consisting of 2 x nuBox 681, 2 x nuBox 511 and 1 x nuBox CS-411), especially with regard to the following points:
1. "Acclimatization" at cold temperatures
2. careful cabling
3. Playing in for several hours without your presence in the listening room (!!!)
4. Careful positioning (test several positions if necessary)
This is the only way to really ensure that you exploit the full potential of your speakers, taking into account the specific characteristics of the listening room.
In my case, the effort and patience paid off enormously, especially as I compared the NUBERT set with my two other sets from KEF (2 x Q900, 2 x Q700, 1 x Q600c) and Monitor Audio (2 x Silver RX 8, 2 x Silver RX 6 and 1 x Silver RX Center) and wanted to be absolutely sure that I wasn't jumping to any conclusions. I therefore proceeded equally meticulously with all sets. Incidentally, two high-end Kipsch RT-12d subwoofers were also used in the listening tests (these can be perfectly adapted to the room acoustics and are undoubtedly among the elite of their kind).
All 3 sets have their strengths and weaknesses, with the NUBERT set making the best overall impression in my hi-fi studio (attic room with normal damping, approx. 50 m² base area and approx. 35 m² net area, sloping roof behind the surround speakers), making it both the absolute winner and the price-performance winner.
1st listening test without subwoofer (and in the case of the NUBERT set without ATM modules and with the treble and bass switches in neutral position)
The KEF set impresses with its resolution and spatiality. Coarse and fine dynamics are at a high level. The speech intelligibility of the center speaker is very good. However, the floorstanding speakers (especially the Q900) thicken the bass range too much, even at a relatively large distance from the walls, although they do reach down quite low (approx. 35 Hz). In any case, the bass is not very precise or fast. The workmanship of the speakers is very good (neatly fitted chassis, laminated housing in wood reproduction).
The Monitor Audio set comes very close to the KEF set in terms of resolution and spatiality. The center plays very powerfully. However, the front and rear speakers reach their limits relatively quickly in terms of coarse dynamics (especially the Silver RX 6). The bass of the Silver RX 8 doesn't reach quite as low (approx. 40 Hz) as the KEF Q900, but has significantly more contour and impulsiveness. The workmanship of the speakers is fantastic (everything fits perfectly and the real wood veneers look very classy). All in all, the Monior Audio set is, in my opinion, an extremely successful synthesis of good sound quality and solid workmanship.
The NUBERT set plays the most unspectacular, i.e. the most neutral, in my listening environment. The KEF and Monitor Audio sets can't keep up in terms of coarse dynamics. In terms of resolution and spatiality, the other two sets are slightly ahead. The timing of the high/mid and bass ranges is absolutely perfect with the nuBoxes - it's almost studio monitor quality. The bass is fast and precise, although not very deep (approx. 45 Hz on the nuBox 681). I didn't find any real sub-bass - at least when the nuBoxes 681 and 511 were positioned relatively close to the wall. The center fits almost seamlessly into the sound, which is not quite the case with KEF and Monitor Audio (slight inhomogeneity). In comparison, the Nubert set allows you to listen stress-free for the longest time without having to sacrifice the reproduction of fine details. In my opinion, the build quality is almost on a par with the KEF set, although I personally can do without the wood-effect foil.
2nd listening test with subwoofers (and with the NUBERT set without ATM modules and with the treble and bass switches in the neutral position)
The sound patterns of the 3 sets described above under 1. were basically retained after switching on the 2 subwoofers, whereby the relatively high lower cut-off frequency of the NUBERT speakers now proved to be a blessing. The coupling of the subwoofers was absolutely perfect here. The Monitor Audio set performed similarly well, but the KEF "bass hogs" simply didn't want to succeed. The KEF set with the 2 Klipsch woofers was not a real pleasure even after intensive fine calibration - too much and too soft bass was always the result, which sometimes also had a negative effect on the high and mid-range reproduction.
The NUBERT set ultimately overtook the other two ensembles as the most neutral, most powerful and most homogeneous sounding set - respect!!!
