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Author: Björn
Aug 8, 2010, 11:59:39 AM

Hello everyone,

After 3 months I've reached the halfway point of my purchases and it was finally time to watch a Blu-Ray.
The sound of the Nuline 32 alone made the music experience the best I had ever heard with my Yamaha receiver. So after this purchase, it was clear to me that I would continue with Nubert to carry out a complete overhaul of the 7.1 system.
As things stand now, there are 6 Nubert speakers on the wall (Nuline 32 / Nuline WS-12 / Nuline Dipols DS-22).
Music on 7.1
Sound image for music simply amazing. Very clear, dreamlike music enjoyment. Accoustic versions of Cindy Lauper and Bryan Adams in particular are simply an incredible listening experience.

As for the Blu-ray experience, I have never heard such a home cinema experience. The effects etc. that appeared in the movie Clash of the Titans were simply awesome. This is what a movie experience at home should be like.

In the next two months, I will definitely be purchasing the AW1000 sub and the CS42 center speaker. Then my new Nubert home cinema / music experience set will be complete.

Thanks to Nubert and my best friend for this unique advice.
The service and support is simply a dream. Many stores should take a leaf out of their book. Keep up the good work and thank you to the Nubert team for the competent advice etc.

I'll be happy when I have all the Nubis at home and can hardly wait for the next two months.
With this in mind,

Greetings to Mr. Nubert and his entire team!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Daniel
Aug 3, 2010, 4:43:30 PM

Hello Nubert's,

I called Aalen to see if NuLine 102 and CS 42 were in stock in black, they said yes, had them put back, drove up from Nuremberg, rushed to the store, paid, loaded them into my crate, dashed home (sweating like a primate by the way), arrived home, unloaded with the shocked wife (because of the large packaging), unpacked everything, connected it, put in a CD, and then something went into the socket. 😉

What comes out of the speakers sounds simply fantastic, nothing more needs to be said.
Thanks to the friendly service in Aalen and the entire Nubert team.

Best regards, Daniel.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Waldemar H.
Aug 3, 2010, 1:26:16 PM

"Nubert? I don't know...!"
Like that! Or something like that was the most common answer when it came to buying new speakers!
My old JBL floorstanding speakers didn't survive their 40th birthday! The membrane surrounds simply crumbled! 😈
It was "finally" time for something new! Canton Center & Surround were still intact at home! Yay, buying new speakers, finally! I looked at various test reports on 5.1 systems! I clicked through half the internet and got stuck in Berlin and Schwäbisch Gmünd! After a lot of toing and froing, I decided on southern Germany! The combination possibilities at Nubert convinced me! It didn't have to be big speakers for a 30m² listening area! So I ordered 3x WS-201 and 1x AW-441 in Black & Black! A few days later 2x DS-301 also in Black & Black! The LCD on the wall, the WS-201s as well, switch to "wall mounting"! The AW-441 volume control "11 o'clock" phase 0°! The DS - 301 at 1.6 m! The Audyssey measuring microphone for my Onkyo levels the 5.1 set in 5 passes! Done!
BluRay taken from the shelf and put into the player and quickly back to my seat!
Play: "Gladiator"!
As if the gods of "sound" had come into my living room, I closed my eyes in awe of what they were whispering in my ears! A new world revealed itself to me!
What have you done to your ears before, I thought! INSANE!
I quickly put the old speakers in the cellar and forgot about them!
Hours and days later, the sound and above all the homogeneity still captivated me!
This is HIFI craftsmanship, this is Nubert! I won't buy anything else!

Greetings from Bergisch Gladbach to the whole team and thank you for everything!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Aleman
Aug 2, 2010, 11:07:21 PM

We have two silver NuLine30, and also an ATM30. At low to medium volumes, the combination has a wonderful sound (not just the bass .....); regarding the ATM: more important than the bass control is actually the treble control..... . 😂

If it's supposed to be a bit louder, without even approaching disco volume, the speaker has a problem: the bass chassis hits the protective grille, which of course has a negative impact on the sound and certainly also affects the longevity of the drivers. And - the grille brackets/screws also have to be re-fixed regularly - otherwise they become food for the vacuum cleaner. :mad:

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Hello "Aleman"!
Since an ATM is not actually a subwoofer replacement, volumes with such woofer excursions are already borderline...
But there is also a solution to this "problem": longer grille mounting bolts, which we can send you on request.

Author: Alaska
Aug 2, 2010, 9:18:42 AM

Dear Nubert Company

I've owned two nuBox 381s for about three months now (I would have liked a nuJubilee, but the budget of a poor student wasn't enough - you can't have everything 🙂 ).

I had read so many good things about their products beforehand. So my expectations were correspondingly high.

Now I could write here in blind enthusiasm that these expectations were exceeded by far. However, this would not be true 😉

The simple and unspectacular truth is that expectations were met to the letter.
I wasn't blown away the first time I heard it, and I won't be now. But I love the way these transducers simply reproduce what they are fed. They don't add anything and don't leave anything out.
That's how music should sound.
A big plus for me is the voice reproduction; there's no trace of nasality, you'd think the singer was standing in the room.
All in all, the nuBox 381 sounds solid throughout and doesn't miss anything - although there is of course still plenty of room for improvement (for example with a nuVero 😬 )

The workmanship is very good, as is the feel. The look is, as always, a matter of taste, but I really like the spartan, no-frills design. 🙂

A big plus for the service, by the way: No Nubi was included in the scope of delivery, so I wrote a short email and received the reply that there was a delivery bottleneck with the Nubis at the moment - but of course they would still deliver the Nubi to me later.
About two weeks later, an envelope from Nubert arrived in my letterbox with the little figure. No shipping costs, no lengthy correspondence - that's how service should be.

