Author: Sascha
Mar 21, 2012, 9:56:23 AM
Dear Nubert Team,
I've been following the guestbook entries for a long time and I'm not a fan of exaggerated praise.
friend of exaggerated hymns of praise, I have always held back.
But now I have to make a comment. I had the
Nuline 32 for three years and was happy with it. After three years, as is usual for me, something new
something new. I then spent 1800,- ? with another well-known German manufacturer.
The Nuline 32 had already been sold and I was delighted when I set up the new floorstanding
floorstanding speakers and tried them out.
My mouth couldn't close.... from sheer shock and disappointment.
There was a lack of highs, lows and dynamics.
Everything checked. Cabling, monitoring angle, completely new calibration with Pionier VSX 2021.
Last hope...the hearing has to get used to it first.
The sound seemed a little better after two weeks, but there was still something missing.
I sold the new speakers again and immediately ordered the Nuline 32 again.
They arrived yesterday, just quickly set them up provisionally in the evening and tested them at a low volume...what can I say 😬 the sound is fully back.
What an amazing experience. I'm not going anywhere else, I'm staying loyal now 😬
Greetings from Wiesbaden
Author: Kevin
Mar 19, 2012, 5:17:01 PM
Dear Nubert team I am so thrilled with my two Nubert Nubox 381 Black & Black 😬!!! When the package arrived I was thrilled 😬 and surprised 😱 how big the package is !!!! Incredibly big and heavy !!! 🥴 But then came the unpacking, I was thrilled again, finally they are there !!! Now I finally own them too !!! A MEGA GRIN GAVE IT AGAIN ..... 😬 The little Nubi immediately found its place on the left speaker 😎 Then there was a problem, I didn't yet have an AV receiver ........ 😭 After a day's delay and after a long (actually short) consideration, the old stereo system (Sony) came to the rescue and I was really surprised by what came out of the amplifier. The amplifier only produces 50 watts, but the two Nubis immediately showed their mega cool sound backdrop !!! Sooooo a deep bass without a subwoofer !!! 😬 Then off to Saturn and Pioneer VSX 921 bought and calibrated ready music daa woo I want it 🙂)))) You still have one problem ................... You won't see them again ^^ 😬 !!!
Author: Paul-G.Schmidt
Mar 19, 2012, 10:40:05 AM
Hello dear Nubert people,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the friendly, competent advice and the fast, trouble-free delivery of my nuLine 82 speakers.
It was already a pleasure to take a look at the speakers (pleasing, functional design, excellent workmanship).
design, excellent workmanship), I was almost beside myself after the first listening test. My old Onkyo amplifier showed what it was really capable of. And the speakers reproduce the music (pop or classical) just as I imagine it: clear and balanced, powerful bass without sounding dull, clean highs without being aggressive.
Many thanks again
Author: Nicolas E.
Mar 17, 2012, 7:53:49 AM
February 2011 is year 0 of my new life as a musician *g*
Now a short statement from me, after enjoying Nubert for over a year.
After a very long search, I bought the following hi-fi set:
- 2x Nubert Nuvero 14
- 1x Cambridge Azur 840E
- 1x Cambridge Azur 840W
- 1x Cambridge Azur 840C (in addition to CD also optical stream via PC and AppleTV and iPad with iRemote as remote control)
The sound is simply fenomenal. There's nothing more to say.
Thank you Nuberts :-) !
Thank you for your understanding, dear neighbors.
Author: Harald Schauer
Mar 16, 2012, 8:23:34 AM
Dear Nubert team,
I have to thank you once again for the great advice and the result. I bought two Nuvero 14s about 9 months ago and am still absolutely delighted with these great speakers. Now I was looking for a new "drive unit" for these speakers. Previously powered by a McIntosh and then an Accuphase integrated amplifier, I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to be done. But it really is possible: on the recommendation of Nubert, I have now purchased a Musical Fidelity pre-power amplifier combination: M6Pre and M6PRX. I could hardly believe it, but with these amplifiers, the Nuvero's performance improved significantly in all respects. Amplifier and speakers are a perfect match. Quiet and loud, every style of music, everything is great fun. The volume control always demands "more", there seems to be no limit. But even late in the evening - quietly - the system plays so clearly and musically with a rich bass foundation and airy resolution. A truly perfect combination!
So once again my heartfelt thanks for the perfect advice and products!
Harald S
Author: Michael C.
Mar 15, 2012, 11:10:08 PM
to all those who may still be unsure about their decision. I would also like to tell you about my speakers. We have the nuBox 511 surround set (nuBox 511, nuBox WS-201, nuBox DS-301 WITHOUT nuBox AW-991) in combination with a Pioneer VSX-921.
? it's awesome!!!
I had Pioneer speakers before and was happy with them for several years ? until I experienced Nubert speakers. The difference is really hard to believe. After setting up and tuning our set correctly, we sat up late into the night listening to 'Dudel elevator music' on Deluxe Lounge HD. These clear sounds (even with classical music) are absolutely impressive! You get a really airy, slightly cool, very wide or open feeling directly on your ears ? it's hard to describe but sensational.
The next day I immediately put in the 'The Dark Knight? BlueRay straight away. Again, completely convincing! You can hear noises (clinking glass, metallic clicking of equipment?) that you really didn't take seriously before. The bass of the slim and VERY stylish 511s is very powerful. That's why we decided against a sub (the neighbors thank us). For a normal sized living room, I think this is perfectly adequate and a sub is almost too much of a good thing. (you can tell I'm not writing on behalf of the manufacturer ;-) ? sorry Nubert). Anyone who doesn't like their neighbors is welcome to add a subwoofer (because the noise is kind of fun). We are completely satisfied without.
