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Author: Michael
Jun 12, 2005, 9:41:01 AM

🙂 Hello Nubert team.

Infected by friends and of course the many positive reports in the press and on your website, I am now also a completely convinced Nubian.

The payment in advance delayed the delivery by about 1 week - but I was aware of this. Now I'm still eagerly awaiting delivery of the CS70, which will then complete my system (Nuline 120, DS50 with Denon AVR-3805, Denon DVD 1910,...). Annoying in some cases (I wait every day for the last package 😭 ), if not everything is available immediately, a delivery bottleneck can happen from time to time - the speakers are just so popular.

\"Boh - they're big!!!" is probably a not entirely untypical exclamation when you have the Nuline120 in place. For living rooms of normal dimensions, it is really not possible to set them up inconspicuously. But every day also means getting used to the new look - the speakers are practically getting smaller by the day.

The listening impression doesn't get smaller but bigger from day to day as the music changes. Nothing detracts from the listening pleasure of the Nuline 120 in stereo mode, even without the CS70 - you really haven't promised too much. So one thing is certain - I won't be giving the Nuline set away any time soon.

In addition to the many other positives - great WEB pages, great customer service... but there is also a little criticism 😟 :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Different article numbers on the web with automatic confirmation and on the invoice make it difficult to trace, especially as in my case, when the order was apparently transferred manually (why manually) from the internet order to the issued invoice, the CS70 suddenly appeared in black ash instead of cherry, as with all the other boxes. A quick call to the hotline and the problem was of course solved immediately with the familiar Nubert service.

In the case of a partial delivery, only a copy of the complete invoice is enclosed. It is not clear what is to be delivered and what comes later. In my case, only a call to the hotline could clarify that the CS70 was still outstanding.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Best regards


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas
Jun 11, 2005, 3:38:45 PM

I have to confess a mistake in my post below: It is the 1st song at about 8:50 min on the Pink Floyd \"Wish You Were Here\".

Sorry for that.

But the record is great for testing!!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Sven Huwald
Jun 10, 2005, 1:44:38 PM

Hello dear Nubert team!

About a year ago, I started to put my old Yamaha speakers aside and think about putting together a proper home theater set, piece by piece. After scouring the internet for weeks looking for interesting sites, manufacturers etc., I came across Nubert. I ordered a pair of NuBox 400s without being able to try them out (as the listening studios were too far away) and was absolutely thrilled... for the first time in my life I was listening to music properly!!! Now, after about 8 months, I ordered the 2\'th part, the \"small\" AW 440 (I would have ordered the whole set straight away, but my room only allows acoustics from the front at the moment). Arrived 3 days later, unpacked straight away, adjusted levels, frequencies, setup and tried it out as much as I could :-)

Can only say what comes out of the small (\"BIG\"!!) is incredible, as expected I am more than satisfied again. MANY THANKS Nubert Team. ! :-)

With Nuberian greetings

Sven H.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas
Jun 10, 2005, 1:10:35 PM

Short report for all non-believers:

Since unwrapping my birthday present, I am now the proud owner of two nuWave35s. These were immediately brought to the correct height with the BS-70 and screwed to the Denon 2105 using a 4²mm cable. All good so far.

But now the ultimate test:
Test equipment: my wife, Pink Floyd \"Wish You Were Here\" 2nd song approx. 5:50 min running time. At this point, a short laugh can be heard on the \"left side\", whereupon my wife turned to me with a start, trying to spot the supposed burglars.
Conclusion: test clearly passed.

The differentiation that comes out of the nuWave35 cannot be compared with its predecessor, the Infinity brand. Since then, there is not only a \"right\" and \"left\", but surprisingly there is also a \"middle\", \"front\", rear\", right front\", right rear\" and so on!

If anyone still has any doubts: I can only say that they are unfounded. You simply can't go wrong with the Nubis.

Let's see how the whole thing works in surround mode in the (hopefully not too) distant future....


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Daniel Orion Dorsch
Jun 9, 2005, 7:10:11 PM

To all \"Nubi fans\" and those who are still considering it:

After careful consideration, I have decided against the Teufel System 5 and in favor of the NuBox 580 Set 3...

Paid in advance, the speakers arrived by UPS within just one week!

But what I heard after connecting the speakers to my \"still old\" system alone in \"stereo mode plus subwoofer\" was simply phenomenal!!!

In my particular case, the fact that I operate the system in an approx. 120 m² loft room with a ceiling height of 5.60 m is extraordinary.

