Author: Jan (Glatze)
Jul 12, 2010, 9:33:50 PM
Schnueff, thanks Bart! Really, the longest review of ABL and 311 - and the nicest, most competent. How did you manage that with less than 4990 characters ? I'm sitting here crying in front of my one-year-old 311 and module and still can't calm down. It's all true, the first contact with Martin called Blabla..., he started it, everyone feels at home with each other. I recommend reading the reviews. Nothing was added or put on fat. 311 plus module - that's it! You can trust two mutually adulating friends here - while the Nuberts are probably cringing with amusement.
Great team, brilliant products, thanks Bart. But that should be enough now and should have convinced the last doubters.
So damned lucky - bald
Author: Martin Ay
Jul 11, 2010, 10:35:00 PM
All right, let's finally get rid of the system and put a big grin on the Nubert guestbook!!!!!!!
Where to start? I treated myself to the 311s last year, after an article in the German "Rolling Stone" had turned me on to the small but fine speaker manufacturer from the master Nubert years ago!!!!!!!! (A hymn of praise for the speakers can be found here somewhere in the guestbook)!
After enjoying many wonderful CDs in a quality never heard before, friend Jan (called Glatze) was pranked with a mystical evening full of music, drum solos, beer, a nagging visit from the neighbor, etc. (see Jan's hymns of praise in the guestbook) and virtually driven to order the 311s (did I mention what a wonderful little speaker it is?) !!!!!
But that's not all: the aforementioned friend Jan (called Glatze) thought to himself why not top off an ice cream with delicious fruit and cream? And lo and behold: before you could even say ABL module, he had already ordered and booked it (see the corresponding hymns of praise somewhere in this guestbook)!!!!!!!!!!
And yes, during test listening sessions at his place (friend Jan, called Glatze) something could be heard, not really tangible yet, but there was something, a certain increased presence of the music, a bass drum here and there, which sounded like a...........yes, let's call, in a nutshell: there was something!!!!
To find out what was there, Jan (called Glatze, for those of you who have just started reading here) arrived one fine evening with his small but well-filled black suitcase!!!! The module was quickly connected to Martin's system and music was inserted!!!!!
Master Jan (called......ach now it should be known) adjusted the controls with skillful fingers and see (listen) there.........unglaublich.......the little 311s suddenly seemed to have arrived: Van Morrison suddenly stood in the room and sang heart-rendingly, Dingsbums from the Henrik Freischlader Band drummed more in front of the speakers than in the speakers and yes, the bass drum was also back!!!!!
To cut a long story short: the module is THE hammer for people who are happy with 311s but still mourn the lack of space for small to medium-sized floorstanding speakers!!!!!
Music can be heard in a new way, pieces that you think you know by heart present details you've never heard before, recordings that you always thought sounded great are surprisingly revealed to be poorly recorded froth; it's an aural expansion that makes you want to go out onto the balcony and shout loudly into the night: "Oh you doves, go and buy the Nubert store empty!" !!!!!!
Well, it might have become clear that a convert is writing here, and that's fine, because now I'm coming to the main point of this entry (because I know that Jan, called Glatze, is already waiting eagerly): after this wonderful test evening with the module on my own speakers, it was clear that I had to order or "save" this part!!!!
But now a milestone birthday was approaching on my part and it happened as it would have happened in any good Hollywood movie: dear Jan (called.....ach was....) organized a cheerful spontaneous expropriation of the pocket money of some good friends and ordered......ou, who have read this far, already guessed it, so, he ordered the ABL 311 module!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For almost two weeks now it has been "flopped" between CD player and amplifier (an insider that Jan called Glatze will understand) and inspires me anew with every attempt!!!!!
Acoustic, bluesy, rocky, classical, etc.etc.etc. music coming out of the little box that makes you want to take 1-2 sabbatical years at a time to listen to everything you can get your hands on!!!!!!