I have warmly recommended Nubert speakers to friends and recently to a colleague and will continue to do so? the speakers are sensational!!!
So to all those who are undecided ? order, listen and be convinced, otherwise you'll miss out.
Thanks to Nubert for this acoustic enrichment of our lives.
(and a special personal thank you to our Santa Claus! 😉 )
Author: J. Martin
Mar 14, 2012, 7:02:22 PM
Hello Nub's
I'm sitting on my sofa right now with tears of emotion in my eyes... After backing up my 2 ancient but devilishly good M200s (or so I thought until last week) with an AW-560 sub and a CS-42 center.
In every single song in my collection, I suddenly find sounds I've never heard before. 😱
My absolute tip for playing:
Linkin Park - A Thousand Suns - The Requiem, The Radiance, Burning in the Skies & When they come for me.
Turn up the sub with the remote control until it's really fun.
Thank you for this enlightenment!
Next expansion stage already in planning 😎 😎 😉
Author: Eitel Harald
Mar 12, 2012, 8:05:47 PM
On March 10, after an extensive listening session, I decided on the nuBox 681
and am delighted with this "sound box" 😬! Loudspeaker is almost an
insult for these great floorstanding speakers. I've been bitten by the music and hi-fi bug since the late 70s
bacillus, but have never experienced such a sound experience in this price category, let alone
let alone thought it possible! What Mr. Nubert and his team are selling to customers at a reasonable price is exemplary. Direct sales make it possible for music lovers with a normal budget to get very good speakers. I wish
that many more music enthusiasts will have the same experience with "Nubert".
Author: Oliver Becker
Mar 12, 2012, 4:07:52 PM
Ordered the day before yesterday, arrived today: nuPro A-20!
If you are looking for multimedia speakers with honest sound, you have to buy these speakers!
Hardly any depreciation, perfect sound, simple design, German brand quality, top price...
I Love Nuberts 😉
Audio greetings,
O. Becker
Author: daniel krassnig
Mar 12, 2012, 10:59:38 AM
good afternoon!
i've been the proud owner of the nupro A-20 speakers for a few days now and i can only say one thing.... unbelievable!!... i listen to a lot of music myself via my pc and previously had such an ambient roaring cube sound system directly connected to the pc at the kitchen radio onboard output... yeah and who would have thought it, somehow i wasn't quite satisfied with the sound 😉
so i thought "hmm get yourself something sensible"... that was a pretty stupid idea, because i had to realize right away that this is connected with a lot of components that cost a lot of money and where you first have to spend a year reading confusing and mutually contradictory forums and test reports....
at first, instead of buying another roaring cube set, i wanted to get a good sound card with a good used av receiver and then some good big monster floorstanding speakers... and i realized that i had no idea what i should get...
by chance i came across a "top 100 the best speakers since the beginning of the big bang" and was shocked by the prices of the speakers - which are the equivalent of a small car. until i came across speakers somewhere between 20 and 30 that only cost 280 euros or something like that... of course i was curious and naaaa what were they... the nupro a20... when i read about usb connection, i first thought it was a typo, but nope, it wasn't and the idea of simply connecting the parts directly to the pc with an old usb cable and getting a sound out of it that corresponds to an incredibly much more expensive system with an amplifier and washing machine-sized speakers was immediately ingenious.. so i rolled through the test reports on the nupros and they were just awesome... so i didn't hesitate to order the speakers straight away, nubert delivered incredibly quickly and there they were...
so i can only say one thing about the sound... wooooooooooooooooooooow ... unbelievable, just plug them in and even without asio drivers, double usb special cabling and so on, listening to music was suddenly a goosebump-inducing experience...
the speakers should really be voted "miss linear sound" for the most honest linear sound and this speaker has a precise incredible bass (especially with drum n bass music or some soulful house tracks)... i couldn't believe myself what came out of it at half volume... my feet got a good blow-dry from the airflow and my grin on my face was now burned in like a picture on an old tube monitor 😉
then a very well recorded orchestral piece from the wdr radio orchestra (final fantasy uematsu tribute) and i really had goose bumps that lasted for a few hours... simply incredible again... these little speakers are just a blast!!... unfortunately i've only ever had absolute garbage to listen to music with and that was a difference like night and day (with eternal sun and moon eclipse in addition)....
and then the speakers also look very good in real life, the workmanship is masterful and they now stand on stylish stands ( [url][/url] , [url][/url] )..... after so much praise, i can only congratulate nubert on these masterpieces... they are revolutionizing music that comes straight out of the pc without any frills or fuss...
i'm only going to get nubert speakers for my living room, although the stupid thing is that i won't be able to find anything that sounds better and isn't from nubert any time soon 😉
(ps. i then got myself some small billoboxes for the kitchen to replace the chiboradio... ohhaa of course they sounded like buckets after i heard the nupros, really mean of them *g)
best regards, daniel krassnig...
..and i'll keep on testing when the neighbors above and below me aren't around, as their nails would fly out of the wall *g 😉
We are delighted to welcome you once again to the nuHörer community! As a tip, we would advise you to try out the ATM module for your nuLine 32...