W. Frank
Author: Siegbert Laukas
Mar 30, 2012, 6:21:57 AM
Unfortunately, Nubert's Turbo shipping didn't arrive as quickly for me. When I ordered on 13.03.2012, the delivery only arrived this morning (30.03.2012). What stands out negatively for me is the fact that the communication at Nubert has a problem somewhere. Despite repeated inquiries by e-mail about the delivery/shipment (including to the personal e-mail addresses of Nubert employees), the company does not seem to feel the need to reply. A two-liner would be enough to let the customer know whether the delivery is on its way or whether there is any other problem.
Now to the positive:
The delivery (2x Nuvero4, incl. black BS-750 stand) looks very classy and high quality. Connected to an Arcam A28, the listener experiences a completely new musical experience. I particularly like the excellent workmanship of the speakers. Setting up/mounting the speakers on the stands was also done very quickly and accurately with the plates and material supplied.
Many thanks to Nubert (developers) for producing such a great result at a reasonable price/performance ratio. I am now waiting for the AW-12 to become available.
Best regards from Liechtenstein
Author: Ackerwolf
Mar 29, 2012, 7:27:06 PM
The kind of service you always want:
AW-1500 (purchased in 2009) gives up the ghost.
19.03. - Call to Nubert (free of charge)
19.03. - Callback from the technician (description of the problem)
20.03. - An empty box is sent to me (of course I had already disposed of mine)
21.03. - Receipt of the box (with return slip)
23.03. - Shipment of the box filled with the defective AW-1500 to Nubert
26.03. - Receipt by Nubert
29.03. - I receive the repaired AW-1500
I can only express my heartfelt thanks for this fast and problem-free process. This almost inevitably binds customers to you and - I have already told five people about this great service.
MANY THANKS to the nubert team - keep up the good work
Author: PJonLiner
Mar 29, 2012, 5:28:38 PM
WAHNSINN !!! - almost faster than the "internet police" allows !!!
>>> ordered yesterday & arrived today: nuPro A-10!
"THE" multimedia loudspeaker with the honest sound, perfect in sound - simply TOP in
the price - performance !!!
>>>> to the point: once nuBert - ( 4 me ) always nuBert !!!
with audiophile rhenish greetings
Author: schnurzelpurzel
Mar 26, 2012, 2:59:24 PM
moin moin.
from someone who moved out to buy some speakers for the dining room area...
in 2002 i was in swabian gmuend for the first time. a work colleague had recommended nubert to me after i had wandered through various "specialist stores" and so-called "listening studios". the advice was not worth its name and a real test was not possible anyway. next to the "listening studios" people were testing car hifi components, hundreds of tvs were running...
so i took an afternoon off and packed my favorite cd s. my focus was on multichannel music and a little film.
i found the exact opposite of what i had experienced before in gmuend. the consultant knew his stuff, and what surprised me was that he didn't try to talk me into anything but helped me make my decision. my choice was 4 nubox 380 plus a center nuwave cs-40. i still had a (passive) self-built sub from my buddy.
two years later i moved into a new apartment and i needed a new sub because the old one was unbelievably ugly. this time i didn't go down that road and ordered the aw-1000 blind. unbelievable... the old one was almost twice as big but couldn't even come close to the 1000 in any discipline.
this year i wanted to buy some floorstanding speakers for the dining room. after accompanying several friends to gmuend and all(!) of them went home with speakers and i have been a convinced listener for years, it had to be sound converters from nubert again.
i had 3 plans:
1. floorstanding speakers for the dining room, possibly with a sub. i had my eye on the nubox 511.
2. only subwoofers in the dining room and keep the 30 year old itt speakers.
3. as we now have a sloping roof in the living room, a couple of dipoles for the living room, and a couple of 380s in the dining room.
while listening to them in gmuend i realized... the better is the death of the good. i could hardly believe how much better the other speakers sounded compared to the 380, but also the 511.
after the first sacd, brothers in arms, i really wanted a set of 681s for the dining room. they sounded outrageously good for the price. the 511s were completely out of the running. now i turned to the nuline nuvero wall. of all the speakers, i found the nuline 102 the most pleasant.
after 2 hours of stereo rehearsal, the rumbling started. my plans were good, but overtaken by current events. off to the multi-channel studio. tron was shown... just a quick test of the dipoles...
then two weeks to think about it.
what can i say. now they are here in the living room... 2 nuline 102 and 2 ds-62. a few 380 are now in the dining room.
i am very, very satisfied. thank you very much for your work
Author: Kurt
Mar 23, 2012, 5:24:45 PM
Dear Nuberts,
I would like to use this little story to express my thanks and appreciation for your outstanding loudspeakers and your excellent customer service:
The 3-month unsuccessful search for new loudspeakers, which drove me all over southern Germany's hi-fi stores, brought me to the sobering realization: no matter how much money you invest, there is no such thing as a jack-of-all-trades in this sector either.