Coming to the conclusion: Jan, also called Glatze, wonderful action, many thanks again in this way, may our beloved music bring us many more "Hörizonterweiternde" evenings!!!!!!!
Long may you run!!!!
Author: Tim Tillessen
Jul 10, 2010, 10:16:15 AM
Dear Nubert team!
Two weeks ago I ordered the nubox 381 in walnut as "B-goods". I was very excited, especially about the defects that B-grade products usually have. As I had recently owned a Nubox 481, I already knew that the speakers would sound excellent.
Well, after the speakers arrived well packaged after just 2 days, I checked them thoroughly for defects, minor scratches or dents. I COULD FIND ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
My question: Why do you sell such flawless speakers as "B-goods"?
Of course, as a customer you're delighted to be so positively surprised, but isn't this an unnecessary loss-making business?
I would also like to praise the exemplary advice provided by the hotline. Always friendly, unobtrusive and excellent information about the products.
Service like this is extremely rare!
So, now I'm going to lie down on the couch again and continue listening to the Böxchen 😂
Kind regards from Mannheim to the entire Nubert team!
Tim Tillessen
Author: René
Jul 9, 2010, 9:36:37 AM
Dear Nubert Team,
In October last year, the decision was made to buy new loudspeakers.
So we did some research, gathered information on site and everything else that goes with it.
But one thing stuck in our heads - no matter where we looked, the same thing kept popping up: "Have you heard of it/try it/look there..." and what did that mean?
Nubert? was, at that time, still something completely unknown to me and so I first went to the website and was immediately pleasantly surprised.
Clearly structured, an abundance of choice and something for every taste and budget. In addition, there was the friendly and helpful forum, the extremely positive entries in the guestbook and the hotline (which I didn't need at the time), which also had the attributes already mentioned (I "tried it out" at a later date)?
In November, I made the last-minute decision to drive to Schwäbisch Gmünd to get a personal impression of the whole thing.
On the advice of the forum, I made an appointment ?and then set off on my journey.
When I arrived in Schwäbisch Gmünd, I was first given a very friendly welcome at an ?Expert? market.
My first impression was 'Wow, what's going on here and where can you find something like that?
Shortly afterwards, I looked for the employee with whom I had made the appointment, Mr. Kohler.
He took more than enough time to answer all my questions, even the later ones by e-mail or on the phone.
Whether it was about the products, shipping, returns (within the four weeks) or "technical aspects regarding nubification" - everything was answered perfectly!
This was something completely new for me, because I never had the feeling, not even in the slightest, that I was being 'forced' to buy something. So although you were in the "same category" as the usual electronics stores (you were in an Expert), you found a completely different attitude/procedure of the employees towards "the customer"!
Or: A difference like night and day!
As the favored models were already clear from the outset, we went straight to the listening room a short time later.
Still skeptical, I thought I would be able to discard the NuBoxes relatively quickly, because every manufacturer thinks their products are "superduper" and that's why I always ended up "a few product lines" further up, because "the cheapest" was never really convincing!
The problem was that until then, not a peep had come out of the boxes!
When that happened, my prejudices were suddenly groundless!
In other words: Never before had I experienced such a convincing 'performance' from a manufacturer's cheapest product range! If I compare this with my previous and also not exactly cheap equipment, I come to the conclusion that the NuBoxes offer an excellent price/performance ratio! ...and in comparison to my "old selection" I can only think of one word: OUCH!
The fact that nothing came of this series in the end doesn't detract from the impression! The leap upwards was definitely there, but it didn't justify the price and the purchase compared to what I already owned.
So I ended up with the NuLines?and I can justifiably say that I'm not exactly unhappy about it!
Arriving home?more than 10 hours later, after about 1100km and overwhelmed by impressions, I can say: It was worth it and I am glad that I drove after all!
Even though more than half a year has now passed, the Nubis really put a smile on my face at the beginning...and they still do that now... every time and over and over again and there hasn't been a day when nothing has happened (ok, unless I'm not at home).