All in all, I'm very happy with my decision to buy a nuBox 381.
Who knows, maybe one day my curiosity will lead me to upgrade to a nuVero :P

Many thanks and best regards

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Arthur Pielczyk
Jul 30, 2010, 10:29:41 PM

Typical Nubert again.
I have to share a moment of shock with everyone here. Recently, out of sheer bravado, the fabric covering of my beloved ( 😬 😂 😬 ) AW-440 came off. The retaining rubbers in the housing have come off. Normally you would now mess around and wrap tape around the pins. Not for me. A quick call to Nubert and the next (!!!) day I had 4 new retaining rubbers in my letterbox. And they didn't even want a cent, cheeky 😉. Now my AW-440 is fit again, I'm relaxed and satisfied and the Nubert team has once again shown how it's done. You won't find anything like this elsewhere, even if the problem was a minor one. It's little things like this that make a good company even better (even if you have nothing to improve). Thank you very much.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Steffen Scholze
Jul 29, 2010, 3:49:07 PM

Nuline 32, just two words - thank you!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Viktor Preißler und Michael Preißler
Jul 29, 2010, 10:51:11 AM

Dear Nubert Team,

Having been very satisfied customers for around 6 years, we would now like to express our enthusiasm not only by telephone but also with a guestbook entry.

The Nubert craze began 😬 with a complete nuWave loudspeaker system. An incredibly good sounding system. But Nubert wouldn't be Nubert if it couldn't be improved, so we upgraded to a nuVero 14 surround system. nuVero 7 as center, two AW 1500 as subwoofers and two nuWave DS-55 dipole speakers and two nuVero 11 as rear speakers. We don't think we need to say any more 😂 😂 😂 The sound is incredibly good, precise and very neutral. For example, the movie 2012, it crashes and rattles, but everything is at its best.

We also have a "small" Nubert surround system, two nuLine 102 + ATM module, nuWave CS-65 as a center, two nuJubilee AW-35 subwoofers and two nuWave DS-55 dipole speakers as rear speakers. Here, too, we are completely thrilled with the super sound, you feel like you're sitting right in the middle of the action :p .

We also have two nuJubilee 35 loudspeakers, which fill the kitchen with sound. Classical music or jazz, for example, sounds exceptionally good with these compact speakers, i.e. you can hear every instrument, even if it doesn't sound so good (i.e. the instrument, not the speakers 😂 )

And now we come to the most important part: the perfect service from Nubert. It starts with the very nice ladies on the hotline, who help you competently and connect you with the desired consultant. In our case, Mr. Bühler has been the man we trust for many years. He is extremely competent and has given us excellent advice in all telephone calls (we have NEVER sent anything back!!!). With Mr. Bühler, you never get the feeling that he wants to sell, but rather that he is advising you, leaving the decision making up to you, so to speak, which we found very good.
Exactly twice we had a small defect, once on the subwoofer and once on the dipole rear speaker, within 3-4 days Mr. Bühler replaced the subwoofer and in the same period the dipole rear speaker was repaired. Perfect service, what more could you want.
Another example: nuJubilee AW-35 pre-ordered, with waiting time, which was no problem at all. The official word was that the subwoofer would be available from around 26.07.10. As we were naturally very excited, we asked quite impertinently on 21.07.10 when it would arrive. The answer came promptly on 22.07.10, namely: "Your subwoofer was dispatched today and will be with you on Friday. Once again, this is service at its best in Germany, many companies could take a leaf out of their book!!!!! Because of this service, and of course because the subwoofer sounds really good, I ordered another one yesterday afternoon. And what can I say, it was delivered again today.

So to cut a long story short, dear Nubert company, keep up the good work and we look forward to many more phone calls with Mr. Bühler. To Mr. Bühler: It would be nice if we could get to know each other personally. If we are ever in the neighborhood, that should work out. 😂 😬

Greetings from two enthusiastic Nubert fans

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Harald Nobbe
Jul 28, 2010, 6:16:57 PM

A hello to the Nubis..javascript:smilie('🙂')

I have owned Nubert loudspeakers for many years now. The rear speakers and center were the chosen ones back then. I just wanted to wait a little longer with the front speakers, as I still had the old floorstanding speakers from Magnat. Well, for the not-so-audiophile user like me, it was more or less okay.
But now it has really hit me and I ordered from Nubert. Yesterday the Nuline 102 arrived...javascript:smilie(':p')
Two huge packages arrived that I could hardly move. The unpacking alone was an experience and the sweat ran in streams. Really professional packaging and the things arrived within a day.
So the Nuline in black are really the eye-catcher. The surfaces, chassis and terminal are all top notch. Music, home theater everything is experienced in a new way. I still have to experiment a bit with the toggle switches on the back to adjust the treble and bass (a matter of taste). All I can say is that I couldn't be happier.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire Nubert team.


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Armin F.
Jul 28, 2010, 6:16:45 PM

After more than 20 years with T+A, I have now switched to nuVero 14 speakers from Nubert. I find them absolutely gigantic for several reasons. You can hear things that I never heard before. Furthermore, the sound is so expressive in the bass, mid-range and treble that it simply takes your breath away. When I showed the speakers to my friends at my birthday party a few days ago, they all stood or sat rooted to the spot and just listened to the music. And finally I was able to bring a piece of Swabian home to Cologne with the Nubis. Many thanks to Mr. Görtler and Mr. Bühler for the first-class handling. With so much friendliness and competence, shopping is really fun.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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