Especially the \"alleged\" bass weaknesses - even in a room of this size - are non-existent thanks to the AW - 880!!!

Unfortunately, my wallet only allowed an investment of EUR 3,000 including AV receiver.

What was striking about the more than friendly and above all competent customer service was that the employee \"also\" was able to give me comprehensive advice on the choice of AV receiver...

So I decided on the Yamaha RX - V 2500 - only because of the higher performance.

But the most amazing thing was that I was able to order the receiver directly from Nubert!!!

\"An order highlight\" that should definitely be referred to on the homepage!!!

With a purchase price of EUR 799, Nubert is still far below the manufacturer's suggested price of EUR 1,050.

In addition, I have the guarantee of a more than reliable contractual partner here, which made it more than easier to forego a \"supposed profit\" of another 100,- EUR in the uncertain \"web\".

My conclusion:

As the French like to say: \"Je ne regrette de rien - I have absolutely no regrets!!!\"

Best regards + best wishes from the Rhineland,

Daniel Orion Dorsch

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Katrin
Jun 9, 2005, 11:15:01 AM


This site is really great, hats off to the creators. It's not easy to find your way through this WWW confusion these days. But this site is really worth a visit.
Keep up the good work and best regards from Berlin!!!

Yours Katrin

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael Krummeck
Jun 4, 2005, 12:21:16 PM


I have been able to call the AW-1000 subwoofer my own for a few weeks now. From contact to delivery, I am very satisfied.
As far as the sound of the AW-1000 is concerned, I have nothing but the highest praise for it.
I have the woofer between the TV and the speakers on the left in a small rectangular room (approx. 3.5m x 3.9m). The TV etc. are on the wall on the longer side. I have positioned the sub at a slight angle at a distance of about 18 cm from the wall. The frequency control is set to the right stop (crossover frequency for Yamaha RX-V2500 at 90 Hz) and I have set the phase control to just under 180
degrees. At phase 0 it doesn't sound as punchy and dry and at 180 it sounds full.
I performed the ultimate test for the AW-1000 with the DVD \"Underworld\" and can only say \"The absolute hammer\". The DVD has very good low bass scenes and the movie is also great.
All I can say about the bass of the AW-1000 is that you only notice it when it's already in the room... without prior notice... then it's there, in all its mighty glory.
I can only recommend everyone to invite this guest once, you'll probably never want to get rid of it.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Alexander Weinbacher
Jun 3, 2005, 9:32:26 AM

Ordered Nuwave 35 with Yamaha receiver, but unfortunately too big for my living room, returned it and ordered Nubox 380 - problem-free return and processing - it really doesn't get any better than this!!!
Incidentally, the receiver including shipping was cheaper than all other offers on the web.

The shipping costs charged by Nubert are also the lowest in comparison, especially to Austria.

The Nubox 380 is clearly to be recommended, the bass is excellent for such a small-volume speaker and I can now hear sounds from my favorite CDs that I could never hear on my old system. The fact that it is a genuine 4-ohm speaker was also a deciding factor for me. Solid and clean construction, veneer foil looks like real wood.

If the budget doesn't matter, the Nuwave 35 would always be preferable in case of doubt, but at the moment I don't have the space.

Nubert is highly recommended!

Alwe. 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Christian Gogol
Jun 2, 2005, 7:09:48 PM

Well, dear Nubert family,
Even though you may soon no longer be able to hear the never-ending hymns of praise for your speakers, I still feel almost compelled to address a real hymn of praise to you because of the joy you have given me with the NuWave 85. But joking aside: I won't be giving up my NW 85 any time soon, that's for sure.
Thank you very much!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Andrea Schöni
Jun 1, 2005, 6:39:30 PM

Hello dear Nubert team,

you've really got me into a mess! Yes, yes, yes... the days of carefree shoe shopping are now numbered for the time being, because my \"goddess\" has discovered your Nubi's.
First in the test report of a magazine (1st place, of course), later, after endless discussions (man, what shoes I would have gotten in that time...) finally at home. And because, as we all know, bigger is better, the nuLine 120.

Now about 8 weeks later, the two are (almost) the favorite inventory in our living room, and I have already lovingly cared for our Nubi's with a soft dust cloth. My comment (which may not necessarily fit together): Screw shoes if you suddenly understand sound as a woman!!!

That was certainly not the last word? not a threat? we have now decided to ?complete? it? so here's to soon...

Your Schöni 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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