Not so long ago, I added an ATM and, to integrate it, a power amplifier...and now I have "again, new speakers here!
No way!
I'm not a fan of excessive volumes (and the Nubis don't need to be, they sound so good!), but if you turn the volume up too high, the walls literally shake...and the still clean sound in all respects is downright addictive!
NuVirus full broadside you could say!
Please keep it up...!
What I still don't really understand/may not understand: How can it be that the last link in the playback chain, of all things, uncovers "inconsistencies" like the do they do that???
Author: Guido
Jul 8, 2010, 8:51:16 PM
The end of an odyssey...
It took me a few years to decide to write a few lines here. On the one hand, because there is nothing to add to the existing contributions in terms of praise, the joy of newly discovered music and the many little ohas and huchs that you can't escape when listening with nuberts. On the other hand, because this is surely tantamount to "carrying owls to Athens" on the nubert pages.
The reason for this article is therefore not the many months of happiness with my 381s together with ABL and appropriate stands, but my long search for the "rest" of the equipment for my second system to go with the nuboxes.
So for interested imitators, here is my travelogue to audiophile bliss:
As a musician and consumer of pretty much all genres and styles, I was lucky enough to come across nubert at some point. So far so simple and for any future purchase decision, all other speaker manufacturers are excluded (sorry, but I've never come across a better ?/sound/service ratio).
Although I'm not from Swabia, I'm still thrifty and was now faced with the situation that my old Sony AV receiver from the 80s (yes, I'm over 40) was still working, but in terms of sound performance it was only outperformed by my clock radio. A voluntary budget limit for a suitable integrated amplifier (<500?) and the purchase of a CD player, which should not be exorbitantly expensive, provided the framework. NAD BEE, Yamaha (good experiences), Marantz were quickly shortlisted and with the firm intention of "there-must-be-something-to-find" off we went shopping. First haptic test Marantz (I think some 6xxx), hmmm...the volume control bends to one side when you touch it for the first time. First and lasting thought: Not possible.
NAD wasn't there at the time, Yamaha was only touchable in the upper price ranges, but above the limit. I examined the whole range of transistor and tube amps up and down and after I had at least temporarily ignored the price limit, nothing jumped out at me. The listening test didn't even happen. Frustrating weeks of internet research, specialist literature and further visits to specialist retailers, including listening tests, followed. The longer this process went on, the less I was convinced by one product or another. Either the price/performance ratio wasn't right, the look or something else. However, continuing to live with the Sony was not a solution either.
Weeks of pondering and surfing went by and the frustration was now great. What was it like back then, in the early eighties. We liked listening to music back then too. However, we also saved up for it for a long marantz - great thing ... Only somehow better made than the plastic boxes of today. If I still had it, I'd like to know how it sounds on the nuberts...
Ebay makes it possible. A week later there was a 1060 from marantz (built around 72/73) with an honest 40 watts per channel on the rack. Top condition, no scratchy pots, everything intact - a resurrected childhood dream. I have done away with the CD player. Instead, I ripped all the CDs loseless and connected a Squeezebox.
I don't know what a new amplifier sounds like, the certainly good and highly praised works of art of modern transistor or tube technology. To be honest, I don't really care. The 381s sound fantastic on this thing - both quiet and loud (and there's plenty of power), the power amplifier can be disconnected, the Squeezebox plays what it's supposed to and whether it's classical, jazz, rock, pop, or, or, or ... it's just fun.
What did I pay? 70 euros - with shipping...
Author: Maxi
Jul 8, 2010, 8:42:04 PM
Dear Mr. Nubert,
I hope you really read these articles - I am very impressed by your speakers
and I'm really impressed by all the models!
Whether there are better loudspeakers anywhere in the world or not is certainly not the point here, I would buy from you again in a heartbeat because I think the service provided by your company and your listening studios is simply superb!
company and your listening studios is simply great!
A small suggestion on my part:
If you are considering launching an active speaker on the market,
something on the scale of a NuBox 381, I will be right back at your door as a customer!
