Author: Bernd Müller-Bohn
May 26, 2010, 12:14:01 PM
If someone needs to draw attention to himself by making outrageous entries in a competitor's guestbook, then that's a very serious matter.
If he can't make a name for himself in public through his own efforts (like Nubert) by providing outstanding technical and service performance, then this gentleman, in his desperation, can probably only see the way to shabbily misuse a competitor's Internet platform.
Whether Nubert's loudspeakers are high-end is something we customers can understand and evaluate for ourselves by listening and comparing them in our own four walls.
On the other hand, I can confidently do without the transparently motivated classifications of Mr. Struck (?).
With my NuLine 120 (forerunner of the NuLine 122), my long search for an affordable sound transducer that also meets the highest demands finally came to an end four years ago.
Since then, I have been listening to music (mostly classical) and movies through these speakers almost every day.
If the recording technology is of a correspondingly high quality, then my initial enthusiasm has still not faded.
On the contrary: it is confirmed every time anew.
A few years ago, when I added the appropriate surround speakers and my own studio-style damped listening room, everything got even better.
In comparison, I have heard products from competitors that are classified as "high-end" and cost many times more. I wouldn't swap them for my Nuberts...
Speaking of cabinets: you can be very satisfied with the build quality and appearance of the NuLines (cherry wood in my case) 😬
If anything, I might buy a NuVero 14 surround set at some point.
Until then, however, I can continue to live with my NuLines and devote myself entirely to listening pleasure.
Bernd Müller-Bohn
Author: Egon Struck
May 24, 2010, 6:07:17 PM
If you are so honest, then you should also say where the housings are produced!
Because honesty begins with honor. I swear on my honor, as many liars have said.
It may be that your speakers don't sound that bad, but that has nothing to do with high-end. So if you are as honest as you always claim in your advertising, then tell your customers your honest evaluation (tests are only good if someone else pays for them).
My honest assessment of your speakers: low-end to midle-end.
Egon Struck
Author: Tim T.
May 19, 2010, 7:08:17 PM
Dear Nubert team, I am very happy to have become a customer of yours!
But first of all, how I came to Nubert:
For many years I had been listening with 2.1 systems from Logitech. I was actually always satisfied with them - the bass was just right 😂
But over time it occurred to me that booming bass can't be everything. So I switched to a Teufel E 400 in January 2010. A 5.1 system with big bass (I didn't want to get worse) and 5 small satellites. I was thrilled at first, as the improvement on my Logitechs was already enormous.
But as it happens, a few days later I heard about Teufel's Motiv 5 high-end PC system - a week later I had it with me because I was suddenly no longer completely satisfied with my E 400. The Motiv's sound was again a little more refined, the bass was powerful, but somewhat imprecise. I was also annoyed (as with the other sets before) that the speakers sounded very strained and thin, somehow listless, especially with difficult pieces of music (lots of guitars or other instruments at once). However, I had come to terms with this, at least for a few weeks, as I thought that there would probably be nothing better in my price range anyway.
But then I read again and again in many forums that large floorstanding/compact speakers were the ideal solution for listening to music and that these small roaring cube sets couldn't hold a candle to a proper stereo system. A user then brought me to the Nubert website. And from then on, everything changed! I asked my cousin if he had an amplifier to spare. 2 days later I had one 🙂
Then I ordered the nuboxes last Saturday. They would probably have arrived yesterday, but I called on Monday to ask if they could be sent by DHL (thanks again to the nice lady on the phone, unfortunately I can't remember her name). My request was carried out without hesitation, just great.
So today at noon the time had come. The DHL man was at my door at 4 p.m. and asked me to help him carry the parcels. No problem, I thought, they won't be that big. Well, I've now realized that I was very wrong 😂 . These monstrous boxes just for me? Apparently yes. I quickly paid and scurried into my room. Unpacking was quite easy, so praise at this point for the exemplary packaging!
The build quality is amazing. The Nuboxes look a little "rustic" in the product photos, but in reality they look very elegant and high-quality. But was the sound impression exactly the same? No. It got even better. The Nubis and I have been great friends since the first note. The sound experience is indescribable, simply enchanting. Details in pieces of music always make you sit up and take notice and eagerly listen to what delicacy is coming next. The bass is so powerful and precise that I would never have dreamed of it. It underlines the melody where the composer wants it and lets it rip where it is intended!
Huge praise to the whole team from your new regular customer Tim from Mannheim!
Keep up the good work, until the next order
Author: Sigi
May 18, 2010, 9:12:33 PM
Really great speakers!
Author: Marc
May 18, 2010, 1:23:06 PM
:p Dear Nubert Team,
You make me poor, but with so much joy that it could get even worse.
Today I integrated my beloved Nubox 311 into my study and connected the newly arrived Nubox 511 and ABL to my Marantz. What have you built there? Where is the hidden subwoofer? How do you get such a bass from 3 dainty 14.5 cm drivers per speaker?
I am once again overwhelmed, even though my journey will probably only be complete with a NuVero. Until then, I'll be enjoying what is probably the best and most elegant floorstanding speaker under 800.00 euros per pair on a daily basis. I can only recommend the ABL module to everyone, because it turns an unbelievable speaker into an incredible one.
Music was my first love...
Author: Reinhold
May 17, 2010, 8:47:05 PM
As an Ossi by training, I have lived through two crises of meaning since 1989:
1. the collapse of socialism
2. that you can produce such good loudspeakers for so little money
(would not have been possible under socialism, even with subsidies).
I recently went to a live concert by the Nighthawks and was glad to hear this music at home in better quality on my NuBox 381.
The question remains: How do they do it at Nubert?
