Author: Ron
May 13, 2010, 7:05:32 PM
It's been 4 years since I bought the NuBox 400. After over a thousand hours of listening to music, I am always amazed at how good these speakers sound.
Of course I've also been thinking about something new. There they were in the stores with the polished aluminum rings and very chic with veneer or lacquered and seemed to call out to me buy me. But after listening to them for a while, no thanks, that's not what I know and hear.
It's a shame for the NSF because I won't be needing any new speakers in the foreseeable future. Although the 481 in silver - I might consider that.
I've never been as convinced by a product as the NuBox, even over this long period of time, that's all I need.
Author: Thomas Reink
May 13, 2010, 11:35:24 AM
😂 I would like to thank Mr. Bühler for his good service, he helped me a lot with the problem of a used Nubert AW991 subwoofer - in the end it was not the sub that had a fault, but the Rotel AV preamplifier, which was set incorrectly.
Great and friendly service, I'm really impressed!!!
The AW 991 is a great product that has integrated perfectly into my LS chain with CantonLS Ergo RCA and Ergo CM655 as well as Ergo 603. Despite really problematic acoustic conditions, the sub outperforms everything else here like a K...RW 12 D.
Music and movies are finally a pleasure!
Thank you Nubert - keep it up!
Author: Jörg Starker
May 12, 2010, 9:42:48 PM
Dear Nubert team,
I would like to thank you.
I have (had) 11 Nubert speakers in my house. I have now parted with my AW-991 subwoofer and sent it to northern Germany. The new owner had a problem with his preamp, but you helped him and he is now a very happy nuBox AW-991 owner.
I sold the subwoofer because I now use my nuBox 681 with ABL 681 and the bass in my living room is more than sufficient for movies with ABL module (between preamplifier and power amplifier).
But that's not the real reason - I want to create 1 nuBox system from 2 nuBox systems and .... an additional nuVero system sometime later...
Until then, I have been absolutely convinced by the above experiences and the music I have heard from your speakers so far ... I make music myself ... and recommend your honest speakers to everyone ... no matter what price category ...
THANK YOU Mr. Nubert for your development work over the last 35 years - I'm absolutely thrilled ... and I'm looking forward to the nuVeros sometime later ...
Greetings from Niederklein - Stadtallendorf (Hessentag 2010).
Jörg Starker
P.S. Mr. Nubert - a personal thank you - you had apologized to me personally/by hand on 24.12.2006 because the return transfer for the returned nuBox 511 could not be processed quickly enough - I had decided on the 681... why does the boss have nothing better to do than write an apology even on Christmas Eve? - Thanks again.
Author: Michael Schmitz
May 12, 2010, 9:08:10 AM
Today my Nubert speakers 17 (!) and 18 (!) arrived, laugh.
This time my collection has been extended by two Nubox 381, black piano lacquer, beautiful and awesome speakers!
I have been an enthusiastic listener and customer of your company for years.
Whether privately, for business or in the catering trade, the sound experience always puts a smile on my face. Plus perfect service, super fast delivery and an unbeatable price-performance ratio.
I'm already looking forward to the next delivery 😬
Best regards
Michael Schmitz
Author: Robert Z.
May 12, 2010, 4:21:30 AM
Now that my Focal Point Source speakers have aged gracefully, it was time to renew my system. My Focal speakers have spoiled me a lot and so my expectations are high. I also listen to a lot of different music. Classical, pop, jazz, metal, vocal, hard rock, instrumental, trance ?
The decisive moment, however, was 10 seconds of music that I heard coming out of a Sonus Faber Cremona M at a housing fair as I walked past. That's when it happened and my hi-fi fever flared up again.
I threw myself into the web and read for days and nights to bring myself up to date with the latest manufacturers and technology. Not an easy undertaking. Of course, I also stumbled across Nubert. Congratulations on the informative website!
Then it was already time to try them out. I went to a few high-end studios and heard some remarkable systems. In retrospect, however, it was often only the price that stood out (some were in the 5-digit euro range).
In between, I kept checking the Nubert website. This incredible density of positive feedback (and now I'm writing one myself) and the outstanding test results in the relevant Hi Fi magazines seemed almost uncanny to me. Then I called the hotline for the first time to clarify a few details about a possible order. Mr. Härer, who has been looking after me since this phone call (and there have been a few more), has always been very competent, patient and honest. Reasonable solutions were always recommended and there was never any kind of sales pressure. Thank you at this point!
That convinced me completely and I ordered a pair of nuVero 14 in mocha with Cambridge 840 pre/power amplifier combo and ATM module. Ordered on Friday, delivered the following Tuesday in Vienna. It couldn't be quicker!
Everything was carefully unpacked, set up and connected. And then came the most difficult part of all. In order not to get a possibly not-so-good first impression (my expectations were very high due to the countless hymns of praise), I let the speakers and electronics soak in for 2 hours. You have no idea how long two hours can be. According to Nubert, this wasn't necessary, but I just wanted to be on the safe side.
Then the time had come. 2 hours of self-flagellation over. The first listening session. Diana Krall with Temptation. It would be a miserable attempt to put my impressions into words. There just aren't the right superlatives. It simply blew me away. I was stunned and fascinated at the same time. Listened to all my favorite songs afterwards. Incredible performance! I've never heard anything like it. Especially not at home! None of the systems I've heard in high-end studios (not even the ones that cost many times more) can keep up with it.
Dust-dry low bass, fast kick bass, vocally perfect mids and enchanting highs! In addition, spatially wide but not exaggerated, exact localization of voices and instruments; great staging! Simply authentic and realistic! The mood comes across perfectly, whether loud or quiet! Goosebumps included!