My compliments to the Nubert Speaker Factory!
Author: Mario Zivkovic
Jul 8, 2010, 1:17:05 PM
Yesterday, after almost 8 weeks of waiting, I became the owner of the nuBox 481 surround system and an Onkyo TX-SR608 media reciever.
Visually, the sound system looks very professional, clean, elegant and robust! I could literally feel that I was holding quality goods in my hand!
After over 3 hours of unpacking, assembling, wiring and connecting, I was ready and could get a first impression of the sound system.
So I switched to the World Cup 2010 match between Germany and Spain! It was amazing, when I heard all the vuvuzelas with nubi surround sound, I wanted to pack up the sound system straight away and send it back to nubert 🙂 !!!
Now after the game I put in a Bluray movie with Dolby Digital DTS that I had already seen several times... What I heard was simply fantastic! There were sounds and noises that I had never heard before! I couldn't recognize the film! After 10 minutes there were more noises that I had never heard before - my neighbor... She hit the wall with an object...
Apparently I had lost track of time a bit and it was already a bit late for a boing start in my apartment 😉
I don't want to leave out a few negative points: During the ordering process, the webshop said that my speakers would be delivered in calendar week 23.
In fact, the delivery only arrived in the middle of calendar week 27 due to the housing supplier's delivery difficulties. Another negative point is that
the power cables supplied for the nuBox AW-441 and the Onkyo TX-SR608 media receiver are for German sockets - i.e. totally unsuitable for Switzerland.
This wasn't a problem with the subwoofer because I had suitable Swiss replacement power cables. It was a different story with the Mediareceiver... I couldn't replace the plug as it is permanently connected to the system
so I had to improvise and cut the plug head to fit the Swiss socket with cutting pliers.
As the German plug pins are also thicker than the Swiss pins, I had to push the plug into the power distributor with quite a bit of force - never to be removed again.
Another minor defect was a shock absorber that was missing the foam mat on one side.
All in all, my initial impression is great, I will continue to test diligently and hope my impression remains.
I would also like to say a big thank you to the super friendly and competent sales consultant, Mr. Bühler!
Author: Andi
Jul 6, 2010, 10:43:57 AM
Hello dear Nubert team,
I don't even know how I can manage to write this entry in a reasonably factual and objective way, because I have rarely enjoyed an order as much as I did with you!
I ordered the nuBox 381 on Wednesday and despite the financing procedure I already had it in my hands on Saturday as you had announced! Simply unbelievable. You won't find such fast processing from anyone else.
Of course I wired everything up and set it up straight away. Well, I already knew the speaker, but at that time it was still connected to a different amplifier.
In the meantime, I've bought the Advance Acoustic MAP DA305 II, which is a massive powerhouse with 2x200W into 4 ohms, and I have to say that the nuBox benefits from it no end.
I already thought it was brilliant back then, but now the bass is even more contoured, tighter and the enormous power reserves of the amplifier have given the speaker a further boost in dynamics.
In my opinion, the brilliant thing about the nuBox is that you can simply listen to it with any kind of music and it always gets the best out of it. And even if you listen to it quietly, you can really hear every facet. Simply incredible. The treble is never shrill or overemphasized, which is a problem I've had with sooo many other speakers. The mids are absolutely present and vivid, with better recordings you really think the singers are standing in the listening room. And the bass is incredible anyway. I've never heard this kind of bass (and that's NOT a lie) in any speaker I've ever owned (Teufel, Dynaudio, Bose...). Even the floorstanding speakers I once had couldn't keep up. And that's WITHOUT having to turn the tone control... Nothing is washed out or breaks in at higher levels (and there's no lack of presence at lower levels either).
My current amplifier doesn't have any tone controls, but I don't need them either.
I've had 10-12 loudspeakers from different manufacturers in my life so far and something has always been missing or was too over-present for me, so that after a while I was simply annoyed and listening to music was no longer fun...