Author: Tanja und Heiko
May 16, 2010, 6:51:04 PM
We don't really do that sort of thing, writing guest books and praise doesn't really suit us. That's why we didn't do it when we bought the 4 NuWave 125s, 8 NuWave 85s and 4 NuWave 35s in 2008. Not that we weren't very satisfied (after all, the Vincent hybrid machines harmonize very well with the speakers), but so be it.
Nevertheless, we changed our minds after we were given more than two hours to listen to our own hi-fi components on a Friday afternoon and were then allowed to purchase 4 NuVero 14s in mocha. The salesman also had a good sense of humor and told his colleague that it might take longer to listen to the speakers and also helped carry the amplifier as a matter of course. The following week, the speakers also drove the two nice gentlemen from UPS to storms of enthusiasm, one of whom could remember the delivery from 2 years ago and immediately asked whether the same thing was going to happen again with the lugging (he could actually be happy, the Primares were delivered by a forwarding agent).
In any case, the bottom line is that we listened to the speakers and are still fascinated by the clarity, brilliance and conciseness of the sounds they produce. The neutrality is simply a perfect match for the Primare A32 + Pre30 + CD31, a masterpiece of German engineering. The music floats in the room and is never intrusive, neither with high or bass-heavy pieces, where this sonorous humming usually occurs.
Thank you!!!
Author: Martin H.
May 16, 2010, 9:11:16 AM
"These go to eleven"
I have been using the above quote, which is not to be taken entirely seriously, ever since I got my NuVero 11 - it comes from the movie "This Is Spinal Tap" - the corresponding sequence can easily be found on youtube by searching for "These go to eleven" (I assume that links are not wanted here and am therefore paraphrasing).
For some time I had been toying with the idea of replacing my NuWave 8 loudspeakers, which are old but still playable, with NuVeros that have more bass and a more precise sound. My visit to the High End 2010 gave me the opportunity to take a closer look at the models in question.
At the time of my visit on Friday, Günther Nubert himself was demonstrating the NuVero 14 - I was immediately blown away by the fine sound and the crisp bass and thought to myself "Shit ... I want the bass ... I need the big ones!". After a while, the audience asked for the NuVero 11 to be played as a comparison and to restart the same CD - and this request was granted. The subsequent demonstration of the 11s repeatedly caused confusion in the audience ("How? The subs aren't running?") and relief for me: the 11s also offer enormous bass ... they are perfectly adequate for my small living room and high (if necessary, quasi militant) listening levels!
During the demonstration, Mr. Nubert spoke very enthusiastically about the development of the speakers and answered all my questions in detail. You can literally see his passion for his profession - with such a convincing "freak" (sorry!) I'm all the more likely to buy!
After letting my impressions sink in for a while, a second trip to the stand a few hours later was really just to clarify the question of color ...
All in all, Nubert's trade fair appearance was a very informative and entertaining event for me! My special thanks go to Steffen Härer, Daniel Belcher and Günther Nubert for their uncomplicated, well-founded and friendly advice.
After "sleeping on it" for a few nights over the weekend, I couldn't wait any longer and ordered my new NuVero 11 by phone the following Monday, just a few minutes after the start of business 😉.
The speakers are a lot of fun - I'm rediscovering my music and have to be careful that the neighbors don't get too angry with me ...
What else can I say ... These go to eleven!
Keep up the good work!
Martin H.
Author: Bruno Zambounis
May 14, 2010, 8:18:13 PM
I have already bought a lot here and of course now again 😂
After what felt like half an eternity, my ATM 11 for my nuVero 11 arrived today.
Connected music on and...?
I have to say it's great ❗
I've already had a number of Nubert speakers such as the nuWave 35, 105, 125 and
nuLine 100, 120 and all with ATM of course 😬
Wouldn't want to run a speaker without it anymore.
Only this ATM is really any better.
I have some CDs where the bass is really a bit too much and with the ATM 11 I can now finally turn the bass down a bit more and adapt it to my room, which wasn't possible with the other ATMs.
What is also very pleasing is that I no longer have to switch it on if I want everything to remain linear as it now simply "loops through" the signal in the Off position (not switched on). Very good solution and extension I say 😂
The only "downer" for me:
The "new" ATM is unfortunately (only) available in black 😟
Doesn't quite fit in visually with the rest of the system, which consists of 9 silver devices 😬
Nevertheless, I would buy it again at any time.
Once again, I must also emphasize the super service at Nubert.
When I went to Schw. Gmünd (bought something else), the ATM 11 was not in stock at the time.
I ordered and paid for it anyway and was NOT charged any shipping costs for delivery to my home ❗ ❗ ❗
This is not a matter of course elsewhere, but apparently it is with Nubert 😱
So once again my heartfelt thanks to the whole team and keep up the good work.
Now I'm off to listen to some music again........😬 😬 😬
best regards
Author: Dirk Richter
May 14, 2010, 6:04:26 PM
Hello to all nubified people and all those who want to become one 🙂
I've been the proud owner of a pair of Nubox511s for just under six months.
Plus the existing CS330, 380, RS300 and AW550 subs.
What can I say...
SACD from Dire Staits in, (direct input without any change in sound, stereo)
Eyes closed... -->> and flew away, shot down, jeflitscht --> only music
and with a force that is unbelievable for such a "little shirt" from LS.
So I realized that the AW550 couldn't keep up with it and I gave it to my dad.
Problem: The .1 channel is indispensable for movies or some music records.
So in about 2 weeks the AW991 will be ordered and I have to say...
Thank you very much, dear Nubert team, for giving me so much pleasure for almost 10 years. And long faces to my friends :-)
And you have my highest respect for your love, care and dedication,
with which you do your "job".
A triple ALLAAF uss Kölle for that. :-)
MfG Dirk Richter