Now they've been at home for a week and they're well-rehearsed (yes, even if you don't think it's possible at first, they'll get even better)! In the meantime, I have also realized that I can now enjoy this pleasure every day! And the best thing is, whether it's Diana Krall, Yello, Eagles, Guns n Roses, Cafe Del Mar, Vivaldi or Fanta4. The NuVeros play every song perfectly.
As much as I was fascinated by the Sonus Faber Cremona M (don't get me wrong, these are wonderful speakers), for me the nuVeros are simply much better! They play more completely and can simply do everything!
To answer the question that many people reading this guestbook may already be asking themselves because they are considering buying Nubert speakers. Yes, it's true! They really are as good as everyone says! No, actually even better!
Of course, this only reflects my subjective perception (and pleasure), but you absolutely have to hear the nuVeros when you buy new speakers! It would be stupid not to! And with zero risk and a 4 week return policy!
Oh yes, the price/performance ratio is not so sensational because the price is so low, but because the performance is so outstanding!
Mr. Nubert, it remains for me to express my highest praise for your loudspeakers and your company! You are an important addition to the music scene and your nuVeros are an important addition for me personally! I would also like to thank Mr. Härer and the entire team for their friendly and competent support!
Best regards from Vienna!
PS. If you have any questions, you can find me in the forum. User: zac
Author: Lutz W.
May 11, 2010, 7:21:46 PM
I have been an enthusiastic Nubert listener for years and am very satisfied not only with the sound, but also with the service.
It's in the nature of technology that things can break... but the Nubert service is exemplary when it comes to unbureaucratic and extremely fast handling of warranty claims!
Author: Frank
May 11, 2010, 9:52:05 AM
I ordered the Nujubilee 35 in March 2010 and received it yesterday after a long wait (what felt like an eternity). At last! Unpacked, connected and amazed! Whether it's hard rock, soul or pop....Madness!!!
The voices really come off the speaker, clear sound, the voices, instruments,
absolutely locatable. The bass is awesome (considering how "big" the speaker is).
Unreserved recommendation!!!
Author: Dieter B.
May 10, 2010, 8:26:22 AM
Hello Nubert team
Music + HIFI have been a very important part of my life for around 20 years.
For a while I was also gripped by VOODOO fever and spent more time behind the system than listening to music. (e.g. comparing cables, trying out spikes and pucks, chamfering and painting CDs, installing cold appliance sockets, rewiring speakers, etc.).
Well, the fever broke when I started a family.
My system consists of:
CD player: SONY CDP XA50ES
Tuner: ROTEL something
Amplifier: T+A PA1220R
Speakers: B&W CDM7SE so far.
Four weeks ago Sunday I got up, switched on the system and ?hmm... something was wrong. Listened, looked closely at the speakers and ?AHHH?
I pressed in the tweeter, looked at my 2 ½ year old daughter and asked if it was her.
Her answer: 'Joo, that's a broken one' and pointed in the direction of the other speaker. When I looked, I had to bite my lip hard. The metal domes even had a crack. After ironing out the domes, it was clear that they were completely ruined.
After three weeks of secretly crying and calculating, I decided to order the NuBox 481. As we were currently looking for a larger home, 500 euros was the maximum upper limit.
The B&W's cost about 23000 shillings just under 1700 euros back then.
I was really convinced that the NuBox would be at most a tolerable alternative for listening to at least a little music.
Well, Sunday morning I ordered Monday 10.30 a.m. I transferred the money impatience forced me to write an e-mail on Friday and ask if my money had arrived.
At 11.30 a.m. Mr. Siegle replied that the speakers had been on their way to Linz/Austria since the day before.
After I had been home from work for ten minutes, the doorbell rang and a friendly lady from UPS with upper arms like Popeye unloaded the boxes and placed them in front of my apartment door.
Of course, I immediately started unpacking them. When I had removed the protective cover and the transport protection, I was a bit 'gobsmacked' at how high quality the LS were made. Very clean, no glue residue on the beads or edges. Perfectly fitted front cover and even adjustable metal feet.
The B&Ws were moved to the cellar, the NuBoxes were set up and connected.
I spent the next hour changing CDs and marveling in disbelief.
How on earth do they manage to develop such a dry bass foundation at THIS price? I really couldn't believe it.
After two days of intensive listening and enjoyment, I was and still am convinced that the NuBoxes play better than my old ones.
I would really like to apologize to Nubert for underestimating you so much. After studying your homepage and the forum for days, I simply didn't want to believe that I was reading almost exclusively good feedback and hymns of praise.
I hereby swear with my hand held high that I am not an employee of Nubert for advertising purposes and will definitely recommend you to others.
Dieter B.
Author: Matthias Weber
May 9, 2010, 4:55:39 PM
Hello everyone,
I visited the "High End" trade fair in Munich on 07.05.10. I couldn't and didn't want to miss the opportunity to visit Nubert. I can only say that I was very pleasantly surprised. Mr. Nubert personally presented the new Nu Vero flagships. Great presentation. The staff were also very friendly.
Unfortunately, the stand was very full, which is of course only a good sign. I am very impressed by the NuVero series. Simply super sound and very nice design. Maybe I'll come and see you in person and take my dream speakers with me.
Best regards from Troisdorf
Author: Lars T.
May 9, 2010, 4:33:13 PM
I received my NuBox 381 three days ago and I am completely thrilled. Superb workmanship and a beautiful sound that is not intrusive or boring. No matter what style of music, everything is reproduced harmoniously. I would like to thank the entire Nubert team, you are doing a great job. 😬 😬