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Author: Sören Schmitz
May 23, 2005, 2:27:54 PM

I recently bought the NuBox 380. Simply wonderful in combination with my Teac system. A big box for little money. I'm very satisfied, it took just 3 days from order to delivery. Absloutly top, gladly again!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: ulischnulli
May 21, 2005, 12:14:27 PM

hello folks,
I've had my nubert set for almost half a year now (2-380 front
1-cs330 center 2-rs300 rear and the super aw 440 as bass) and I'm still full of praise, but since a week ago I installed my system separately (a vincent sv226 tube amplifier) only for stereo operation via a u-box3 and after the first cd it already blew me out of my chair. what the nubox 380 can do in the stereo range is unbelievable !!!!!!!! i will be listening to nubert for a very long time (unfortunately the whole house too !!!! sorry !! people !!!!) ........................ greetings uli

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: B. Noack
May 21, 2005, 1:19:55 AM

Well, I had to look enviously at my son's new NuBox 400 for weeks and after a short consideration the matter was clear: Nubert speakers had to move into my four walls too. 😂

After listening to the NuBox 400 again, I then ordered the NuBox 380, which to my delight were already standing on my living room cupboard 48 hours later.

Just one word about the sound: Stunning! 😂

Thank you very much for such speakers and your fast service.

Best regards,


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Christian Papesch
May 20, 2005, 3:59:23 PM

Hello, dear Nubert employees!

Finally I can leave something NEGATIVE!!! in your book!


...ordered an ATM 100/105 the day before yesterday, which unfortunately will only be available in 2-3 weeks...


good, I'm prepared for that!

...and what is Nubert doing???? already sending DHL to me TODAY...with the ATM in the package....!!!! A huge imposition!!! 😱 😉 😉 😉 😉

Where did you conjure that up? 😂

I plugged it in straight away and sat in front of my speakers with a big grin on my face.... great piece. Can't be achieved with sound controls!!! I was already a little skeptical...

Contrary to what you say online, analog surround unfortunately doesn't work with my DENON 1803, even at low volumes!!!
The DSP distorts.... 🥴

Nevertheless...good device!!!

Wishing you continued success and enjoyment at work

Ch. Papesch

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Paul Ebbers
May 20, 2005, 12:14:17 PM

It took me a long time to decide on the Nuline 120, as I was quite happy with my large floorstanding Focal Onyx II speakers, which are now 13 years old. With the thought that if it wasn't much use, I could have the Nuberts picked up again, I ordered them after all. The very next day! the large boxes arrived at my door. The first impression is of course the look, solid workmanship, very slim front.
Then it got serious, how is the sound? First disillusionment, my old Focals aren't that bad, but then the differences became quite clear: the Nubert builds up the stage with incredible precision, details become audible that you could only guess at with the Focals, the bass is completely effortless.
I probably won't be exercising my right of return. The Nulines are really worth the money.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: michael sauer
May 20, 2005, 5:54:47 AM

I ordered the NuBox 310 via this website on Tuesday and was completely surprised that they arrived yesterday (Thursday). So quickly from Schwäbisch Gmünd to Cologne - I hadn't expected that!
I am delighted with the boxes themselves. They fulfill all my expectations.

Full marks for quality and shipping!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: S.Schultz
May 19, 2005, 1:49:55 PM

well, after waiting a long time for my speakers ( 2x nuBox360 ) ( holidays in advance ) i am quite satisfied :-)
they reproduce a clear, good sound and don't distort even at slightly higher volumes....
i found it a bit strange that i didn't get a shipping confirmation from nubert. i didn't even know when the speakers were sent out. well, but otherwise i think they'll stay in my room after all 🙂



Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: M.Beckers
May 19, 2005, 6:47:46 AM


sorry but ( also ) I can only praise 😉

After some back and forth between the nuWave 105 and 125, we now have the nuWave 125 in our living room. But we had to get used to the look, the speakers are really huge.
But so is the sound!
The added richness of sound and the crystal-clear contouring of individual instruments and voices outweighed any objections to the massive opitk.
The better the recording, the clearer the audible gain over the 105. The bass (without ABL) is heaved so massively into the room (bass setting on the speaker \"Linear\", loudness button \"An\", bass control \" Zero ! \" ), even on the terrace I still have a lot of fun with it!
I wonder if there are better speakers? For me, at any rate, the nuWave 125 is the best I can imagine.

And last but not least: Many thanks to Mr. Bühler, to whom I sincerely wish that annoying customers like me are the minority at Nubert 😬 !

Best regards M. Beckers

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Roland Spiegler
May 18, 2005, 4:02:56 PM

Dear Mr. Schrammer!
What a pity that we were unable to convince you. Whether the Magnat can really keep up with the elaborately constructed 310 in all respects and in a strict comparison ? there are certainly different opinions. However, our four-week right of return allows every customer to test their Nubert speaker extensively. No one is forced to buy a Nubert speaker.
We know that the many positive entries here in the guestbook also create doubts and mistrust in some prospective customers. According to the motto: \"That's not true, they write themselves and delete negative things?\"
I think you would like to check here whether they also leave such opinions at Nubert?
We live with it!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Stefan Schrammer
May 18, 2005, 1:44:25 PM


I'm a bit disappointed with Nubert. My buddy recently bought the 310 and bragged about the stunning sound in our clique. Well, I couldn't use my ASW Cantius VI as a comparison, so I borrowed the Magnat Vintage 410 from my sister, which were also tested in Stereoplay, and went for a quick drive. The Nubert didn't sound bad, but the Magnat was superior to the Nubert in terms of bass control and richness of detail and cost less at EUR 200, even though the list price is higher. Nubert always boasts about the direct price and likes to compare it with the higher RRP of its competitors, but no customer has ever had to pay that.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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