Too analytical, too flat, too bassy, too shrill, too mid-range, too muffled, too ? . There was always something to criticize. Even high-end speakers costing 12,000 euros were unable to cope with my demands and loudspeakers.
Inwardly, I was already saying goodbye to new transducers. I'd rather buy the CD player that I'd seen, heard and taken to my heart on my odyssey and use my 102 NuLines, which are still doing their job on the Nubert surround system front. They don't sound that bad either.
So I got a switchover box and the Nubert twins from the Ostalb will be playing surround and stereo in future.
Nubert? Aalen? Just around the corner! I'll give it a try. I'll give it a try. I packed my CDs and went there. As always, an extremely nice atmosphere there and a friendly, patient and competent Mr. Schneider to talk to.
Into the listening room and off we go: 1½ hours tour de force for ears and speakers.
The 122s: A huge amount of music in the room, bass to the max. But also mighty big.
Then the 14 Nuveros: even bigger. Twin-tower hi-fi power XXL. Unfortunately too much speaker in my 80m³ music oasis at home.
And the 11s? Unfortunately they lose the duel against the 14s. High Noon at Nubert!
I can already see myself packing up my CDs and trudging off disappointed.
Next to the pair of 11s stands the bonsai edition of the NuVero floorstanding family: the '10'.
"Now that you're here, you can also listen to the Liliputs..."
Out of anger and frustration, the little ones get it right on the membranes:
Do You Read Me? by the unforgettable Rory Gallagher: a fat snare on 2 and 4 and a thick bass drum as an intro.
Wait a minute, what's that? Where does that sound come from?
Rory out and a number sharper in: Mothers Finest, the mother of funk rock, 'Mickey's Monkey', 'Hard Rock Lover', there's a bang in the deep cellar.
Is that really coming from the Minis? I put my ear to the chassis. Indeed! The 11s and 14s are ashamedly silent.
Then the acid test of audiophile control freaks: Sarah K. 'Waterfall', Sophia 'Big City Rot', Jennifer Warnes 'The Hunter' and the icing on the cake, 'Bad Asses' by Stanley Clarke.
I can't believe it. I'm sitting in the music, crystal clear, incredibly spacious, not too shrill, not too centered, not too?
Finally, the ultimate stress test: 'Knock Out' by Charly Antolini. The beats are, I beg your pardon, "dry as a fart" and crisp, with incredible precision and attack. (?Oops, Charly didn't hit the snare head exactly on a rimshot?).
There's no such thing: so small and sound so grown-up! I'm blown away.
Mr. Schneider, please wrap it up!
Conclusion: The NuVero10 literally leads a shadowy existence between its big sisters. Unjustly, in my opinion.
My tip: if you don't like the 11s "somehow" and the 14s towers overtax your room architecture and/or your wallet, you should definitely listen to the small 10s. So much fascinating sound from so little volume is almost uncanny.
By the way, there's also a pleasant side effect: the friendly, benevolent smile of your spouse because, contrary to expectations, you don't come home with Doric columns, so you don't spoil the cozy home and thus preserve the marital peace.
Author: Marcel us Bochum
Mar 22, 2012, 6:54:35 PM
Hello Nubet community,
About a week ago my Nubox 381 arrived, which I wanted to use together with my new Magnat Omega Sub 25 A subwoofer and my Yamaha RS 700.
The very next day the neighbors complained about the booming of the sub, so I left it out, but unfortunately the little Nubis lacked a bit of bass.
I decided to order the ATM 381 to test how positively they could influence the sound.
What can I say, the ATM arrived today and I realized that the subwoofer had to go.