With the nuBox 381 I have now found my holy grail and I would love to listen to it from the moment I get up in the morning until late at night before going to bed without interruption, because I keep discovering new facets and can't stop being amazed.
Simply amazing, there's no other way to describe it.
Thank you so much for being here and please, please, please keep up the good work!!!!
Author: Alexander Heun
Jul 6, 2010, 8:36:44 AM
Hello, I would like to give you a report on my Nu line 100 with modul. the consultation was short and good as I thought at the time (2002). My first question was about the performance of my marantz pm 17 MK2 M. The extremely nice and competent consultant said yes, that would be a great combination. Boxes, module, pm 17 and cd 17 connected. Yes, it was nothing, the treble was hard and biting, the bass spongy. Maybe the speakers need a long break-in period, I thought. Unfortunately not. I kept the speakers anyway (fortunately). My hifi hobby played a rather subordinate role over the next 8 years. In january 2010 i discovered a Marantz sm-17 on e-bay. i bought it at auction and connected it immediately. I couldn't believe my ears - was this my system? I thought the sound was perfect, the treble was clear without being harsh, the bass was dry as dust. It couldn't be better, I thought. Oh yes, but I read in the sm 17's data sheet that btl operation is possible with 2 sm 17s. I had to get a second sm 17. no problem thanks to e-bay. with a pm 17 supplying the mid and high frequencies and two sm 17s each supplying the bass range as mono, my nu line 100 sounded like something from another planet. Friends who also deal with hi-fi were speechless. Nubis need power, throw out the bridges and bi-amping is the order of the day. Nu line 100 my absolute dream loudspeaker. Greetings Alex
Author: Robert Steigauf
Jul 5, 2010, 6:55:27 PM
Some time ago, after I had refurnished my home, I decided to buy my first high-quality loudspeakers. At some point I came across the Nubert homepage and was very impressed: clearly structured product families, intuitive operation and an unpretentious appearance. Great! The former in particular is an absolute exception on the loudspeaker market!
Due to the compact dimensions of my listening room and the look, I decided on two NuLook LS2s connected to the Yamaha RX 797 amplifier (often mentioned in the forum) and CDX 497 CD player.
Many people report that their speakers overwhelmed them as soon as they heard the first pluck of a guitar string. It was different for me: everything was frantically wired up, the speakers placed on the stands, CD inserted... And... Disappointment! I'd never heard a real stereo system before, having grown up with PC speakers, compact systems and MP3 players.
Because of all the buzz in the hi-fi scene, I apparently had the wrong expectations: pronounced three-dimensionality, gives voices body, plays tight and direct, the sounds bubble gently out of the chassis... I took these (non-Nubert) descriptions of good speakers literally and expected to be impressed.
If you are looking for spectacular effect speakers, Nubert seems to be in the wrong place.
Over the course of the following two weeks, I became increasingly familiar with the "tonal character" of the NuLook. I heard details that I hadn't noticed before and also adapted my taste in music to a certain extent (towards genres with a more appealing sound, I discovered singer-songwriter music in particular).
I have to disagree with all those who fear that the NuLook would inevitably be too narrow-chested in stereo mode.
Originally, I just wanted to upgrade the music playback in my room and therefore decided to go for the visually appealing NuLooks. I had no idea that this would change my entire leisure behavior. Accordingly, I made a visual downgrade (at no great extra cost), but an upgrade in terms of sound and brought the NuJubilee and ATM into my home (after extensive trial listening in a few specialist stores; I'm keeping the speakers, I'm unsure about the ATM due to my room acoustics). I like the generally smoother high-frequency reproduction and the punch in the kick bass. To celebrate, I bought some new CDs, of which I particularly liked Ani DiFranco's Reprieve (especially the song Nicotine).
The next updates will be to the room acoustics (DIY absorbers in the corners, bought ones on the back and side walls), so it will be some time before I buy new speakers.
The article probably sounds more sober than it is meant to be, because I'm really impressed...!