This combination of speakers and ATM is amazing.
I got more than I expected for this low price.
Normally real German workmanship is quite expensive, but not with you.
What will I get if I order the Nubox 681 + ATM? (wait 2-3 years)
First save money and convince my wife!
My brother told me just yesterday that he wouldn't buy Nubert speakers, he'd heard that Teufel was the measure of all things and he didn't know Nubert, nor had he heard my speakers.
I had to laugh at him for that statement.
Just carry on for a few more decades, I need new stimuli every 2-3 years.
Author: Uli
Mar 21, 2012, 9:47:28 PM
The ATM is great...
already has an input selector switch...
when will the volume control finally arrive?
so that I can leave out my preamp?
Greetings from the coast
Author: Sascha
Mar 21, 2012, 6:18:16 PM
Addendum to this morning's comment.
Hello, dear Nubert team,
thanks for the tip about the ATM module, but I don't need it.
I have the AW 560 😉
Greetings from Wiesbaden
Author: Christoph Nüse
Mar 21, 2012, 4:10:30 PM
Dear Nubert team,
In my living room, the newly acquired nuLine 32s have been playing in stereo with an AW-1000. I will briefly outline my impressions below.
>> Purchase / test listening:
I tested the above-mentioned "set" in Schwäbisch Gmünd against the thicker nuLines/nuVeros and the cheaper nuBoxes.
Thanks to the exemplary switching system for switching back and forth between different loudspeakers, it is possible to make very precise comparisons. What the "audiophile" means by airiness and definition is a bit of a mystery to me. Sound is unambiguous in terms of measurement and highly subjective when listening. The differences between the individual speakers could be wonderfully (subjectively!) recorded in the listening studio.
I was also pleased that the room was not acoustically optimized up to the ceiling, but only had a few high-frequency absorbers hanging on the wall. So you can get a pretty good idea of the sound in an average living room. The impression corresponds to that in my living room.
I only expected a little more information from the specialist staff about the playback devices, as the Audyssey calibration of a single Onkyo amplifier (it must have been the 609 or the 709 in this listening studio) was essentially "only" used here.
>> Product review:
nuLine 32 - The compact speakers confirm exactly what the product description says. Here they are driven by a Denon AVR 1912. Interestingly, the subjectively best perceived sound (with a square 25m² room area) is achieved if the Audyssey EQ is not used at all after calibration. I think the "not having to make any major adjustments" speaks in favor of the speakers.
AW 1000 - The subwoofer has been an icon for years. Thanks to an adjustment recommendation in the operating instructions in relation to the nuLine 32, it is very easy to achieve good transitions between the speakers. The subwoofer produces the frequencies below 40 Hz, but especially the diaphragm-massaging 25 Hz and below, with incredible power and without being intrusive or strained. This applies to voluminous pieces of music as well as somewhat louder sections of movies.
>> General processing quality:
I was able to take a closer look at the wooden veneer in the studio; the speakers I bought are wrapped in white varnish. You expect a lot for a compact speaker costing almost 300?, but both the veneer and the lacquer are really (!) flawless. The white lacquer in particular gives the impression that the speaker has been laser-cut from a solid piece of wood. And I mean that seriously. Every edge and surface is perfectly finished. The same applies to the chassis and the electronics at the front of the AW-1000. The metal grilles are finished to the same high standard and are intelligently attached to the enclosures in rubber mounts.
>> Points of criticism:
For a subwoofer that costs over 800?, I would wish for a slightly higher quality and also slightly larger remote control. Since I work in engineering myself, I know that a piece of aluminum or similar as a cover for a remote control (like the panel on the front of the subwoofer!) doesn't really break the bank.
A few better "feet" for the AW-1000 would also be desirable. Placing the block on four loose pieces of foam and moving it around is somewhat unworthy of the performance and quality of this monster.
Perhaps one last suggestion: if I can adjust the level and upper crossover frequency via the remote control, why not also the phase? That would be helpful for adjustment.
So as not to go beyond the scope of this article, two simple and clear sentences:
1. Nubert proves that excellent, "honest" loudspeakers can also be affordable.
2) Nubert as a brand has convinced me and I will definitely buy from them again.
Many thanks
Christoph N.